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Sexy Milf: Very rough nipple workout video!!! Unusual big boob bouncing!!!HD 10:13
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Very rough nipple workout video!!! Unusual big boob bouncing!!!

Publié :16.04.2020 Plus d'infos Masquer

Customer wrote: You'll need two black binder clips and two 12-inch (30cm) lengths of 1/4 inch (5mm) braided elastic. Tie a small loop in one end of each elastic and tie a binder clip to the other end. Find a workout video online with lots of arm movement eg boxing or a wii boxing game. Video is you standing naked, from the side and slightly in front, shown from thigh to face. Do a short warmup. Then put one binder clip on each nipple, directly over the tip from the front, and one elastic loop over each thumb, on the hand the same side as the clamp. You should be unable to straighten your arms without significant pull on the clips. Now start the workout video and complete it with full arm movements. Than put the loops on opposite thumbs and do the last part of the workout again ! Very rude boob bouncing!!!