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Stars/Sun/Solar binary/Quiz

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< Stars‎ | Sun‎ | Solar binary
File:Aj424241f8 lr.jpg
This is a Keck adaptive optics image of TYC 4110-01037-1 in K′. Credit: Keith Matthews at the Keck Observatory.

Solar binary is a lecture and an article for an original research project focussed on a possible origin of the solar system. It is part of the astronomy course on the principles of radiation astronomy.

You are free to take this quiz based on solar binary at any time.

To improve your score, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{principles of radiation astronomy}} template. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information from more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!


1 Yes or No, BH Centauri is an overcontact system.


2 Which of the following is or may be an original binary companion to the Sun?

the planet Mercury

3 True or False, Romulus and Remus are the original names for the Sun-Ouranus binary.


4 Complete the text:

Match up the observation with the binary star:
Sirius A and B - A
Algol A and B - B
Albireo - C
WISE J1049-5319 - D
Mizar A - E
Minkowski 2-9 - F




File:MizarA npoi big.gif


5 True or False, The Roman god Caelus was a primal god like the Greek god Uranus.


6 Complete the text:

Match up the type of star with each of the characteristics below:
solar twin - A
solar analog - B
solar type - C
double star - D
binary - E
visual binary - F
astrometric binary - G
spectroscopic binary - H
eclipsing binary - I
detached binary - J
semidetached binary - K
contact binary - L
common-envelope binary - M
area of gravitational pull exceeds the other component

same line of sight

wobbling around a point

no close companion with an orbital period of ten days or less

resolved binary using visual astronomy

periodic variation in radial velocity

each component fills the other's area of gravitational pull

F8V through K2V

unstable mass transfer from one to the other

mutual eclipses

two orbiting around each other

no stellar companion

one component does not exceed the gravitational pull area


7 True or False, Alpha Centauri A and C are binary solar analogs.


8 Complete the text:

Solar-type stars are

stars with a B-V color between

and 0.80.

9 True or False, Saturn may have been a pole star for the Earth and the remnants of a binary with the Sun.


10 Phenomena associated with a solar analog star are

no stellar companion
temperature within 500 K solar
metallicity of 50-200% solar
orbital period of greater than 11 d
K0V permitted
K1V permitted

11 True or False, Most of the planetary orbital poles are clustered around the Sun's rotational pole.


12 A star with an effective surface temperature within 50 K solar is called a solar

13 True or False, The Sun-Jupiter system may serve to establish an upper limit for interstellar cometary capture.


14 Which of the following is likely to apply to a solar binary?

a high relative velocity between the solar system and the cometary medium of a passage through a molecular cloud
none of the captured bodies may localize in the Oort cloud
none of the captured bodies localize near the Sun
some captured bodies may localize near Jupiter
the Jupiter system may be a control group

15 True or False, 2M1207b is a Jupiter-like planet that orbits the brown dwarf (2M1207) at a distance nearly twice as far as Neptune is from the Sun.


16 Which of the following may not be able to slow down an object entering the heliosphere at 20 km/s?

electrostatic repulsion
the charge on the surface of the Sun
a comparable charge on the incoming object
strong forces

17 True or False, Vega and BD+38 3238D may be a binary system.


18 Which of the following are characteristics of a solar-like binary?

Teff ≤ 6000 K
break up of a triple-component stellar system
none of the captured bodies localize near the Sun
some captured bodies may localize near Jupiter
the Jupiter system may be a control group


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  1. Questions can be used to pin down the original second star in the solar binary.

See also

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{{Principles of radiation astronomy}}