RESPONSE comes to the rescue once again – to prevent #unlawful #eviction

This is a remarkable RESPONSE network of ‘ad hoc rescuers’ or ‘Hometown Heroes‘:

RESPONSE came to help Mr Ebert who had been unlawfully evicted once before, exemplifying the white collar crimes that ‘professionals’ are capable of. But who cares?

Here’s the video of the successful protection of innocent victims of the institutionalised collusion between white collar criminals:

Here’s the press release that RESPONSE issued:

And here are two photos of the event: 14 11 20 Mr Ebert14 11 20 Mr Ebert eviction 1 14 11 20 Mr Ebert eviction 2


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Filed under Eviction, Resistance, Response

JUSTICE? ACHIEVEMENTS? It depends how you measure success. The Japanese measure it in the number of risks taken.

During the many years I have given attention to victim stories, I have been surprised how few have been concerned with getting damages or compensation paid. They generally just want ‘justice’ and ‘being heard’. They want people to acknowledge their wounds, to hear “I am sorry.” But nobody takes responsibility. Nobody will apologise.

Money is therefore the only consolation available, but money does NOT heal the various legal abuse syndromes that victims develop, as they attempt

  1. to make sense of their experiences of cruelty, injustice and torture
  2. to defend themselves against one wrong-doing after another in courts
  3. to wake up to the fact that whatever happens in courts is NOT in their interest nor does it represent the Rule of Law.

Mr Ebert’s fight has continued and will continue. Here he has established the three fundamental principles that tend to get violated by white collar criminals who use falsified official documents in and around courts:

  1. whether the issuer of any judicial document has ‘jurisdiction’
  2. whether enough evidence is before the court to satisfy a sufficient level of disclosure and ‘transparency’
  3. to identified clearly wrong-doers and wrong-doings.

This video, produced and published by Litigants in Person is backed up by Michael Fordham QC who mentions these three points in this 11-page document The Rule of Law and Civil Constraint: Cheating the Criminal Law.

Mr Ebert’s experiences have trained his eye such that he spots falsifications and is happy to help people spot them in their paperwork. His phone number is 0208 905 5209.

Related websites are Help for Litigants in Person, Association of McKenzie Friends and Victims Unite!


Filed under Bankruptcy Order, Jurisdiction

Solitary Confinement for “having a big loud mouth”?

Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France
London SW1H 9AJ

English: Dominic Grieve, the Attorney General ...

English: Dominic Grieve, the Attorney General of the United Kingdom (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For the attention of Crispin Blunt Esq, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State


Private Office to Crispin Blunt MP

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
Telephone:  020 3334 3686 – Fax: 020 3334 3692

Dear Under-Secretary Blunt,

I am writing to you in your capacity as Minister of Prisons to ascertain on what provable grounds is Mr. Gedaljahu Ebert, being held in solitary confinement in London’s Pentonville prison? The Governor is either unable or unwilling to show him the “actual – factual” grounds for his incarceration – other than him overhearing “off the record discussions” that it is because of him “having a big loud mouth” or perhaps for blowing his whistle too loudly about Judicial Corruption at very High Levels [e.g. Lords Justice Neuberger and Patten]; Banking Malpractice and systemic fraud at Land Registry offices up and down the country?

With close to 40 years experience of personally dealing with similar cases/victims – now close to 600 – including fraudulent acts committed by three high street banks and accountants against me in 1971/72 and again in 1974, as the saying goes – the first time it’s happenstance, the second time it’s coincidence, but the third time you know it’s open warfare. Mr. Ebert’s cases follow this all-too familiar pattern. Below and attached is some background information relating to his case/s, proving that there is still something extremely wrong and rotten going on in the name of your Ministry.

As recommended by Nick Clegg and Alex Carlise, I am copying this to Mr Ebert’s Member of Parliament – Mike Freer. Mrs Ebert’s contact details are 0208-905-5209 / 07814-492229.

Thanking you in anticipation of a swift and meaningful response to this appeal in the name of CATCH 42, on behalf of Mr Gedaljahu Ebert, and his distraught family. Continue reading

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Filed under Bankruptcy Proceedings, Imprisonment, Jurisdiction, Member of Parliament, Mike Freer MP, Wood Green Crown Court

Twelve weeks imprisonment: how victims are being criminalised, while criminals occupy the moral high ground

English: Aminetou Haidar visiting former Nelso...

English: Aminetou Haidar visiting former Nelson Mandela cell in Robben Island prison, South Africa.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It all boils down to communication: in writing and in person, speaking legalese and using common sense. But the playing field is far from being fair:

  • when Police force you to leave your home, something must be ‘fishy’
  • when you discover one fraudulent act after the other, you wonder about the difference between law and ‘law enforcement’
  • when you end up not only made homeless, but also being bankrupted, you need to become a Nelson Mandela to transcend your emotions of pain and fury
  • while trying to be rational, you study the law, but you are not being heard, for “they” are not interested in acting according to The Rule of Law: neither the judiciary, nor the Police or court staff
  • the ‘establishment’ is sticking together, protecting each other in their jobs with their pensions and perks.

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Filed under Imprisonment, Jurisdiction, Wood Green Crown Court

Reserved Judgment until Monday, June 18th, 10.15

This is the way it went on June 6th and 7th:

  • the gallery was filled with lots of McKenzie Friends who really knew what was happening
  • they watched pretty bad, if not criminal behaviour on behalf of the CPS barrister
  • Mr Ebert stood his ground and handled the situation as best as possible.

More only once we have results!

But if you can join us on Monday, you can always also pop into Court 5 and watch how Haringey Council are trying to cover up their wrongdoings after snatching now seven children.

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Filed under Wood Green Crown Court

Who’s on Trial: CPS, Police, Land Registry, Insolvency Service, Financial Institutions or a Lone Litigant in Person?

You can’t make it up, but life always writes more dramatic stories than anybody could invent:

  • it all started when 30 policemen deprived Mr and Mrs Ebert from their home in 2000
  • it ended up with Mr Ebert spraying his name on that house in 2011
  • this led to next week’s trial scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, 6th and 7th June in Wood Green Crown Court: Court 8 with Judge Ader and two Magistrates.

Some of the evidence that Mr Ebert will present is this remarkable transcript of the previous hearing that omits the names of both judge and crown prosecutor.

More on Publicity Online and Victims Unite.


Filed under Wood Green Crown Court

On behalf of your constituent: letter to Mike Freer MP with copy to PM and supportive MPs

Dear Mr Freer MP

I am writing on behalf of your constituent Mr Ebert to suggest that there is more that you can do for him: e.g.

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Filed under Bankruptcy Order, Compensator of Last Resort, Economic Crime Agency, Member of Parliament, Mike Freer MP

Watch out! You might become targeted, too!

Just in case you managed to have acquired some wealth, it is possible that you have some enemies. If they manage to find

  • criminal lawyers
  • who find irresponsible co-players in HM Court Services
  • who do or don’t inform judges appropriately,

you may be in trouble!

We are re-editing The Forensics of Legal Fraud which describes his experiences and offers 80 exhibits as evidence.

Here is the current version as Volume 1.

In Mr Ebert’s case,

  • the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, in Bankruptcy, seals a Bankruptcy Petition submitted by a supposed Creditor – presenting eight questionable points – 22 November 1996 [see page 14]
  • the same Bankruptcy Court issues an Order that Mr Ebert is adjudged Bankrupt – 22 July 1997 [see page 13]
  • the same Court accepts a sworn Affidavit of Truth that later is apologised for… [see page 16]

Volume 2 is about the bankruptcy of Paulette H Cooper who had to endure all sorts of other physical violence and white collar crimes.

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Filed under Affidavit, Bankruptcy Court, Bankruptcy Order, Bankruptcy Petition, Bankruptcy Proceedings, Jurisdiction