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TLC 1992: Будь послушным для меня, рабыняHD 08:21
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Будь послушным для меня, рабыня

Опубликовано: 27.02.2023 Подробнее Скрыть

Time for another delicious smoke. Id like today to be comforting day for me. To just sit back and enjoy my smoke. Not beat you down, just blow smoke all over you. But gee, thatll probably be pretty hard for me. You are just so easy and pathetic, it will be hard for me to ignore you. If youre going to be in my presence, you must ask nicely for me smoke. Be obedient for me. Please goddess Anna give me some smoke. Louder. Cmon! Repeat it. Thats nice, now suck it in. Hold it and savor the taste. I know you love the taste of my smoke. Coming out of my wonderful mouth, you cant help yourself. Be good for your goddess. Hold it in your throat you lame loser. So obedient. Your mouth is open and waiting for the next cloud of thick lung tarring smoke.