Mon 3-June-2024

Palestinian prisoners

Hamas holds Israeli occupation responsible for what happened to prisoner Wafa Jarrar

The Hamas Movement has described the Israeli occupation army’s decision to release Palestinian prisoner Wafa Jarrar a few days after having her wounded legs amputated and issuing an administrative detention order against her “an attempt to disavow its responsibility for what happened to her during her recent detention.”

Rights organization: Israeli systematic medical neglect worsens Palestinian sick prisoners’ health

The Prisoners Affairs Commission revealed in a report on Wednesday after its lawyers’ visits to Israeli prisons the tragic conditions of two medical cases languishing in those prisons.

Palestinian dentist goes on hunger strike in Israeli jail in protest at denying him treatment

A Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails went on hunger strike a week ago to protest the Israeli prison service’s refusal to provide him with treatment, sources in his hometown al-Khalil said on Tuesday.

Detainees Ministry: Gazan prisoners are held in secret jails and subjected to systematic torture

The Palestinian Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees reported that the Gazan prisoners are held in secret jails where they have been subjected to systematic torture since October 7 last year, amid an unprecedented blackout.

IOA releases Palestinian captive with cancer after 22 months under administrative detention

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) released on Monday evening the Palestinian cancer patient and detainee, Abdel Baset Ma’tan, 50, from the town of Burqa near Ramallah, after spending 22 months in administrative detention in Israeli jails.

Ex-detainee Farouk al-Khatib dies of cancer five months after his release

A few months after his release from an Israeli jail, ex-detainee Farouk al-Khatib, a 30-year-old from Abu Shukheidim town in Ramallah, died of cancer in a Palestinian hospital on Monday.

Ramon prison administration ignores sick detainees’ conditions

The Prisoners' Affairs Commission stated that Israel’s Ramon prison administration ignores monitoring the conditions of Palestinian sick detainees.

Document monitoring Israeli violations against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons

The Office of Martyrs, Wounded, and Prisoners Affairs, affiliated with the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, issued a document in which it reviewed Israeli violations against Palestinian prisoners and detainees in occupation prisons.

Detainees Commission: Israel practices all forms of abuse against Palestinian detained women

The Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs revealed on Monday, that “the Palestinian women imprisoned in the Israeli Damon jail are held in isolation, suffering every day from all forms of torture and abuse.

Hamas: Prisoners’ determination unyielding, freedom approaches

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, affirmed that the escalation of Israeli prison administration's “aggressive and criminal policies against our brave prisoners will not weaken their determination, but rather it will be a catalyst for further explosions against the occupation.”

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