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Trapped thoughts: Pensamentos capturados - episódio 1HD 24:30
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Pensamentos capturados - episódio 1

Publicado:29.04.2024 Mais informações Ocultar

Protocol, day 1 Professor I was now given, together with Dr. Rade, which assumes object 5 and thus also d. technical management and maintenance of the highly sensitive devices. Not only did we succeed d. To represent the test person's dreams visually, we also experiment and direct them. We also draw d. Dream up and archive them. After the usual resistance, object 5 was able to enter a deep phase. The brain chip was properly installed and connected to the nervous system. D. Systems worked perfectly and we managed to d. to extract first dreams. What was seen in experiment one was a SUSPENSION. In addition, we were able to Increasing the level d. Evoking COMPLETE NUDITY. Dr Rade is a capable scientist who has already gained some experience with test subjects. I hope for further good and successful cooperation.

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