Category Archives: Financial Institutions

The BRADBURY POUND – in anticipation of its 100th Anniversary

13 07 03 Bradbury LogoBring Back the Bradbury Pound!

Countdown to 7th August 2014 

100th Anniversary of Historic Solution

to end Britain’s ‘crisis’, austerity & corruption

There is a deep malaise affecting our country – something is clearly not right. To catch a criminal, a good policeman will always tell you to follow the money and to ask, cui bono – who benefits?

The network of private central banks led by the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, have taken control of the world’s money supply to achieve global governance on their terms – hardly beneficial for the human race.

The way to ‘stop and reverse’ is to ask:

  • Why doesn’t the British government through its Treasury issue debt- and interest-free money?
  • Why do our politicians go to private bankers who create money out of thin air – as figures on a computer screen?
  • When this ‘money’, or ‘nothingness’, is received by our government, why do we, as taxpayers, pay £50,000,000,000 interest a year?

Austin Mitchell MP, Chairman of the Forum for Stable Currencies[1] has been tabling Early Day Motions since 2002 to this effect.

In the US, this principle – a sovereign nation’s treasury issuing its own debt-free and interest-free money without going anywhere near the private central banks – was implemented by Abraham Lincoln in 1861 with his Greenback Dollars which secured the final victory for the North in the American Civil War.

Fifty-three years later, in August 1914 at the outbreak of the First World War, the British Government passed an Act allowing the Treasury to issue debt-free and interest-free money that became known as Bradbury Pounds.

“I have two enemies; the Southern army in front of me and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in the rear is my greatest foe” Abraham Lincoln.

13 07 03 Bradbury Lincoln

The Bradbury Pound was an emergency measure brought in by the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, David Lloyd George, to prevent a possible run on the banks, as people adjusted to the news about the outbreak of the Great War. 

To read the full story of this virtually unknown historical precedent, go to and click on the Bradbury Pound campaign logo.

And an awesome historic 6,000 word article can be found under John Bradbury & Thomas Paine.

For further information, please contact Campaign Director Justin Walker at

‘OPEN CORPORATES’ open the gates to 834 Royal Charter Companies – the ticket to immunity from prosecution

English: Sealing of the Bank of England Charte... is this remarkable Open Database of the Corporate World.

This link takes you to 3,059,982 active companies in the UK and reveals 19 different company types. The last one is Royal Charter Company.

This link takes you to 834 Royal Charter CompaniesNearly all were registered on 1 Jan 1981 and comprise:

  1. The Bank of England (1 Jan 1981 – )
  2. Universities and Colleges
  3. Schools and Academies
  4. Banks
  5. The British Broadcasting Corporation
  6. The British Council
  7. Lots of ‘Chartered’ institutes and societies
  8. Hospitals and Lunatic Asylums
  9. Professional Institutes and Institutions
  10. Companies and Societies
  11. Libraries and Museums
  12. Clubs and Associations
  13. Unions, Committees and Councils…

If you are not familiar with the significance of Royal Charters, please click on Royal Charters – the ticket to Immunity from Prosecution. Continue reading

Three news items re US Government Debt and World Banking as the Playground for a World Government

Government debt as percentage of GDP globally....

Government debt as percentage of GDP globally. (2009 estimates) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Short Video: Why the U.S. Government Will Default on Its Debt
09-28-2012  •, Gary North
The deficit of the U.S. government cannot be sustained. The general public does not understand this.


Paul Craig Roberts: America, The Next Banana Republic
09-28-2012  •
Alex welcomes American economist and Infowars contributing writer Paul Craig Roberts to discuss the impact of European austerity measures on world markets amidst ongoing riots.

Video: World Banker Makes Stunning Confession

Posted: 02 Oct 2012 12:16 AM PDT

The economic crisis should make people realize that banksters have deliberately lent too much money, knowing it will lead to chaos. Some at the top want to sit in international financial commitées to monitor the world economy as some kind of legislative and regulatory officers. But first they need currency crashes, instability and a global downturn. Perhaps a third world war. Then people will call for a tightly regulated not competitive market. China is a test for how the world government might work.

It’s Time to Fix Banking – a Petition in the Right Direction…

English: A crowd forms on Wall Street during t...

English: A crowd forms on Wall Street during the Bankers Panic of 1907. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s nice to see when ‘beginners’ in monetary reform tackle our systemic money problems, by tackling the banking issue. Here are the four simple demands that 38 Degrees have formulated in their petition It’s Time to Fix Banking:

Dear Banking Committee

Please hold the banks to account for the way they’ve behaved. The scandals need to stop. You need to make sure:

  • Banks put customers first, not bankers
  • There are tougher rules to keep banks in line
  • There are proper punishments for bankers who break them
  • It’s easier for us to move to a different bank when we want to.

But no banking regulation and no punishment of bankers will change

  • the Government’s dependence on public debts
  • the Government’s unwillingness to spend the Cash that it can print and mint into the economy
  • the Government’s willingness to bail out banks rather than businesses…

And thus we know better than ever: money rules the world, as created by banks, not in the spirit of the writers of the Bank of England Act 1694 though!