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Pastel Goddess: 변태 남성에게 후장 처방하는 간호사 파스텔HD 23:00
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변태 남성에게 후장 처방하는 간호사 파스텔

게시됨:02.03.2023 더 많은 정보 숨김

Kitten has been unsuccessful maintaining a boner with women. While it is true that women always make fun of his small penis every time he shows it to them, he thinks maybe it's a medical condition that his penis can't stay hard. Nurse Pastel arrives at his apartment to inform him that the doctor wouldn't be needed. At first she asks Kitten where the step-father of the house is, because he looks so small that it couldn't be him. He says he is the one who called her. She laughs and remembered that his file said he's only 5'2". She assessed no symptoms of ED and thinks it must just be the fact that he is too shy and embarrassed to sexually perform around women who are out of his league. She makes him show her his penis to confirm. She was right! It's one of the smallest dicks she has ever seen. It's no wonder his medical file said he was a virgin. She was right to come and suggest a homeopathic treatment. Kitten agrees and she tells him to get on his knees.

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