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Goddess Misha Goldy: Ik ben je wellustige nieuwe religie en nieuwe donkere God...HD 06:58
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Ik ben je wellustige nieuwe religie en nieuwe donkere God in je zwakke gehoorzame geest!

Gepubliceerd:04.05.2022 Meer info Verberg

Warning!!! The dangerous video contains materials that can scare, cause a fair amount of stress, and fear, and increase anxiety! Enjoy your viewing! Use headphones! I know how to control you. I know how to get into your mind and manipulate you. I know how to pull all your strings and make you all Mine. Forget your old dumb god! Pointless, weak, pathetic, and agitated. You don't need to think. All you have to do is obey ME. Obey your new dark GOD. Obey! You take pleasure in obedience. You find ecstasy in Me and My dark power. You feel the lust and desire grow stronger and stronger. You are craving Me and your new religion! I am your everything, and you are just My little mindless slave.

☀️ Waarschuwing: 50% KORTING 🏝️

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