How To Read And Lead With Integrity

Understand What REALLY Motivates Others:
Love Ones, Family, Friends, and Co-Workers


What Attracts Others
& What Pushes Them Away

What Attracts Others & What Pushes Them Away

And Much Much More...

  • What Makes Them Say YES or NO
  • How They Make Decisions
  • How They Get Stuck & How To Fix It
  • How To Choose The Right Goal
  • How To Stay Positive In Challenging Times

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Online Workshop Benefits

✅ Learn how you (and others) make decisions about work, relationships and personal lives so you can have more influence and help them more effectively.

✅ Save time, money and energy; eliminating wasted communication that is ineffective or counter productive and learn to give others what they really want and need.

✅ End the struggle and frustration of trying to motivate, inspire and lead others who are challenging or resistant, and start getting the results you really want.


✅ Learn how you (and others) make decisions about work, relationships and personal lives so you can have more influence and help them more effectively.

✅ Save time, oney and energy; eliminating wasted communication that is ineffective or counter productive and learn to give others what they really want and need.

✅ End the struggle and frustration of trying to motivate, inspire and lead others who are challenging or resistant, and start getting the results you really want.

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What Is How to Read And Lead With Integrity?

How to Read And Lead With Integrity will help you identify ‘deeper motivations’ that drive decisions you and others make on a daily basis…

So you know what you and others really want…

Participating in How to Read And Lead With Integrity, you will learn why a cookie cutter approach to communication, leadership and motivation will not work.

Learn why a perfect way to motivate one person may end up being the worst to motivate another. Know how to spot the differences, how to use that knowledge, along with simple and easy tools to communicate more effectively in a way that works for them.

Think of someone close to you.

Someone, you know fairly well or for some time. Notice, there are things that likely stress you out but don’t seem to bother them at all, and vice versa.

Likewise, there are things that may stress them out, but don’t bother you at all. The difference is in your personality profile – your unique set of ‘deeper motivations’ and the patterns that naturally arise from them.

These key differences can ‘make-or-break’ the success of any goal and dramatically affect results. Knowing and understanding these key differences will not only empower you to get better results, but also empower you to do so more easily, and with less resistance than before – with yourself and others.

In How to Read And Lead With Integrity, you will learn the five major categories, how identify them ‘on sight’ and how to use them to be more influential; enabling you to be your best at work, at home and in love.

The Three Pillars Of How To Read And Lead


Pillar 1

Learn To Change The Way You Think And Feel About Yourself, Others, And The World


Pillar 2

YOUR Unique Personality Profile, And How To Leverage Your Strengths


ROBERT HARRISON - Free Evaluation Page

Pillar 3

The ART Of Reading And Leading Others For Better Outcomes


What's Inside?

Program Topics...

✅ Virginia Satir’s Four Coping Mechanisms for Stress – what are they, how to use them, why you should care.

✅ Five Major Personality Types – how to instantly spot each one, how to use them and why they are important.

✅ Key Attractors – what will always motivate, entice and inspire for each personality type.

✅ Key Stressors – what will always create stress, pressure, resistance and sabotage for each personality type.

✅ The structure of EGO formation – and the path to spirituality.

✅ The structure of UPSET – how all upsets occur, how they are formed, and what you can do about it.

✅ How to adjust your communication to fit the personality of the person you’re communicating with (including yourself).

✅ How to prevent distractions, resistance and pushback. How to create an authentic and warm connection with others, and easily maintain it.

✅ How to have more fun and be more effective in any social situation.

✅ The structure of EVERY Sales (or influence) Conversation. NOTE: You will use this every time in sales and in client work & therapy.

✅ How to identify, predict and prevent problems BEFORE they occur.

✅ How to feel comfortable in your own skin and be the real YOU.

And much, much more…

What Leadership Experts Have To Say About How To Read And Lead With Integrity...

Amber Cox, Author and Emotional Intelligence Expert

Clair Olson, Executive in Mergers & Acquisitions

Vicki Baugh, Organizational Training Developer for Federal Government

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What Just A Few Of Our Graduates Have To Say...

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Here Is What You Get When You Join Today:


Immediate & Lifetime Access

Immediate & Lifetime Access to Learning Portal, Private Community, and Module for How To Read & Lead Others With Integrity (so you can watch them over and over again – Netflix for NLP).


8 Modules Delivered to Your Inbox

8Modules delivered to your inbox – One per week (get the first module immediately with your registration).


Updated Yearly with NEW Material

Updated yearly with NEW material (including all LIVE class recordings for each year – so you can see the same process demos done with different clients and by different instructors).


Private Community

Private Community Support, Practice, and Accountability Partner with other students LIVE or via Zoom from around the world.


Instructor LIVE Support

Office Hours twice every week, where you can contact an instructor LIVE to support you.



Free Ticket

One Free ticket to our next LIVE & Online Class (check calendar for LIVE class dates).


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Introduction To NLP And The Structure Of Ego Formation

TUESDAY | JULY 11th, 2023 | 12:00PM - 3:00PM PDT

✅ The basics of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) – how your reactions and responses are created and can be changed.

✅ Model excellence so you can reproduce the same results in your life.

✅ The power of reframing and how to become a master at changing your internal state of mind; so you can stay on your ‘A’ game everyday.

✅ How to troubleshoot, and recover, when things are not going as planned.

✅ How you create your reactions and responses.

✅ Where does this all come from?

✅ How is our Ego formed and how does it work?


The Five Personal Needs And Personal Needs Stress Cycles

TUESDAY | JULY 18th, 2023 | 12:00PM - 3:00PM PDT

✅ Learn your Personality Profile Matrix (PPM) and understand your strengths, weaknesses and how to leverage yourself for success.

✅ Understanding your PPM will help you reduce stress and get more done in less time.

✅ Learn Key Attractors that will AWAYS motivate, entice, and inspire each person (with that type).

✅ Learn Key Stressors that will ALWAYS cause stress, pressure, and resistance for each person (with that type).

✅ Discover how to begin to ‘spot’ each type (just by looking at them).

✅ Discover how to quickly assess each type through casual conversation.

✅ Learn how to work with each individual type.



The Four Coping Stances

TUESDAY | JULY 25th, 2023 | 12:00PM - 3:00PM PDT

✅ Learn Satir’s Four Coping Mechanisms For Stress.

✅ Discover WHY this is the #1 pattern you MUST be able to detect in yourself and others. 

✅ Understand why 100% of communication STOPS when one or more persons are in one.

✅ Understand HOW to use them to get dramatically better results.

✅ Learn how to detect when you or someone else is in one.

✅ Know how each type get’s stress, understand the triggers, and how to prevent it from happening.

✅ Learn what to do to shift yourself or someone out of them.


Structure Of Upset And Worthy Vs. Unworthy Pattern

TUESDAY | AUGUST 1st, 2023 | 12:00PM - 3:00PM PDT

✅ Learn the exact recipe of all upsets and grabs (anytime you lose choice).

✅ Discover how you’ve been living an unconscious agenda to prove something about yourself.

✅ Identify the key to transforming stress in yourself and others.

✅ Learn the Worthy Vs. Un-Worthy Pattern to quickly know if you are setting yourself up for success or failure (and how to avoid it).

✅ Know the keys to staying resourceful in the most challenging situations.

✅ How to over-ride your biology in emotionally challenging situations.

✅ How to reprogram your automatic responses to stress.


Other ‘Key’ Patterns: How To Detect And Work With Them

TUESDAY | AUGUST 8th, 2023 | 12:00PM - 3:00PM PDT

✅ Learn 10 other powerful communication patterns that create understanding or destroy it.

✅ Learn how to leverage them to create better understanding, rapport.

✅ Easily detect them in yourself and others.

✅ Learn how to communicate within each pattern so the other person (or group) feels understood.

✅ Discover how to use Pre-emptive conditioning to prevent problems before they occur.

✅ Improve agreement and compliance in others.



How To Influence Others And Power Templates

TUESDAY | AUGUST 15th, 2023 | 12:00PM - 3:00PM PDT

✅ Discover the secret to 93% of what you are always communicating.

✅ Easy ways to authentically connect and communicate that give you an advantage in any situation.

✅ How to quickly gain and build rapport and favorability with anyone you meet.

✅ Build trust quickly and deepen the trust over time.

✅ Learn how to DIAL in the YUM – and add more fun, curiosity, and excitement to any interaction.

✅ Learn what the DEEPER NEEDS are and how they are more important than whatever they are asking for.

✅ Learn the difference between surface level requests and deeper needs that are driving everything.

✅ Create a powerful, deep, and lasting connection with others fast.



The Art of Decontamination

TUESDAY | AUGUST 22nd, 2023 | 12:00PM - 3:00PM PDT

✅ Discover how to deliver challenging news or feedback while maintaining rapport and connection.

✅ How to deal with challenging people and situations.

✅ How to handle being attacked verbally or accused of something.

✅ Learn HOW to diffuse a  volatile situation and neutralize the emotional state of the other party.

✅ Understand how to recover if you’ve already been contaminated.

✅ How to process a challenging event without making it worse or increasing negative feelings about the other person.

✅ How to maintain professional rapport with people you find challenging and even turn it around.



Reading Others On Sight Alone, Validating, and Troubleshooting

TUESDAY | August 29, 2023 | 12:00PM - 3:00PM PDT

✅ Learn the Art of Reading others on sight alone.

✅ Be able to walk into a room and know what will and won’t work before you even open your mouth.

✅ Understand the visual ‘Tells’ that let know instantly what what they really care about.

✅ Create the feeling in the other that you are ‘mind reading’ and that you understand them better than they understand themself.

✅ Discover how to validate your read through casual conversation.

✅ Understand how to troubleshoot challenging reads.

✅ Enter a group and quickly assess who’s making the decision (hint: it’s not always the leader)

✅ How to work with groups.

✅ What to do in challenging situations.

✅ What to do if you can’t seem to get the ‘read’ on another person.

✅ Special circumstances that could save your career or contract – knowing this can save you your livelihood.

FAST ACTION BONUS #1 - Private 50min Coaching Session With Robert

"Take Your Results To The NEXT Level
with peronsal Coaching & Feedback from Robert"

LIMITED: First 15 Participants ONLY - Total Value: $375

✅ Get Clear On Your Goal – Gain crystal clarity on your goal,  path to get there, and plan of action to get the results you want.

✅ Identify What’s Stopping You – Feeling stuck?  Robert is an expert at people puzzles.  Let him quickly help you zero in on the problem.

✅ Change Limiting Beliefs – Leverage the power of NLP techniques with a master to transform limiting beliefs, stories, or painful memories. 

Get This For FREE When You Order Your How To Read And Lead With Integrity Program Today!

FAST ACTION BONUS #2 - Ultimate Goal Setting System

"Take Laser Focused Action On Your Ultimate Goal"

LIMITED: First 20 Participants ONLY - Total Value: $97

✅ Ideal Way Set Goals – Stop wasting time creating goals that leaving you feeling unfulfilled and don’t pan out.  Learn how to create emotional based goals that propel you into action.

✅ Create A Powerful Why – Tap into unlimited motivation and excitement that makes you want to get up early and stay up late just to get it done.

✅ Discover The Secrets – To consistent follow through and laser focus day in and day out.  Learn to ONLY do the things that help you reach your Ultimate goal first.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your How To Read And Lead With Integrity Program Today!

FAST ACTION BONUS #3 - Limited Edition 'How To Read & Lead' T-Shirt

"Show You're One Of The Elite Few Who Knows
How To Read & Lead Yourself And Others With Integrity "

LIMITED: First 20 Participants ONLY
Total Value: Priceless (Only 20 will ever be released)

✅ Limited Edition – Show your NLPer Pride with this limited edition ‘How To Read & Lead’ T-Shirt.  Only 20 will ever be made.  It’s cool to have something special.  Choose from 3 different colors.

✅ Conversation Starter – Friends, family, and colleagues will ask,  what is “How To Read & Lead”? and you’ll be able to answer by reading their mind and showing them what you got. 

✅ Positive Reinforcement – Great leaders are great learners.  Show your colleagues you practice what you preach and are constantly sharpening your saw and adding to your skillset.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your How To Read And Lead With Integrity Program Today!

BONUS #4 - 1 Year Access To Weekly Office Hours

"Get Full Access For 1 Year To Weekly Office Hours
Where You Can Ask Questions & Get Feedback"

Total Value: $4,800 (normally $400 per month)

✅ LIVE Instructor – In addition to your FREE Ticket to our next LIVE Online event, you’ll have full access to Office Hours (Mondays and Thursdays) where you can ask questions and get feedback.

✅ Student Hotseats – Learn from others as students share their challenges and wins using How To Read & Lead in their personal and professional environment.

✅ Troubleshooting – Any journey is going to have its challenges.  With Weekly Office Hours you’re not alone.  A qualified instructor is here to help you every step of the way.  Week after week, to ensure your success.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your How To Read And Lead With Integrity Program Today!

BONUS #5 - Unlimited Access To Private Community

"Get Unlimited Access To
How To Read & Lead Private Community
Where You Can Connect & Practice With Others"

Total Value: $2,364 (per year)

✅ International Community – Connect with people from around the world in every kind of industry who are using How To Read & Lead both personally and professionally.

✅ Buddy System – Select a buddy to practice with and hold each other accountable for learning the materials.

✅ Virtual Practice Sessions – Meet online with others to practice the techniques and processes using the student directory of active learners.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your How To Read And Lead With Integrity Program Today!

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The Trainer

Robert Harrison, Trainer

Robert Harrison is an acclaimed trainer and developer in NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, and Personality Profiling. He authored several books, including ‘First 50 Clients’ and ‘The Professional Hypnotists Toolbox.’ With over a decade of experience working with the mentally ill, he created the ‘Structure of Upset’ model. Robert is a Board Certified Hypnotist and Trainer, NLP trainer, coach, and consultant who has been devoted to helping people improve their lives for over 20 years. He has won awards for his Hypnosis programs and teaches at major conventions while also mentoring Hypnotists and Coaches worldwide.

Real Stories, Real Results: See How Our Solutions Transformed These Clients' Lives


Case Study #1

Karen Neuer

Real Estate Agent Triple Income

Wow – $105,000 in extra profits the first year!

This class was hugely insightful and allowed me to deepen my relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. The biggest bang for my buck was the Personality Profiling that provided me with the tools to quickly assess and get into rapport with the clients I meet – resulting in more business and better relationships.

In the last year my real estate business has increased 283% in volume and my income has jumped from $58,700-$163,700. I directly relate this to training I have received with Robert and the workshop ‘How To Read and Lead People’.


Case Study #2

Graphic Arts Co.

Increases Sales 300%

Phase 1 – Coach Sales Team & Executive Staff for 3 Months

Metric – Increase Annual Sales and High End Corporate Client List

BEFORE – Annual sales approx. $234,000

AFTER – Annual sales approx. $812,000


Case Study #3

United American Bank

Increases Sales 300%

Phase 1 – Coaching executive team for 3 Months

Metric – New Loans written in Commercial Real Estate Market

BEFORE – Sales January 2014 – $2,000,000

AFTER – Sales January 2015 – $7,000,000

Important: This program is offered solely for personal enrichment, recreational and avocational purposes and not to provide training for employment.

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Class Excerpt: Why You Don't Follow Through...
3 Biological Drives



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