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Goddess Misha Goldy: "La vérité, c'est que vous ne pouvez rien faire à propos...HD 11:04
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"La vérité, c'est que vous ne pouvez rien faire à propos de votre dépendance !"

Publié :18.01.2022 Plus d'infos Masquer

The truth is simple. You're addicted to Me and to findom smoking and lip fetishes. There's nothing you can do about it. You're fucked. Once that first smoking findom video got inside your head, it was over for you. You were fucked from the beginning and there was nothing you could do about it. It was so easy to break you because you were already broken. I am a Smoking Findom Goddess and you are just a weak addict which I can manipulate so easily. You are relapsed again...