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Lacey Starr productions: Но после съемкиHD 24:07
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Но после съемки

Опубликовано: 10.01.2022 Подробнее Скрыть

People often ask what goes on after a porn shoot. Much of that depends what type scene you've just shot, and how it's left you feeling. On this day, I'd been joined by the utterly amazing Baby Kitten to film a scene for the next Dr.Lacey DVD. It was a simple half an hour girl girl scene and Kitten was as usual, incredibly sexy throughout. So much so, that when we got together off-set afterwards, to chill and have a girlie catch up, we both kinda felt that tingle of 'unfinished business'. Simple truth is, sometimes you don't get to cum enough during a shoot and it just serves to leave you feeling horny. That's ok when it's both of you feeling that way, and it's so much better than 'ok' when the other girl is Kitten!