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Goddess Misha Goldy: "Ta bite n'est pas aussi dure que quand tu regardes...HD 13:41
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"Ta bite n'est pas aussi dure que quand tu regardes mes clips quand tu as du vrai sexe !"

Publié :05.01.2021 Plus d'infos Masquer

I see you have no sex at all. I think this is because you realized that your cock does not get as hard as when you watch clips of My humiliations and denials. I'm right? I really like to think that you tried to fuck someone, and realized that you just can't be zealous. Because you are addicted to getting hard when My clothed body appears on the screen with the loser symbol and new humiliations! You dont deserve a pussy! You dont want it! You want to be taese? and denied by Me! You need it the most! This makes you hard! Not a pussy in front of your face! Believe Me, you will not have a normal relationship, because, in order to diligently gain hardness, you will think about Me, My body, and about a new portion of humiliation and denial! And the more you stroke, like now, the deeper this problem will become for you. You are not worthy of real sex! You crave just Me and your own hand!