Category Archives: Cash

Demystifying the creation of money from thin air – in the interest of public education

This is the comment that I posted to Prof. Prem Sikka’s latest article in The Independent: I want the right to see Bob Diamond’s tax return.

Well written, once again, dear Prem!

But I’d go a bit further and deeper, of course. I’d like the right to see:

1. how much money from thin air is generated per month and per year by

a) the Bank of England (aka ‘quantitative easing’)

b) commercial banks (aka ‘credit)

c) other financial institutions such as trading firms offering ‘credit’.

2. who are the beneficiaries of the interest payments

a) shareholders

b) staff

c) current and former politicians.

3. regular statistics about the money supply as a whole

a) the percentage that the Government’s budget represents

b) the percentage that interest payments represent, compared with ‘capital creation’ [money from thin air].

Is that too much to ask for?

With best wishes for continued power to your writing elbows,


Web publisher

Completely brilliant video rap: Money from Nothing

Concentrated Consciousness on produced this exquisite rap on video:

Pieces of paper devalue one’s labour
printing press process cuts like a saber
through the worth of the sweat – off of one’s brow
in the form of a system we have allowed
through default of inheritance – to continue
to create money from nothing… and this for a fee!

The economics of banking and legal tender
esoteric complexities which typically render
most individuals dazed and confused
clueless about this system we use
on a daily basis – throughout our lives
an idea we’ve been sold… and continue to buy.

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Cassandra is not alone: US backing for world currency stuns markets

It’s been in the air for a long time: the IMF is meant to “unite” the world with Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) as the debt-based global currency. Let’s hope that the gods will NOT allow this complete enslavements! But Cassandra was always right, wasn’t she…

Here’s an article in The Telegraph that summarises the current power plays at work.

And here are related articles that I select for once while too many people write too much about the subject methinks, while not enough people challenge those who pull the strings…

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