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AV Jiali: 군인은 그의 푸른 공에 대한 도움이 필요하고이 섹시한 의사가 그를 도와HD 36:07
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군인은 그의 푸른 공에 대한 도움이 필요하고이 섹시한 의사가 그를 도와

게시됨:01.11.2023 더 많은 정보 숨김

What a cute Taiwan girl! This is Verina. And here she is today in her other job as a medical doctor. She is checking soldiers to see if they can be exempt from their next service. It seems that she is bored and tired of all the soldiers coming in trying to get out of their military duty. They all have some reason why they can not do any military drills this term and are looking for a way out. Today she finds a patient with a very novel reason. He says he has not cum in several weeks and has to have a release and she needs to help him. He insists that is a very serious medical condition and that she as a medical doctor can help him to relieve himself of this discomfort he feels in his balls. He grabs her hand and lets her feel his cock so she an feel how hard he is. He really is in need of somewhere to unload his cum and since there is a bed there in the clinic she lays down for him as he takes off his clothes and lays on top of her. He wants her pussy spread open so he can slide in and

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