Goddess Misha Goldy: 我会把你缩小的美味身体放在两片奶酪之间!Vore 恋物癖HD 20:42
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我会把你缩小的美味身体放在两片奶酪之间!Vore 恋物癖

已发布:10.04.2021 更多信息 隐藏

Customer wrote: You are my hot co-worker and I was always in love with you since we met the first time. For a while, I know that you are a Giantess and that I am on your list of alive food. When you came to the office this morning and saw me, you decide to have me for dinner today. Scene 1: You wait until I am alone in my office to talk to me. I am sitting at my desk when you came in. It is lunchtime and you have some cheese with you. You stand next to me so I have to look a little bit up at you. You are very close when you start to explain that this is my big day. I will be your dinner. You will not make it a big thing, just my shrunken body between two slices of your favorite cheese. You make clear that I have to be there on time. If I am not showing up, you will catch me and I will have a much more rough end. But if I show up in time you will have a nice reward for me before I collapse. Your hand goes between my legs and you rub my dick. You take another bi4t4e of your cheese and

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