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Goddess Misha Goldy: Anda tidak ada tanpa saya! Tidak ada yang peduli padamu...HD 06:24
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Anda tidak ada tanpa saya! Tidak ada yang peduli padamu kecuali aku

Diposting:06.08.2020 Informasi selengkapnya Sembunyikan

I am the only one person who cares about you. You may have someone around you, but even they all know that you are a loser. They really don't care about you. No one cares about you ... except Me. You know that I am the only one who really pays attention to you, so you crave it more and more. But the only reason I care about this is that you give Me your money! And as long as you have money, you will always have Me in your life. And all I have to do is destroy you and humiliate you. It makes you want Me even more. The more I treat you like dirt, the more you want to give Me money and serve Me.