Tag Archives: HM Treasury

TOWARDS the 100th Anniversary of the Bradbury Pound – our 13th Early Day Motion!

English: HM Treasury Crest

English: HM Treasury Crest (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This Early Day Motion is the 13th in our close to annual attempts of reminding Parliament that ‘treasury money‘ is the better way than accepting the slavery imposed by ‘bank money‘.

The text reads:

That this House notes that the hundredth anniversary of the Bradbury Pound on 7 August 2014 is a welcome reminder of the historic precedent for public credit as the sound basis for debt-and interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing bank money; congratulates the Forum for Stable Currencies for having promoted the public credit since 2002; and urges HM Treasury to follow John Bradbury’s model and address social, economic and political issues across party lines in one fell swoop and avoid wholly unnecessary austerity cuts.

Given the scandal about the falsification of crime statistics by the Police and the three court hearings that illustrate how our ‘child protection’ system is an international scandal, I’d like to add:

The 100th Anniversary of the Bradbury Pound coincides with the centenary of World War I. Re-visiting history will be enlightening on many levels!

The list of EDMs since 2002 is on http://www.forumforstablecurrencies.org.uk/

BACK TO the Future: from 1914 (WWI) to 2014 (Bradbury Pound)

13 10 09 Money Matters

13 10 03 ERC BradburyThis 48-page booklet (1981) and this 200-page book (1986) are as fundamental as The Money Bomb (1983) – and as true and relevant today as there and then – if you want to understand how ‘money’ has changed from being a ‘medium of exchange’ to being used as a ‘tool for control’!

The title says it all: Government Debt and Credit Creation! 

WHICH SIDE are You On: Rothschild (City) or Treasury (Westminster)?

13 07 03 Bradbury Logo

I shouldn’t be asking the question: which side are you on: Rothschild (City) or Treasury (Westminster)? For the current Treasurer trained in Rothschild banks, as I once read, but can’t find any reference any more…

A lot of us believe that it would be nice if Parliament became an ethical outfit in 2015 and knew what the real issues are:

This is therefore an important email from Justin Walker (jrgwalker@aol.com), the Coordinator for the Restore the Bradbury Pound Campaign:

Hello everyone,

Sorry, but I’ve been doing a lot of quiet thinking/research in the last couple of weeks.   Dangerous I know!  But I would be grateful if you could spread this email out far and wide to get this very important information out, especially as the world will be looking in detail at this period of history next year.

Now I have one big question-mark about the actual 1914 story of the debt-free, HM Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound which has been nagging at me ever since I was first alerted to this little known episode in our country’s history.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with the concept and the principle of a sovereign nation issuing its own debt-free currency based on that nation’s credit.  We all know that the restoration of the Bradbury Pound is our lifeline and trump card to a more sane and prosperous future free from the criminal bankers.

No, the question which is bothering me is WHY did Lloyd George cave in so easily to the bankers by phasing out the issuance of debt-free treasury money in favour of going back to agreeing to debt-creating loans from the private bankers?  What did they have on him which made him cave in so easily to their demands?  Was he frightened?  Possibly.  Was he being blackmailed for his well known penchant and weakness for young women?  Again possibly.  Or was he a part of the game and a ‘sleeper’ for the Rothschild Zionist ambitions for a Jewish ‘homeland’ state in Palestine along with the whole ‘Illuminati‘ satanic globalist approach and agenda to international affairs?  Well, in my opinion, it’s a very real possibility.   In Lloyd George’s war memoirs concerning his actions as Chancellor of the Exchequer, he emphasises that he had an historic disagreement with Lord Rothschild.  On page 104 he writes: Continue reading

THE BRADBURY Coming to the Rescue – to solve social, political and economic issues

The Growth of Credit over Cash since 1943

The Growth of Credit over Cash since 1943

The Bradbury Pound to the Rescue! 

A little known historical precedent that will stop the criminal debt-creating banksters well and truly in their tracks!

Central Banks – the Irresponsible Institutions

The completely contrived and planned global debt bubble is rapidly becoming unsustainable and will burst at some point very soon bringing with it a financial meltdown on a scale never before seen.   It’s now clear from whistleblowers and researchers that the cabal that makes up the debt-creating banking elite, with their global network of central banks (including the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve) led by their little known Bank for International Settlements (BIS), has a well laid plan to collapse the world’s economy.

One World Debt-Based Currency – the mechanism for Global Slavery

The plan, using unsustainable and unlawful debt to collapse the major currencies of the world, is well advanced.   It’s all about the banking elite’s long term goal to create a centralised and global electronic currency – a currency that will inevitably lead to the reality of a cashless world where complete Orwellian control decides who gets paid and who doesn’t! Continue reading