Disclosure of Lloyds Bank records 125 years after politically motivated bankruptcy?

17 03 26 Lord Sudeley.jpgThe Forum for Stable Currencies would not have been created without Lord Sudeley. He would not have learned about usury at the root of our dishonest money system, if his family had not been bankrupted in 1893 by Lloyds Bank – as published on the above archive site.

Since we organised meetings at the House of Lords and Commons, we made so many connections among victims of bank and judicial fraud that I created a whole list of websites:

  • first men who had created businesses and were bankrupted;
  • then families whose homes were re-possessed;
  • and finally the mothers whose children were kidnapped by the state’s institutions – all in all 33 sites promoting and advocating Open Justice.

When I met Lord Sudeley for the first time, I remember saying to him: when we heal your family, we will heal your nation… Today I received this email from him:

“Much new ground was broken on our bankruptcy in the paper by Dr Stanley Chapman, author of The Rise of Merchant Banking, in The Sudeleys – Lords of Toddington, published in 1987 by the Manorial Society of 104 Kennington Road, London SE11.

17 03 26 CymmodriansFurther advances are given in my 10-page paper, just published in the Transactions of the Cymmrodorion Society, together with its Ancillary Memorandum. The Enterprise Act has mitigated the harsher effects of the old cardinal rule in business that liquidity or cash flow is more important than capital. And now we may understand more clearly how under Slow Payment of our debt which arose put of the agricultural depression there would have been no bankruptcy.

Looking ahead, perhaps not enough headway is to be anticipated over the eradication of usury, which was the root of our trouble, since usury has become too ingrained in our monetary system. More headway might be expected however over the unsatisfactory character of banks guarantees, which reduced without in the end altogether eliminating the fourth Lady Sudeley’s Tollemache inheritance.

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Older and wiser perspectives for the House of Lords


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Lord Sudeley has written this admirable article The Lords Spirital, Temporal – and invaluable for the Quarterly Review. It is a call for the return of the House of Lords with the gradual reinstatement of hereditaries. He makes the following points:

  • we are justly proud of how the House of Lords, sometimes described as a Council of Barons, gave us those famous articles of Magna Carta which provided the foundations of our modern justice – such as never to sell or deny justice, and insistence on trial by jury instead of ordeal to ensure the due process of law
  • Blair used his Lord Chancellor, Lord Irvine of Laing, to propose to the then Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords, Lord Cranbourne (now Lord Salisbury) that 92 of the hereditaries should be temporarily spared while the rest could sent down the river – and Cranbourne accepted
  • the conditions and causes through which in 1999 Blair was helped to remove most of the hereditaries:
  1. class hatred
  2. the absence in our schools of proper teaching of British history, especially of the Middle Ages which were so crucial to our constitutional development.

A good start about the reinstatement of hereditary peers would be debates in both Houses on the deception practiced on the hereditaries by the Cranborne deal, which left most of us without our natural role in the legislature, and Britain dangerously deprived of its centuries-old constitutional stability.