Category Archives: Central Banks

@TEDTalks The Privatisation of the Creation of #Money @BjergOle

Ole Bjerg is an Associate Professor of Copenhagen Business School. He identifies beautifully the critical aspects of the creation of money:

  1. the difference between
    • Paper Money [Cash – about 5% of the money supply] and
    • Electronic Money [Credit – about 95% of the money supply]
  2. the negative consequences:
    • instability
      • banks issue money when the economy is booming and hold back otherwise;
    • inequality
      • interest is a ‘tax’ on money
      • with growing inequality based on the level of interest rates
    • concentration of power
      • how much money?
      • at what price?
      • for what purpose?
  3. Hence politicians appear to be impotent, as decisions are made in board rooms of banking institutions – outside democratic institutions.
    • the smart solution is an update of what Central Banks do with respect to PAPER money to INCLUDE electronic money;
      • all citizens should have accounts with Central Banks!
    • Commercial banks continue to
      • take deposits and lend it
      • as a LINK between people who save and who borrow.
  4. This is a SOVEREIGN system of money creation – reminding citizens to
    • understand the creation of money
    • participate in the political process of deciding WHO creates money.


Sudeley vs Lloyds: disclosure of bank records after 125 years? #fraudulent #historic #bankruptcy due to #usury @MoJGovUK @UKHomeOffice

17 03 26 Lord Sudeley.jpgThe Forum for Stable Currencies would not have been created without Lord Sudeley. He would not have learned about usury at the root of our dishonest money system, if his family had not been bankrupted in 1893 by Lloyds Bank – as published on the above archive site.

Since we organised meetings at the House of Lords and Commons, we made so many connections among victims of bank and judicial fraud that I created a whole list of websites:

  • first men who had created businesses and were bankrupted;
  • then families whose homes were re-possessed;
  • and finally the mothers whose children were kidnapped by the state’s institutions – all in all 33 sites promoting and advocating Open Justice.

When I met Lord Sudeley for the first time, I remember saying to him: when we heal your family, we will heal your nation… Today I received this email from him:

“Much new ground was broken on our bankruptcy in the paper by Dr Stanley Chapman, author of The Rise of Merchant Banking, in The Sudeleys – Lords of Toddington, published in 1987 by the Manorial Society of 104 Kennington Road, London SE11.

17 03 26 CymmodriansFurther advances are given in my 10-page paper, just published in the Transactions of the Cymmrodorion Society, together with its Ancillary Memorandum. The Enterprise Act has mitigated the harsher effects of the old cardinal rule in business that liquidity or cash flow is more important than capital. And now we may understand more clearly how under Slow Payment of our debt which arose put of the agricultural depression there would have been no bankruptcy.

Looking ahead, perhaps not enough headway is to be anticipated over the eradication of usury, which was the root of our trouble, since usury has become too ingrained in our monetary system. More headway might be expected however over the unsatisfactory character of banks guarantees, which reduced without in the end altogether eliminating the fourth Lady Sudeley’s Tollemache inheritance.

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Hitler was financed by @FederalReserve and @BankofEngland

16 05 27 HitlerIt takes long-term thinking to understand geo-political processes.

It takes a ‘niche interest’ to want to study how the world has been duped and deceived into what’s so dishonest about our money system. 

And it takes a historian who wants to know the truth:

Yuri Rubtsov is a doctor of historical sciences, academician of the Academy of military sciences, and member of  the International Association of historians of world war II.

The result is this article:

An excellent time line of four roughly 5-year stages, starting 1919, and an important account of the key players in finance and in industry.



OVER 30 MPs debate #MoneyCreation and Society – #Cash vs #Credit – Governments vs #Banks

UK Parliament debated Money Creation and Society for first time in 170 years.  Here’s what they said – on this video – starting at 11:18:

London, 21st November 2014

On Thursday 20th November 2014 over 30 MPs took part in a debate in the House of Commons on money creation and society. This was the first time in 170 years, since the Bank Charter Act in 1844, that the topic has been fully debated.


Money creation affects almost every aspect of our lives, and is directly connected to almost all public policy, including public and private debt levels, house prices, and rising inequality, but it’s very poorly understood. A recent poll found that 7 out of 10 MPs believed that only the government can create money[1], when in fact 97% of money is created by banks as they make loans, as recently confirmed by the Bank of England[2]


MPs acknowledged the problem of their own lack of understanding of money creation [1]:


Peter Lilley MP stated that “A lot has been made of the ignorance of Members of Parliament of how money is created. I suspect that that ignorance…… explains many things, not least why we entered the financial crisis with a regulatory system that was so unprepared for a banking crisis.”


Zac Goldsmith MP was the first to admit at the debate that he does not fully understand the system, stating, “I suspect that most people here would be humble enough to recognise that the banking wizardry we are discussing is such a complex issue that very few people properly understand it.” Continue reading

#MoneyCreation debated by MPs 320 years after the #BoEAct1694

English: The expansion of $100 through fractio...

English: The expansion of $100 through fractional-reserve lending at varying rates. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The writers of the Bank of England Act 1694 had the intention

to avoid the serious oppression of Their Majesties’ subjects.

Hence they didn’t allow the Corporation to trade. Should it trade after all, it would have to pay as punishment:

treble the value of the trade.

In theory, this means that the BoE would have to pay the Treasury treble the value of all national and public debt bonds!

Will MPs appreciate this when they debate ‘money creation and society’ this Thursday as part of Backbench Business?

See   Parliament Debate, including the link to watching the debate live .

Further info on Facebook and  these Google results.

BACK TO the Future: from 1914 (WWI) to 2014 (Bradbury Pound)

13 10 09 Money Matters

13 10 03 ERC BradburyThis 48-page booklet (1981) and this 200-page book (1986) are as fundamental as The Money Bomb (1983) – and as true and relevant today as there and then – if you want to understand how ‘money’ has changed from being a ‘medium of exchange’ to being used as a ‘tool for control’!

The title says it all: Government Debt and Credit Creation! 

THE BRADBURY Coming to the Rescue – to solve social, political and economic issues

The Growth of Credit over Cash since 1943

The Growth of Credit over Cash since 1943

The Bradbury Pound to the Rescue! 

A little known historical precedent that will stop the criminal debt-creating banksters well and truly in their tracks!

Central Banks – the Irresponsible Institutions

The completely contrived and planned global debt bubble is rapidly becoming unsustainable and will burst at some point very soon bringing with it a financial meltdown on a scale never before seen.   It’s now clear from whistleblowers and researchers that the cabal that makes up the debt-creating banking elite, with their global network of central banks (including the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve) led by their little known Bank for International Settlements (BIS), has a well laid plan to collapse the world’s economy.

One World Debt-Based Currency – the mechanism for Global Slavery

The plan, using unsustainable and unlawful debt to collapse the major currencies of the world, is well advanced.   It’s all about the banking elite’s long term goal to create a centralised and global electronic currency – a currency that will inevitably lead to the reality of a cashless world where complete Orwellian control decides who gets paid and who doesn’t! Continue reading

‘OPEN CORPORATES’ open the gates to 834 Royal Charter Companies – the ticket to immunity from prosecution

English: Sealing of the Bank of England Charte... is this remarkable Open Database of the Corporate World.

This link takes you to 3,059,982 active companies in the UK and reveals 19 different company types. The last one is Royal Charter Company.

This link takes you to 834 Royal Charter CompaniesNearly all were registered on 1 Jan 1981 and comprise:

  1. The Bank of England (1 Jan 1981 – )
  2. Universities and Colleges
  3. Schools and Academies
  4. Banks
  5. The British Broadcasting Corporation
  6. The British Council
  7. Lots of ‘Chartered’ institutes and societies
  8. Hospitals and Lunatic Asylums
  9. Professional Institutes and Institutions
  10. Companies and Societies
  11. Libraries and Museums
  12. Clubs and Associations
  13. Unions, Committees and Councils…

If you are not familiar with the significance of Royal Charters, please click on Royal Charters – the ticket to Immunity from Prosecution. Continue reading

WHY AUSTERITY? Let me count the reasons… [NOT in our interest!]

U.S. National Debt Additions

U.S. National Debt Additions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: National Debt Graph

English: National Debt Graph (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Argentine public debt, 1994–2004.

Argentine public debt, 1994–2004. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The excellent blog Political Cleanup is asking:

Why Austerity?

  1. The agenda of the global elite is to CONTROL
    1. People as well as the resources of the planet
  2. It rules by
    1. Controlling the currencies of nation states via central banks
    2. The central bank of central banks is the Basel International Bank of Settlements
  3. Money is a medium of exchange?
    1. Virtually all money is created as DEBT aka CREDIT
    2. Its main function is to pay INTEREST to the issuer
      1. i.      As ‘costs’ to banks
      2. ii.      shares to corporations
      3. iii.      dividends to shareholders
      4. iv.      rent to land / property owners
  4. Debt is legally enforceable
    1. i.e. money has become THE tool to CONTROL…
    2. digital footprints everywhere…
  5. Dishonest Money creates dishonest people
    1. The Rule of Law has been replaced by the Rule of Money
    2. Criminals rule aka anarchy…

Big sighs!

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GERMAN Video with English Links about the New World Order [wailing wall], a remarkable global news agency, published in Switzerland, that presents online news very smartly in mainstream media style.

This video contains the following stories [the links take you to different but English stories]:

  1. Rothschild’s $200 million bet regarding the demise of the Euro
  2. The Bank of North Dakota as a state-owned bank for the state’s citizens
  3. A few families rule the World
  4. Who rules money?

Fascinating are the differences in language, implied by German and English. I.e. the German word for ‘citizen’ implies the ‘guarantee’ for debts! The German for ‘debt’ is the same as for ‘guilt’. The German for ‘interest’ is very different from paying interest and having an interest.

  • Nice cartoons illustrate how 98% (rather than 97) Credit [created by banks at interest] and 2% (rather than 3%) Cash [created by governments interest-free] are the money in circulation.