Category Archives: Online petition

‘OPEN CORPORATES’ open the gates to 834 Royal Charter Companies – the ticket to immunity from prosecution

English: Sealing of the Bank of England Charte... is this remarkable Open Database of the Corporate World.

This link takes you to 3,059,982 active companies in the UK and reveals 19 different company types. The last one is Royal Charter Company.

This link takes you to 834 Royal Charter CompaniesNearly all were registered on 1 Jan 1981 and comprise:

  1. The Bank of England (1 Jan 1981 – )
  2. Universities and Colleges
  3. Schools and Academies
  4. Banks
  5. The British Broadcasting Corporation
  6. The British Council
  7. Lots of ‘Chartered’ institutes and societies
  8. Hospitals and Lunatic Asylums
  9. Professional Institutes and Institutions
  10. Companies and Societies
  11. Libraries and Museums
  12. Clubs and Associations
  13. Unions, Committees and Councils…

If you are not familiar with the significance of Royal Charters, please click on Royal Charters – the ticket to Immunity from Prosecution. Continue reading

It’s Time to Fix Banking – a Petition in the Right Direction…

English: A crowd forms on Wall Street during t...

English: A crowd forms on Wall Street during the Bankers Panic of 1907. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s nice to see when ‘beginners’ in monetary reform tackle our systemic money problems, by tackling the banking issue. Here are the four simple demands that 38 Degrees have formulated in their petition It’s Time to Fix Banking:

Dear Banking Committee

Please hold the banks to account for the way they’ve behaved. The scandals need to stop. You need to make sure:

  • Banks put customers first, not bankers
  • There are tougher rules to keep banks in line
  • There are proper punishments for bankers who break them
  • It’s easier for us to move to a different bank when we want to.

But no banking regulation and no punishment of bankers will change

  • the Government’s dependence on public debts
  • the Government’s unwillingness to spend the Cash that it can print and mint into the economy
  • the Government’s willingness to bail out banks rather than businesses…

And thus we know better than ever: money rules the world, as created by banks, not in the spirit of the writers of the Bank of England Act 1694 though!

Public Cash for the Real Economy – the ultimate request, by online petition

This is yet another attempt to put a complex story into nickel words. Triggered by the idea of a BlogPaper, i.e. turning into print depending on how the online community rates and comments.

National banking and “illegal money”

There is a remarkable petition to the Prime Minister which spells out in a nutshell what monetary reformers have been saying, writing and videoing about for decades:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Stop the Bank of England from producing illegal money, stop fractional reserve banking and create a nationalised bank.

Whilst promoting it, I was asked about “illegal” and spelled my analysis out as part of the Enforcement of the Bank of England Act 1694. The act was written with the intent “not to oppress Their Majesties’ subjects!”

It seems that this good intention has not been translated into reality over the three centuries since…

Six Petitions online: two Targets

Petitioning for our causes is in the air! In chronological order of publication:

1. Targeted at the Treasury Select Committee

2. Aimed at the Prime Minister’s Office

Please click, sign and forward, if anything rings true for you! We must have 200 signatures before being ‘taken seriously’, according to MySociety, the No.10 petition hosts.

Financial Fairness for Voters and Taxpayers, please!

Financial Fairness for Voters and Taxpayers, please! is our second online petition – targeted at the Treasury Select Committee.

Since Lord Sudeley signed yesterday, I feel comfortable promoting it, especially after I got this remarkable article in my inbox this morning.

The Goddess of March
Rene Wadlow *

Be ever watchful, wanderer, for the eyes that gaze into yours at the bend of the road may be those of the goddess herself. Oracle at Delphi

March 8 is the International Day of Women and is placed under the sign of the goddess of the month of March — Minerva. Minerva derives her name from the Latin mens (mind), and so she has a special relation to teachers and artists, especially players of a flute. Tradition has it that Minerva is a transformation of an earlier Etruscan and Sabine goddess taken over when Rome was established. She has also taken symbols and meanings from the Greek Athene, especially the owl as a sign of seeing in the dark, what is usually hidden or instinctive. Minerva is she who brings from the darkness into the light.
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Our Petition in the Hands of John McFall MP

Here is what I wrote to everybody who signed the online petition on

Dear Signatories of the Public Credit Petition,

You and I have been waiting for this for a long time: Austin Mitchell MP has given the petition to John McFall MP, the Chairman of the Treasury Select Committee!!! In a beautiful blue folder, prepared by his assistant. I can’t tell you how relieved I am and how often I’ve been on Austin’s tails…

I have also formulated an Early Day Motion in support of the petition, but am told that EDM’s only make sense after the Queen’s speech, i.e. after December 3rd.
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Public Credit Petition has been Signed over 100 Times


Public Credit Petition has been Signed over 100 Times

Since publishing Stop the Cash Crumble to Equalize the Credit Crunch on May 31st, 2008, it has been viewed over 1400 times which has resulted in 105 signatures. Austin Mitchell MP will take the petition to the Chairman of the Treasury Select Committee when he returns from holidays. Support has been received as follows:

Prem Sikka, professor of accounting at the University of Essex in Colchester, is writing regularly for the Guardian online and has signed as no. 28. He has flagged the petition on the website of the Association for Accountancy and Business Affairs in a number of places. He has also asked for an 8000-word article for the Journal of Accountancy Business and the Public Interest.

Peter Etherden who has posted Henry Swabey’s History of Usury on the web contributes by explaining why the petition matters in the history of law making in the UK. The first chapters of the Public Interest Article can be found on the Forum blog.

John-Paul Flintoff has signed as no. 66 and his two related articles for Times Online are cited as part of the description text: Ban compound interest to save the planet and Is interest-free lending inevitable?

The hosting company GoPetition lists the petition among their featured ones in the UK thus providing special exposure.

At the House of Commons the Procedure Committee produced a report on Public Petitions and Early Day Motions in May 2007. The Government’s response was published on 26 July 2007. A Written Ministerial Statement was published on 22 July 2008 and its forward looking way is most encouraging.

It is hoped that this new on-line initiative will not only be effective as a pilot in raising awareness but actually achieve the desired aim, especially if not only the public but also institutions wake up.

Why a Public Credit Petition?

Rasons, Problems and Solutions

Rasons, Problems and Solutions

Click on the map to see the reasons for a Public Credit Petition, the problems it addresses and the solutions that many of “we, the people” see and propose.

Go to each node and read the text in the field below the map.

News Release after over 1000 Page Views


Public Credit Petition has been viewed over 1000 Times

Since publishing Stop the Cash Crumble to Equalize the Credit Crunch on May 31st, 2008, it has been viewed over 1000 times which has resulted in 82 signatures. Austin Mitchell MP will take the petition further as soon as 100 signatures are reached. New support has been received as follows:

Prem Sikka, professor of accounting at the University of Essex in Colchester, is writing regularly for the Guardian online and has signed as no. 28. He has flagged the petition on the website of the Association for Accountancy and Business Affairs in a number of places. He has also asked for an 8000-word for the Journal of Accountancy Business and the Public Interest.

Peter Etherden who has posted Henry Swabey’s History of Usury on the web contributes to texts explaining the background and why the petition matters in the tradition of UK history of law making. The first chapters can be found on the Forum blog.

John-Paul Flintoff has signed as no. 66 and his two related articles for Times Online are cited as part of the description text: Ban compound interest to save the planet and Is interest-free lending inevitable?

The hosting company GoPetition lists the petition among their featured ones in the UK thus providing special exposure.

At the House of Commons the Procedure Committee produced a report on Public Petitions and Early Day Motions in May 2007. The Government’s response was published on 26 July 2007. A Written Ministerial Statement was published on 22 July 2008 and its forward looking way is most encouraging.

It is hoped that this new on-line tool will not only be effective as a pilot in raising awareness but actually achieve the desired aim, especially if not only the public but also institutions wake up.