Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2024
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Honestly when I took my son's coat out of the dryer, I thought it was ruined. In my delirium and haze after being home with snow days for over a week, I thought it was a great idea to wash the coat with a small throw rug. Not my best idea. So imagine my surprise when I pulled it out covered in lint. And not just something that wanted to rub off. That lint was stuck on like it was holding on for dear life. The lint roller laughed at me. My Norwex tool rubber scraper gave me a nice arm workout but didn't touch it. The only thing that came close was actually taking a pairing knife and scraping each lint ball off. Clearly that wasn't sustainable since I was now poking holes in the coat and adding my blood to it. Another "not the best idea." So, I decided to order this lint shaving tool. I looked for one that could be delivered overnight, and was not expensive. This one actually was $10 cheaper than one that looked exactly like it. If this turned out to be another bad idea, I was definitely going to go for the less expensive one. It arrived this morning and I got right to work. I did try the lint roller and brush again to see if I was just too tired the other day and nope! Still not budging. So after adding 2 batteries, I turned it on, and it's like a miracle. The video shows what I can do with 1 hand while filming (which isn't as efficient as I'd like) but honestly, it's a great tool. It's working exactly as I had hoped. And this coat is no longer ruined. And it will even work on his black scrubs I washed with a towel. (No judgment...I didn't realize his black scrubs were in the hamper!) So buy this, and feel free to come back for more great laundry tips from me!
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