Tag Archives: government

THE BRADBURY Coming to the Rescue – to solve social, political and economic issues

The Growth of Credit over Cash since 1943

The Growth of Credit over Cash since 1943

The Bradbury Pound to the Rescue! 

A little known historical precedent that will stop the criminal debt-creating banksters well and truly in their tracks!

Central Banks – the Irresponsible Institutions

The completely contrived and planned global debt bubble is rapidly becoming unsustainable and will burst at some point very soon bringing with it a financial meltdown on a scale never before seen.   It’s now clear from whistleblowers and researchers that the cabal that makes up the debt-creating banking elite, with their global network of central banks (including the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve) led by their little known Bank for International Settlements (BIS), has a well laid plan to collapse the world’s economy.

One World Debt-Based Currency – the mechanism for Global Slavery

The plan, using unsustainable and unlawful debt to collapse the major currencies of the world, is well advanced.   It’s all about the banking elite’s long term goal to create a centralised and global electronic currency – a currency that will inevitably lead to the reality of a cashless world where complete Orwellian control decides who gets paid and who doesn’t! Continue reading

WHY AUSTERITY? Let me count the reasons… [NOT in our interest!]

U.S. National Debt Additions

U.S. National Debt Additions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: National Debt Graph

English: National Debt Graph (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Argentine public debt, 1994–2004.

Argentine public debt, 1994–2004. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The excellent blog Political Cleanup is asking:

Why Austerity?

  1. The agenda of the global elite is to CONTROL
    1. People as well as the resources of the planet
  2. It rules by
    1. Controlling the currencies of nation states via central banks
    2. The central bank of central banks is the Basel International Bank of Settlements
  3. Money is a medium of exchange?
    1. Virtually all money is created as DEBT aka CREDIT
    2. Its main function is to pay INTEREST to the issuer
      1. i.      As ‘costs’ to banks
      2. ii.      shares to corporations
      3. iii.      dividends to shareholders
      4. iv.      rent to land / property owners
  4. Debt is legally enforceable
    1. i.e. money has become THE tool to CONTROL…
    2. digital footprints everywhere…
  5. Dishonest Money creates dishonest people
    1. The Rule of Law has been replaced by the Rule of Money
    2. Criminals rule aka anarchy…

Big sighs!

Continue reading

GERMAN Video with English Links about the New World Order

www.klagemauer.tv [wailing wall], a remarkable global news agency, published in Switzerland, that presents online news very smartly in mainstream media style.

This video contains the following stories [the links take you to different but English stories]:

  1. Rothschild’s $200 million bet regarding the demise of the Euro
  2. The Bank of North Dakota as a state-owned bank for the state’s citizens
  3. A few families rule the World
  4. Who rules money?

Fascinating are the differences in language, implied by German and English. I.e. the German word for ‘citizen’ implies the ‘guarantee’ for debts! The German for ‘debt’ is the same as for ‘guilt’. The German for ‘interest’ is very different from paying interest and having an interest.

  • Nice cartoons illustrate how 98% (rather than 97) Credit [created by banks at interest] and 2% (rather than 3%) Cash [created by governments interest-free] are the money in circulation.

It’s Time to Fix Banking – a Petition in the Right Direction…

English: A crowd forms on Wall Street during t...

English: A crowd forms on Wall Street during the Bankers Panic of 1907. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s nice to see when ‘beginners’ in monetary reform tackle our systemic money problems, by tackling the banking issue. Here are the four simple demands that 38 Degrees have formulated in their petition It’s Time to Fix Banking:

Dear Banking Committee

Please hold the banks to account for the way they’ve behaved. The scandals need to stop. You need to make sure:

  • Banks put customers first, not bankers
  • There are tougher rules to keep banks in line
  • There are proper punishments for bankers who break them
  • It’s easier for us to move to a different bank when we want to.

But no banking regulation and no punishment of bankers will change

  • the Government’s dependence on public debts
  • the Government’s unwillingness to spend the Cash that it can print and mint into the economy
  • the Government’s willingness to bail out banks rather than businesses…

And thus we know better than ever: money rules the world, as created by banks, not in the spirit of the writers of the Bank of England Act 1694 though!

GLOBAL ELITES THROWN OUT OF ICELAND: Dismantles Corrupt Gov’t, then Arrests Rothschild Bankers

Iceland obtains Debt ForgivenessNow here’s good news for a change: the Icelandic people not only overthrow their government but also write a new constitution and arrest the bankers responsible for the crisis!

The American FreeDumb Nation blog reports.

New Book on the Real Issue: A Guide to the UK Monetary and Banking System

Thanks to the remarkable net-working of the New Era Network, I received the announcement of a book that is long overdue:

Where Does Money Come From? A Guide to the UK Monetary and Banking System

I.e. This book looks at money and not economics as the pseudo-science that covers up what central bankers, banks and other financial institutions are doing, with the Government sanctioning it.

Amzon publishes customer reviews and here’s the one by Quaker James Bruges of the New Era Network:

He opened: “Spiralling inequality, chaos in the financial world and the Occupy protests force us to engage with economics. A Guide to the UK Monetary and Banking System is about money itself, a subject that has, surprisingly, received little attention and about which there is widespread misunderstanding.”

Selected extracts:

Tony Greenham, Richard Werner and Andrew Jackson, studied the implications of bank-created money through talking to key people in the City, including members of the Independent Commission on Banking, and referring to 500 documents from central banks and regulators.

On receiving a copy of the completed book, David Miles of the Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England, said, ‘the way monetary economics and banking is taught in many – maybe most – universities is very misleading and what your book does is help people explain how the mechanics of the system work.’

Banks charge interest on loans, necessitating the amount of money in circulation to increase each year in order to cover this interest. The choice is either growth or recession. It was a Quaker philosopher, Kenneth Boulding, who quipped, ‘Anyone who believes in indefinite growth in anything physical, on a physically finite planet, is either mad or an economist.’

The government wants banks to finance the productive sector but ‘the government has in practice no involvement in the money creation and allocation process’. It is not surprising that little of the vast sums given to banks have been loaned to small businesses, which they regard as risky. The banks have invested most of their windfall in assets such as prime property, the value of which is enhanced by Russian oligarchs.

The book discusses financial instruments that ‘are increasingly traded in a money-like fashion, moving around the world at great speed and frequency by investment banks and hedge funds’. The financial elite, joined by African dictators and corporations, have salted away £3 trillion tax-free in secret locations, many – perhaps most – of which are UK protectorates or ‘British Overseas territories’, the City of London itself being one of them. The UK loses £70 billion in tax annually. The value of trade in financial derivatives is ten times the value of all goods and services in the world. No one knows what’s going on but these activities are the cause of global instability and deprive governments of funds to help those in need.

James concluded that the present monetary and banking system is at odds with Quaker testimonies to integrity, justice, equality, community and the environment and called on Quakers to help to develop an alternative to laissez-faire capitalism that relates to real life in all its local variety, provides social welfare, and encourages cooperation, creativity, relationship and play.

The full review is here.

Demystifying the creation of money from thin air – in the interest of public education

This is the comment that I posted to Prof. Prem Sikka’s latest article in The Independent: I want the right to see Bob Diamond’s tax return.

Well written, once again, dear Prem!

But I’d go a bit further and deeper, of course. I’d like the right to see:

1. how much money from thin air is generated per month and per year by

a) the Bank of England (aka ‘quantitative easing’)

b) commercial banks (aka ‘credit)

c) other financial institutions such as trading firms offering ‘credit’.

2. who are the beneficiaries of the interest payments

a) shareholders

b) staff

c) current and former politicians.

3. regular statistics about the money supply as a whole

a) the percentage that the Government’s budget represents

b) the percentage that interest payments represent, compared with ‘capital creation’ [money from thin air].

Is that too much to ask for?

With best wishes for continued power to your writing elbows,


Web publisher




Dishonest Money questioned by Class Action Lawsuit Against the Federal Reserve

This website and this video have made my day, for they act on the victims as EFFECTS and against the Fed as the CAUSE of our dishonest money system. “Dishonest Money” is actually the title of an American book that outlines the dishonest quality of “money” that has been hijacked from nation states by private banks.

4closure for Fraud is a site that highlights the problems of home repossessions in America. Their efforts paid off when Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum began investigating whether Florida’s largest foreclosure firms had submitted false affidavits and other documents in order to obtain final judgments against property owners.

Same circus, different clowns as we’ve watched in the UK (see Victims Unite!:

  • “Potentially fabricated documents”
  • many with signatures they believe are forged
  • “suspicious documents”.

Now sponsored by a law firm, 4closureFraud.org gets 100,000 views a month, including visitors from the White House, the US Justice Department, the US State Deparment, the International Monetary Frund and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

And thanks to their Warrior Lawyers, a class action against the Fed is in preparation!

The Contact page lists 9 interesting traps for victims to consider!

Westminster in bondage to the City

Here’s what Ronald Rankin, publisher of Scottisch Monetary Reform and author of the oldest statistics about the Cash : Credit ratio writes about the current crisis:

Instead of Banks being allowed to CREATE ‘money’ out of nothing and then convince our Governments to legitimise this with gilt-edged securities, and after that have the audacity to lend it to said Government treasuries plus usurious interest; it must be put right way up where the State (in the name of the people) creates its own money, including debt/credit, and obliges private Banks to borrow from them at a low rate of interest which accrues to the State.