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Galaxy AI: Işe yaramazHD 11:05
Işe yaramaz

    Işe yaramaz

    Yayınlanma:07.04.2024 Daha fazla bilgi Gizle

    You are so useless. You're pathetic. You're hopeless. You'll never amount to anything in life. Women will never want you, and you'll never get a girlfriend. You're a joke, a laughingstock, an embarrassment. The more I degrade you, the more you enjoy it. I can see it in your eyes, in the way you stroke your dick. The more I humiliate you for being such a pitiful waste of space, the more you want it. The more you crave it, the harder your dick gets. The harder your dick gets, the more you want to give me. I can see the desperation in your eyes, the pain in your heart. You want to give me your soul, your entire existence to make me stop. But it doesn't matter. You'll never be good enough. You'll never be worthy. You'll always be useless.