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The Awmond (Prunus dulcis) is a tree o the Prunus faimily. The fruit, kent as an awmond an aw, haes a wrinkelt seed huil. Awtho aften cried a nit it isna a richt nit.


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The warld produced 2.51 million tonnes o awmonds in 2010 accordin tae Fuid an Agricultur Organization, wi Unitit States the lairgest producer at 1.41 million tonnes.[1] The table below presents other significant producers.

Tap Ten Awmond wi Shell Producers
in 2010[2]
Kintra Production
(million tonnes)
 USA 1.41 4.85
 Spain 0.22 4.08
 Iran 0.16 0.93
 Morocco 0.10 0.98
 Italy 0.086 1.11
 Sirie 0.073 1.64
 Tunisie 0.063 0.32
 Turkey 0.055 3.23
 Algerie 0.044 1.47
 Cheenae 0.038 3.1
Warld Tot 2.51 1.5


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  1. "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations". Faostat.fao.org. 23 Februar 2012. Archived frae the original on 19 Juin 2012. Retrieved 14 August 2012.
  2. "Top Almond with Shell Production, 2010". FAO. 2011. Archived frae the original on 6 Januar 2019. Retrieved 16 Mairch 2013.