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From Wikiversity

Weyfour WWWWolf (homo lupus fennicus).

a.k.a Urpo Lankinen (h. sapiens linguaanglicanawikipaediadministratoricus (wikignomiiforme)).

Who I am

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I'm WWWWolf. I'm an admin on English Wikipedia. Instead of studying at the local university, I kind of mop around in Wikipedia. Well, I really try to study too.

What I'd like to see in Wikiversity

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When and if Wikiversity moves to research side big time, here's some stuff I wish we would research.

Basically, the big problem is that a lot of stuff on these topics gets deleted from Wikipedia because that's based on hearsay and random users adding random bits of Stuff on the latest craze. The only logical conclusion is that it's not researched well enough. We need studies on these topics. We need them fast.

  • Internet culture and phenomena.
  • Computer games. Ludology is a young science. We need to do more of this stuff.
  • Machinima. See above.

The Game Description Project

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Here's a great big philosophical question: What is a video game?

Wikipedia answers that question. Or at least they will continue to answer until some delete-happy source-demanding jackbooted horror monster comes along and deletes the whole lot.

Wikipedia has nice articles on various fundamental concepts of video gaming. Yet, here's the rub: all of it is crappily sourced, at least if you look at the strictest possible interpretation of Wikipedia's verifiability/reliable sources rules.

"A computer game is a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on a screen for the sake of entertainment."


Wikipedia folks wants sources. Would be extremely cool if some experts of computer games would gather around in Wikiversity, and then tell with peer-reviewed authority that a computer game is a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on a screen for the sake of entertainment, so that we don't need to go look for some stupid book from God knows where that explains this obvious fact to everyone.

We need to explain the obvious. We have precious few publications as it is that do this fundamental stuff of defining the computer and video games.