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Level 说明
+++ 极度喜欢并已经实践过;此生绝不能缺少
++ 非常喜欢,可能实践过,也可能常从幻想中获得性快感
+ 喜欢,曾从幻想或实践中获得性快感
0 不确定;自己可能会喜欢并从中获得性快感,也可能不
- 不喜欢;无法想象自己有可能从中获得性快感
-- 厌恶,绝不愿意参与或尝试;会让自己完全失去性唤起
--- 极厌恶并觉得恶心,甚至会不愿意接触有此性癖的人
N/A 不适用(因为自己的性别或性取向)



Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Abasiophilia People with impaired mobility.[1] +
Acrotomophilia People with amputations.[2][3] +
Adipophilia Overweight or obese people. 0
Agalmatophilia Statues, mannequins and immobility.[4] 0
Ailurophilia Cats[5] -
Algolagnia Pain, particularly involving an erogenous zone; differs from masochism as there is a biologically different interpretation of the intense sensation rather than a subjective interpretation.[6] +++
Amaurophilia Being unable to see.[7][8][9] ++
Amokoscisia To slash and mutilate women.[10] ++
Andromimetophilia Trans men.[1][11] +
Anililagnia Attraction by young men to older women.[12] +
Anthropophagolagnia Raping and then cannibalizing another person.[13] ++
Anthropophagy Ingesting human flesh.[13] ++
Apotemnophilia Being an amputee.[2][14] ++
Aquaphilia A sexual fetish that involves people swimming, posing, or even drowning in water. ++
Asphyxiophilia Being asphyxiated or strangled.[2] +++
Attraction to disability People with one or more physical disabilities.[15] ++
Autagonistophilia Being on stage or on camera.[16][17] ++
Autassassinophilia Being in life-threatening situations.[2] ++
Autoandrophilia Controversial term intended to refer to sexual arousal of a female in response to the image of herself as male.[18] N/A
Autoanthropomorphozoophilia The image of oneself in the form of an anthropomorphic animal.[19] 0
Autoerotic asphyxiation Self-induced asphyxiation, sometimes to the point of near unconsciousness.[17] +++
Autogynephilia Controversial term intended to refer to sexual arousal of a male in response to the image of himself as female.[18] +
Autohemofetishism Making oneself bleed, a type of hematolagnia.[20] +++
Autonepiophilia The image of oneself in the form of an infant.[16] -
Autopedophilia The image of oneself in the form of a child.[21] -
Autoplushophilia The image of oneself in the form of a plush.[21] +
Autovampirism/Vampirism The image of oneself in the form of a vampire.[22][23][24] Involves ingesting or seeing one's own blood.[20] 0
Autozoophilia The image of oneself in the form of an animal.[25][26] +


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Belly fetish/Alvinolagnia The midriff or belly. ++
Biastophilia/Raptophilia Raping a person, possibly consensual rape fantasy.[2][16] +++


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Candaulism Exposing one's partner or images of their partner to others. +++
Canophilia Dogs[27] 0
Capnolagnia Smoking.[28] +
Cheirophilia Hands. +
Chremastistophilia Being robbed or held up.[16] --
Chronophilia Partners of a widely differing chronological age.[16] -
Coprophilia Feces; also known as scat, scatophilia or fecophilia.[29][30] +++
Crurophilia Legs.[31] ++
Cuckolding fetish Infidelity.[32] +++


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Dacryphilia Tears or crying.[33] ++
Diaper fetishism Diapers; considerable overlap with paraphilic infantilism.[34] -
Dendrophilia Trees.[2] -
Dormaphilia/Somnophilia Being asleep, or pretending to sleep.[35] 0


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Emetophilia Vomit.[1] ++
Eproctophilia Flatulence.[36] ++
Erotic asphyxiation Asphyxia of oneself or others.[37] +++
Erotophonophilia/Dacnolagnomania Murder, often of strangers.[13] 0
Exhibitionism Exposing one's genitals to unsuspecting and nonconsenting others.[29] +
Exophilia Extraterrestrials[38] -


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Feederism Eating, feeding, and weight gain.[39] --
Fictophilia Fictional characters.[40] -
Formicophilia Being crawled on by insects.[16][41] 0
Forniphilia Turning a human being into a piece of furniture. +
Frotteurism Rubbing against a non-consenting person.[29] --


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Gerontophilia Elderly people.[42] --
Gynandromorphophilia, Gynemimetophilia Transgender women.[1][43] ++
Galactophilia Breastfeeding or sucking on a woman's breasts.[44] +
Gynephilia Females or femininity, regardless of one's own sex or gender identity[45] +++


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Hematolagnia Drinking or looking at blood.[46] +
Heterophilia Idealization of heterosexuality and/or people who are "straight-acting", especially by non-heterosexual people.[47][48][49] N/A
Hierophilia Religious/sacred objects.[9] +
Hoplophilia Firearms, guns.[50] -
Hybristophilia Criminals, particularly those who committed cruel or outrageous crimes.[16][51] -


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Infantophilia Pedophilia with a focus on children less than five years old; a recently suggested term that is not in general use.[52] --


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Kleptophilia Stealing; also known as kleptolagnia.[1] --
Klismaphilia Enemas, arousal and enjoyment in receiving, administering, or both.[1][53] +++


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Lactophilia Breast milk.[54] 0
Liquidophilia Immersing genitals in liquids.[54] +


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Macrophilia Giant beings; imagined growth of beings.[54] +
Maschalagnia Armpits.[36] +++
Mazophilia Female breasts. +++
Masochism Suffering or humiliation; being beaten, bound, or otherwise abused.[29] +++
Maiesiophilia Pregnant women.[55] 0
Mechanophilia Cars or other machines; also "mechaphilia".[56][57][58] 0
Melolagnia Music.[59] 0
Menophilia Menstruation.[54] ++
Metrophilia Poetry.[59] -
Microphilia Shrunken beings; imagined shrinking of beings.[54] +
Morphophilia Particular body shapes or sizes.[17] 0
Mucophilia Mucus.[54] ++
Mysophilia Dirtiness, soiled or decaying things.[1] +++


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Narratophilia Obscene words.[1] ++
Nasophilia Noses.[54] ++
Navel fetishism Navel. ++
Nebulophilia Fog or smoke.[60] 0
Necrophilia Corpses.[29][1][61] 0


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Objectophilia Specific inanimate objects.[29] +
Oculolinctus The act of licking the eyes of another person for the purpose of gratification. -
Odaxelagnia Biting or being bitten. ++
Olfactophilia/Bromidrophilia Smells and odors (particularly foul ones) emanating from the body, especially the sexual areas and/or from the opposite sex (as from bad breath, urine, feces, flatulence, etc.).[1][16] +++
Omorashi Arousal from having a full bladder and/or wetting oneself, or from seeing someone else experiencing a full bladder and/or wetting themself. +++


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Paraphilic infantilism Dressing or being treated like a baby, also known as autonepiophilia[16] or "adult baby syndrome";[62] considerable overlap with diaper fetishism.[34] --
Partialism Specific, non-genital body parts.[29][1] +++
Pedophilia Prepubescent children; also spelled paedophilia.[29][63] +
Peodeiktophilia Exposing one's penis.[2] ++
Pedovestism Dressing like a child.[64] -
Podophilia Feet.[65] ++
Pictophilia Pornography or erotic art, particularly pictures.[1][16] +++
Piquerism Piercing the flesh of another person, most commonly by stabbing or cutting the body with sharp objects.[66] +++
Plushophilia Stuffed toys ("plushies").[67] +
Pygophilia Buttocks.[68] +++
Pyrophilia Fire.[69] +


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Robophilia Humanoid robots. +


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Salirophilia Soiling or dirtying others.[1] 0
Sexual fetishism Nonliving objects.[29] ++
Sexual sadism Inflicting pain on others.[29] +++
Shoe fetishism Shoes, especially high heels. +++
Somnophilia Sleeping or unconscious people.[1][16] ++
Sophophilia Learning.[70] 0
Sthenolagnia Muscles and displays of strength.[54] +
Stigmatophilia Body piercings and tattoos.[2][54] +
Symphorophilia Witnessing or staging disasters such as car accidents.[2] 0
Telephone scatologia Obscene phone calls, particularly to strangers; also known as telephonicophilia[29][16] and scatophilia.[71] --


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Teratophilia Deformed or monstrous people.[36] The term is also sometimes used in a more literal sense (from ancient Greek τέρας, teras, meaning monster) for attraction to monstrous mythical and fictional creatures such as werewolves. -
Toucherism Touching an unsuspecting, non-consenting person with the hand.[72] --
Toxophilia Archery.[59] -
Transvestic fetishism Recurrent and intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing which causes clinically significant distress or impairment.[73] +
Transvestophilia A cross-dressing sexual partner.[16] +
Trichophilia Hair.[54] +
Troilism Observing one's partner engaged in sexual activities with another person.[1][17] +++
Timophilia Gold, wealth, or social status.[74] -


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Urolagnia Urination, particularly in public, on others, and/or being urinated on. Also referred to as "water sports".[29][1][16][17] +++


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Vorarephilia The idea of one person or creature eating or being eaten by another; usually swallowed whole, in one piece; also known as vore, involving the devouring of or being devoured by human or creature who gets so hungry and start to ate someone. [75] 0
Voyeurism Watching others while naked or having sex, generally without their knowledge; also known as scopophilia or scoptophilia.[29][17] +


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Wet and messy fetishism Messy situations, including, but not limited to, being pied, slimed or covered in mud. ++


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Xenophilia an attraction to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs[76] 0


Paraphilia Focus of erotic interest Level
Zoophilia Attraction to non-human animals.[29][1][16] -
Zoosadism Inflicting pain on animals, or seeing animals in pain.[77] ---
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Milner, JS; Dopke CA (2008). "Paraphilia Not Otherwise Specified: Psychopathology and theory". In Laws DR & O'Donohue WT (ed.). Sexual Deviance, Second Edition: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment. New York: The Guilford Press. pp. 384–418. ISBN 978-1-59385-605-2.
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