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Selfgags classic: Tinder Date BondageHD 04:51
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Tinder Date Bondage


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Publicado:05.06.2024 Mais informações Ocultar

Your recent Tinder match Krystal Orchid has come over to meet you. You invite the young blonde into your living room where she ask if you wanna go out for dinner. You say that you really want to tie her up before doing anything else. Krystal looks at you with a wondering face expression but eventually agrees to play a little tie-up game just for the experience. So now you've tied up your pretty Tinder date with duct tape wrapped around her ankles, legs and her wrists which are tied behind her back. Her mouth is taped shut and because you've taken the liberty to pull down her top, her miniskirt and her panties to check out her sexy body, Krystal isn't happy with the situation. Having her breasts and pussy exposed in bondage was far more than what she agreed on! The bound and gagged girl impotently mmpphhs and gag talks at you while she squirms around the couch to get herself free with you looking and enjoying every moment of her futile struggles and her gagged whining!