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  1. Member Ennio's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
    BD3D2MK3D v1.32 released

    v1.32 (February 27, 2023)
    - Fix: Wrong filenames when a multi-angle/multi-story MPLS is made of only 2 parts (for example Blade Runner 2049 French version)
    - Added the menu Help -> MkvToolnix for Windows 7 to download easily a MkvToolnix version compatible with Windows 7 (Thanks Ennio!)
    - Added a link to the mini-guide on how to convert an external SRT or SUB to 3D in the Subtitle Tools menu.
    - Added a link to the Bernard's Wiki page about BD3D2MK3D in the Help menu. (Thanks Bernard!)

    r0lZ, after putting proper win7 mkv.exe tools in the tools folder, there's still the popup with the win10 warning. It's of course no trouble to ignore, but maybe a popup is possible that will only alert when win7 tools aren't there or updates are available?
    Quote Quote  
  2. Originally Posted by kiwwx View Post
    Why is the processing on the gpu less good? I would like to speed up the process. I have rtx40-series. The gpu's starting from 3000 series have powerful encoders/dencoders.
    The authors of x264 and x265 do not want to add GPU support, because the quality is less good. I don't know exactly why, but I trust them. It's related to the parallel nature of the GPU processing. Anyway, there is no way to enable GPU encoding with these encoders.

    However, if you really want to use a GPU powered encoder, you can use any command line encoder. You must install it and know how to use it. In BD3D2MK3D, select Settings -> AVC/HEVC Encoder -> Use your own custom command for encoding. The content of the last tab will change, and you will have to type the command you wish to use. For example, here is a command that use nvEnc with CUDA. I use it sometimes to do quick tests, but I am usually somewhat disappointed by the quality and the (relatively) slow speed.

    "path\\to\\nvencc64.exe" ^\n --codec avc --cqp 26 --profile high --level 4.1 --preset quality --sar ${sar} ^\n --colorprim bt709 --colorrange limited --chapter chapters_3D_delay.ogm.txt --key-on-chapter ^\n --input "__ENCODE_3D_MOVIE.avs" --output "video3D_nvenc.avc"
    Note that you can use variables (such as the ${sar} in the command above) so that your command will be automatically adapted to other conditions (such as HSBS vs FSBS). Note also the required double \\ in the paths.

    Also, when your custom command works as expected, don't forget to use Settings -> Save Tabs Settings Now to force BD3D2MK3D to remember your custom command for the next time.
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  3. Originally Posted by Ennio View Post
    r0lZ, after putting proper win7 mkv.exe tools in the tools folder, there's still the popup with the win10 warning. It's of course no trouble to ignore, but maybe a popup is possible that will only alert when win7 tools aren't there or updates are available?
    I have tried to do exactly that, but unfortunately, the special Win7 builds of mkvtoolnix have exactly the same version string than the official, Win10+ release. So, I have no way to know what version is installed. Hence the warning.
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  4. Originally Posted by jonesy16 View Post
    I'm hoping someone can help me because I must be doing something wrong. I'm trying to use MakeMKV 1.15.3 and BD3D2MK3D 1.2 to rip some of my 3D blu-rays for playback on an Oculus Rift 2. The problem that I'm running into is that the left and right images are not being reassembled by the player correctly, which I suspect is something in the tags and not so much in the actual video files themselves. I'm using defaults everywhere for half (and tried full) side-by-side. The opening Paramount logo, for example, has the Paramount mountain dead center. However, what I see is the left half of the image touching the right edge of the screen and the right half of the image touching the left edge of the screen so instead of () I see )(, if that makes sense. 2D playback looks fine, opening the file in VLC appears to show the right and left halves at the same time and they look fine as well, so I just don't understand why the 3D player is struggling with it (I've tried two different players, BigscreenVR and GizmoVR. I downloaded a sample SBS file online and that had no problems. Ideas?
    Having this same issue.

    The same files that fail in BigScreen video player also fail on my brothers projector.

    However other files I have that I didn't make work fine in BigScreen and on his projector.

    ALL files work fine on my Plasma TV.

    So there must be some strange difference with the files made using BD3D2MKV3D that is tripping up the projector and the VR player. (even tho they work fine elsewhere)

    I can't find the difference, but I'm a noob at this stuff.
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  5. IMO, the only settings that can explain that kind of problem are the two aspect-ratios.

    The first AR setting is the picture AR, srored in the header of the MKV container. You can easily change it after having encoded the movie: just edit the __MUX_3D_OPTIONS.json file, and change the AR value in the file following "--aspect-ratio", or just delete the "--aspect-ratio" and the following lines to let the player decide. Then, launch __MUX_3D.cmd to remux the MKV with the new settings. Honestly, I don't think that this AR value can be the culprit, but who knows ?

    The second AR setting is the SAR, encoded in the video stream itself. You can also change it without having to restart the whole project. Edit or remove the --sar 1:1 argument in __ENCODE_3D.cmd. Unfortunately, you will have to restart the encoding with __ENCODE_3D_LAUNCHER.cmd. Again, I'm not sure that changing that setting may solve the problem, but try anyway.

    Normally, the two settings are correct for HSBS, HTAB and Frame Sequential, but for Full-SBS or Full-TAB, it seems that some TV or hardware players require different values. It's why you can change them with Settings -> Full-SBS/T&B Aspect Ratio menu. But that will be taken into account by BD3D2MK3D only for a Full-* encoding.

    I suggest to encode a small clip to try different values. And please, if it appears that a precise setting works as expected, let me know. I will modify the program to add the required option. I am also interested in a short 3D clip that works well with your hardware. Perhaps I will be able to locate the difference ? (You can send me an email. The address is near the end of the PgcEdit home page. Link in my signature.)

    I suggest also to contact the developers or the forum of your hardware. IMO (perhaps with the exception of Full-SBS/T&B) BD3D2MK3D uses the correct AR settings, and is probably not responsible of the problem, but again, who knows ?

    [EDIT] Another thing. Can you tell me if your hardware requires to be manually informed of the correct 3D format (for example HSBS or FSBS) ? If it's the case, the two settings that encode the format into the final MKV file can perhaps also be problematic.
    Last edited by r0lZ; 23rd Mar 2023 at 09:53.
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  6. Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
    IMO, the only settings that can explain that kind of problem are the two aspect-ratios.

    The first AR setting is the picture AR, srored in the header of the MKV container. You can easily change it after having encoded the movie: just edit the __MUX_3D_OPTIONS.json file, and change the AR value in the file following "--aspect-ratio", or just delete the "--aspect-ratio" and the following lines to let the player decide. Then, launch __MUX_3D.cmd to remux the MKV with the new settings. Honestly, I don't think that this AR value can be the culprit, but who knows ?

    The second AR setting is the SAR, encoded in the video stream itself. You can also change it without having to restart the whole project. Edit or remove the --sar 1:1 argument in __ENCODE_3D.cmd. Unfortunately, you will have to restart the encoding with __ENCODE_3D_LAUNCHER.cmd. Again, I'm not sure that changing that setting may solve the problem, but try anyway.

    Normally, the two settings are correct for HSBS, HTAB and Frame Sequential, but for Full-SBS or Full-TAB, it seems that some TV or hardware players require different values. It's why you can change them with Settings -> Full-SBS/T&B Aspect Ratio menu. But that will be taken into account by BD3D2MK3D only for a Full-* encoding.

    I suggest to encode a small clip to try different values. And please, if it appears that a precise setting works as expected, let me know. I will modify the program to add the required option. I am also interested in a short 3D clip that works well with your hardware. Perhaps I will be able to locate the difference ? (You can send me an email. The address is near the end of the PgcEdit home page. Link in my signature.)

    I suggest also to contact the developers or the forum of your hardware. IMO (perhaps with the exception of Full-SBS/T&B) BD3D2MK3D uses the correct AR settings, and is probably not responsible of the problem, but again, who knows ?

    [EDIT] Another thing. Can you tell me if your hardware requires to be manually informed of the correct 3D format (for example HSBS or FSBS) ? If it's the case, the two settings that encode the format into the final MKV file can perhaps also be problematic.
    Thanks for the quick suggestions.

    I def should've made a small test file sooner, now I can rapid prototype in seconds instead of nearly an hour waiting on a full movie. lol

    Working with Edge of Tomorrow ISO, used makemkv, then used mkvtoolnix to cut out a 30 second clip for testing.

    Defaults (HSBS) I have the issue.....tried your suggestions and removed the aspect ratio info from both files (vs changing as not sure what to change to) and remuxed it and same issue. No change. Both files look the same in VLC and both play as 2D in bigscreen. The projector is my brothers who lives nearly 1 hour away so can't easily test on that. However because they fail similarly if I can get it working in bigscreen, safe to assume it will work on his projector which is my primary goal.

    Bigscreen will auto play in SBS when I load up a working file, however I am able to manually cycle through its other options and none of them work on the failing files. Working files auto work every time.

    I have gone ahead and sent you an email with a link to various files.

    Looking forward to your findings!
    Quote Quote  
  7. Thanks. I have received your email and I am downloading your samples. Will let you know my findings (if any!)
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  8. For any onlookers with the same issue, this worked!

    Remove from __MUX_3D_OPTIONS.json: (doing this allows the file to play straight into SBS mode, otherwise you likely need to tell your player to change manually....this is not a necessary step, just a quality of life step)


    Remove from __ENCODE_3D.CMD: (doing this makes it play as a 3D file in BigScreen, rather than showing as 2D even though it's an SBS file, this is necessary)

    --frame-packing 3

    Then run __ENCODE_3D_LAUNCHER.cmd to create the final output.

    Thanks again r0lZ, would love to see this as the default of the app, but understand if that can't be done if it would break it for most everyone else...for me, seems to work everywhere much better without it.
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  9. Thanks for the confirmation. I will add one (or two) additional option(s) in the Settings menu to remove them, although it's certainly the programmers of the faulty hardware players who should fix the bug. The modification in BD3D2MK3D will only be a workaround for the peoples impacted by the problem.

    [EDIT] Note that the --frame-packing tag was required to allow Youtube to display the 3D content correctly. An additional evidence that that tag MUST be correctly recognised and used. Shame on the hardware players that do not support it !
    Last edited by r0lZ; 24th Mar 2023 at 08:59.
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  10. So the fix above is how to rip correctly if you have the issue.

    However, if you already ripped wrong and want to fix, without starting from scratch, a very fast fix is to r0lZ and his efforts, along with videofan3d:

    Grab the BDTools files linked in the thread here:

    Then use these commands (mkvtoolnix is the other program needed)

    mkvextract tracks "C:\1\mkvtoolnix-64-bit-71.1.0\mkvtoolnix\filename.mkv" "0:C:\1\mkvtoolnix-64-bit-71.1.0\mkvtoolnix\filename.264"
    h264Modify.exe C:\1\mkvtoolnix-64-bit-71.1.0\mkvtoolnix\filename.264 -frame_packing DELETE C:\1\mkvtoolnix-64-bit-71.1.0\mkvtoolnix\filename-fixed.264
    mkvmerge -o "C:\1\mkvtoolnix-64-bit-71.1.0\mkvtoolnix\filename-fixed.mkv" --stereo-mode 0:1 "C:\1\mkvtoolnix-64-bit-71.1.0\mkvtoolnix\filename-fixed.264" --no-video "C:\1\mkvtoolnix-64-bit-71.1.0\mkvtoolnix\filename.mkv"
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  11. That's correct, but note that the --stereo-mode 0:1 is for Side-by-Side (left view first). If your movie has been encoded in Top and Bottom, you should use 0:3.

    BD3D2MK3D places always the left frame on the left side or on top, but if your movie has been encoded with another tool, you must select the right value below:
    1 side_by_side_left_first
    2 top_bottom_right_first
    3 top_bottom_left_first
    10 anaglyph_cyan_red
    11 side_by_side_right_first
    12 anaglyph_green_magenta

    The other stereo-modes are less common.
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  12. BD3D2MK3D v1.33 released

    In this version, a new Tool has been added, to help the users of the hardware players that do not support correctly one of the 3D format "tags" (the MKV stereoscopy mode and/or the AVC frame-packing), as well as Settings options to not create that tags when a new project is created.

    The new Tools -> Modify 3D Format Tags in MKV or AVC can be used to easily either delete, modify or create one or both tags from a 3D MKV or from an AVC (h264) elementary stream. Note that all 3D stereoscopy modes can be defined, including the modes not supported by BD3D2MK3D. That means that the tool can be used to modify a 3D movie downloaded from the internet, or created with another program.

    Also, this tool, unlike the CMD batch posted above by Archon keeps all original Video properties of the MKV. Some of them (like the frame rate) are very important.

    The two options to not include the 3D tags during the creation of a project with BD3D2MK3D are Settings -> Hardware Players Compatibility Options.

    Thanks to Archon for having submitted this problem (here) and for his help in finding the culprit. Note that the real culprit is not BD3D2MK3D, but the BigScreen software, unfortunately used by several hardware players, projectors or VR headsets. The new features of BD3D2MK3D are therefore only workarounds for badly written software. If you have such a player, please contact the developers. The 3D tags should normally be present in all good 3D movies !

    Note also that I have used the word "Tag" to refer to the two 3D methods to define the correct 3D format, but it's just a shortcut. The 3D stereo-mode in the header of the video track of a 3D MKV should be called "Stereoscopy Video Property", and the AVC frame-packing tag is in fact a series of "SEI messages" inside the video stream itself.

    v1.33 (April 6, 2023)
    - Added Options -> Hardware Players Compatibility Options as a workaround for serious bugs of some hardware players (notably those based on the Bigscreen software). Thanks Archon!
    - Added Tools -> Modify 3D format tags in MKV or AVC to fix the frame-packing and stereo-mode information in any MKV file with an AVC video stream.
    - Added Videofan3D's h254Modify.exe in the toolset folder (required for Tools -> Modify 3D format tags in MKV or AVC) as well as sfk.exe.
    - Added Help -> Check for Update to easily download the new BD3D2MK3D version (if any). Requires Windows 10 or greater.
    - Modified the dead CinDe download link in Help -> Cinavia Detection -> Download CinDe (free) and updated the How to Detect Cinavia? message.
    - Updated x264 to the latest version (v0.164.3106)
    - Updated x265 to the latest version (v3.5+96)
    - Updated mkvtoolnix to the latest version (v75.0.0 'Goliath')
    Download the latest version: BD3D2MK3D.7z
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  13. Member
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    Latest version v1.33 will not download. Windows Defender reports Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml I saw a report on Reddit of someone else with same experience. While it may be a false flag, I'm not keen to continue trying to install. Can something be done for clean install? Thanks.
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  14. I am tired of that continuous false positives from Windows Defender. Obviously, M$ is unable to do a good antivirus program. I can only suggest to install a good antivirus program, and forget Defender. Or, at least, ignore its warning, and disable it during the download and installation of BD3D2MK3D.

    I have already tried to explain why this problem occurs here, but it seems that the bad antivirus programs continue to consider some perfectly legit features of BD3D2MK3D (such as the possibility to shut the computer down when the job is finished) as dangerous features ! I can't do much to avoid that.

    BTW, I have just scanned again the BD3D2MK3D.7z archive and most of the exes it contains with Defender (on Win10), and it replies "No current threats." The fact that the scan results of Defender depends of the version of Windows or of the PC it is running on is very strange !
    Last edited by r0lZ; 1st May 2023 at 03:35.
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  15. Member Ennio's Avatar
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    Never mind, my bad. Apologies
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  16. Hi. Can this wonderful software edit the start and/or end point of a movie, with small preview frame-by-frame, before start ripping? In a similar way that DVDFab allow? (I would 100 times prefer to use BD3D2MK3D for lots of reasons).
    I have the 3d BluRay release of "Avatar: The Way Of Water" (English only audio track) that is split in 2 discs. I ripped both with BD3D2MK3D and joined them succesfully with MKVToolnixGUI, just to mux my native language audio track inside the unique mkv. Unfortunately I realized that there are a couple seconds of blank added between the 2 discs, so after the first one (1h51'13"), my audio track goes totally out of sync. I just need to edit out those black frames in the end of first disc and the beginning of second one before ripping to reach the result.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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    Originally Posted by enricojacko View Post
    Hi. Can this wonderful software edit the start and/or end point of a movie, with small preview frame-by-frame, before start ripping? In a similar way that DVDFab allow? (I would 100 times prefer to use BD3D2MK3D for lots of reasons).
    I have the 3d BluRay release of "Avatar: The Way Of Water" (English only audio track) that is split in 2 discs. I ripped both with BD3D2MK3D and joined them succesfully with MKVToolnixGUI, just to mux my native language audio track inside the unique mkv. Unfortunately I realized that there are a couple seconds of blank added between the 2 discs, so after the first one (1h51'13"), my audio track goes totally out of sync. I just need to edit out those black frames in the end of first disc and the beginning of second one before ripping to reach the result.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    MKVToolnixGUI includes all the tools necessary for start/endpoint editing. Check out the 3D Blu-ray thread here: and search for Avatar for more info.
    Last edited by cdx47; 25th Jul 2023 at 08:04.
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  18. I remember also that there is a MKVToolnix option (possibly available only with the command line) to keep the audio alignment with the video when several parts are concatenated. I don't remember that option, and unfortunately, my Internet connection here is not sufficient to do a search.

    Note also that you can split the video after a certain time-code. Unfortunately, the split point can be only at an I-frame, but with some luck, the black parts will begin or end with an I-frame. If it's the case, you can simply remux the two parts with that split option enabled, and finally concatenate the two long sections, without the black frames. (If there is no i-Frame when you need it, you can edit the chapters_3D_delay.ogm.txt file to add the frame number where you need an i-frame, and relaunch the encoding.)

    Good luck !
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  19. Member
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    Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
    I remember also that there is a MKVToolnix option (possibly available only with the command line) to keep the audio alignment with the video when several parts are concatenated. I don't remember that option, and unfortunately, my Internet connection here is not sufficient to do a search.

    Note also that you can split the video after a certain time-code. Unfortunately, the split point can be only at an I-frame, but with some luck, the black parts will begin or end with an I-frame. If it's the case, you can simply remux the two parts with that split option enabled, and finally concatenate the two long sections, without the black frames. (If there is no i-Frame when you need it, you can edit the chapters_3D_delay.ogm.txt file to add the frame number where you need an i-frame, and relaunch the encoding.)

    Good luck !
    I might look for that audio alignment option for future reference. If you find out what it is, let us know If @enricojacko wants to accurately concatenate the two sections after editing there are some complicated instructions on the forum I mentioned above. I was able to do it more simply at the cost of a slight pause between the two sections. I did something similar in order to mux the 4K Atmos track from the first Avatar with the old 3D video.

    Speaking of Dolby, Even with the latest version. I find the encoding of Dolby THD/Atmos still a little hit and miss. I can't see an obvious pattern as to which movies will encode correctly. What I have learn't is that for most of them, I can kill the mkinfo process and the video encoding continues. After completion I mux the audio and video.
    Last edited by cdx47; 25th Jul 2023 at 15:05.
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  20. Originally Posted by cdx47 View Post
    I might look for that audio alignment option for future reference. If you find out what it is, let us know
    IIRC, it's the --append-mode CLI option, described in section 2.5 here.
    I don't know if that option can solve the Avatar 2 problem, but it is probably a good idea to try it.

    If the append-mode option is not available in the GUI, it is possible to prepare the remux in the GUI, then use the Multiplexer -> Show Command Line option to copy it. It should be easy to paste it in a command window and edit it to add the --append-mode file or track option.
    [EDIT] The option is not available in the GUI, but it is (probably) possible to simply add it in the Additional Options field in tab 2 of the GUI.
    Last edited by r0lZ; 27th Jul 2023 at 09:03.
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  21. Member
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    Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
    Originally Posted by cdx47 View Post
    I might look for that audio alignment option for future reference. If you find out what it is, let us know
    IIRC, it's the --append-mode CLI option, described in section 2.5 here.
    I don't know if that option can solve the Avatar 2 problem, but it is probably a good idea to try it.

    If the append-mode option is not available in the GUI, it is possible to prepare the remux in the GUI, then use the Multiplexer -> Show Command Line option to copy it. It should be easy to paste it in a command window and edit it to add the --append-mode file or track option.
    [EDIT] The option is not available in the GUI, but it is (probably) possible to simply add it in the Additional Options field in tab 2 of the GUI.
    Many thanks.
    Quote Quote  
  22. Thanks for your answers.
    So I would like to split as first thing the single parts in 2 parts each one, exactly trimming out the black frames (and trash the blank splitted files), just to obtain 2 movie parts perfectly trimmed. To do that, I need to rip the bluray 3d (2 discs) as mkv but without any kind of compression and/or modification, just 100% untouched movie from BluRay to MKV. That is needed to have files completely "trimmable" on every possible frame, avoiding to have compressed files with i-frames that obstacle a perfect cut.
    To be sure on what exact timecode put inside MKVToolnixGUI for splitting, I need to look frame-by-frame the movies , if is there any option in any player such as Media Player Classic or VLC, I hope so.
    After the perfect cut, I just have to rejoin with "append" on MKVToolnixGUI the uncompressed files and try with a remux if the audio dubbed track is synced after part 2. If not, I will need to retry and adjust the trim, more or less.
    After all that, I can finally create my compressed MKV Half-SBS with BD3D2MK3D from the uncompressed joined 3D movie. Is that correct? Thanks again.
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    Originally Posted by enricojacko View Post
    Thanks for your answers.
    So I would like to split as first thing the single parts in 2 parts each one, exactly trimming out the black frames (and trash the blank splitted files), just to obtain 2 movie parts perfectly trimmed. To do that, I need to rip the bluray 3d (2 discs) as mkv but without any kind of compression and/or modification, just 100% untouched movie from BluRay to MKV. That is needed to have files completely "trimmable" on every possible frame, avoiding to have compressed files with i-frames that obstacle a perfect cut.
    To be sure on what exact timecode put inside MKVToolnixGUI for splitting, I need to look frame-by-frame the movies , if is there any option in any player such as Media Player Classic or VLC, I hope so.
    After the perfect cut, I just have to rejoin with "append" on MKVToolnixGUI the uncompressed files and try with a remux if the audio dubbed track is synced after part 2. If not, I will need to retry and adjust the trim, more or less.
    After all that, I can finally create my compressed MKV Half-SBS with BD3D2MK3D from the uncompressed joined 3D movie. Is that correct? Thanks again.
    Rip disc to mkv.
    Read the thread I recommended in this post.
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  24. Originally Posted by enricojacko View Post
    After all that, I can finally create my compressed MKV Half-SBS with BD3D2MK3D from the uncompressed joined 3D movie. Is that correct?
    Personally, I would avoid to create a lossless, uncompressed MKV, as that will consume much disc space, and it's not necessary.

    Indeed, to locate the cut point with enough precision, you need a player that can play the movie frame by frame, and display the frame number. Not sure what player can do that accurately. AvspMod is the perfect tool to do that, but it's not really a player, and it requires some knowledge about Avisynth.

    Anyway, when you know the frame numbers, you can simply add it in chapters_3D.qpfile as I suggested earlier. Then, launch the BD3D2MK3D encoding normally, and use the MkvToolnix GUI to split the two files, and create the final MKV.
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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    Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
    Originally Posted by enricojacko View Post
    After all that, I can finally create my compressed MKV Half-SBS with BD3D2MK3D from the uncompressed joined 3D movie. Is that correct?
    Personally, I would avoid to create a lossless, uncompressed MKV, as that will consume much disc space, and it's not necessary.

    Indeed, to locate the cut point with enough precision, you need a player that can play the movie frame by frame, and display the frame number. Not sure what player can do that accurately. AvspMod is the perfect tool to do that, but it's not really a player, and it requires some knowledge about Avisynth.

    Anyway, when you know the frame numbers, you can simply add it in chapters_3D.qpfile as I suggested earlier. Then, launch the BD3D2MK3D encoding normally, and use the MkvToolnix GUI to split the two files, and create the final MKV.
    Using BD3DMK3D I have saved over 2TB of disc space, but I still use uncompressed audio. For editing I still get decent joins without going to frame-level when using the original original uncompressed mkv. If I try to edit after processing with BD3DMK3D it doesn't work for me. But adding the cut times to the chapters file sounds interesting. If I have a file that is already processed that will be useful. Thanks

    There's a lot of information about file cuts and joins in this thread. But for anyone interested in more information, try the other forum I mention above. It has process steps from myself and detailed frame level explanations from others.
    Last edited by cdx47; 30th Jul 2023 at 09:41.
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  26. BTW, normally, x264 and x265 are smart enough to insert automatically an i-frame when there is an abrupt change in the scene (for example just when a new shot begins without crossfade). But it's not always the case, notably when an i-frame has been added a few frames before the scene change. And I don't know if an i-frame will be added just before black frames, because black frames are very easy to compress. Anyway, if you have already encoded the movie, you should try to cut it before applying the trick of the cut times, requiring to re-encode the whole movie. With some luck, that may work perfectly.
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  27. Member
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    Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
    BTW, normally, x264 and x265 are smart enough to insert automatically an i-frame when there is an abrupt change in the scene (for example just when a new shot begins without crossfade). But it's not always the case, notably when an i-frame has been added a few frames before the scene change. And I don't know if an i-frame will be added just before black frames, because black frames are very easy to compress. Anyway, if you have already encoded the movie, you should try to cut it before applying the trick of the cut times, requiring to re-encode the whole movie. With some luck, that may work perfectly.
    After encoding I could never get anywhere near an accurate cut which is why I always cut, edit and if necessary join the original movie before processing.
    Quote Quote  
  28. But in the original film, an i-frame may or may not be present at the point where the cut is to be made. Only raw, uncompressed video can be cut everywhere. It's why it may be useful to force the encoder to put an i-frame where you need it, but, of course, that requires to encode the movie.

    Of course, you can also cut the movie at any point when you use avisynth to decode it (like BD3D2MK3D does), but, unless you re-encode also the audio via avisynth (and BD3D2MK3D doesn't do that), the audio streams will not be cut. And the subtitle streams are never cut. Using MkvToolnix to cut the finished MKV at an i-frame cuts all streams at the same time. IMO, it's the easiest solution.
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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  29. Member
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    Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
    But in the original film, an i-frame may or may not be present at the point where the cut is to be made. Only raw, uncompressed video can be cut everywhere. It's why it may be useful to force the encoder to put an i-frame where you need it, but, of course, that require to encode the movie.

    Of course, you can also cut the movie at any point when you use avisynth to decode it (like BD3D2MK3D does), but, unless you re-encode also the audio via avisynth (and BD3D2MK3D doesn't do that), the audio streams will not be cut. And the subtitle streams are never cut. Using MkvToolnix to cut the finished MKV at an i-frame cuts all streams at the same time. IMO, it's the easiest solution.
    I have some ideas for projects that I want to do, so I will try this again when I get time. Thanks
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  30. Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
    Originally Posted by enricojacko View Post
    After all that, I can finally create my compressed MKV Half-SBS with BD3D2MK3D from the uncompressed joined 3D movie. Is that correct?
    Personally, I would avoid to create a lossless, uncompressed MKV, as that will consume much disc space, and it's not necessary.

    Indeed, to locate the cut point with enough precision, you need a player that can play the movie frame by frame, and display the frame number. Not sure what player can do that accurately. AvspMod is the perfect tool to do that, but it's not really a player, and it requires some knowledge about Avisynth.

    Anyway, when you know the frame numbers, you can simply add it in chapters_3D.qpfile as I suggested earlier. Then, launch the BD3D2MK3D encoding normally, and use the MkvToolnix GUI to split the two files, and create the final MKV.
    Long story short, I finally made it with a perfect result. That's what I did (it seems a long process to read it but in fact it took about 1 hour total):

    1) Ripped the 2 Avatar: The Way Of Water BluRay 3D separate discs into uncompressed 3D MKVs using MakeMKV. It's important to select both video tracks (left eye AVC and right eye MVC) since MakeMKV by default select only the first video track.
    2) Used VLC with an add-on called "Time v3.2" that shows on overlay advanced information about playing time, such as the total frame numbers. Then on VLC you can go frame-by-frame simply pressing the "E" key. In effect there were both blank playing time at the end of disc 1 and at the beginning of disc 2.
    3) knowing the exact frame number to crop put, I used MKVToolnixGUI under "Multiplexer / Destination / Split / After Frame number" section, putting those values, so I obtained the perfectly trimmed MKVs
    4) joined the 2 trimmed MKVs with MKVToolnixGUI "Multiplexer / Append" tool, remuxing at the same time my native language audio dubbed 7.1 track and also the desired subtitles tracks, I checked that all was perfectly synced and thankfully it was.
    5) still having and uncompressed/untouched full frame 3D MKV with all on its right place, I finally used BD3D2MK3D to create the Half-SBS compressed MKV and everything went fine.

    Thanks everybody for the tips and tricks.
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