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Eros JOI: 유리잔 벨트란의 거유에 사정HD 13:41
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유리잔 벨트란의 거유에 사정

게시됨:22.01.2024 더 많은 정보 숨김

Yurizan was your wife's best friend in college and now you are sitting in the kitchen with her. She tells you about the fun times they had together in college. Both girls were a little slutty, but you are kind of okay with that. She tells you about the time she and your wife practically strike a guy at class. Then she tells you that they convinced a third girl how much fun girls can be. Since Yurizan and your wife have shared so many sexual partners in the past, she thinks that it might be fun for the two of you to have some fun today. You are a little uncomfortable about this and even slightly embarrassed, but Yurizan still wants to play today. She moves with you into a bedroom so that you can both get more comfortable. You both sit on the bed, but she can tell how anxious you are. She can also see that your dick is getting hard, despite your slight apprehension, and she tells you to take your dick out of your pants.

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