@MonetaryReform News from the LONDON GLOBAL TABLE February 3rd 2016 12-2 pm

16 02 02 Global TableThis newsletter is one of Canon Peter Challen’s regular email – long standing monetary reformer and organiser of the London Global Table – in the spirit of the Forum for Stable Currencies:

MATTERS IN THE AIR: February 3rd 2016: in which all may share as our networking prospers the cause of inclusive justice… visit the website to view the evolving agenda for the next meeting: http://www.globaltable.org.uk.

DISCUSS MOMENTUM  and other introductions to rethinking our voting systems and their potential

FORTHCOMING EVENTS: See http://globaltable.org.uk/wp/forthcoming-events

ELLEN BROWN : our associate is the Speaker at the RSA on Wednesday 17 February 2016 – Why We Should Own the Banks – 1.00pm – 2.00pm – RSA, 8 John Adam Street, London, WC2N 6EZ – https://www.thersa.org/events/2016/02/why-we-should-own-the-banks/.

REPORTS: always invited our associates in the quest for inclusive justice. Then a discussion: Those who can’t join us on a Wednesday – send us your comments and reports of your action.

On Thursday 21st January, Ann Pettifor appeared on Al Jazeera, with Vicky Pryce, chief economic adviser at The Centre for Economic and Business Research, and Anastasia Nesvetailova, director of the City Political Economy Research Centre at City University in London. They discussed why the global economic system lurches from one financial crisis […] Latest post at  http://www.debtonation.org/2016/01/is-the-global-economy-headed-for-another-crash/

The Davos Club: Meet the People Who Gave Us a World in Which 62 People Own as Much as 3.6 Billion – Vijay Prashad, AlterNet: http://act.alternet.org/go/67630?t=4&akid=13900.52628.6x8BEW

John Perkins for 2016 and new book: The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Featuring 15 explosive new chapters, this expanded edition of the classic New York Times million-copy bestseller brings the story of economic hit men up to date and, chillingly, home to the United States. It also gives us hope and the tools each of us can use to change the system. To pre-order your copy: http://www.amazon.com/The-New-Confessions-Economic-Hit/dp/1626566747

Kosmos Journal: January 12, 2016 – New Governance | The Future of Power Newsletter –http://www.kosmosjournal.org/newsletter/2016-01-12/

Switzerland to vote on banning banks from creating money http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/11999966/Switzerland-to-vote-on-banning-banks-from-creating-money.html

This is Your Century: A short beauty to set us on our way into 2016: https://vimeo.com/143685854

WE CONTINUE REFLECTING on the value of these three perspectives in our quest for inclusive justice. Inevitably there is overlap between each mode of approach. Each and all add richness to our searching:

  1. The Christian Council for Monetary Justice [CCMJ] – examining enduring wisdom and contemporary evidence about money and its effect on society – utilising resources of the enduring wisdom like current evidence, scriptures, histories, valued publications http://www.ccmj.org
  2. London Global Open Table [LGOT] – providing an open forum for serving a wider network with a point of weekly reference. All are welcome to send items for ‘Matters in the Air’ to indicate where our dialogue and action might take in this particular week: http://www.globaltable.org.uk/wp
  3. Trustees All: The Independent Constitutionalists UK – advocate and advance a targeted initiative by ‘principled pragmatism’ to take viable, if difficult, steps towards weaving politics and economics – governance and vital trading – into a People’s Political-Economy of Trusteeship in Harmony with Nature. Travel the new path via the 2020 [or earlier] General Election. The ICUK’s Manifesto and Charter provide an incremental, imperfect process of evolving a People’s Political-Economy of Trusteeship in Natrual Harmony : http://ww.constitutionalists.uk

Reality is Natural Inclusiveness – is there not resonance there ‘with the panentheistic love of God’ so strongly affirmed by all the major faith traditions? – in all bit parts, ubiquitous energy, creative dialogue suffuses the cosmos. Some nutshell it so simply in ‘Love both God and every Neighbour.’ It’s not as simple as that sounds, so a big question hangs over us in that tough and honorable pursuit. Do you stone the devil while on retreat, or love your enemies on every street, the one too easy, the other so, so hard?

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