Tag Archives: Ho ho ho

Santa Claus creating presents from thin air – a video making fun of ‘economics’

As a mathematician and systems analyst, I have long claimed that economics is a ‘pseudo-science’. It was set up deliberately to camouflage what central bankers and other banksters are doing: create ‘money’ from thin air and charge interest for it that never gets created…

This becomes apparent when you learn that ‘money’ is never the subject of teaching at the London School of Economics, let alone the difference between Cash and Credit. When the daughter of the author of The Web of Debt wanted to write her thesis about the national debt, she was told “that is not capitalism”, i.e. it’s more a religion than a science!

Deck the Halls with Macro Follies is a video that makes fun of economic jargon and consumerist slogans – as a way of re-confirming those of us ‘in the know’ and possibly allowing some viewers to question what’s going on in terms of ‘Macro Follies’.