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WACUP (Winamp Community Update Project) is an audio player based on Winamp. WACUP (which can be pronounced as wakeup or wac-up or however you prefer it in your native tongue) is designed to work only with the patched Winamp 5.666 release to provide bug fixes, updates of existing features and most importantly new features with the goal to eventually become it's own highly Winamp compatible media player. WACUP makes use of the benefits of Winamp being heavily based on a plug-in system so new plug-ins can add additional features as well as allowing replacements to be created which provide better implementations over the plug-ins natively included with Winamp. If none of that makes sense, a good way to think about WACUP is that it is like a video game mod where you initially use the original game but then files related to it are added to or edited in-order to provide a better experience.

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Latest version Preview (April 24, 2024)


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Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Preview Version: (x86)

Released: 24 April 2024

Everything done as part of preview build v1.99.11.18916

Changed the send-to library playlist handling to make things quicker when using the new playlist option (aka less clicks)
Changed the import folder & legacy database local library related actions to reduce the chance of the browse folder dialog being slow causing issues
Changed how the expat based xml handling is implemented to avoid on going issues with anti-virus software blocking the now removed w5s component dll
Changed how the delay loading for some of the w5s component dlls occur for a small load time reduction by removing the wbm checking for known cases

Fixed a deadlock when trying to process some youtube playlists whilst trying to get metadata for the playlist atf string
Fixed the native scrobbling support not correctly disabling itself & some related ui problems if the external plug-in was enabled
Fixed the scrobbling preference option to only work for files known in the local library database not working as expected
Fixed a logic issue with the time needed to wait for scrobbles to actually be attempted which could prevent some happening
Fixed the local library plug-in sometimes returning the metadata for items which have been soft-deleted which wasn't intended
Fixed a change with how metadata updates are notified which caused the Yule Log plug-in to incorrectly see duplicate play events
Fixed a long running intermittent skin selection issue which could prevent the skin from being used until restarting WACUP
Fixed the procdump running mode incorrectly terminating if a visualisation plug-in is attempted to be run due to thread naming
Fixed a compatibility issue with the input plug-in api handling for the basic fallback information if a length parameter is missing due to some of the older input plug-ins not double-checking null parameters
Fixed another crash from trying to send an unsupported file type to some of the input plug-ins as part of the default fallback handling being used
Fixed a local library view updating issue when running under WINE which can make it look like items are missing if the view was scrolled & what's then needing to be shown doesn't require any scrolling
Fixed the glitchy playback of MP3 files when using the basic fallback mode to play them via in_wave (e.g. due to incomplete installs where the 5.666 installer & it's in_mp3 plug-in cannot be obtained)
Fixed the probable cause of an ATF handling issue which could in some instances trigger a crash whilst the string is generated
Fixed some issues with the wrapper plug-ins which could for non-local storage incur higher overheads to determine if they need to handle the playlist item being queried or not
Fixed a concurrency issue with the in_ape, in_mod & in_wv input plug-ins which could cause crashes to occur when receiving multiple metadata requests from different threads (e.g. dual playlist title refreshes)
Fixed an inconsistent handling of trying to scrobble the playing item if playback is paused & eventually resumed which could in some instances not handle the pause event correctly & still report the scrobble
Fixed the probable cause of a delay loading related failure with the Not So Direct output plug-in with a specific config loading order
Fixed a lock mismatch with the db file saving which might be involved in the crashes that have been happening for some (mostly during closing) when the playback history &/or local library changes are saved
Fixed a COM vs OLE initialisation issue introduced in an attempt to resolve some prior loading & closing problems which ended up being unrelated but inadvertently broke some drag & drop support including installing skins by dragging them onto WACUP's windows (which then appeared as weird problems in trying to play them as media files)
Fixed some issues with trying to locate the needed input plug-in to handle some of the metadata which could cause an unresponsive crash due to getting stuck trying to use the input plug-ins already rejected
Fixed a small performance issue when trying to do batch metadata edits of a file due to some internal states being repeatedly cleared
Fixed metadata for items only stored in the local library not being read in via the batch edit metadata dialog from the main playlist
Fixed an issue with the initialisation for some of the local library asynchronous actions which could cause things to be accessed too early causing a crash to occur (e.g. some prior local library imports)
Fixed some quirks with the classic skin main song-ticker where it might reset it's position awkwardly on some title events or was trying to auto-scroll the title when it was able to show without needing to
Fixed another possible deadlock when the modern skin engine plug-in (gen_ff) & the local library plug-in (ml_ll) are interacting with albumart related actions (so much pain from gen_ff not being thread safe)
Fixed inconsistent handling of soundcloud urls due to changes on their side & what yt-dlp was returning which no longer matched to the streaming formats that are currently supported (this'll be improved)
Fixed a live patching on the modern skin engine plug-in (gen_ff) not working correctly for some setups with extra checks now added
Fixed an install conflict causing crashes due to a mis-matched freetype.wac not from the required 5.666 installer trying to be used

Removed the placeholders for dynamic library playlists on the new library playlist dialog since I've no eta on getting it implemented

Updated libopus (libopus.dll) to 1.5.2 (10 Apr 2024)
Updated Monkey's Audio (in_ape.dll) to 10.71 (19 Apr 2024)
Updated vgmstream (in_vgmstream.dll) to the latest Git commit from 19 Apr 2024

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Winamp Community Update Project

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2 reviews, Showing 1 to 2 reviews

which languages supported , and is that 64 bit and portable ?

Review by handsome on Aug 20, 2020 Version: OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 9/10

Hi. I just found out about this great project. You are doing a great job guys. One thing I noticed was the double size in classic skin mode. The resizable windows should not be double sized just like in winamp classic. It's unnecessary and it's causing weird behavior (windows not docking properly, disappearing borders, items on playlist not loading titles, etc.). For example in the playlist, I usually just resize it and increase the font size.
I only use classic mode though.

Anyway, keep it up and thank you!

Review by ken zi on Oct 8, 2019 Version: 1.0.4264 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

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