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elite 2024 AMBASSADORS



ELITE Ambassador


Hi, I’m Andrea, and I am originally from Germany. I have been a passionate runner since 2020 and my highlights include a 50k, a triathlon, and multiple marathons. You can find me running around West Seattle or skiing down the PNW mountains.



ELITE Ambassador


My name is Cindy, and I’m originally from Seattle, which makes this race my hometown marathon. I recently found out my sweet spot is running the half-marathon distance. My love for endurance running started in high school track and field, in the 800m and 1600m. I also enjoy dancing ballet, visiting small towns, and meeting people from different run groups. You can head on over to my social media where I document my training journey, let's connect! See you all at the start line in December!

Danielle M

Danielle M

ELITE Ambassador


UW Medicine Seattle Marathon and Half Marathon and I have a long history. As an Elite Ambassador, I’m excited to represent the race that has come to mean so much. My first half marathon was in 2010. Since then, I’ve run 60+ more half-marathons - and 14 marathons. This year's race will be my 15th in a row running Seattle’s premier race either as a racer, or a pacer for the Seattle Greenlake Running Group (SGLRG). This race and I have shared some highs and lows. I won my age division on the 50th race anniversary, and as a pacer, I’ve helped fellow runners crack their time goals. I also ended up in the medic tent after returning from Mexico with food poisoning. It wasn’t pretty, but my pace partner and I made our deadline. More than 50 years ago, before sponsors, expos, and ambassadors, my father-in-law Jim Morrow, along with other UW professors & faculty, created the first Seattle Marathon. Fun fact: instead of numbered bibs they handed out numbered tongue depressors. If you’re looking for motivation, Loka Murphy, the SGLRG founder, maps out a training schedule and routes for long runs each Saturday leading up to the UW Medicine Seattle Marathon and Half Marathon. Whatever your pace you will find company. There are many runs throughout the week. Keep showing up and you’ll meet some quality people, too.



ELITE Ambassador


Hi everybody! My name is Denis da Silva, I’m a forty-four-year-old, very active father and I am passionate about running and its community. I am originally from Brazil and have been living in Seattle for almost fifteen years. In addition to running, I am an avid kiteboarder, and being on the water is another passion of mine. I truly appreciate and enjoy running throughout our beautiful City of Seattle and with our great community, as well as many other places around the PNW. I am beyond stoked to have this opportunity to join the Seattle Marathon Association as part of the Elite Ambassador Team for the third year! I am looking forward to all of you joining me in SMA summer and fall events, runs around our streets, and sharing the course! If you want to connect or check out my training journey, as well as PNW kiteboarding, follow me on Instagram @deniskitesnw



ELITE Ambassador


Erin Zackey grew up on Vashon Island and was a runner from a young age, doing fun runs with family and friends. As a young adult, other interests kept running on the back burner, but a few years back she rediscovered this passion. Now an Edmonds resident, you can find her running with the local club, and often in costume! During the day she plays the role of Ms. Frizzle where she’s busily running around with her science students. When not running or teaching, Erin can be found volunteering in the community, or traveling with her family and keeping up with her 2 busy teens. She has raced several marathons, ultras, halves, relay races, and shorter distances. She is thrilled to be part of the Seattle Marathon ambassador team!



ELITE Ambassador


Gabriel is a runner from Pennsylvania and has completed the Seattle Half Marathon three consecutive times! He currently coaches runners, training for all distances from the 5k to the Marathon, through Fleet Feet Seattle, and is an assistant coach for Seattle University's Track and Field team. His primary goal is to identify what makes running FUN and infuse that into his programming to promote healthy training and racing! His favorite Seattle memory was watching 56 of his runners complete the Seattle Marathon in 2023!



ELITE Ambassador


Hi friends! My name is Jordan. I am a molecular biologist & adventure athlete living in Seattle. I’ve been running since 2019 & recently expanded into longer distance events in the last year. I love the physical challenge of the sport and how it can be a route to explore our beautiful world. This year, I take my running back to the mountains and into the ultramarathon category. I’m so excited to be back with the Seattle Marathon & a part of the wonderful Seattle running community. truly something special here in the PNW. See you out there!



ELITE Ambassador


A techie trying to stay active by exploring different routes and trails with her energetic Labrador.



ELITE Ambassador


My favorite mantra is “If you have a problem - go for a run. If you don’t have a problem - go for a run anyway”. Running is my therapy, my me-time, my favorite physical activity. Running is always here for me. For everyone. I’ve been living in Seattle for the last 4 years, and though I consider myself a runner since 2008, I’ve never run as much as I run in Seattle. The city has inspired me - with its temperate weather all year around, stunning mountain views, and challenging terrain. I have run 5 half-marathons and 3 marathons so far, with the Seattle 2021 marathon and Seattle 2023 half-marathon being very special ones. It will be my second year of being a Seattle Marathon ambassador and I’m thrilled and honored to belong and contribute to the running community in Seattle.



ELITE Ambassador


Shumit started his running endeavors in 2005, a time when running wasn't prevalent in India. Over the past two decades, Shumit's passion for running has taken him across the globe, participating in numerous marathons and ultra-marathons. Beyond running, Shumit's teaches yoga and practices meditation and believes that physical and mental health are closely interlinked.
Shumit’s "why" for running is to inspire his daughter Avni, in leading a healthy lifestyle.






Growing up, I never did anything remotely athletic until a friend dragged me to cross-country practice our freshman year of high school. At our first 5K time trial, I finished last. But by senior year, I had gone from back-of-the-pack runner to team captain. When I moved to Seattle in search of a home after eight years of travel, I reconnected with the sport and was shocked to find I'm a stronger runner now than I ever was as a teen. My proudest running achievement was breaking 6 in the mile at age 32, clocking a 5:54 (a 29-second improvement over my previous mile PR at age 16). I owe a debt of gratitude to the Seattle running community for giving me renewed confidence and a sense of belonging. The Seattle Half Marathon 2022 holds a special place in my heart, as it was my first time racing a distance longer than 5K, and I had to battle severe doubts and feelings of inadequacy to get to that start line. As a 2024 ambassador, I want to make this year's event the most well-attended in terms of runners and spectators. Whether racing or watching—you belong at the UW Medicine Seattle Marathon on December 1, 2024. Let’s pack those cheer stations!





The Seattle Marathon was my first full and has since been a yearly tradition. Some years it’s the full and others it’s the half with both distances having fun and their challenges. It always feels like an end-of-the-year celebration…one where the running community comes out in the dark of early morning, braving the cold fall weather, and supporting one another along the roads, sidewalks, and trails of Seattle’s iconic districts. Training throughout the year is such a fun part of running and it’s allowed me to meet so many awesome run friends and introduce friends to running. I love the sense of community that running creates, especially with the inclusion of different paces, distances, goals, and reasons for running. As an ambassador, I love hearing runner’s stories about their journeys and their whys when it comes to running. I can’t wait to meet more runners at events throughout 2024 and see others out on the full course Thanksgiving weekend!





I’m beyond pumped to be back for year 2 as a Seattle Marathon Ambassador, this race embodies why I fell in love with 26.2. The Seattle Marathon is an amazing race that allows fellow Back of The Pack runners like myself the opportunity to run with an encouraging atmosphere that feels welcoming and supportive to run your race no matter the pace, plus the views are stunning. I’m a relatively newer runner. Three years ago, I was nearly 400 pounds and definitely not a runner, but my journey running changed my life and it evolved into something I’d never imagined. Over this last year I ran 12 consecutive marathons within a year to become a Marathon Maniac and have decided to continue that streak of a marathon a month and train for my first 100k in fall. I would like to invite you to join me at the UW Medicine Seattle Marathon & Half Marathon in December. If you enjoy the party pace, come join me, as I rock the 6:00 hour marathon. If you ask me, it’s the best place to be!





Hi, I am Hiral and I’m so excited to be part of the UW Medicine Seattle Marathon Ambassador team. As a healthcare professional (at Seattle Children's Hospital) and mom of two (6,2), I strive to balance my love for running with my passion for exploring new places. I started my running journey at a young age, but life’s twists and turns led me away from the sport for a few years. It was not until I arrived in Seattle 13 years ago that I rediscovered my passion. Running is more than a form of exercise for me - it is my therapy and source of joy and makes me strive to be the best version of myself. It has also introduced me to the most amazing group of people. Over the years, I have participated in multiple races (5K, 10K, 15K, and half marathons) across the Greater Seattle area and have a few events lined up for 2024.My goal is to support and motivate others to achieve their running goals while having a blast. Whether rain or shine, uphill or downhill, the journey is always better when we're running side by side. See you out there!





My name is Kisha, and this is my 6th year of being a Seattle marathon ambassador. I've been running for over a decade and have run every distance up to a marathon including Seattle almost all those years. You can usually find me running in the dark either early morning or late at night. Currently, I’m working towards a 4-year run streak (77 more days!). This year I've got plans to run two marathons and at least two races with my daughters. When I'm running, I'm usually listening to an audiobook so I'm always ready with a running or book recommendation.





I'm from Brazil and have been living in the Seattle area for a year with my family. I have been running for four years, and my first half marathon was at the Seattle Marathon 2023 summer edition. I have a lot of affection for this city and the Seattle Marathon.





Nick started running at the age of 25 and his goals center around having fun, community, and giving his best efforts. In the summer of 2022 after driving across the country in his beat-up white Rav4 Nick arrived in Seattle Washington without knowing a single person. He is grateful for the amazing and vast running community which quickly welcomed him in. Nick wants to foster community and help grow the sport in Seattle. In 2023, Nick started helping others find their enthusiasm for running by working at Fleet Feet Seattle. Additionally, one of his most fulfilling endeavors was coaching marathon training at the University of Cincinnati for 1.5 years. His favorite running book is “The Story of Ted Corbitt” by John Chodes.





I hail from Kelowna, BC Canada, a 5.5 hour drive from Seattle and this will be my sixth year as an Ambassador. I started running 6 years ago, in 2018 at 43 years old, and immediately fell in love with it. My first marathon was the Seattle Marathon and that's why this event means so much to me. I have now completed six Seattle Marathons (including 1 virtual). On January 1st, 2019 I started a crazy 5kms a day (walk or run) streak and I have not looked back. It has done so much for my mental health and restored my self-worth as well as helped with my depression and anxiety. I am a mother of four and want to be a good example to my children. Running is for Every Body type!





Sarah Baldwin is relatively new to the running world, having only picked up running leading up to her 40th birthday. In 2023, she completed her very first Half Marathon after taking up running 6 months prior. A few months later, she followed that up by completing the Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon and was set to run the Seattle Half Marathon until her dream of running under the Space Needle was cut short by a sudden personal loss. Sarah would love to show women that it’s never too late to get started. It’s never too late to take that first step towards running, no matter how old or what size you are.





Hey folx! I’m Shay (they/ them). I am really excited to be a first-time SMA ambassador! I am a Boston transplant but I have been in Seattle for over a decade. I am a marriage and family therapist and art therapist by trade. I grew up playing tons of sports from elementary school through college and beyond. After a car accident in 2005, I couldn’t do anything physical for a long time. When I was ready to return to movement, I started jogging a little at a time and worked my way up to a few miles. The first race I did was probably one of the many 5k’s that happened at Green Lake. Fast forward to 2022 and I ran my first marathon in NY. Long distance doesn’t come naturally to me, but I love it and all of the amazing community I have found along the way. You don’t have to run fast or far to be a runner- you are a runner because you say you are! I hope to see you out running around town or at one of the Seattle Marathon Association events!





I went from couch potato to marathoner in less than a year in 2012. Since crossing my first marathon finish line, I have been unstoppable! To date, I have run 38 full marathons and now love pacing runners to their first marathon finish line! I am an advocate for the back-of-the-pack runners who are oftentimes forgotten about. In 2024, in fact, I started the Run Strong Run Podcast which highlights inspiring stories of runners from the back of the pack. I'm here to loudly proclaim, "ALL runners count!"





My name is Toby. I am an ordinary runner with extraordinary dreams, who's goals are to just keep running and have fun while I'm doing it! I want to show people that you're never too old, inexperienced, or too attached to your desk at the office to decide to be a runner. I can't wait to experience the street view of Seattle at 6mph!

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