Category Archives: Currencies

WHY AUSTERITY? Let me count the reasons… [NOT in our interest!]

U.S. National Debt Additions

U.S. National Debt Additions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: National Debt Graph

English: National Debt Graph (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Argentine public debt, 1994–2004.

Argentine public debt, 1994–2004. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The excellent blog Political Cleanup is asking:

Why Austerity?

  1. The agenda of the global elite is to CONTROL
    1. People as well as the resources of the planet
  2. It rules by
    1. Controlling the currencies of nation states via central banks
    2. The central bank of central banks is the Basel International Bank of Settlements
  3. Money is a medium of exchange?
    1. Virtually all money is created as DEBT aka CREDIT
    2. Its main function is to pay INTEREST to the issuer
      1. i.      As ‘costs’ to banks
      2. ii.      shares to corporations
      3. iii.      dividends to shareholders
      4. iv.      rent to land / property owners
  4. Debt is legally enforceable
    1. i.e. money has become THE tool to CONTROL…
    2. digital footprints everywhere…
  5. Dishonest Money creates dishonest people
    1. The Rule of Law has been replaced by the Rule of Money
    2. Criminals rule aka anarchy…

Big sighs!

Continue reading

Three news items re US Government Debt and World Banking as the Playground for a World Government

Government debt as percentage of GDP globally....

Government debt as percentage of GDP globally. (2009 estimates) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Short Video: Why the U.S. Government Will Default on Its Debt
09-28-2012  •, Gary North
The deficit of the U.S. government cannot be sustained. The general public does not understand this.


Paul Craig Roberts: America, The Next Banana Republic
09-28-2012  •
Alex welcomes American economist and Infowars contributing writer Paul Craig Roberts to discuss the impact of European austerity measures on world markets amidst ongoing riots.

Video: World Banker Makes Stunning Confession

Posted: 02 Oct 2012 12:16 AM PDT

The economic crisis should make people realize that banksters have deliberately lent too much money, knowing it will lead to chaos. Some at the top want to sit in international financial commitées to monitor the world economy as some kind of legislative and regulatory officers. But first they need currency crashes, instability and a global downturn. Perhaps a third world war. Then people will call for a tightly regulated not competitive market. China is a test for how the world government might work.

Global Analysis + International Intelligence = Christopher Story

A remarkable story about a remarkable man who died untimely… Christopher Story is the pseudonym of Edward Harle.

Since 1969, he published the following serials:

  • International Currency Review – hidden dimensions of global giga-corruption and Financial Warfare issues that the mainstream media routinely overlook, but which require exposure, given their serious implications for global stability
  • Economic Intelligence Review – the first to explore the impact of the global drug-money pipeline on the stock market and the real economy, now engaged in follow-up analyses of the underlying geofinancial and intelligence corruption crisis which threatens global stability
  • London Currency Report – global currency and monetary information system for use by institutions, investors, traders and multinational corporations
  • Interest Rate Service – addressing monetary issues that are considered to have significant underlying, longer-term importance which analysts may well overlook due to the short-termist market-driven considerations and peer pressures
  • and Offshore Centres Report – in the context of the offensive against offshore jurisdictions spearheaded by the G-7 powers, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the OECD and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

His books are

  • The Perestroika Deception – about the Soviet Bolshevik strategy to procure the establishment of World (Communist) Governance
  • Red Cocaine – talking about “the central blackmail dimension of the World Revolution”
  • The European Collective – described by Mikhail Gorbachev as “the new European Soviet”
  • The New Underworld Order – about the globalisation of criminalism and the financial audit trials of Financial Warfare operations and scams conducted by the Great Power driving the world to catastrophe
  • The Red Terror in Russia escribes what is liable to occur in any country (such as the US today) which dispenses completely with the Rule of Law. ..

There is an entry in Wikipedia and a site in his tribute.

Bankster “Holiday” planned for September?

There are so many reports and comments on the “crisis” that I have refrained from adding mine.

This one, however, does deserve attention, for it proves my “Cassandra perspective”:

  • the globalists are working towards controlling the world’s resources via one “super-currency”
  • this currency will be controlled by the current controllers of national currencies (who are not being controlled)
  • the institutions gearing up for it are up and running.

The article refers to an “interesting” precedent, which reinforces the above. Please come to your own conclusions when reading this article on one of the most informative American websites.

The Tower of Basel: Secretive Plans for the Issuing of a Global Currency

Someone from wanted to ‘do business’ with me by offering $12 per link on my blog – for life – where the text would appear embedded and they could change it any time…

James Robertson called it a “laughable idea”, but here it is, from the author of The Web of Debt:

Do we really want the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) issuing our global currency – based on an article in The Telegraph of April 7.

Ellen Brown’s article is published by the excellent Centre of Research into Globalisation in Canada here.

What to Expect from Obama – The Economy

This video is a must see for anybody who cares for people and planet.

It shows how Obama chose the kinds of people who were already in place under Bush: those who strive for world government by a single global currency and a single central bank. I won’t put the link up here for I don’t want to promote them. I did it once before and the offered to “do business” with me: $12 per link…

My conclusion is rather to promote Bartercard and LETS while continuing to hope that the Queen and British politicians are not quite as ruthless as American ones…

Oil for Euros rather than Dollars

Venezuelan oil company shifts to euro

Published: Friday 14 March 2008 20:20 UTC
Last updated: Friday 14 March 2008 21:06 UTC

Caracas – Venezuela’s Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez has confirmed that the state oil company PDVSA now has oil contracts in euros as well as US dollars. On Thursday an oil trader revealed that the PDVSA recently closed a deal in euros and the minister’s comments confirm that this is part of a broader strategy.

Venezuela wants to be less dependent on the US dollar, which is continuing to lose value against other currencies. President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela has also urged other oil-producing companies to abandon the US dollar but so far has only won the backing of Iran.