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Natalie Wonder: 음란한 화장실 토크와 함께 내 큰 냄새 나는 갈색 덤프를 밀어내고 JOIHD 11:59
음란한 화장실 토크와 함께 내 큰 냄새 나는 갈색 덤프를 밀어내고 JOI

    음란한 화장실 토크와 함께 내 큰 냄새 나는 갈색 덤프를 밀어내고 JOI

    게시됨:15.08.2019 더 많은 정보 숨김

    I think it's really hot & dirty to watch a girl take a big nasty stinking dump in front of me. Scene starts with you walking into bathroom (I'm there already). You say, "Are you sure? Ok. But I'm warning you, my dump stink! They fucking reek!" Please use all toilet words interchangeably. And also wait until you have a lot of brown in your system. Make it big & nasty. Lots of straining. Talk about how large it feels as it waits to get pushed out of your asshole. Hold it a few minutes. Lots of dirty details. Farts would be a bonus. Comment how smelly it is. Waft it towards me. Regular small talk too since we're friends. Tell me to stroke my hard cock while you push it out. Big heavy plops. Stand & show your stretched, raw and gaping asshole at the end.