Tag Archives: united states

@MonetaryReform News from the LONDON GLOBAL TABLE February 3rd 2016 12-2 pm

16 02 02 Global TableThis newsletter is one of Canon Peter Challen’s regular email – long standing monetary reformer and organiser of the London Global Table – in the spirit of the Forum for Stable Currencies:

MATTERS IN THE AIR: February 3rd 2016: in which all may share as our networking prospers the cause of inclusive justice… visit the website to view the evolving agenda for the next meeting: http://www.globaltable.org.uk.

DISCUSS MOMENTUM  and other introductions to rethinking our voting systems and their potential

FORTHCOMING EVENTS: See http://globaltable.org.uk/wp/forthcoming-events

ELLEN BROWN : our associate is the Speaker at the RSA on Wednesday 17 February 2016 – Why We Should Own the Banks – 1.00pm – 2.00pm – RSA, 8 John Adam Street, London, WC2N 6EZ – https://www.thersa.org/events/2016/02/why-we-should-own-the-banks/. Continue reading

#CAPITALISM by 1% Nick Hanauer: wake up, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks will come for us!

This TED talk is about economics rather than money creation. But at least he does challenge ‘trickle down’ academic economics. Nick Hanauer has founded, co-founded and funded some 30 companies, i.e. he talks as an entrepreneur. At the end of the day, everybody can make some kind of difference. The difference the top 1% can make is just bigger!

“I am not making a moral argument. I am arguing that RISING economic inequality is STUPID. The model should be Henry Ford who intuited that

  • an economy needs to be understood as an ecosystem.

21st century understanding of economics is about

  • complex, adaptive, ecosystemic
  • not efficient and effective.

Capitalism does not work by effectively allocating resources.

His ideas of ‘new capitalism’ include

  • shrinking the size of government
  • investing in the middle class
  • balancing the power between ‘minimum wage’ and people like me.

Economics encode social and moral preferences, it’s not an exact science.

Fellow plutocrats, it is time to commit to a new kind of capitalism!

THE PINNACLE of Perfidious Albion: George Osborne mounts legal challenge to Robin Hood Tax

13 05 03 Facebook_RHTFrom the co-ordinator of the Robin Hood Tax campaign: “Unbelievably, the UK has mounted a legal challenge to the 11 European countries who are now moving forward to introduce an FTT worth a potential 40 billion euros in 2014. My first message to you is to ask that you to join onto an urgent action to George Osborne to get the UK government to drop this legal challenge.

As a quick bit of context, as of Jan 22nd this year the campaign made a serious breakthrough when European Finance Ministers approved that the FTT could be implemented by 11 countries under a rarely used procedure called “Enhanced Cooperation”. This means that the countries like the UK that are against FTT progress have effectively been sidelined. This jolted the financial sector lobby into action and they have started attacking the FTT in the media on a regular basis. Continue reading

GERMAN Video with English Links about the New World Order

www.klagemauer.tv [wailing wall], a remarkable global news agency, published in Switzerland, that presents online news very smartly in mainstream media style.

This video contains the following stories [the links take you to different but English stories]:

  1. Rothschild’s $200 million bet regarding the demise of the Euro
  2. The Bank of North Dakota as a state-owned bank for the state’s citizens
  3. A few families rule the World
  4. Who rules money?

Fascinating are the differences in language, implied by German and English. I.e. the German word for ‘citizen’ implies the ‘guarantee’ for debts! The German for ‘debt’ is the same as for ‘guilt’. The German for ‘interest’ is very different from paying interest and having an interest.

  • Nice cartoons illustrate how 98% (rather than 97) Credit [created by banks at interest] and 2% (rather than 3%) Cash [created by governments interest-free] are the money in circulation.

An Open Letter to President Obama …from Michael Moore – in which most of the points apply to the UK, too

An Open Letter to President Obama …from Michael Moore – in which most of the points apply to the UK, too:

Monday, November 19th, 2012

Dear President Obama:

Good luck on your journeys overseas this week, and congratulations on decisively winning your second term as our president! The first time you won four years ago, most of us couldn’t contain our joy and found ourselves literally in tears over your victory.

This time, it was more like breathing a huge sigh of relief. But, like the smooth guy you are, you scored the highest percentage of the vote of any Democrat since Lyndon Johnson, and you racked up the most votes for a Democratic president in the history of the United States (the only one to receive more votes than you was … you, in ’08!). You are the first Democrat to get more than 50% of the vote twice in a row since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Continue reading

How monetary reform has become a criminal activity


norfed1 (Photo credit: pbarnhart_cedarpark)

Sooo many people see through the veil of camouflage surrounding the creation of money.

One of them is Bernard von NotHaus, the creator of Liberty Dollars.

RealEconTV has published a related article that appeared in the New York Times and a video.

The questions are:

Pakistan is Examining its Illegitimate Debt Burden

Blog the Debt is a great blog in the spirit of “Jubilee USA’s notes on debt and economic justice. Cancel debt. Eliminate poverty.”

This news item is about Pakistan Probing for Illegitimate Debt.

This is hopefully the beginning of unravelling the heinous enslavement of the world by Public Debts for Vested Interest Payments as institutionalised by central banks since the Bank of England Act 1694 or Anglo-Saxon capitalists…

GLOBAL ELITES THROWN OUT OF ICELAND: Dismantles Corrupt Gov’t, then Arrests Rothschild Bankers

Iceland obtains Debt ForgivenessNow here’s good news for a change: the Icelandic people not only overthrow their government but also write a new constitution and arrest the bankers responsible for the crisis!

The American FreeDumb Nation blog reports.

Bill Moyers on Occupy Wall Street

This video shows the dilemma: individuals only count as consumers, voters and, possibly, as demonstrators.

What else is there to do? How can “we, the people” stop what Occupiers identify:

  • the 1% have dominant political power over both parties
  • Bill Black, a senior federal regulator and lecturer in economics and law, who says that what we have is

recurrent intensifying financial crises, driven by elite fraud, and now it’s done with almost absolute impunity.

We seem to have lost our capacity for outrage.

To me, Bill Black’s level of analysis is more relevant than Bill Moyers’. But nearly everybody seems to have a hard time getting to the essence of what money is and who creates it – for what purpose…

A massive financial con trick foisted on the voters – by the dictators of the West

Robert Fisk would call a spade a spade in his article The bankers are the dictators of the West:

  • he asks his collegues in Wall Street why they don’t report ‘properly’
  • he blames Western governments for giving their power to banks, derivatives traders and rating agencies
  • he points to the “slovenly and dishonest coterie of experts from America’s top universities and think tanks”.

Maybe 2012 will become the year of enlightenment when enough people will realise the con tricks in operation, ever since the first central banks were created in Sweden and the UK:

  • the creation of “credit” from thin air that is being sold as “money” – but at interest
  • the deadly embrace between central banks and national treasuries
  • the complete con and illusion that governments are entitled to take “taxpayers’ money” in order to spend it.

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