The Forensics of Legal Fraud – on the Unscrupulousness of White Collar Criminals is now on Lulu!

Here you can buy what Paulette and I have been working on during the past few weeks.

It’s ‘riveting reading’.

It’s the result of real life experiences.

And it’s the commitment to a cause that is an expression of our time: the Zeitgeist (spirit of the time) of challenges.

The book is proof and evidence of

  • our dishonest money or money scam creating greed and corruption – unfortunately also in “respectable” professions and institutions
  • the police not investigating criminal behaviour
  • the judiciary system not providing justice for victims
  • white collar criminals getting away with murder.

May it make some difference to some readers, whether concerned as victim or as perpetrator!

Here you can read it online and download your own copy if you like.

Volume 1, based on the experiences of Mr Ebert, is available as book here and as pdf file here.

And here is an online petition targeted at The Rt Hon Lord Chancellor, the Business Minister and the Justice Select Committee: Public Inquiry into White Collar Crimes. After barely 24 hours more than 400 page views already!


Filed under Book

155 pages of Sighs and Evidence over Malicious White Collar Crimes against a Successful Business Woman

11 04 12 Book coverWe’ve done it: these 155 pages (or 174 in another size) are not just “riveting reading”, but also a major accusation of a number of very unconscious men. For it’s only their unconsciousness that prevents them from acting in accordance with their conscience. Anybody interested in this aspect my enjoy watching Dear Woman – an eight-minute apology by conscious men on behalf of their gender.

Paulette’s experiences are such that one marvels, once again, at the human ability to endure violence, cruelty, inhumanity and injustice that one should have to call madness, unless one goes mad oneself.

Paulette has not gone mad at all. She has endured one problem after another and has written them up with a lot of creative energy.

Will it make a difference?

Volume 1 of The Forensics of Legal Fraud has been downloaded over 2000 times which is a lot for a legal book.

As Volume 2, this account of another serious victim of a fraudulent bankruptcy and other white collar crimes, I trust that the right people will find this link.

And I hope that its reading will spur you into action. For, ultimately, it’s a battle between Good and Evil – with your own conscience as your judge, and The Rule of Law as the public dividing line.


Filed under Book, Evidence

Brace yourself! You might get hit or targeted, too!

This is a story with truly ‘incredible’ chapters:

  1. a real womaniser becomes a most violent bed partner and most deceptive business partner
  2. he gangs up with ‘mates’ in the Police force who protect him from prosecution or locking him up
  3. he brings in his accountant for ‘white collar stealing’
  4. he uses a gun and physical violence to extort company shares
  5. and succeeds in liquidating a successful company, extorting properties and eventually committing suicide.

That is Act I in two decades of victimisation. It will feature in Volume 2 of The Forensics of Legal Fraud. Volume 1 describes a most outrageous case of fraudulent banktruptcy that is representative of many such cases, including Paulette’s Act III.

Act II is about the extortion of properties.

Act III is about a fraudulent bankruptcy based on a non-existent debt.

Act IV is about two insurance claims.

The book will be the outcome of this collaboration between Paulette H Cooper and Sabine K McNeill, a ‘web voice’ for victims of white collar crimes.

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