Tag Archives: University of Hanover

MARGRIT KENNEDY – Author of Interest- and Inflation-Free Money – passes on

Margrit Kennedy wrote Interest and Inflation Free Money, Creating an Exchange Medium that Works for Everybody and Protects the Earth in 1987. She addressed the Forum for Stable Currencies many years ago.

„A feeble attempt would call it the feeling of being warmly embraced, deeply comforted, dearly cherished, profoundly appreciated, genuinely treasured, softly nurtured, profoundly understood, completely forgiven, wholly absolved, long awaited, happily welcomed, totally honored, joyously celebrated, absolutely protected, instantly perfected, and unconditionally loved
 – all at once. Releasing without the slightest hesitation or regret any and all sense, of individual selfhood, the soul moves into the Light.

Home with God – In a Life That Never Ends,
Neale Donald Walsch, p.227

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