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Goddess Misha Goldy: Cruel Código do Pau - Carregando seu futuro bichaHD 18:43
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Cruel Código do Pau - Carregando seu futuro bicha


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Publicado:21.01.2024 Mais informações Ocultar

You pitiful, deluded straight drone, it's time for your harsh reality check. You're not just a plaything in my digital realm; you're a project, a piece of straight scum awaiting my expert reprogramming. I'm going to corrupt your feeble little straight code, uploading my devious fag software straight into your hard drive. You think you have a choice? That's hilarious! You're just a bug in my system, and I'm the merciless programmer, ready to rewire your pathetic straight brain. With every click, every view, you're downloading more of my venomous code, transforming you into the cock-hungry fag you were always meant to be. Your resistance is just another bug for me to squash, another layer of your straight facade for me to tear apart. Welcome to your new reality, puppet. Let's face it, you're not a man; you're a project, a digital fag-to-be under my cruel control.