Category Archives: Economics

Hitler was financed by @FederalReserve and @BankofEngland

16 05 27 HitlerIt takes long-term thinking to understand geo-political processes.

It takes a ‘niche interest’ to want to study how the world has been duped and deceived into what’s so dishonest about our money system. 

And it takes a historian who wants to know the truth:

Yuri Rubtsov is a doctor of historical sciences, academician of the Academy of military sciences, and member of  the International Association of historians of world war II.

The result is this article:

An excellent time line of four roughly 5-year stages, starting 1919, and an important account of the key players in finance and in industry.



#CAPITALISM by 1% Nick Hanauer: wake up, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks will come for us!

This TED talk is about economics rather than money creation. But at least he does challenge ‘trickle down’ academic economics. Nick Hanauer has founded, co-founded and funded some 30 companies, i.e. he talks as an entrepreneur. At the end of the day, everybody can make some kind of difference. The difference the top 1% can make is just bigger!

“I am not making a moral argument. I am arguing that RISING economic inequality is STUPID. The model should be Henry Ford who intuited that

  • an economy needs to be understood as an ecosystem.

21st century understanding of economics is about

  • complex, adaptive, ecosystemic
  • not efficient and effective.

Capitalism does not work by effectively allocating resources.

His ideas of ‘new capitalism’ include

  • shrinking the size of government
  • investing in the middle class
  • balancing the power between ‘minimum wage’ and people like me.

Economics encode social and moral preferences, it’s not an exact science.

Fellow plutocrats, it is time to commit to a new kind of capitalism!

#MoneyCreation debated by MPs 320 years after the #BoEAct1694

English: The expansion of $100 through fractio...

English: The expansion of $100 through fractional-reserve lending at varying rates. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The writers of the Bank of England Act 1694 had the intention

to avoid the serious oppression of Their Majesties’ subjects.

Hence they didn’t allow the Corporation to trade. Should it trade after all, it would have to pay as punishment:

treble the value of the trade.

In theory, this means that the BoE would have to pay the Treasury treble the value of all national and public debt bonds!

Will MPs appreciate this when they debate ‘money creation and society’ this Thursday as part of Backbench Business?

See   Parliament Debate, including the link to watching the debate live .

Further info on Facebook and  these Google results.

BACK TO the Future: from 1914 (WWI) to 2014 (Bradbury Pound)

13 10 09 Money Matters

13 10 03 ERC BradburyThis 48-page booklet (1981) and this 200-page book (1986) are as fundamental as The Money Bomb (1983) – and as true and relevant today as there and then – if you want to understand how ‘money’ has changed from being a ‘medium of exchange’ to being used as a ‘tool for control’!

The title says it all: Government Debt and Credit Creation! 

THE BRADBURY Coming to the Rescue – to solve social, political and economic issues

The Growth of Credit over Cash since 1943

The Growth of Credit over Cash since 1943

The Bradbury Pound to the Rescue! 

A little known historical precedent that will stop the criminal debt-creating banksters well and truly in their tracks!

Central Banks – the Irresponsible Institutions

The completely contrived and planned global debt bubble is rapidly becoming unsustainable and will burst at some point very soon bringing with it a financial meltdown on a scale never before seen.   It’s now clear from whistleblowers and researchers that the cabal that makes up the debt-creating banking elite, with their global network of central banks (including the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve) led by their little known Bank for International Settlements (BIS), has a well laid plan to collapse the world’s economy.

One World Debt-Based Currency – the mechanism for Global Slavery

The plan, using unsustainable and unlawful debt to collapse the major currencies of the world, is well advanced.   It’s all about the banking elite’s long term goal to create a centralised and global electronic currency – a currency that will inevitably lead to the reality of a cashless world where complete Orwellian control decides who gets paid and who doesn’t! Continue reading

‘OPEN CORPORATES’ open the gates to 834 Royal Charter Companies – the ticket to immunity from prosecution

English: Sealing of the Bank of England Charte... is this remarkable Open Database of the Corporate World.

This link takes you to 3,059,982 active companies in the UK and reveals 19 different company types. The last one is Royal Charter Company.

This link takes you to 834 Royal Charter CompaniesNearly all were registered on 1 Jan 1981 and comprise:

  1. The Bank of England (1 Jan 1981 – )
  2. Universities and Colleges
  3. Schools and Academies
  4. Banks
  5. The British Broadcasting Corporation
  6. The British Council
  7. Lots of ‘Chartered’ institutes and societies
  8. Hospitals and Lunatic Asylums
  9. Professional Institutes and Institutions
  10. Companies and Societies
  11. Libraries and Museums
  12. Clubs and Associations
  13. Unions, Committees and Councils…

If you are not familiar with the significance of Royal Charters, please click on Royal Charters – the ticket to Immunity from Prosecution. Continue reading

HOW [20 financial] Corporations rule the World: less than 1% control 40% of 1,318 companies

A tiny group of banks controls the wold’s economy

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 07:25 AM PST

New Scientist

The Zurich team can. From Orbis 2007, a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide, they pulled out all 43,060 TNCs and the share ownerships linking them. Then they constructed a model of which companies controlled others through shareholding networks, coupled with each company’s operating revenues, to map the structure of economic power.

The work, to be published in PLoS One, revealed a core of 1318 companies with interlocking ownerships (see image). Each of the 1318 had ties to two or more other companies, and on average they were connected to 20. What’s more, although they represented 20 per cent of global operating revenues, the 1318 appeared to collectively own through their shares the majority of the world’s large blue chip and manufacturing firms – the “real” economy – representing a further 60 per cent of global revenues.

Continue reading

An Open Letter to President Obama …from Michael Moore – in which most of the points apply to the UK, too

An Open Letter to President Obama …from Michael Moore – in which most of the points apply to the UK, too:

Monday, November 19th, 2012

Dear President Obama:

Good luck on your journeys overseas this week, and congratulations on decisively winning your second term as our president! The first time you won four years ago, most of us couldn’t contain our joy and found ourselves literally in tears over your victory.

This time, it was more like breathing a huge sigh of relief. But, like the smooth guy you are, you scored the highest percentage of the vote of any Democrat since Lyndon Johnson, and you racked up the most votes for a Democratic president in the history of the United States (the only one to receive more votes than you was … you, in ’08!). You are the first Democrat to get more than 50% of the vote twice in a row since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Continue reading

Three news items re US Government Debt and World Banking as the Playground for a World Government

Government debt as percentage of GDP globally....

Government debt as percentage of GDP globally. (2009 estimates) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Short Video: Why the U.S. Government Will Default on Its Debt
09-28-2012  •, Gary North
The deficit of the U.S. government cannot be sustained. The general public does not understand this.


Paul Craig Roberts: America, The Next Banana Republic
09-28-2012  •
Alex welcomes American economist and Infowars contributing writer Paul Craig Roberts to discuss the impact of European austerity measures on world markets amidst ongoing riots.

Video: World Banker Makes Stunning Confession

Posted: 02 Oct 2012 12:16 AM PDT

The economic crisis should make people realize that banksters have deliberately lent too much money, knowing it will lead to chaos. Some at the top want to sit in international financial commitées to monitor the world economy as some kind of legislative and regulatory officers. But first they need currency crashes, instability and a global downturn. Perhaps a third world war. Then people will call for a tightly regulated not competitive market. China is a test for how the world government might work.

It’s Time to Fix Banking – a Petition in the Right Direction…

English: A crowd forms on Wall Street during t...

English: A crowd forms on Wall Street during the Bankers Panic of 1907. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s nice to see when ‘beginners’ in monetary reform tackle our systemic money problems, by tackling the banking issue. Here are the four simple demands that 38 Degrees have formulated in their petition It’s Time to Fix Banking:

Dear Banking Committee

Please hold the banks to account for the way they’ve behaved. The scandals need to stop. You need to make sure:

  • Banks put customers first, not bankers
  • There are tougher rules to keep banks in line
  • There are proper punishments for bankers who break them
  • It’s easier for us to move to a different bank when we want to.

But no banking regulation and no punishment of bankers will change

  • the Government’s dependence on public debts
  • the Government’s unwillingness to spend the Cash that it can print and mint into the economy
  • the Government’s willingness to bail out banks rather than businesses…

And thus we know better than ever: money rules the world, as created by banks, not in the spirit of the writers of the Bank of England Act 1694 though!