How do I Streamline Creative Output of #DimensionalScaling for #ProfitForPurpose and the #EmpathyEconomy?

First came the patterns of prime numbers that are not supposed to exist. So I built, thinking I could protect my ‘mathematical art’ with NFTs and sell Prime Number patters as Excel worksheets. After all, they were rather time consuming to create. A year later, I decided to ‘downgrade’ which now produces 417 broken links on 114 pages…

Then I began to realise that ‘Digital Numbers’ are such a high level concept in terms of abstraction, concerning number theory, that prime numbers were a kind of red herring. Lord Sudeley thanks to whom I started the Forum for Stable Currencies in 1998 at the House of Lords, once asked: why do numbers need a theory?…

During 2022 I experienced so many eye openers that I have to prioritise. Dr. Jacqui Taylor asked about First Audience and Minimum Viable Prototype. That means:

  • Digital Number Patterns
    • as individual ‘mathematical art’
    • or as series of patterns that tell a story.
  • Or is it better to use Powerpoint for letting number patterns show us how they are mightier than words?

I produced my first set of slides when I saw Exotic Approaches to Naturalness as a workshop at CERN, my former employer in Geneva. My unwanted response has the title “Dimensionality and Ortho-Diagonal Symmetry as Keys to Unlocking Naturalness”. ‘Generalised symmetries’ had struck a cord, especially after the Beauty and Perfection of my Symmetries enchanted my best friend from CERN times. But I learned from the workshop organiser that the Wikipedia definition of naturalness was not sufficient to jump the bar of entry.

Since then, I have created two more series and am finalising the third one:

  1. How can Symmetries Scale from the Tiniest Nuclear Particles to the Largest Cosmic Galaxies?
  2. How can Pythagoras Help Scaling?
  3. How can Pythagoras Unmask π as a Trans-Dimensional and ‘3D Metric’ Scale Factor?

#ProfitFor Purpose means selling IP rather than publishing it for free. Hence I wonder who wants to pay how much for:

  • appreciating new visual relationships between digits and numbers?
  • understanding the shortcomings of current mathematical assumptions?
  • realising that metrics is the name of the bridge between maths and reality, ie. the world of geo-metry, sym-metries and coding as alternative to algebra?
  • recognise that the curse of dimensionality is a kind of ‘universal yardstick’ or Urmaßstab in German and thus a blessing?

If Einstein had use of computer and screen instead of pen and paper, he might have closed the gap between maths and reality. Instead we have to live with uncertainties and probabilities causing us to crave forecasts and predictions on all sorts of level. My bank even predicts the balance of my account at first sight, but I have to click, if I want to see transactions over the recent past… But watch this space! There are lovely new avenues towards new horizons!

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#ProveMeWrong #Digital3D brings Perspective to Excel Chart Styles

In your face: a factorised and a modulated sine wave in up to 24 dimensions produced by my age old prototype ‘Visual Data Intelligence’ as vertical layers in ‘smart’ or ‘digital 3D’ as a chart style.

Why does this layering result in a special kind of 3D? Let me count the ways:

  1. ‘Smart’ or ‘digital’ 3D is visually unique;
    • its visual difference is based on ‘data inherent’ numerical qualities rather than seeks to create ‘3D effects’ as Excel chart styles do;
  2. ‘Digital’ 3D depends on unique metadata derived from data sets;
    • these parameters result from deep insights into the overlap between maths and data science;
  3. a data set is a table of numbers which can have three kinds of origin:
    • parallel time series;
    • the matrix of an image;
    • multi-dimensional measurements.

Each type of data is translated into its own version of ‘”smart ‘digital 3D’. What they have in common are ‘core transformations’ which could be called ‘digital Fourier’. Here I only show multi-dimensional layers. Re-visualisations of images are on


12 Factorised Sine Waves in Chart Style “Line”
12 Factorised Sine Waves in Chart Style
“3-D Stacked Columns”
Chart Style “Line”
Chart Style “3-D Stacked Columns”

‘Smart’ or ‘Digital’ 3D

When individual rows or columns become layers
12 Layers of Modulated Sine Waves
24 Layers of Modulated Sine Waves

Hello, Microsoft, might you be interested in deep insights to make ‘smart’ or ‘digital 3D’ happen?

You’d get some from #PrimeNumbers in #AmazingColourPatterns but they won’t help you. That site just demonstrates that I’m a “mathematical artist”. And I put it on hold, as prime numbers turn out to be a mathematical red herring or #fakeproblem through my lens of ‘Digital Numbers’.

You can also categorise me as INTP (Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Prospecting). That may explain why I dare to question established knowledge.

Posted in Data, Insights, Knowledge, Layering multidimensional data, Thinking, Time series, Understanding | 1 Comment

After 4 years Offline

It was anything but easy to put my online life on hold!

BUT ‘thinking slowly’, with coloured pens and graph paper, resulted in #PrimeNumbers in #AmazingColourPatterns.

And thus a new era is beginning. In German it’s called #LebensAufgabe, my ‘task of life’. And being in Germany means more respect for women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). So we’ll see what Life has up its sleeve for me and this latest website of mine.

Would be nice, if you felt like commenting!

Posted in Knowledge, Mathematics, Prime Numbers, Understanding | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

2D Images as Objects in ‘visual and metric 3D’: our Smart Knowledge Engine in Action

For the moment, we re-visualised images above and beyond what our previous prototype produced. The significance is pretty fundamental, in terms of #DeepThinking about time, space and measuring.

At CERN, the European Centre for Nuclear Research in Geneva, where I started my professional life as systems analyst and diagnostician of software, there were theoreticians who designed experiments to prove their theories, just as there are architects who design buildings.

Since then I’ve discovered that everybody builds not just theories but also ‘models’, especially in software, and particularly in business, where everything is measured by money.

But time is not money, even though capitalism tries to convince us otherwise. And money is certainly not the measure of human capital.

That will become very apparent once our ‘Smart Knowledge Engine’ also puts ‘layering‘ on-line, my way of visualising rows or columns of matrices ‘staggered’ along a ‘visual z-axis’.

Posted in Complex Systems, Image Analysis, Insights, Layering complex data, Layering multidimensional data, Re-visualizations, Smart Knowledge, Software, Thinking, Understanding, Visual Data Analysis | Leave a comment

With #3DMetrics #3dM to Driving a #SmartKnowledge Engine behind Open Data Portals

I’ve ignored this blog for a long time, as I updated

Now I’ve got a team with whom to put my prototype software online and a whole re-configuration of deep thinking and web rationalisation is taking place.

As a first step, this is to send you over to while you hopefully will look out for:

Watch this space!

Posted in Data, Dimensionality, Education, Image Analysis, Insights, Intelligence, Knowledge, Open Data, Smart Knowledge, Understanding, Websites | Leave a comment

TOWARDS an Equitable Society: balancing left- and right-brain activities

13 11 30 BuddhaAs a former software diagnostician in CERN, I am used to being in the 12% minority that Chi Onwurah MP highlighted in her keynote speech at Women Shift Digital.

But after (male) doctors, instead of admitting they can’t help me, told me my pain is psychological, I learned more about psychology, philosophy, religion and consciousness than I ever wanted to know, having studied mathematics and computing.

Now I am reading not only Pythagoras Trousers – God, Physics and the Gender War – the history of science by Margaret Wertheim, but also Siddharta by Hermann Hesse.

And, once again, I am acutely aware of the need for Continue reading

Posted in Education, Insights, Knowledge, Logic, Metrology, Smart Knowledge, Software, Thinking, Understanding | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

EMBRACING the Digital Economy with the arms of BCS + CMA + ICT

ICT PoS Original

ICT PoS Original (Photo credit: Terry Freedman)

This event followed the one of its kind last year which I thoroughly enjoyed.

It covered the kinds of themes I’m interested in and thus was an excellent way of taking ‘the pulse of our interesting times’, e.g.

  • asking for a High Tech Task Force
  • more data networking
  • and that the BBC license fee could be used for startups.

At the same time, it was observed that

  • we are at a regulatory tipping point
  • need effective competition
  • and need to make smart decisions.

In the spirit of Back to the Future, Forward to the Past was suggested. For we are Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Conclusions, Conference, Data, Decisions, Education, Events, Information, Insights, Intelligence, Knowledge, Open Data, Understanding | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

GENERIC NUMERICAL METADATA for Meta Views of Big Business and Very Big Science Data

13 06 15 MosaicMashing up the best of the best seems to be the challenge of our time. Yesterday I met Charles Brewer who is remarkably likeminded in terms of ‘where we are at’ and ‘where we need to go’, as humanity evolves thanks to technology. ‘Big Data’ is the term used by business. Very Big Data has become a project with CERN involved, i.e. science based. But Charles’ understanding of data bases and my invention of ‘numerical metadata’ bridge those worlds.

After having designed many amazing software projects, Charles has put together MOSAIC so that large data bases (1.9 million records as an example) can be examined instantly. The speed with which this can take place is, in my view, in general terms, THE smart data management tool. It opens doors to

  • boiling big data down to essential information
  • understanding the value of big data by understanding the importance of its components
  • gaining deeper insights and better understanding from more and more data.

But then there is the business view where bottom lines count:  Continue reading

Posted in Conclusions, Data, Decisions, Education, Expertise, Information, Insights, Intelligence, Knowledge, Lecture, Open Data, Open Knowledge, Understanding | Tagged , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

IDENTIFYING and Counting Cancer Cells with my Theory => Code rather than Volunteers

English: A diagram illustrating the distinctio...

English: A diagram illustrating the distinction between cancer stem cell targeted and conventional cancer therapies (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The magic of networking was working again: it took the invitation to  celebrate 50 years of computing @ CERN to discover this Cancer Research UK project: computer volunteers are invited to identify and count cancer cells.

My Technical Expert Nelson Wootton jumped on this opportunity to ‘prove my theory’.

After 3 funding applications have just been turned down, we now trust ‘under employed professional woman’ Ann Witbrock to turn my latest specifications into code.

Meanwhile, Grandma Got STEM is honouring women like me: always in the minority in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Posted in Funding, Identifying objects, Image Analysis, Image data metrics, Knowledge, Smart Knowledge | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

WE SHOULD all be Eternal Start-Ups: IC Tomorrow at NESTA – for competition finalists in Education

13 05 03 IC TomorrowYesterday I saw 12 finalists competing for £40K of ICTomorrow at NESTA. I had ‘failed’ and wanted to learn what the potential winners had to offer.

When I introduced myself as an ‘eternal Start-Up’ to another of the very few ladies, she said “we should all be eternal start-ups.”

It was not very impressive to see existing companies and people who were seemingly commercially successful proposing incremental changes. No room for quantum leaps, paradigm shifts or genuine start-ups. One of the organisers said: the challenge was too prescriptive.

Quite right: a box ticking exercise. That’s how the TSB is ‘driving innovation’… Continue reading

Posted in Competition, Events, Funding, TSB Competitions | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment