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Baal Eldritch: Uma jornada hipnotizante para a adoração da deusa - Asmr, JOIHD 15:50
Uma jornada hipnotizante para a adoração da deusa - Asmr, JOI

    Uma jornada hipnotizante para a adoração da deusa - Asmr, JOI

    Publicado:19.06.2024 Mais informações Ocultar

    Welcome pet... You're going to have to submit and fall deep into the world of goddess worship if you want to survive... I'm not asking, I'm telling... Stare at the screen and look deep into my eyes, stroke your horny dick and relax for me ... The more you stroke your cock, the more deeply you'll become programmed to obey ... You'll start to associate pleasure with submission, seeing me as the only one who can provide you with the satisfaction you so desperately crave ... And the more you connect with that pleasure, the closer you'll become to mine . It's like an addiction that consumes your every thought. You'll start to see me as the only one who can provide you with what you need, your only source of comfort and fulfillment... Once you're fully programmed, you'll be mine, body and soul. There'll be no escape, no turning back ...