Tag Archives: Legalized Usury

Lord Sudeley’s letter on Usury to the Daily Telegraph

Thank you for your report on 16th of September. The world stock markets plunge as US banking giants collapse. One of the worst features of usury in its old sense of lending money without taking a share of the risk is the intensification of business cycles of this kind. Usury was condemned by the Jews in the Old Testament, Aristotle, Mohammed, St Thomas Aquinas and Dante and then sanctioned by Calvin.

Aristotle said: “Money is a medium of exchange only, not the mother of interest”. The church has forgotten its own teaching on the subject so we need a Papal encyclical.

Malaysia now operates a banking system successfully without usury. During the development of the American West in the 19th century great prosperity ensued with the use of President Lincoln’s interest-, or debt-free Greenbacks.

In England the principal opponents of usury are a parliamentary group The Forum for Stable Currencies administered by Sabine McNeill of 21a Goldhurst Terrace, London NW6. Austin Mitchell MP is a leading officer of that organization.

From Lord Sudeley,

25 Melcombe Court, Dorset Sq., London NW1

What the DT published on 17 September 2008:

Usury was condemned by the Old Testament, Aristotle, Mohammed, Thomas Aquinas and Dante. The church has forgotten its teaching on the subject so we need a Papal encyclical to rectify this.

Malaysia operates a banking system successfully without usury. During the development of the American West, President Lincoln’s interest-, or debt-free Greenbacks brought great prosperity.


Please note that Grameen is a model for usury-free banking!

Rod Parsley on the National Debt

Rod Parsley is the senior pastor of “World Harvest Church”. Here on YouTube he speaks eloquently on the national debt: to whom do the citizens of the United States of America owe 7 trillion dollars? It’s growing 1 billion 6 million dollars a day. Your bible calls it usury.

There are 40 related videos for viewing – especially to Republican Congressman Ron Paul from Texas!

Sadville bans usury

This article by Andrew Orlowski shows us the differences and similarities between the net’s digital money and conventional debt-based and thus usury-laden money.

Fortunately, the company that has created Second Life and issues virtual Linden Dollars is more understanding and ethical than some of its customers!

From the Publisher of a “History of Usury”

Public Credit Petition

My warmest congratulations to you for the inspiration (and implementation) that lies behind The Treasury Select Committee Petition. I think this will touch a nerve as it is something that ordinary people can understand…and politicians can make speeeches about. Also the timing is excellent…and the Online Petition addresses the modern governance problem of the Democratic Deficit, representing the other side of the Early Day Motion coin.

You may now find yourself inundated with requests for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Fact Sheets. Do not be shy to ask for my help. It is in this context that the work this Spring on the Swabey (Usury and the Church of England) and Tawney (The Damnable Sin of Usury) manuscripts (and chronologues) may have a part to play. Thomas Robertson’s Human Ecology is also needed…OCR’d but unedited.

More on The History of Usury and from the Ciff’s Edge Signalling Company