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'Chris troutman'
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[ 0 => 'autoreviewer', 1 => 'extendedconfirmed', 2 => 'reviewer', 3 => 'rollbacker', 4 => '*', 5 => 'user', 6 => 'autoconfirmed' ]
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'Port Adelaide Football Club'
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'Port Adelaide Football Club'
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[ 0 => '', 1 => 'Chris troutman', 2 => 'ClueBot NG', 3 => '', 4 => 'Thejoebloggsblog', 5 => 'Clean Copy', 6 => '', 7 => '', 8 => 'Jevansen', 9 => '' ]
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'Reverted 1 edit by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) to last revision by Chris troutman. ([[WP:TW|TW]])'
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Old page wikitext, before the edit (old_wikitext)
'The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it "the Riddle House," even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there. It stood on a hill overlooking the village, some of its windows boarded, tiles missing from its roof, and ivy spreading unchecked over its face. Once a fine-looking manor, and easily the largest and grandest building for miles around, the Riddle House was now damp, derelict, and unoccupied. The Little Hangletons all agreed that the old house was "creepy." Half a century ago, something strange and horrible had happened there, something that the older inhabitants of the village still liked to discuss when topics for gossip were scarce. The story had been picked over so many times, and had been embroidered in so many places, that nobody was quite sure what the truth was anymore. Every version of the tale, however, started in the same place: Fifty years before, at daybreak on a fine summer's morning when the Riddle House had still been well kept and impressive, a maid had entered the drawing room to find all three Riddles dead. The maid had run screaming down the hill into the village and roused as many people as she could. "Lying there with their eyes wide open! Cold as ice! Still in their dinner things!" The police were summoned, and the whole of Little Hangleton had seethed with shocked curiosity and ill-disguised excitement. Nobody wasted their breath pretending to feel very sad about the Riddles, for they had been most unpopular. Elderly Mr. and Mrs. Riddle had been rich, snobbish, and rude, and their grown-up son, Tom, had been, if anything, worse. All the villagers cared about was the identity of their murderer - for plainly, three apparently healthy people did not all drop dead of natural causes on the same night. The Hanged Man, the village pub, did a roaring trade that night; the whole village seemed to have turned out to discuss the murders. They were rewarded for leaving their firesides when the Riddles' cook arrived dramatically in their midst and announced to the suddenly silent pub that a man called Frank Bryce had just been arrested. "Frank!" cried several people. "Never!" Frank Bryce was the Riddles' gardener. He lived alone in a run-down cottage on the grounds of the Riddle House. Frank had come back from the war with a very stiff leg and a great dislike of crowds and loud noises, and had been working for the Riddles ever since. There was a rush to buy the cook drinks and hear more details. "Always thought he was odd," she told the eagerly listening villagers, after her fourth sherry. "Unfriendly, like. I'm sure if I've offered him a cuppa once, I've offered it a hundred times. Never wanted to mix, he didn't." "Ah, now," said a woman at the bar, "he had a hard war, Frank. He likes the quiet life. That's no reason to -" "Who else had a key to the back door, then?" barked the cook. "There's been a spare key hanging in the gardener's cottage far back as I can remember! Nobody forced the door last night! No broken windows! All Frank had to do was creep up to the big house while we was all sleeping..." The villagers exchanged dark looks. "I always thought that he had a nasty look about him, right enough," grunted a man at the bar. "War turned him funny, if you ask me," said the landlord. "Told you I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of Frank, didn't I, Dot?" said an excited woman in the corner. "Horrible temper," said Dot, nodding fervently. "I remember, when he was a kid..." By the following morning, hardly anyone in Little Hangleton doubted that Frank Bryce had killed the Riddles. But over in the neighboring town of Great Hangleton, in the dark and dingy police station, Frank was stubbornly repeating, again and again, that he was innocent, and that the only person he had seen near the house on the day of the Riddles' deaths had been a teenage boy, a stranger, dark-haired and pale. Nobody else in the village had seen any such boy, and the police were quite sure Frank had invented him. Then, just when things were looking very serious for Frank, the report on the Riddles' bodies came back and changed everything. The police had never read an odder report. A team of doctors had examined the bodies and had concluded that none of the Riddles had been poisoned, stabbed, shot, strangles, suffocated, or (as far as they could tell) harmed at all. In fact (the report continued, in a tone of unmistakable bewilderment), the Riddles all appeared to be in perfect health - apart from the fact that they were all dead. The doctors did note (as though determined to find something wrong with the bodies) that each of the Riddles had a look of terror upon his or her face - but as the frustrated police said, whoever heard of three people being frightened to death? As there was no proof that the Riddles had been murdered at all, the police were forced to let Frank go. The Riddles were buried in the Little Hangleton churchyard, and their graves remained objects of curiosity for a while. To everyone's surprise, and amid a cloud of suspicion, Frank Bryce returned to his cottage on the grounds of the Riddle House. "As far as I'm concerned, he killed them, and I don't care what the police say," said Dot in the Hanged Man. "And if he had any decency, he'd leave here, knowing as how we knows he did it." But Frank did not leave. He stayed to tend the garden for the next family who lived in the Riddle House, and then the next - for neither family stayed long. Perhaps it was partly because of Frank that the new owners said there was a nasty feeling about the place, which, in the absence of inhabitants, started to fall into disrepair. The wealthy man who owned the Riddle House these days neither lived there nor put it to any use; they said in the village that he kept it for "tax reasons," though nobody was very clear what these might be. The wealthy owner continued to pay Frank to do the gardening, however. Frank was nearing his seventy-seventh birthday now, very deaf, his bad leg stiffer than ever, but could be seen pottering around the flower beds in fine weather, even though the weeds were starting to creep up on him, try as he might to suppress them. Weeds were not the only things Frank had to contend with either. Boys from the village made a habit of throwing stones through the windows of the Riddle House. They rode their bicycles over the lawns Frank worked so hard to keep smooth. Once or twice, they broke into the old house for a dare. They knew that old Frank's devotion to the house and the grounds amounted almost to an obsession, and it amused them to see him limping across the garden, brandishing his stick and yelling croakily at them. Frank, for his part, believed the boys tormented him because they, like their parents and grandparents, though him a murderer. So when Frank awoke one night in August and saw something very odd up at the old house, he merely assumed that the boys had gone one step further in their attempts to punish him. It was Frank's bad leg that woke him; it was paining him worse than ever in his old age. He got up and limped downstairs into the kitchen with the idea of refilling his hot-water bottle to ease the stiffness in his knee. Standing at the sink, filling the kettle, he looked up at the Riddle House and saw lights glimmering in its upper windows. Frank knew at once what was going on. The boys had broken into the house again, and judging by the flickering quality of the light, they had started a fire. Frank had no telephone, in any case, he had deeply mistrusted the police ever since they had taken him in for questioning about the Riddles' deaths. He put down the kettle at once, hurried back upstairs as fast as his bad leg would allow, and was soon back in his kitchen, fully dressed and removing a rusty old key from its hook by the door. He picked up his walking stick, which was propped against the wall, and set off into the night. The front door of the Riddle House bore no sign of being forced, nor did any of the windows. Frank limped around to the back of the house until he reached a door almost completely hidden by ivy, took out the old key, put it into the lock, and opened the door noiselessly. He let himself into the cavernous kitchen. Frank had not entered it for many years; nevertheless, although it was very dark, he remembered where the door into the hall was, and he groped his way towards it, his nostrils full of the smell of decay, ears pricked for any sound of footsteps or voices from overhead. He reached the hall, which was a little lighter owing to the large mullioned windows on either side of the front door, and started to climb the stairs, blessing the dust that lay thick upon the stone, because it muffled the sound of his feet and stick. On the landing, Frank turned right, and saw at once where the intruders were: At the every end of the passage a door stood ajar, and a flickering light shone through the gap, casting a long sliver of gold across the black floor. Frank edged closer and closer, he was able to see a narrow slice of the room beyond. The fire, he now saw, had been lit in the grate. This surprised him. Then he stopped moving and listened intently, for a man's voice spoke within the room; it sounded timid and fearful. "There is a little more in the bottle, My Lord, if you are still hungry." "Later," said a second voice. This too belonged to a man - but it was strangely high-pitched, and cold as a sudden blast of icy wind. Something about that voice made the sparse hairs on the back of Frank's neck stand up. "Move me closer to the fire, Wormtail." Frank turned his right ear toward the door, the better to hear. There came the clink of a bottle being put down upon some hard surface, and then the dull scraping noise of a heavy chair being dragged across the floor. Frank caught a glimpse of a small man, his back to the door, pushing the chair into place. He was wearing a long black cloak, and there was a bald patch at the back of his head. Then he went out of sight again. "Where is Nagini?" said the cold voice. "I - I don't know, My Lord," said the first voice nervously. "She set out to explore the house, I think..." "You will milk her before we retire, Wormtail," said the second voice. "I will need feeding in the night. The journey has tired me greatly." Brow furrowed, Frank inclined his good ear still closer to the door, listening very hard. There was a pause, and then the man called Wormtail spoke again. "My Lord, may I ask how long we are going to stay here?" "A week," said the cold voice. "Perhaps longer. The place is moderately comfortable, and the plan cannot proceed yet. It would be foolish to act before the Quidditch World Cup is over." Frank inserted a gnarled finger into his ear and rotated it. Owing, no doubt, to a buildup of earwax, he had heard the word "Quidditch," which was not a word at all. "The - the Quidditch World Cup, My Lord?" said Wormtail. (Frank dug his finger still more vigorously into his ear.) "Forgive me, but - I do not understand - why should we wait until the World Cup is over?" "Because, fool, at this very moment wizards are pouring into the country from all over the world, and every meddler from the Ministry of Magic will be on duty, on the watch for signs of unusual activity, checking and double-checking identities. They will be obsessed with security, lest the Muggles notice anything. So we wait." Frank stopped trying to clear out his ear. He had distinctly heard the words "Ministry of Magic," "wizards," and "Muggles." Plainly, each of these expressions meant something secret, and Frank could think of only two sorts of people who would speak in code: spies and criminals. Frank tightened his hold on his walking stick once more, and listened more closely still. "Your Lordship is still determined, then?" Wormtail said quietly. "Certainly I am determined, Wormtail." There was a note of menace in the cold voice now. A slight pause followed - and the Wormtail spoke, the words tumbling from him in a rush, as though he was forcing himself to say this before he lost his nerve. "It could be done without Harry Potter, My Lord." Another pause, more protracted, and then - "Without Harry Potter?" breathed the second voice softly. "I see..." "My Lord, I do not say this out of concern for the boy!" said Wormtail, his voice rising squeakily. "The boy is nothing to me, nothing at all! It is merely that if we were to use another witch or wizard - any wizard - the thing could be done so much more quickly! If you allowed me to leave you for a short while - you know that I can disguise myself most effectively - I could be back here in as little as two days with a suitable person -" "I could use another wizard," said the cold voice softly, "that is true..." "My Lord, it makes sense," said Wormtail, sounding thoroughly relieved now. "Laying hands on Harry Potter would be so difficult, he is so well protected -" "And so you volunteer to go and fetch me a substitute? I wonder...perhaps the task of nursing me has become wearisome for you, Wormtail? Could this suggestion of abandoning the plan be nothing more than an attempt to desert me?" "My Lord! I - I have no wish to leave you, none at all -" "Do not lie to me!" hissed the second voice. "I can always tell, Wormtail! You are regretting that you ever returned to me. I revolt you. I see you flinch when you look at me, feel you shudder when you touch me..." "No! My devotion to Your Lordship -" "Your devotion is nothing more than cowardice. You would not be here if you had anywhere else to go. How am I to survive without you, when I need feeding every few hours? Who is to milk Nagini?" "But you seem so much stronger, My Lord -" "Liar," breathed the second voice. "I am no stronger, and a few days alone would be enough to rob me of the little health I have regained under your clumsy care. Silence!" Wormtail, who had been sputtering incoherently, fell silent at once. For a few seconds, Frank could hear nothing but the fire crackling. The second man spoke once more, in a whisper that was almost a hiss. "I have my reasons for using the boy, as I have already explained to you, and I will use no other. I have waited thirteen years. A few more months will make no difference. As for the protection surrounding the boy, I believe my plan will be effective. All that is needed is a little courage from you, Wormtail - courage you will find, unless you wish to feel the full extent of Lord Voldermort's wrath -" "My Lord, I must speak!" said Wormtail, panic in his voice now. "All through our journey I have gone over the plan in my head - My Lord, Bertha Jorkin's disappearance will not go unnoticed for long, and if we proceed, if I murder -" "If?" whispered the second voice. "If? If you follow the plan, Wormtail, the Ministry need never know that anyone else has died. You will do it quietly and without fuss; I only wish that I could do it myself, but in my present condition...Come, Wormtail, one more death and our path to Harry Potter is clear. I am not asking you to do it alone. By that time, my faithful servant will have rejoined us -" "I am a faithful servant," said Wormtail, the merest trace of sullenness in his voice. "Wormtail, I need somebody with brains, somebody whose loyalty has never wavered, and you, unfortunately, fulfill neither requirement." "I found you," said Wormtail, and there was definitely a sulky edge to his voice now. "I was the one who found you. I brought you Bertha Jorkins." "That is true," said the second man, sounding amused. "A stroke of brilliance I would not have thought possible from you, Wormtail - though, if truth be told, you were not aware how useful she would be when you caught her, were you?" "I - I thought she might be useful, My Lord -" "Liar," said the second voice again, the cruel amusement more pronounced than ever. "However, I do not deny that her information was invaluable. Without it, I could never have formed our plan, and for that, you will have your reward, Wormtail. I will allow you to perform an essential task for me, one that many of my followers would give their right hands to perform..." "R-really, My Lord? What -?" Wormtail sounded terrified again. "Ah, Wormtail, you don't want me to spoil the surprise? Your part will come at the very end...but I promise you, you will have the honor of being just as useful as Bertha Jorkins." "You...you..." Wormtail's voice suddenly sounded hoarse, as though his mouth had gone very dry. "You...are going...to kill me too?" "Wormtail, Wormtail," said the cold voice silkily, "why would I kill you? I killed Bertha because I had to. She was fit for nothing after my questioning, quite useless. In any case, awkward questions would have been asked if she had gone back to the Ministry with the news that she had met you on her holidays. Wizards who are supposed to be dead would do well not to run into Ministry of Magic witches at wayside inns..." Wormtail muttered something so quietly that Frank could not hear it, but it made the second man laugh - an entirely mirthless laugh, cold as his speech. "We could have modified her memory? But Memory Charms can be broken by a powerful wizard, as I proved when I questioned her. It would be an insult to her memory not to use the information I extracted from her, Wormtail." Out in the corridor, Frank suddenly became aware that the hand gripping his walking stick was slippery with sweat. The man with the cold voice had killed a woman. He was talking about it without any kind of remorse - with amusement. He was dangerous - a madman. And he was planning more murders - this boy, Harry Potter, whoever he was - was in danger - Frank knew what he must do. Now, if ever, was the time to go to the police. He would creep out of the house and head straight for the telephone box in the village...but the cold voice was speaking again, and Frank remained where he was, frozen to the spot, listening with all his might. "One more murder...my faithful servant at Hogwarts...Harry Potter is as good as mine, Wormtail. It is decided. There will be no more argument. But quiet...I think I hear Nagini..." And the second man's voice changed. He started making noises such as Frank had never heard before; he was hissing and spitting without drawing breath. Frank thought he must be having some sort of fit or seizure. And then Frank heard movement behind him in the dark passageway. He turned to look, and found himself paralyzed with fright. Something was slithering toward him along the dark corridor floor, and as it drew nearer to the sliver of firelight, he realized with a thrill of terror that it was a gigantic snake, at least twelve feet long. Horrified, transfixed, Frank stared as its undulating body cut a wide, curving track through the thick dust on the floor, coming closer and closer - What was he to do? The only means of escape was into the room where the two men sat plotting murder, yet if he stayed where he was the snake would surely kill him - But before he had made his decision, the snake was level with him, and then, incredibly, miraculously, it was passing; it was following the spitting, hissing noises made by the cold voice beyond the door, and in seconds, the tip of its diamond-patterned tail had vanished through the gap. There was sweat on Frank's forehead now, and the hand on the walking stick was trembling. Inside the room, the cold voice was continuing to hiss, and Frank was visited by a strange idea, an impossible idea...This man could talk to snakes. Frank didn't understand what was going on. He wanted more than anything to be back in his bed with his hot-water bottle. The problem was that his legs didn't seem to want to move. As he stood there shaking and trying to master himself, the cold voice switched abruptly to English again. "Nagini has interesting news, Wormtail," it said. "In-indeed, My Lord?" said Wormtail. "Indeed, yes," said the voice, "According to Nagini, there is an old Muggle standing right outside this room, listening to every word we say." Frank didn't have a chance to hide himself. There were footsteps and then the door of the room was flung wide open. A short, balding man with graying hair, a pointed nose, and small, watery eyes stood before Frank, a mixture of fear and alarm in his face. "Invite him inside, Wormtail. Where are your manners?" The cold voice was coming from the ancient armchair before the fire, but Frank couldn't see the speaker. the snake, on the other hand, was curled up on the rotting hearth rug, like some horrible travesty of a pet dog. Wormtail beckoned Frank into the room. Though still deeply shaken, Frank took a firmer grip on his walking stick and limped over the threshold. The fire was the only source of light in the room; it cast long, spidery shadows upon the walls. Frank stared at the back of the armchair; the man inside it seemed to be even smaller than his servant, for Frank couldn't even see the back of his head. "You heard everything, Muggle?" said the cold voice. "What's that you're calling me?" said Frank defiantly, for now that he was inside the room, now that the time had come for some sort of action, he felt braver; it had always been so in the war. "I am calling you a Muggle," said the voice coolly. "It means that you are not a wizard." "I don't know what you mean by wizard," said Frank, his voice growing steadier. "All I know is I've heard enough to interest the police tonight, I have. You've done murder and you're planning more! And I'll tell you this too," he added, on a sudden inspiration, "my wife knows I'm up here, and if I don't come back -" "You have no wife," said the cold voice, very quietly. "Nobody knows you are here. You told nobody that you were coming. Do not lie to Lord Voldemort, Muggle, for he knows...he always knows..." "Is that right?" said Frank roughly. "Lord, is it? Well, I don't think much of your manners, My Lord. Turn 'round and face me like a man, why don't you?" "But I am not a man, Muggle," said the cold voice, barely audible now over the crackling of the flames. "I am much, much more than a man. However...why not? I will face you...Wormtail, come turn my chair around." The servant gave a whimper. "You heard me, Wormtail." Slowly, with his face screwed up, as though he would rather have done anything than approach his master and the hearth rug where the snake lay, the small man walked forward and began to turn the chair. The snake lifted its ugly triangular head and hissed slightly as the legs of the chair snagged on its rug. And then the chair was facing Frank, and he saw what was sitting in it. His walking stick fell to the floor with a clatter. He opened his mouth and let out a scream. He was screaming so loudly that he never heard the words the thing in the chair spoke as it raised a wand. There was a flash of green light, a rushing sound, and Frank Bryce crumpled. He was dead before he hit the floor. Two hundred miles away, the boy called Harry Potter woke with a start.'
New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext)
'<!--see talk page for recommendations--> {{Use Australian English|date=October 2011}} {{Use dmy dates|date=October 2012}} {{Infobox australian football club | clubname = Port Adelaide | image = [[File:Port Adelaide Football Club Logo.jpg|240px|Port Adelaide Football Club logo]] | fullname = Port Adelaide Football Club Ltd<ref>{{cite web|title=Port Adelaide Football Club Limited|publisher=Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)|url=http://www.search.asic.gov.au/cgi-bin/gns030c?acn=068_839_547&juris=9&hdtext=ACN&srchsrc=1|accessdate=5 November 2010}}</ref> | motto = We Are Port Adelaide <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/video/2015-09-15/ptv-jack-hombsch-jim-stynes-community-leadership-award-nomination | title=PTV: Jack Hombsch - Jim Stynes Community Leadership Award nomination | date=15 September 2015 | quote= Port Adelaide's motto is 'We Exist to Win Premierships and Make Our Community Proud #119'.}}</ref> | topgoalkicker = [[Chad Wingard]] (38) | bestandfairest = | season = 2016 | home&away = 10th | founded = 12 May {{Start date and age|1870}} | colours = AFL: [[File:AFL Port Adelaide Icon.jpg|16px]], SANFL: [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] | league = Power <small>(AFL)</small><br />[[Australian Football League]]<br />Magpies <small>(2nds)</small><br />[[South Australian National Football League]]<br/>Port Adelaide Women <small>(SAWFL)</small><br/>[[South Australian Women's Football League]]<br />Academy <small>(3rds)</small><br />Junior development | chairman = [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] | CEO = [[Keith Thomas]] | coach = [[Ken Hinkley]] (AFL)<br />[[Chad Cornes]] (SANFL)<br/>Markita Bond (SAWFL) | captain = [[Travis Boak]] (AFL)<br />Steven Summerton (SANFL)<br/> Maddie Willis (SAWFL) | ground = [[Adelaide Oval]] | capacity = 53,583 | ground2 = [[Alberton Oval]] | capacity2 = 17,000 | formerground = [[Football Park]] | span = 1974–2013 | trainingground = [[Alberton Oval]] | premierships = AFL (1): [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004]]<br />Championship of Australia (4):<br />[[1890 Championship of Australia|1890]], [[1910 Championship of Australia|1910]], [[1913 Championship of Australia|1913]], [[1914 Championship of Australia|1914]]<br />SANFL <small>pre AFL entry</small> (34):<br />[[1884 SAFA season|1884]], [[1890 SAFA season|1890]], [[1897 SAFA season|1897]], [[1903 SAFA Grand Final|1903]], [[1906 SAFA Grand Final|1906]], [[1910 SAFL Grand Final|1910]], [[1913 SAFL Grand Final|1913]], [[1914 SAFL Grand Final|1914]], [[1921 SAFL Grand Final|1921]], [[1928 SANFL Grand Final|1928]], [[1936 SANFL Grand Final|1936]], [[1937 SANFL Grand Final|1937]], [[1939 SANFL Grand Final|1939]], [[1951 SANFL Grand Final|1951]], [[1954 SANFL Grand Final|1954]], [[1955 SANFL Grand Final|1955]], [[1956 SANFL Grand Final|1956]], [[1957 SANFL Grand Final|1957]], [[1958 SANFL Grand Final|1958]], [[1959 SANFL Grand Final|1959]], [[1962 SANFL Grand Final|1962]], [[1963 SANFL Grand Final|1963]], [[1965 SANFL Grand Final|1965]], [[1977 SANFL Grand Final|1977]], [[1979 SANFL Grand Final|1979]], [[1980 SANFL Grand Final|1980]], [[1981 SANFL Grand Final|1981]], [[1988 SANFL Grand Final|1988]], [[1989 SANFL Grand Final|1989]], [[1990 SANFL Grand Final|1990]], [[1992 SANFL Grand Final|1992]], [[1994 SANFL Grand Final|1994]], [[1995 SANFL Grand Final|1995]], [[1996 SANFL Grand Final|1996]]<br />SANFL <small>post AFL entry</small> (2): [[1998 SANFL Grand Final|1998]], [[1999 SANFL Grand Final|1999]]<br />WWI Patriotic League (2):<br />1916, 1917<br/>WWII Patriotic League (1):<br />[[1942 SANFL Grand Final|1942]] <small>(as Port-Torrens)</small> | url = [http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/ portadelaidefc.com.au] | jumper = | current = }} The '''Port Adelaide Football Club''' is a professional [[Australian rules football]] club based in [[Alberton, South Australia|Alberton]], [[Port Adelaide]], South Australia. The club's senior team plays in the [[Australian Football League]] (AFL) whilst its reserves and development teams compete in the [[South Australian National Football League]] (SANFL).<ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/105240/default.aspx Update: Power & Magpies Unite – Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club]</ref> Port Adelaide is the oldest professional football club in South Australia and the [[List of Australian rules football clubs by date of establishment|5th oldest club in the AFL]]. Since the club's first game on 24 May 1870, it has won 36 South Australian league premierships, including six in a row. The club also won the [[Champions of Australia]] competition on a record four occasions.<ref>[http://www.fullpointsfooty.net/port_adelaide.htm ''Port Adelaide – Part One: 1870 to 1918''], FullPointsFooty.net</ref><ref>[http://www.fullpointsfooty.net/championship_of_australia.htm ''Club Championship of Australia''], FullPointsFooty.net.</ref> In 1997, the club joined the Australian Football League as the only pre-existing non-Victorian club—and subsequently added the [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004 AFL Premiership]] to its achievements. ==Club history== {{multiple image | align = right | image1= John_Hart_Jr_1876.jpeg | width1 = 112 | alt1 = | image2 = Bucks Flat, Glanville Hall Estate.jpg | width2 = 226 | alt2 = | footer = Left: Inaugural club president [[John Hart, Jr.]]<br>Right: Port Adelaide played at [[John Hart (South Australian colonist)|John Hart, Sr.]]'s property, Glanville Hall Estate, from 1870-1879. }} {{main article|History of Port Adelaide Football Club}} ===1870–1876: Formation years=== By the late 1860s [[Port Adelaide]]'s [[Port River|river]] traffic was growing significantly causing John Rann, Mr. Leicester and Mr. Ireland to form a sporting club to benefit local wharf workers.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port Adelaide Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%2520Adelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The Port Adelaide Football Club was established on 12 May 1870 as part of a joint [[Australian rules football|Australian football]] and [[cricket]] club with the first training session taking place two days later.<ref>{{cite news |url = http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article39203522|title = The wheat statistics.|newspaper = [[South Australian Register]]|location = Adelaide, SA|date = 13 May 1870|accessdate = 29 March 2015|page = 5|publisher = National Library of Australia}}</ref> It played its first match against a team called the "Young Australians" on 24 May 1870 at inaugural club president [[John Hart, Jr.|John Hart]]'s family property in [[Glanville, South Australia|Glanville]]. Football in [[South Australia]] at this stage was yet to be organised by a single body and as a result there were several sets of rules in use across the state. ===1877–1889: SAFA foundation, Alberton Oval and Australia's first grand final=== In [[1877 SAFA season|1877]] Port Adelaide joined seven other clubs to form the [[South Australian National Football League|South Australian Football Association]] (SAFA), the first league of its type in Australia.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.sahistorians.org.au/175/chronology/april/30-april-1877-south-australian-football-associatio.shtml|title = The South Australian Football Story|date = 1983|accessdate = 2 May 2015|website = SA 175|publisher = professional historians association (south australia)|last = Whimpress|first = Bernard}}</ref> It competed its first few seasons wearing magenta guernseys and white shorts.<ref>{{Cite book|title = 1877 South Australian Football Season Records and Statistics|last = Gyss|first = Trevor|publisher = |year = 2010|isbn = 1445782928|location = |page = 31}}</ref> In [[1878 SAFA season|1878]] the club hosted its first game against the recently established [[Norwood Football Club]] with the visitors winning 1-0. A rivalry between these clubs would soon develop into one of the fiercest in Australian sport (See [[Port Adelaide–Norwood SANFL rivalry|Port Adelaide-Norwood SANFL rivalry]]).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article73070391 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The South Australian Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=18 June 1878 |accessdate=2 May 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> {{multiple image | align = right | image1 = Alberton_Oval_1880_Juniors.png | width1 = 200 | alt1 = | image2 = Port_Adelaide_1884_Premiership_Team.jpg | width2 = 240 | alt2 = | footer = Left: Junior Port Adelaide players at [[Alberton Oval]] in 1880, the first year the ground was used by the club for football.<br />Right: Port Adelaide's first premiership team from the [[1884 SAFA season|1884 season]]. }} In 1880 the club moved to [[Alberton Oval]]. In 1881 the club played an interstate team for the first time against [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] at Adelaide Oval. Later that year the club travelled to Victoria and played its first game outside South Australia against [[Sale Football Club|Sale]].<ref>{{cite web|title = 10 things you probably don’t know about the Port Adelaide Football Club… – portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2015-05-12/port-adelaide-turns-145|accessdate = 2015-05-29}}</ref> During the [[1882 SAFA season|1882 season]] Port Adelaide overcame Norwood for the first time after nine previous attempts winning by 1 goal at [[Adelaide Oval]]. In 1884 Port Adelaide won its first SAFA premiership, ending Norwood's run of six premierships. On 25 May 1885, Port Adelaide played its first game at the [[MCG]] against [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]], drawing with the eventual VFA premiers in front of 10,000 spectators.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article6080331 |title=Sporting Intelligence |newspaper=[[The Argus (Melbourne)|The Argus]] |location=Melbourne |date=25 May 1885 |accessdate=22 November 2014 |page=9 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> In 1887 immense interest led into the Round 8 meeting against Norwood as the previous two matches between the clubs resulted in draws. Norwood won in front of a then-record 11,000 spectators at Adelaide Oval.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article37175326 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The South Australian Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=21 June 1887 |accessdate=14 January 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> During 1889 the club played against the [[Richmond Football Club|Richmond]] at [[Punt Road]], with Port prevailing by a goal.<ref>{{Cite web|title = First of firsts: Port Adelaide v Richmond 1889 - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2014-09-03/first-of-firsts-port-adelaide-v-richmond-1889|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The [[1889 SAFA season]] ended with Port Adelaide and Norwood equal top, leading to the staging of [[1889 SAFA Grand Final|Australia's first grand final]]. Norwood went on to defeat Port Adelaide by two goals. ===1890–1901: First national success and last wooden spoon=== {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''[[1890 Championship of Australia]]''|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Score'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:SANFL Port Adelaide 1883-1901 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''{{AFL Por}}''' || '''7''' || '''10''' || '''7''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:VFL South Melbourne 1880-1896 Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]] || 6 || 13 || 6 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | | colspan=3 | |} {{multiple image | align = left | image1 = Harry_Phillips.jpg | width1 = 128 | alt1 = | image2 = PortMagenta.JPG | width2 = 100 | alt2 = | footer = Left: [[Harry Phillips (Australian footballer)|Harry Phillips]] won the clubs best and fairest in [[1888 SAFA season|1888]], [[1891 SAFA season|1891]], [[1893 SAFA season|1892]] and [[1893 SAFA season|1893]].<br />Right: Port fan Willy Whicker wearing a striped magenta guernsey used by the club until dye became too costly (1883-1901). }} In 1890 Port Adelaide won its second SAFA premiership and would go on to be crowned "[[1890 Championship of Australia|Champions of Australia]]" for the first time after defeating [[Victorian Football League|VFA]] premiers [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]]. During the 1890s Australia was affected by a severe depression and many players were forced to move interstate to find work translating into poor on field results. By 1896, the club was in crisis and finished last causing the clubs committee to meet with the aim of revitalising the club. Historian John Devaney suggested that there was a "conscious and deliberate cultivation by both the committee and the team's on field leaders of a revitalised club spirit, whereby playing for Port Adelaide became a genuine source of pride".<ref>{{cite web|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%20Adelaide/9|title = Port Adelaide|date = |accessdate = 14 May 2015|website = Australian Football|publisher = |last = Devaney|first = John}}</ref> It had immediate results and in 1897 Port Adelaide won a [[1897 SAFA season|third premiership]] finishing the season with a record of 14-2-1 with a scoring record two and a half times its conceded total. This is one of only four occurrences since 1877 that the team that finished last won a premiership the following year. [[Stan Malin]] won Port Adelaide's first [[Magarey Medal]] in 1899. During the 19th century the club had nicknames including the Cockledivers, the Seaside Men, the Seasiders and the Magentas. In 1900, Port finished bottom in the six-team competition, which it has not done in any senior league since. ===1902–1915: Black and white and the pre-war invincibles=== {{multiple image | align = right | image1 = PortAdelaideFC1902Logo.png | width1 = 138 | alt1 = | image2 = Port Adelaide premiership team 1903.jpg | width2 = 330 | alt2 = | footer = Left: Port Adelaide adopted the black and white "Wharf Pylon" guernsey and the Magpie emblem in 1902.<br />Right: Port Adelaide's [[1903 SAFA Grand Final|1903]] premiership team were the first to win a Grand Final in the "Wharf Pylon" guernsey. }} In 1902, Port Adelaide took the field in black and white guernseys for the first time after it was having trouble finding dyes that would last for its blue and magenta guernseys.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162353382 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[Adelaide Observer]] |date=26 April 1902 |accessdate=28 December 2014 |page=20 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The first year in the new guernsey would be a controversial year for the club. After finishing the [[1902 SAFA season|1902 season]] on top of the ladder was disqualified from a game with {{SANFL SthA}} after disputing the use of an unaccredited umpire.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4875685 |title=A FOOTBALL DISPUTE. |newspaper=[[The Advertiser (Adelaide)|The Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=4 September 1902 |accessdate=30 May 2015 |page=4 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The 1902 SAFA premiership would subsequently be awarded to North Adelaide after they defeated South Adelaide in the Grand Final a week later.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article56255969 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Register (Adelaide)|The Register]] |location=Adelaide |date=9 September 1902 |accessdate=29 December 2014 |page=6 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> Port Adelaide offered to play North Adelaide in a premiership deciding match, but the association refused.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article56255969 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Register (Adelaide)|The Register]] |location=Adelaide |date=9 September 1902 |accessdate=30 May 2015 |page=6 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The first premiership after the dispute came the following year when Port Adelaide defeated South Adelaide 6.6 (42) to 5.5 (35) in the 1903 SAFA Challenge Final. A further premiership came in 1906 when Port defeated North Adelaide 8.12 (60) to 5.9 (39) in the year's Grand Final. During the early stages of the 1907 season, Port Adelaide travelled to Sydney to play a combination of the cities best players. The game was marketed as 'Port Adelaide vs. Sydney' with the harbour city side taking the honours 8.9 (57) to 5.14 (44).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115235416 |title=PORT ADELAIDE v. SYDNEY. |newspaper=[[The Evening News (Sydney)|The Evening News]]|location=Sydney |date=7 June 1907 |accessdate=5 May 2015 |page=3 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''1910 Port Adelaide vs. WAFL<ref name="ReferenceA">http://australianfootball.com/articles/view/Port+in+Perth+-+Port+Adelaide%27s+1910+WA+tour/12</ref>'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Wellington colours.svg|16px]] [[Western Australia Australian rules football team|WAFL]] || 6 || 12 || 48 |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''6''' || '''17''' || '''53''' |- | Venue: [[Fremantle Oval]] | colspan=3 | |} {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''[[1910 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''15''' || '''20''' || '''110''' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:AFL Collingwood Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Collingwood Football Club|Collingwood]] || 7 || 9 || 51 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | |} Port Adelaide won the SAFL premiership in 1910 defeating [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]] 8.12 (60) to 5.11 (41) in the Grand Final. The club would go on to defeat Collingwood for the [[1910 Championship of Australia]] title. During the 1910 post season, seeking revenge for their loss the year before, Port Adelaide travelled to Western Australia and beat East Fremantle by 12 points. To conclude the trip Port Adelaide played a combination of some of the [[Western Australian Football League|WAFL]]'s best players and achieved a remarkable victory scoring 6.17 (53) to 6.12 (48), with [[Sampson Hosking]] named best on ground.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football|url = http://australianfootball.com/articles/view/Port+in+Perth+-+Port+Adelaide's+1910+WA+tour/12|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Along with beating the premiers from South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia in 1910, Port Adelaide also invited North Broken Hill, the premier team of New South Wales, to a game at Adelaide Oval. Port Would win this game 14.20 (104) to 5.5 (35).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article45135647 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Barrier Miner]] |location=Broken Hill, NSW |date=16 August 1910 |accessdate=5 May 2015 |page=2 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> {{multiple image | align = left | image1 = PortAdelaideOval.JPG | width1 = 150 | alt1 = | image2 = PortAdelaide1914.jpg | width2 = 280 | alt2 = | footer = Left: Club legend [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]] taking a mark in the [[1914 SAFL season#Week 1|1914 SAFL Semi Final]] against [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]] at [[Adelaide Oval]].<br />Right: [[1914 Port Adelaide Football Club season|Port Adelaide's undefeated 1914 SAFL premiers and Champions of Australia]] team. }}The following two seasons for Port Adelaide would be frustrating dropping only one game during the 1911 minor round and going undefeated the following year in 1912 only to be knocked out of contention by [[West Adelaide Football Club|West Adelaide]] both times, the second of these encounters in front of a pre war South Australian record crowd of 28,500. During the 1912 preseason, Port Adelaide travelled to Tasmania and took on a combination of players from various [[Tasmanian Football League]] (TFL) sides. The game would prove to be very competitive with Port Adelaide defeating the TFL combination 7.13 (55) to 6.6 (42).<ref>{{Cite book|title = SA Football Companion|last = Devaney|first = John|publisher = Full Points Footy's|year = 2008|isbn = |location = |page = 431}}</ref> {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''[[1913 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''13''' || '''16''' || '''94''' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:FitzroyDesign.jpg|16px]] [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] || 4 || 7 || 31 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | |}During the 1913 preseason, Port Adelaide travelled back to Western Australia to play East Fremantle again with the local side winning for a second time 6.6 (42) to 4.12 (36). Despite this inauspicious preseason the club would break through in 1913, dropping only two games during the minor round and eventually defeating North Adelaide 7.12 (54) to 5.10 (40) for the SAFL premiership and [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] 13.16 (94) to 4.7 (31) for the [[1913 Championship of Australia]]. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''1914 Port Adelaide vs. SAFL<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article59365634 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Mail (Adelaide)|The Mail]] |location=Adelaide |date=15 October 1914 |accessdate=9 January 2015 |page=4 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref>'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Safootballjumper.jpg|16px]] [[South Australia Australian rules football team|SAFL]] || 5 || 10 || 40 |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''14''' || '''14''' || '''98''' |- | Venue: [[Jubilee Oval]] | colspan=3 | |} {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''[[1914 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''9''' || '''16''' || '''70''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:CarltonDesign.png|16px]] [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] || 5 || 6 || 36 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | |} The [[1914 Port Adelaide Football Club season]] is widely regarded as one of the best in Australian rules football history. It won all its pre season matches, won all fourteen SAFL games by an average margin of 49 points and the 1914 SAFL Grand Final where it held North Adelaide to a single goal for the match 13.15 (93) to 1.8 (14). The club would then meet [[Victorian Football League|VFL]] premiers [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] on Adelaide Oval, defeating the Victorian club by 34 points to claim a record fourth Championship of Australia. At the end of 1914 season a combined team from the six other SAFL clubs played Port Adelaide and lost to the subsequently dubbed "Invincibles" by 58 points.<ref>{{Cite news|title = Championship football port adelaide invincible soundly defeat combined league team.|url = http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article105464625|newspaper = Daily Herald|date = 15 October 1914|access-date = 2015-07-13|page = 5}}</ref> Key players from this team are [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]], [[Angelo Congear]] and [[Sampson Hosking]] who all share the unique distinction of playing in three Championships of Australia together as well all taking part in South Australia's first victorious [[1911 Adelaide Carnival|Australian National Football Carnival in 1911]].<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Angelo Congear - Player Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/players/player/angelo%252Bcongear/43|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> === 1919–1949: Two World Wars, the Great Depression and post war struggles === [[File:Port_Adelaide_1921.jpg|thumb|left|Port Adelaide players hold up their [[1921 SAFL season|1921 SAFL premiership]] flag]] During World War I the club lost three players—William Boon, Joseph Watson and Albert Chaplin—to the war. A scaled-back competition referred to as the 'Patriotic League' was organised during wartime in which Port Adelaide won the 1916 and 1917 instalments. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[1921 SAFL Grand Final]] || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''4''' || '''8''' || '''32''' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Norwood Jumper Design.png|16px]] {{SANFL Nor}} || 3 || 6 || 24 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | crowd: 34,000 | colspan=3 | |} After World War I, [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]], arguably the state's best player, was close to retiring from league football playing only 1 game in 1919 and 8 in 1920. However keen supporters of the club hoping to replicate its pre-war success raised funds and bought him a motorbike so he could commute from his farm in [[Berri, South Australia|Berri]] for the 1921 season.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Family tree. Details of William Harold OLIVER (1891-1958)|url = http://www.users.on.net/~jtpope/public/indiv/i02317.htm|website = www.users.on.net|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Oliver would captain the club to the 1921 premiership, winning his fourth in the process. In 1922 after playing only 5 league matches for the season his football career came to an end due to commitments regarding his farm and disputes regarding game compensation. His contract termination meant he was paid ₤76 of ₤100 pounds for the season making him one of the highest-paid footballers of the era.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article106671475 |title=Play and Players|newspaper=[[Daily Herald (Adelaide)|Daily Herald]] |location=Adelaide |date=4 August 1922 |accessdate=18 March 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> Shortly afterwards most of Port Adelaide's champion players from before the war started to retire and the club's performances declined.<ref name="ReferenceC">{{cite web|title = Australian Football – Port Adelaide Football Club – Stats|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/stats/Port%2BAdelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-05-22}}</ref> As was the case in the 1890s, the depression of the early 1930s hit the club hard with players moving interstate to secure employment.<ref name="ReferenceC" /> [[File:Bob_Quinn_(Australian_footballer).jpg|left|thumb|[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] chaired off after the 1939 Grand Final win]] {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[1939 SANFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''16''' || '''28''' || '''124''' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:West Torrens FC design.png|16px]] {{SANFL WT}} || 11 || 11 || 77 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | crowd: 44,885 | colspan=3 | |} By the late 1930s, the economy and Port Adelaide's form both recovered and after two narrow grand final losses in 1934 and 1935 the club won premierships in 1936, 1937 and 1939. During 1939, [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]], in his third year as a player for the club, coached the team to a Grand Final win over [[West Torrens Football Club|West Torrens]]. Many Port Adelaide players also enlisted for military service during this time.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = Largs Bay Printers|year = 1991|isbn = |location = Adelaide|page = 6}}</ref> In 1941 Port Adelaide suffered its first player casualties from war since World War I with Lloyd Rudd and Jack Wade both killed on the Allies' front in France. Four more players would be killed through the war: Maxwell Carmichael, George Quinn, Christopher Johnston and Halcombe Brock.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = |year = 1991|isbn = |location = |page = 12}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2014-04-24/port-adelaide-servicemen-in-war|title =Port Adelaide servicemen in war |date = 24 April 2014 |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Agius |first = Matthew}}</ref> {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | 1942 Wartime fundraiser || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Collingwood Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide/West Torrens''' || '''20''' || '''23''' || '''113''' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Safootballjumper.jpg|16px]] "The Rest" || 20 || 21 || 111 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | | colspan=3 |<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article48884888 |title=Port-Torrens Wins Again |newspaper=[[The Advertiser (Adelaide)|The Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=28 September 1942 |accessdate=24 January 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> |} Just as had happened in 1914, the league was being hit hard by player losses in World War II. Due to a lack of able men the league's eight teams were reduced to four with Port Adelaide merging with nearby West Torrens from 1942 to 1944. The joint club would play in all three Grand Finals during this period, winning the 1942 instalment but losing the 1943 and 1944 editions to the Norwood-North Adelaide combination. Normal competition resumed in 1945. After finishing his military service [[Haydn Bunton Sr.]], now a triple [[Brownlow Medal|Brownlow]] and [[Sandover Medal|Sandover]] medallist, joined the club for his final season.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://australianfootball.com/players/player/haydn%2Bbunton%2Bsnr/5255|title = Haydn Bunton Snr|date = |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Devaney|first = John}}</ref> However, despite this addition Port Adelaide was unable to regain its pre-war success and played in only one grand final for the rest of the 1940s. ===1950–1973: Fos Williams era and Jack Oatey rivalry=== [[File:Fos Williams 1954.jpg|thumb|200px|left|[[Fos Williams]] coached Port Adelaide to nine premierships, playing in six of them.]] At the end of the 1949, having missed two finals series in a row, the Port Adelaide Football Club had become desperate to improve its on-field performances. The club's committee subsequently sought out a coach that could win the club its next premiership. Eventually a decision was made which would influence the next 50 years of the Port Adelaide Football Club with [[Fos Williams|Foster Neil Williams]], a brilliant [[Follower (Australian rules football)|rover]] from West Adelaide, being appointed captain-coach of the club. Williams brought to the club a new coaching style based on success at any cost which was succinctly encapsulated in the legendary [[Port Adelaide Football Club#Club creed|club creed]] he eventually wrote in 1962. During his second season as coach in 1951, Williams led Port to their first official premiership (excluding World War II competition) for 9 seasons, defeating North Adelaide by 11 points. At the end of the 1951 season the VFL premiers Geelong visited South Australia to play the local premiers Port Adelaide on Adelaide Oval. Geelong won the match 8.14 (62) to 6.18 (54) in front of 25,000 people.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = Largs Bay Printers|year = 1991|isbn = 0959316213|location = Port Adelaide|page = 46}}</ref> Port Adelaide would make the Grand Final again in 1953 against local rivals West Torrens in what would be the Eagles last appearance before merging with Woodville. West Torrens would disappoint Port Adelaide, winning the 1953 premiership by 7 points. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[1957 SANFL Grand Final]] || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''15''' || '''15''' || '''105''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Norwood Jumper Design.png|16px]] Norwood || 13 || 16 || 94 |- | Venue: [[Football Park]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 58,924 |} Port Adelaide's run of disappointment from the 1952 and 1953 seasons would prove to be short lived with the club subsequently going on to win a national record six Grand Finals in a row from 1954 to 1959. The club had a win-loss-draw record of 105-16-1 (86%) over the six-year period. During the 1950s Port Adelaide and [[Melbourne Football Club|Melbourne]], often the premiers of South Australian and Victorian leagues, played exhibition matches at [[Norwood Oval]]. The most notable game was the 1955 match with an estimated crowd of 23,000. The game being a thriller going down to the last 15 seconds with [[Frank 'Bluey' Adams|Frank Adams]] kicking a behind and sealing the game 9.11 (65) to 9.10 (64) in favour of [[Norm Smith]]'s demons.<ref name="demonwiki.org">{{cite web|url = http://demonwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=1955+Exhibition+Match+vs+Port+Adelaide|title = 1955 Exhibition Match vs Port Adelaide|date = |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url = http://demonwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=1955+Exhibition+Match+vs+Port+Adelaide|title = 1955 Exhibition Match vs Port Adelaide|date = 30 May 2014|accessdate = 2015-01-20|website = demonwiki.org|publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref> The following year Melbourne was full of praise for their cross border challenger with those in the Demons camp agreeing that "Port Adelaide could take their place in the V.F.L. competition and do themselves credit".<ref>{{Cite book|title = Port Adelaide Football Club Annual Report|last = |first = |publisher = Port Adelaide Football Club|year = 1956|isbn = |location = |page = 6}}</ref> [[Geof Motley]] took over the captain-coaching role at the club in 1959 when Williams left to take a break from the game. That year the club won the premiership setting a national record of sixth consecutive Grand Final victories. Port Adelaide's hope of winning 7 consecutive premierships was brought to an end in the 1960 preliminary final when Norwood won by 27 points. For the following two seasons Port Adelaide would finish third. {|style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width="200" | [[1965 SANFL Grand Final]]<br />Fos Williams ninth premiership.|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''12''' || '''8''' || '''80''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Sturt Football Club design.png|16px]] {{SANFL Stu}} || 12 || 5 || 77 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 62,543<ref>http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1965/</ref> | colspan=3 | |} Fos Williams returned in 1962 and Port Adelaide won three of the next four premierships taking his personal tally to nine and the clubs record to 10 of the last 15 premierships. The 1965 premiership, the last that Williams coached, was played in front of 62,543 people, the largest ever crowd at Adelaide Oval. In that game Port Adelaide defeat Sturt by 3 points. After the [[1965 SANFL Grand Final|1965 Grand Final]], Port Adelaide would be frustrated by the dominance of [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]], which won seven premierships over this period under the leadership of [[Jack Oatey]]. In all, despite playing in 6 of the next 10 grand finals, Port Adelaide would fail to win a premiership until 1977. ===1974–1998: John Cahill, SANFL domination and AFL entry=== {{multiple image | align = left | image1 = Gavin Wanganeen John Cahill 1997.jpg | width1 = 280 | alt1 = | image2 = | width2 = 120 | alt2 = | footer = [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] with [[Gavin Wanganeen]] in 1997. They were respectively the first coach and captain of the club in the AFL.}} One of Port Adelaide's finest players during the Fos Williams era was [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]. He eventually became William's [[Mentorship|protégé]] and ultimately took over as coach in 1974. In 1975 a dispute between the [[City of Port Adelaide Enfield|Port Adelaide City Council]] and the SANFL over the use of Alberton Oval forced Port Adelaide to move its home matches to Adelaide Oval for two seasons. In 1976 Cahill would subsequently take Port Adelaide to its first Grand Final under his leadership against Sturt with an official attendance of 66,897, the record for football in South Australia. The actual crowd was estimated at 80,000, much bigger than the official figure as Football Park ran out of tickets early and were forced to shut the gates 90 minutes before the bounce as people were being crushed on entry.<ref name="Norton 2013 28">{{Cite book|title = Port Adelaide Football Club – 2013 Season Guide.|last = Norton|first = Daniel|publisher = Bowden Group|year = 2013|isbn = |location = Adelaide|page = 28}}</ref> Sturt won in an upset by 41 points. In 1977 the dispute regarding Alberton Oval was resolved and the club moved back to its home ground and won that years premiership breaking an 11-year drought which at the time was Port Adelaide longest since competing in an organised football competition. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide'''|| '''17''' || '''11''' || '''113''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Richmond Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Glenelg Football Club|Glenelg]] || 16 || 9 || 105 |- | Venue: [[Football Park]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 56,717<ref>http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1977/</ref> | colspan=3 | |} {{quote|It has taken us a bloody long time but by gee it was worth it!|[[Russell Ebert]] during the post game award presentations of the [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]].<ref>Russell Ebert, [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]] – Port Adelaide vs. Glenelg.</ref>}} The [[1980 SANFL season|1980 season]] was Port Adelaide's most dominant since 1914. All SANFL divisions of the club made finals with both the league and reserve sides winning their respective premierships. Russell Ebert won his record 4th [[Magarey Medal]]. [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] set the then-league goal kicking record of 146 goals in a season. The club provided seven players to the state league team ([[Russell Ebert|Ebert]], [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Evans]], [[Brian Cunningham|Cunningham]], [[Greg Phillips|Phillips]], [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Williams]], [[Tony Giles|Giles]] and [[Milan Faletic|Faletic]]). The club set a new record for most points scored during the whole season at 3,421 whilst also having the best defence conceding only 1,851 points. Overall Port Adelaide lost 2 games from 24 for the year. [[Russell Ebert]] became coach in 1983 when Cahill left to coach Collingwood for two seasons. This period saw the club fail to reach the grand final. The period also marked the rise of the VFL as Australia's premier football competition. Many SANFL players were moving to the VFL larger salaries. In 1982 the SANFL, Norwood and [[East Perth Football Club|East Perth]] all approached the VFL in regards to entering the league. All were ignored at the time.<ref name="australianfootball.com">{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port+Adelaide Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%252BAdelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Port Adelaide's report from 1982 showed that the failure of these attempts impacted the understanding of its future.<ref>'Port Adelaide Football Club Inc. Annual Report and Balance Sheet Season 1982', page 11</ref> From this point onwards the club restructured in regards to economics, public relations and on-field performance for an attempt to enter the league. There was genuine feeling that failure to do this would result in the club ceasing to exist in the future.<ref name="australianfootball.com"/> Talk of a side from South Australia entering the VFL was fast tracked in 1987 when a team from Western Australia, the [[West Coast Eagles]], and a team from [[Brisbane]], the [[Brisbane Bears]] joined the VFL. South Australia was left out as the only mainland state without a team. John Cahill returned as coach for the 1988 season. During that year, one of Fos Williams sons, Anthony, was tragically killed in a building accident. The following day the club played against Norwood and managed to overcome an early deficit to win the emotional charged game. The club would go on to win the 1988 premiership. In 1989 seven out of ten SANFL clubs were recording losses and the combined income of the SANFL and WAFL had dropped to 40% of that of the VFL.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Revisiting the South Australian license saga of 1991|url = http://www.theroar.com.au/2012/07/16/revisiting-the-south-australian-license-saga-of-1991/|website = The Roar|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> During early 1990 the SANFL decided to wait three years before making any further decision in regards to fielding a South Australian side in the VFL until it could be done without negatively affecting football within the state. Frustrated with lack of progress, Port Adelaide were having secret negotiations in the town of Quorn for entry in 1991.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Stateline South Australia|url = http://www.abc.net.au/stateline/sa/content/2003/s1206851.htm|website = www.abc.net.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> From these discussions Port Adelaide Football Club accepted an invitation from the VFL to join what had now become the AFL. The AFL signed a Heads of Agreement with the club in expectation that Port would enter the competition in 1991, meaning the Port Adelaide Football Club would field two teams, one in the AFL and one in the SANFL. During the 1990 preseason Port Adelaide played a practice match against the Geelong at Football Park in front of 35,000 spectators with [[Gary Ablett, Sr.|Gary Ablett Snr]] and [[Gavin Wanganeen]] prominent. When knowledge of Port Adelaide's negotiations to gain an AFL licence were made public, many in the SANFL saw it as an act of treachery. SANFL clubs urged Justice Olssen to make an injunction against the bid, which he agreed to.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Revisiting the South Australian license saga of 1991|url = http://www.theroar.com.au/2012/07/16/revisiting-the-south-australian-license-saga-of-1991/|website = The Roar|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The AFL suggested to the SANFL that if they didn't want Port Adelaide to join the AFL, they could put forward a counter bid to enter a composite South Australian side into the AFL. After legal action from all parties, the AFL finally agreed to accept the SANFL's bid and the [[Adelaide Football Club]] was born.<ref name="Devaney">John P. Devaney ''Full points footy: encyclopedia of Australian football clubs'' [[Lulu (company)|Lulu]], 2009 pp 400 ISBN 0-9556897-0-8</ref> {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]]<br />''Last season without AFL in SA.'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Richmond Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Glenelg Football Club|Glenelg]] || 13 || 15 || 93 |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''16''' || '''12''' || '''108''' |- | Venue: [[Football Park]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 50,589<ref name="subiacofc.com">http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1959/</ref> | colspan=3 | |} {{quote|"These twenty blokes are sensational people and to our friends in the press the one thing that really matters is that there will always be a Port Adelaide Football Club."|[[George Fiacchi]] upon accepting the 1990 [[Jack Oatey Medal]] for best on ground at the [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]].<ref>George Fiacchi, [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]] – Port Adelaide vs. Glenelg, Channel 9.</ref>}} The fallout from the failed bid resulted in some calling for Port Adelaide to be expelled from the SANFL.<ref name="Devaney" /> However, Port Adelaide continued to compete and continued to dominate. When the Adelaide Crows entered the AFL, SANFL attendances dropped by 14% however Port Adelaide attendances increased by 13%.<ref>1994 Port Adelaide licence promotional DVD.</ref> Supporters for Port Adelaide's AFL bid included [[Kevin Sheedy (Australian footballer)|Kevin Sheedy]], [[Tom Hafey]], [[Ron Barassi]] and [[David Parkin]].<ref>Port Adelaide Football Club, AFL Bid Video, 1994.</ref> In 1994, the AFL announced it would award a second AFL licence to a South Australian club. Present at the [[1994 SANFL Grand Final|1994 Grand Final]] was AFL CEO [[Ross Oakley]] and Alan Schwab who bore witness to the clubs come from behind win against [[Woodville-West Torrens Football Club|Woodville-West Torrens]].<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-08-27/footy-park-flashbacks-7|title = Footy Park Flashbacks #7: 1994 SANFL Grand Final|date = August 27, 2013<!-- 5:18 PM-->|accessdate = |website = portadelaidefc.com.au|publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref>{{multiple image | align = left | image1 = Port_Adelaide_heads_for_the_AFL.jpg | width1 = 115 | alt1 = | image2 = Port_Adelaide_Power_announcment.jpg | width2 = 195 | alt2 = | footer = Left: Port Adelaide obtained an AFL licence in 1994 but had to wait until [[1997 AFL season|1997]] to enter.<br />Middle: Port Adelaide were still only known as the "Magpies" until the new moniker "Power" was announced live from the [[Adelaide Entertainment Center]] on 31 September 1995.}}During December 1994 Max Basher announced that Port Adelaide had won the tender for the second South Australian AFL licence.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.news.com.au/national/its-bye-bye-port-adelaide/story-e6frfkp9-1226453941613|title = It's bye bye Port Adelaide |author=Rucci, Michelangelo |date = 20 September 2012|accessdate =13 May 2015 |publisher = News Limited |work=Adelaide Advertiser}}</ref> However a licence did not guarantee entry and although a target year of 1996 was set, this was reliant upon an existing AFL club folding or merging with another. In 1996, the cash-strapped [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] announced it would merge with the Brisbane Bears to form the [[Brisbane Lions]]. A spot had finally opened and it was announced that in 1997, one year later than expected, [[Port Adelaide]] would enter the AFL. Once an entry date had been confirmed, the Port Adelaide Football Club set about forming a side fit for competition in the AFL. It was announced that existing Port Adelaide coach, John Cahill would make the transition to the AFL and [[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] would take over the SANFL coaching role. Cahill then set about forming a group which would form the inaugural squad. [[Brownlow Medal]]list and 1990 Port Adelaide premiership player, [[Gavin Wanganeen]] was poached from [[Essendon Football Club|Essendon]] and made captain of a team made up of six existing Port Adelaide players, two from the Adelaide Crows, seven players from other SANFL clubs and 14 recruits from interstate. Of the 35 players on Port Adelaide's inaugural AFL list 13 had played for the club before. The AFL's father son rule for the club was set at 200 games for players before 1997. This compared to only 100 for Victorian clubs. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | 1997 [[West End (beer)|West End]] [[Showdown (AFL)|Showdown]] I || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Adelaide Icon.gif|16px]] [[Adelaide Crows]] || 11 || 6 || 72 |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Port Adelaide 1997-2009 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''11''' || '''17''' || '''83''' |- | Venue: [[Football Park]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 47,265 | colspan=3 | |} On 29 March 1997, Port Adelaide played its first AFL premiership match against Collingwood at the MCG, suffering a 79-point defeat. Port won its first AFL game in Round 3 against Geelong, and defeated cross town rivals and eventual premiers Adelaide by 11 points in the first [[Showdown (AFL)|Showdown]] in Round 4. At the conclusion of Round 17, the side sat fifth – only one win and percentage off the top spot in what was an unusually close season – but it fell out of the finals after recording only a draw from its final five games. Port Adelaide finished its first season 9th, missing the finals on percentage behind Brisbane. The 1998 season was looking very similar to the previous year as they hovered around ninth position for most of the year and looked like a threat for finals after Round 14; but they lost six of their last eight games to finish in 10th place, with a record of 9 wins, 12 losses and 1 draw. ===1999–2012: Mark Williams, first AFL premiership and Primus period=== {{multiple image | align = left | image1 = Warren_tredrea.jpg | width1 = 142 | alt1 = | image2 = Port Adelaide 2004 Trophy.jpg | width2 = 135 | alt2 = | footer = Left: 2004 club leading goalkicker, [[Warren Tredrea]].<br />Right: The [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004 AFL premiership]] was Port Adelaide's first since joining the league. }}In 1999 [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] took over as coach of Port Adelaide. The earned a spot in the AFL finals for the first time. They were eliminated by eventual premier, North Melbourne, by 44 points in the Qualifying Final. After finishing 14th in 2000, Port Adelaide had a very successful [[2001 AFL season|2001 season]], starting with a maiden pre-season competition victory, defeating the Brisbane Lions. Port Adelaide finished their 2001 home and away season in third place with 16 wins and six losses. The club travelled to Brisbane for the Qualifying Final, losing by 32 points, then lost its home Semi Final against sixth-placed [[Hawthorn Football Club|Hawthorn]] to be eliminated. Port Adelaide started 2002 strongly, winning the pre-season competition for the second time in a row, defeating Richmond by 9 points. The side built on its success and won its first [[McClelland Trophy|AFL minor premiership]] with an 18–4 record. However, they lost to the eventual premiers, the Brisbane Lions, by 56 points in the preliminary final. Port Adelaide continued its minor round dominance in 2003 and again finished top to claim the minor premiership; however like the previous year, Port Adelaide was eliminated in the preliminary final, losing to Collingwood by 44 points. Port Adelaide opened the 2004 season well with four straight wins, but then won only four of its next eight games. From Rounds 12–17, Port Adelaide turned their fortunes around and had six consecutive wins, and with five rounds remaining were equal top of the ladder with Brisbane, [[St Kilda Football Club|St Kilda]] and Melbourne. After losing in Round 18 to Essendon, Port Adelaide won its remaining four games – including wins against minor premiership contender Melbourne and cross town rivals Adelaide to claim the minor premiership for the third consecutive year. Port Adelaide easily won its qualifying final against Geelong, earning a home preliminary final. Port Adelaide made it through to its first AFL grand final after defeating St Kilda in a thrilling preliminary final by just six points with Gavin Wanganeen kicking the winning goal with a minute to go. The following week Port Adelaide faced a highly fancied Brisbane side attempting to win a record-equalling fourth straight AFL premiership. Only one point separated the sides at half time, however late in the third quarter Port Adelaide took the ascendency to lead by 17 points at three-quarter time, and dominated the final term to [[2004 AFL Grand Final|win by 40 points]]: 17.11 (113) to 10.13 (73). [[Byron Pickett]] was awarded with the [[Norm Smith Medal]] after being judged the best player in the match, tallying 20 disposals and kicking three goals. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[2004 AFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:AFL Port Adelaide 1997-2009 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide'''|| '''17''' || '''11''' || '''113''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Brisbane Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Brisbane Lions]] || 10 || 13 || 73 |- | Venue: [[Melbourne Cricket Ground]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 77,671 | colspan=3 | |} {{quote|"Port Adelaide are the winningest team in Australia. The old Port Adelaide have won 36 premierships, today, at the MCG, may just be their finest hour."|[[Tim Lane (journalist)|Tim Lane]]'s statement at the conclusion of the 2004 AFL Grand Final.<ref>Tim Lane, 2004 AFL Grand Final – Port Adelaide vs. Brisbane, Channel 10.</ref>}} After a slow start to the 2005 season, Port finished eighth on the ladder, and defeated the Kangaroos by 87 points in the elimination final. In the semi-final, Port faced minor premiers Adelaide and lost by 83 points. [[File:Justin Westhoff (Port Adelaide Power).jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Justin Westhoff]] (pick No. 71) made his debut in the 2007 season, along with [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robert Gray]] (pick No. 55) and [[Travis Boak]] (pick No. 5).]] After missing the finals in 2006 Port Adelaide made a strong recovery in 2007, and with strong performances from midfielders [[Shaun Burgoyne]] and [[Chad Cornes]] and strong debut seasons from [[Justin Westhoff]], [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robert Gray]] and [[Travis Boak]], Port Adelaide finished the minor round second on the ladder with 15-7 record. Port Adelaide started their finals campaign against the [[West Coast Eagles]] at Football Park and won by three points. That win gave Port the bye, and they easily defeated the Kangaroos in the preliminary final to win by 87 points. This win delivered Port its second Grand Final berth in four years. However, in the [[2007 AFL Grand Final|grand final]] they were defeated by Geelong by an AFL record margin of 119 points, 24.19 (163) to Port Adelaide's 6.8 (44) in a crowd of 97,302. The 2008 season was disappointing one for a Port Adelaide side keen to build on its 2007 grand final appearance, dropping to 13th on the ladder and out of the finals. By 2009 Port Adelaide had accumulated a consolidated debt totaling $5.1 million and was unable to pay its players; they had lost $1.4 million the season before. Financial assistance was denied by the league, with AFL Chief Executive [[Andrew Demetriou]] saying that they would have to undergo an intensive application process and work with the [[South Australian National Football League|SANFL]], who owned Port Adelaide's AFL licence.<ref>[http://thepowerfromport.com.au/articles.php?action=view&article_id=6827&lid=6&yr=2009 It's not a snub – AFL still in the wings] TPFP 19 March 2009</ref> On 20 May, Port were handed $2.5 million in debt relief by the SANFL, and on 15 June were handed a $1 million grant by the AFL commission.<ref>[http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/77190/default.aspx Port Adelaide gets $2.5 million SANFL funding] [[Australian Football League|AFL]] 20 May 2009</ref><ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/78867/default.aspx Power AFL grant] [[Australian Football League|AFL]], 15 June 2009</ref> The SANFL had announced it would not support Port Adelaide in both the AFL and SANFL. Plans for a re-merging the two teams was rejected by the SANFL. Amidst these off-field struggles, the club finished 10th in 2009. The 2010 season would see [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] step down as senior coach marking the end of the Williams era for the club. {{quote|"He (Demetriou) said he could not imagine an AFL competition without Port Adelaide in it. I thought that was a really strong statement of leadership.”|[[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]] at a press conference upon the retirement of Andrew Demetriou.<ref>{{Cite news|url = http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/inquirer/and-the-big-man-flies/story-e6frg6z6-1226844136598|title = And the big man flies|last = Will Swanton|first = Courtney Walsh|date = March 4, 2014}}</ref>}} [[Matthew Primus]] took over as caretaker coach for Port Adelaide after [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] stood down.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/97958/default.aspx|title=Primu appointed – Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club |publisher=Portadelaidefc.com.au |date=11 July 2010 |accessdate=11 July 2010}}</ref> The club finished the 2010 season with five wins from its last seven games to finish tenth. On 9 September, [[Matthew Primus]] was appointed as the senior coach of the club for the next three years. The SANFL sought to take control of Port Adelaide in 2011. Despite underwriting $5 million of Port's debt in 2010, the takeover failed when the SANFL was unable to get a line of credit to cover Port Adelaide's future debts. The AFL announced it would underwrite $1.25 million in debt to protect its $1.25 billion television rights. AFL Chief executive [[Andrew Demetriou]], offered $9 million over the next three years to help the club, ahead of the move to the [[Adelaide Oval]]. The AFL gave the money to the SANFL with strict conditions that they give Port Adelaide three million dollars a year, for three years.<ref>{{Cite web|title = The official website of the Australian Football League - AFL.com.au|url = http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/122680/default.aspx|website = afl.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Statistically, 2011 was Port Adelaide's worst season in 141 years, finishing 16th with only three wins from 22 games. Rounds 20 and 21 saw the club lose to {{AFL Col}} and [[Hawthorn Football Club|Hawthorn]] by record margins of 138 and 165 respectively. The 2012 season was marginally better but a loss against {{AFL GWS}} resulted in senior coach [[Matthew Primus]] stepping down. Assistant coach, [[Garry Hocking]], took over for the remaining four games, with a draw in the final round against {{AFL Ric}} the best result. ===2013–present: Ken Hinkley, Adelaide Oval return and independence === [[File:Adelaide Oval, 2014.jpg|thumb|250px|In 2014 Port Adelaide returned to Adelaide Oval as its home ground for the first time since 1976]] On 8 October 2012, [[Ken Hinkley]] was announced as the new senior coach of the club. This marked the first time that the club had appointed someone not associated with the club before since [[Fos Williams]] in 1950. Television personality [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] was named chairman of the club and numerous board members were replaced. The 2013 preseason also saw [[Travis Boak]] succeed [[Domenic Cassisi]] as the captain of the club.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Boak to lead new era at Port Adelaide|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-01-30/boak-becomes-69th-captain|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The club finished the home and away season 7th on the ladder, making it the first time that they had qualified for the finals since 2007. Port travelled to Melbourne to play Collingwood at the MCG in an Elimination final where they won by 24 points; they then lost to Geelong by 16 points the following week. The 2014 season saw both Port Adelaide and Adelaide move their home ground from Football Park to the redeveloped Adelaide Oval. Port Adelaide signed up a record 55,715 members for the 2014 season and averaged 44,429 at home games, a 65% increase from the previous year. Port Adelaide had its best first half of an AFL season, sitting first with ten wins from eleven matches. They then won only four of their remaining eleven matches to finish fifth on the ladder. They hosted Richmond in the elimination finals, kicking the first seven goals of the game and leading by as much as 87 points before recording a 57-point victory. After defeating {{AFL Fre}} in the semi-finals the club's 2014 season ended with a three-point loss to Hawthorn in the preliminary finals. With great expectation Port Adelaide started the 2015 season playing all of the year's finalists in the opening 10 rounds and entered the mid-season break with a 5-7 record. The club had a better second half of the year, recording 7-3, but would miss out on finals by one win. On 11 February 2016, the mens Port Adelaide Football Club merged with the Port Adelaide Women's Football Club. ==SANFL presence post AFL entry== When the Port Adelaide Football Club entered the AFL, a new state league team was created to fill the void left by the club. The new club was now called the Port Adelaide Magpies Football Club as opposed to the original counterpart, the Port Adelaide Football Club, playing in the national competition.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port+Adelaide+Magpies Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%252BAdelaide%252BMagpies/318|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> On 20 August 2010, the "One Port Adelaide Football Club" movement was launched by former player [[Tim Ginever]] to merge the Port Adelaide Football Club and the Port Adelaide Magpies Football Club as one club. A website was created that claimed 50,000 signatures were needed for the two entities to merge. On 15 November 2010, all nine SANFL clubs and agreed that the off-field merger between the two clubs would proceed.<ref>[http://onepafc.com.au/ Stop Press! One Club has been approved! See you at Alberton Oval at 11am Tuesday 16 November! #pafc]</ref><ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/one%20pafc/tabid/16808/default.aspx One PAFC – Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club]</ref> On 10 September 2013, Port Adelaide and the SANFL agreed to a model to allow all its AFL-listed players (not selected to play for Port Adelaide in the AFL) to play for the club in the SANFL League competition. From 2015 onward, the club lost its recruiting zones and could no longer field sides in the junior SANFL competition. Port Adelaide subsequently started an Academy team composed of 18- to 22-year-olds.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Statement: Port Adelaide accepts SANFL invitation - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-09-10/statement-port-adelaide-accepts-sanfl-invitation|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> == Women's teams == The Port Adelaide Women's Football Club was founded in 2003 and competes in the [[South Australian Women's Football League]]. In 2016 the club merged with the men's club with the intention of further developing the game among women in the Port Adelaide area and South Australia more generally.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Port Adelaide to field women's team in 2016 with big grassroots committment &#91;sic&#93;- portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2016-02-11/womens-footy-port-adelaide-to-field-female-team-in-2016|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|access-date = 2016-02-19}}</ref> ==Club symbols and identity== ===Guernsey=== The Port Adelaide Football Club won 32 grand finals in the "Wharf Pylon" [[Guernsey (Australian Rules Football)|guernsey]] in addition to the Champions of Australia three times. Due to the fact that AFL club Collingwood were already using the magpie emblem and "Magpies" nickname, Port Adelaide was requested by the AFL to simply find a new nickname and logo to avoid a clash.<ref>h{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article122301794 |title=Premier SA club plans AFL move. |newspaper=[[The Canberra Times]] |date=1 August 1990 |accessdate=18 March 2015 |page=38 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> However, after the unsuccessful 1990 bid, Collingwood successfully lobbied the AFL to force Port Adelaide to change not only its logo and nickname but also its guernsey and colours. In 1995, a new guernsey was created incorporating teal. In May 2007 chief executive John James stated that Port Adelaide received more correspondence from its supporters about the heritage guernsey than all other issues and that the club would "fight for its heritage and what is right". Port Adelaide decided not to participate in the 2006 heritage round when the AFL declined the club's 1980s guernsey for its 80s-themed heritage round.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2007-05-01/club-statement-re-heritage-guernsey|title= Club statement re: heritage guernsey|date=1 May 2007}}</ref> In 2007 the club was waiting for confirmation from the AFL that it could wear its 1970s' "Wharf Pylon" guernsey for a match against the [[Western Bulldogs]] and wanted confirmation it would be able to continue to honour its heritage in any future heritage rounds. On 14 May 2007 the AFL and Port Adelaide reached an agreement whereby the club could wear its traditional guernsey in the heritage round, with the proviso that in future seasons its players can only wear it in home heritage round games and provided that such a game is not against Collingwood.<ref>. [http://portadelaidefc.com.au/Season2007/News/NewsArticle/tabid/6038/Default.aspx?newsId=43168 "Port Adelaide to wear Black and White"] from the Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club. Retrieved 14 May 2007.</ref> No heritage rounds have been held since this agreement was reached. {{quote|"This team from South Australia – this Port Power – why would they pick black and white? Did the competition really need another club in navy or dark colours?".|[[Collingwood Football Club]] president [[Eddie McGuire]]'s 2003 statement regarding Port Adelaide wearing its traditional guernsey.<ref>Karen Lyon, Alan Shiell and Bill McDonald, [http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/26/1053801337727.html Port, Pies in black-and-white blue], The Age.</ref>}} Collingwood club president [[Eddie McGuire]] has been a vocal opponent of Port Adelaide wearing the "Wharf Pylon" guernsey, claiming that Collingwood has an exclusive right to wear black and white in the AFL, even in the heritage round.{{quote|"It should have nothing to do with Eddie McGuire and Collingwood ... I'll say that for a start."|[[Leigh Matthews]] during a discussion regarding Port Adelaide's traditional guernsey during the 2014 Elimination Final.<ref>Leigh Matthews, 2014 AFL Elimination Final – Port Adelaide vs Richmond, Channel 7.</ref>}} Support for the guernsey remains extremely high with a limited batch of jumpers raising over $400,000 for the club for the one off game against Carlton in 2013.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Port to farewell AAMI in prison bars - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-04-23/port-to-farewell-aami-in-prison-bars|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The most recent instance of the club trying to wear its traditional guernsey was in celebration of 100 years since its 1914 Championship of Australia.<ref>{{Cite web|url = http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/afl/port-adelaide-denied-opportunity-to-wear-heritage-jumper-at-first-friday-night-match-at-adelaide-oval/story-fnia6ojc-1226991287562|title = Port Adelaide denied opportunity to wear heritage jumper at first friday night match at Adelaide Oval|date = July 16, 2014|accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Rucci|first = Michelangelo}}</ref> The AFL denied the club the right. There was controversy in 2014 during the lead-up to the final against Richmond when the AFL told Port Adelaide they had to wear their clash guernsey. On 2 September 2014 the AFL cleared them to use the traditional guernsey for the match.{{quote|"I've always regarded that strip that Port are wearing today as the best uniform in Australian Football".|[[Dennis Cometti]] describing Port Adelaide's traditional guernsey during the 2014 Elimination Final.<ref>Dennis Cometti, 2014 AFL Elimination Final – Port Adelaide vs Richmond, Channel 7.</ref>}} '''Home and Away guernsey''' - Worn in 2009 as the winning design from a competition, it became permanent in 2010. '''Clash guernsey''' - adopted in 2010. '''Traditional guernsey''' - the Wharf Pylon ("Prison Bar") guernsey was adopted in 1902 and is worn in the AFL when permitted.<gallery mode="packed"> File:ISC_Template_300_-_Black_Front.jpg|Home and Away File:ISC_Template_300_-_White_Front.jpg|[[Away colours|Clash]] File:Port_Adelaide_Magpies_Jumper.svg|[[Throwback uniform|Traditional]] </gallery> ===Club songs=== The AFL side's victory song is "Power to Win", written for the club by Quentin Eyers and [[Cold Chisel#Band members|Les Kaczmarek]]. The SANFL side's victory song is "Cheer, Cheer the Black and the White", to the tune of "[[Victory March (fight song)|Notre Dame Victory March]]". ===="Never Tear Us Apart"==== Since March 2014, Port Adelaide has used "[[Never Tear Us Apart]]" by the Australian band [[INXS]] as the club's unofficial anthem leading up to the opening bounce at its new home of Adelaide Oval. The song is used as a reference to the various and unique difficulties the club faced when trying to enter the AFL. Port Adelaide's use of the song stemmed from a trip the club took to Anfield in November 2012 while they were in England to play an exhibition match against the Western Bulldogs.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> In light of the very positive reviews given by the club's players towards the Anfield crowd's rendition of "[[You'll Never Walk Alone]]", Matthew Richardson, Port's general manager of marketing and consumer business, along with the club's management, sought to replicate the pre-match experience they experienced at Anfield. At a meeting in mid-2013, the idea of an anthem was raised; a number of various songs were suggested, including "[[Power and the Passion (song)|Power and the Passion]]" by [[Midnight Oil]] and "Power to the People" by [[John Schumann]]. Eventually, "Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS was suggested by Port Adelaide's events manager, Tara MacLeod. It was eventually accepted, due to the fact that the song resonated with the club's history.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> Initially the song was introduced to coincide with the 60-second countdown before the start of a match, with the music playing over the top of a video montage. The song proved to be a success among the fans, with them adopting the song as well as raising scarves above their heads as the song was being sung.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> So successful was the song that by June 2014, the club were forced to print club coloured scarves with the words "Never Tear Us Apart" on them that fans would hold aloft and sing in unison prior to the start of matches. ===Home grounds=== On 15 May 1880, Port Adelaide played its first match at Alberton Oval. In 1881 the decision was made by the club to start leasing the oval from the Port Adelaide Council for the sum of 10 shillings a year. Situated at the eastern end of the suburb of Alberton in Adelaide, the playing surface is surrounded by the Allan Scott club headquarters, the Robert B. Quinn MM Stand, the Fos Williams Family Stand, the Port Adelaide Bowling Club and the N.L. Williams Scoreboard. As well as the facilities facing the oval, along Queen Street there is The Port Club and The Port Store.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/alberton%20oval/tabid/8097/default.aspx |title=Alberton Oval – Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club |publisher=Portadelaidefc.com.au |accessdate=14 June 2010}}</ref> <gallery mode="packed"> File:Glanville-hall.jpg|[[Glanville, South Australia|Glanville Hall Estate]]<br /><small>'''SAFA''': 1870–1879</small> File:Fos_Williams_Stand.JPG|[[Alberton Oval]]<br /><small>'''SANFL''': 1880–present<br />'''AFL (training)''': 1997–present</small> File:As-east.jpg|[[Football Park]]<br /><small>'''AFL''': 1997–2013</small> File:Completed_Adelaide_Oval_2014_-_cropped_and_rotated.jpg|[[Adelaide Oval]]<br /><small>'''SANFL''':1975-1976<br />'''AFL''': 2011, 2014–present</small> </gallery> ===Current playing list=== {{Port Adelaide Football Club current squad}} {{Port Adelaide Reserves}} ==Corporate== ===Administrative positions=== * Chairman: [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] * Chief executive: [[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]] * Football operations: [[Christopher Davies (Australian cricketer)|Chris Davies]] * Board members: ** Kevin Osborn (deputy chairman) ** Cos Cardone ** [[George Fiacchi]] ** Ross Haslam ** [[Holly Ransom]] ** Jamie Restas ** Richard Ryan ** Trevor Thiele ** [[Amanda Vanstone]] ===Current sponsors=== ====Major sponsor==== * [[Renault]] * [[EnergyAustralia]] * Foodbank (Australia) ====Clothing==== * [[International Sports Clothing]] ==China partnership== On 14 April 2016, Port Adelaide announced a three-year multimillion-dollar partnership with leading Chinese property developer Shanghai Cred. Within this partnership, Port Adelaide will take primary responsibility for developing Australian rules football in [[China]]. The partnership will see Port Adelaide hold annual training camps and provide sponsorship in China, as well as producing AFL programs and broadcasting games in the country via [[China Central Television]] and other networks.{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} ==Membership and attendance== {| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:center; font-size:90%; border-collapse:collapse; width:50%;" |- style="background:#C1D8FF;" ! Year !! Membership !! Membership<br>Change !! Minor<br>Round !! Finals !! Home Crowd<br>Average !! Home Crowd<br>Average Change |- |1997||<center>35,809</center>||<center>N/A</center>||<center>9th</center>||'''-'''||<center>35,703</center>||<center>N/A</center> |- |1998||<center>38,305</center>||<center>{{increase}} 2,496</center>||<center>10th</center> ||'''-'''||<center>31,657</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,046</center> |- |1999||<center>37,166</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,139</center>|||<center>7th</center>||<center>'''7th'''</center>||<center>31,270</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 387</center> |- |2000||<center>34,295</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 2,871</center>||<center>14th</center>||'''-'''||<center>26,376</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,894</center> |- |2001||<center>33,296</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 999</center>||<center>3rd</center>||<center>'''5th'''</center>||<center>30,789</center>||<center>{{increase}} 4,413</center> |- |2002||<center>36,299</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,003</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''3rd'''</center>||<center>30,414</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 375</center> |- |2003||<center>36,425</center>||<center>{{increase}} 126</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''4th'''</center>|| <center>31,845</center>||<center>{{increase}} 1,431</center> |- |2004||<center>36,340</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 85</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''1st'''</center>||<center>29,877</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,968</center> |- |2005||<center>36,834</center>||<center>{{increase}} 494</center>||<center>8</center>|| <center>'''6th'''</center>||<center>32,911</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,034</center> |- |2006||<center>35,648</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,186</center>||<center>12</center>|| <center>'''-'''</center>||<center>28,546</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,365</center> |- |2007||<center>34,073</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,575</center>||<center>2</center>||<center>'''2nd'''</center>||<center>27,870</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 676</center> |- |2008||<center>34,185</center>||<center>{{increase}} 112</center>||<center>13</center>||'''-'''||<center>22,126</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 5,744</center> |- |2009||<center>30,605</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 3580</center>||<center>10</center>||'''-'''||<center>24,349</center>||<center>{{increase}} 2,223</center> |- |2010||<center>31,388</center>||<center>{{increase}} 783</center>||<center>10</center>||'''-'''||<center>24,256</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 93</center> |- |2011||<center>36,624</center>||<center>{{increase}} 5,236</center>||<center>16</center>||'''-'''||<center>23,066</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,190</center> |- |2012||<center>37,627</center>||<center>{{increase}} 1,003</center>||<center>14</center>||'''-'''||<center>19,911</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 3,155</center> |- |2013||<center>41,010</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,383</center>|| <center>7</center>||<center>'''5th'''</center>||<center>26,915</center>||<center>{{increase}} 7,004</center> |- |2014||<center>55,508</center>||<center>{{increase}} 14,498</center>|| <center>5</center> ||<center>'''3rd'''</center> ||<center>44,429</center> ||<center>{{increase}} 17,514</center> |- |2015||<center>'''60,439'''</center>||<center>{{increase}} 4,931</center>|| 9 ||'''-'''||<center>43,749</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 680 </center> |- |2016 |60,007 |<center>{{decrease}} 432 </center> |10 |'''-''' |39,665 |<center>{{decrease}} 4,048 </center> |} ==Supporters== The Port Adelaide Football Club has historically drawn its supporter base in and around historical working class [[Port Adelaide]]. However, this support has spread to many coastal locations in Adelaide (from [[Outer Harbor, South Australia|Outer Harbour]] down to [[West Beach, South Australia|West Beach]]), in much of the inner-Western suburbs, throughout the North-Eastern suburbs in [[City of Campbelltown (South Australia)|Campbelltown]] and [[City of Tea Tree Gully|Tea Tree Gully]], in many of the Southern suburbs (such as [[Aberfoyle Park]] and [[Flagstaff Hill, South Australia|Flagstaff Hill]]), as well as throughout the [[Adelaide Hills]] and country South Australia. After historically being the largest football club in South Australia, Port Adelaide has reemerged as one of the largest sporting organisations in Australia, with over 60,000 members and an average attendance nearing 45,000 in 2015. ===Supporter groups=== Port Adelaide has many [[supporter groups]], with every state or territory containing at least one supporter group. In addition, many country towns within South Australia have their own supporter group, many of which travel to both home and away games.<ref>{{cite web|title = Port Adelaide Supporter Groups - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/supporters/official-supporter-groups|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-07-11}}</ref> * Port Adelaide Cheer Squad * Outer Army * Alberton Crowd * Interstate Groups ===Number 1 ticket holders=== ====Current==== * [[Hugh Sheridan]] – Australian actor and singer. ====Former==== * [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] – [[Seven Network]]'s ''[[Sunrise (TV program)|Sunrise]]'' co-host, current club chairman.<ref>[http://www.thepowerfromport.com.au/articles.php?action=view&article_id=6537&lid=6&yr=2009 Joint No.1 Ticket Holders thepowerfromport.com.au 30 January 2008]</ref> * [[Stuart O'Grady]] – Australian professional road bicycle racer.<ref>[http://www.theage.com.au/news/sport/riding-the-rollercoaster/2008/01/01/1198949817491.html Riding the roller-coaster] ''[[The Age]]'' 2 January 2008</ref> * [[Teresa Palmer]] – Australian model and actress.<ref>[http://portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/default.aspx?newsid=71576 Teresa Palmer Power's No. 1] AFL News 30 January 2008</ref> * [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] – Former Port Adelaide player.<ref>[http://portadelaidefc.com.au/tabid/6038/default.aspx?newsid=67573 Bob Quinn 1915–2008] Official website of the Port Adelaide Football Club, 12 September 2008</ref> * [[Tony Santic]] – Owner of [[Makybe Diva]].<ref>[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-143684449/diva-trainer-port-no.html AFL: Diva trainer Port's No.1 fan] 24 March 2006</ref> ====Notable followers==== * [[Jimmy Barnes]] - Australian Rock and Roll Legend<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/subscribe/news/1/index.html?sourceCode=AAWEB_WRE170_a&mode=premium&dest=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/afl/expert-opinion/graham-cornes/graham-cornes-crows-have-tough-battle-to-match-powers-pregame-hype/news-story/f82fc8d7e826c181ad444797426619cc&memtype=anonymous|title=Tall order for Crows to match Power’s pre-game hype|last=Cornes|first=Graham|date=|work=|access-date=|via=}}</ref> * [[Donald Bradman|Sir Donald Bradman]] – Australian cricketer.<ref>{{Cite book|title = 100 Years with the Magpies: The Story of the Port Adelaide Football Club 1870-1970|last = McLean|first = Allan Robert|publisher = Port Adelaide Football Club|year = 1971|isbn = |location = |pages = Foreword}}</ref> * [[Darren Cahill]] – Australian professional tennis player/coach and son of [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]. * [[Dean Canto]] – Australian professional touring car driver. * [[Ben Folds]] - Musician<ref name="foxsports.com.au">{{cite web|last1=Beveridge|first1=Riley|title=Your AFL club’s most famous supporters, from Barack Obama to Cam Newton|url=http://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/your-afl-clubs-most-famous-supporters-from-barack-obama-to-cam-newton/news-story/03eb54659866d587cf9c2cc4b9f3d8c5|website=Fox Sports|accessdate=29 January 2016}}</ref> * [[Hugh Jackman]] - Australian actor<ref name="foxsports.com.au"/> * [[Thanasi Kokkinakis]] – Australian professional tennis player<ref>http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/pain-and-plenty-of-gain-for-port-adelaide-in-extreme-heat-says-jackson-trengove/story-fni5f9de-1226802681544</ref> * [[Anna Meares]] – Australian gold medal track cyclist.<ref>http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/cycling-champion-anna-meares-flies-the-flag-for-power/story-fni5f9de-1226716425235</ref> * [[Jason Momoa]] – American/Hawaiian actor and writer<ref>http://satedanbadass.tumblr.com/post/97447157305/george-mountzouris-georgemount-4-min-jason</ref> * [[Stuart O'Grady]] - former cyclist<ref name="foxsports.com.au"/> * [[Erin Phillips]] – Australian professional basketball player and daughter of former player [[Greg Phillips]] * [[Roger Rasheed]] – Australian professional tennis player/coach.<ref>http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/tennis/roger-rasheed8217s-power-and-passion/story-fnii0pkt-1226660627324</ref> * [[MC Pressure|Daniel Smith]] – Member of Australian hip-hop group [[Hilltop Hoods|The Hilltop Hoods]].<ref>http://www.littleheroesfoundation.com.au/lib/pdf/MC.pdf</ref> * [[Michael Turtur]] - Australian gold medal track cyclist.<ref>1984 SANFL Grand Final, ABC, Olympic Athlete parade lap.</ref> * [[Travis Head]] – Australian cricketer. ==Club honour boards== {{Main article|List of Port Adelaide Football Club players}} ===Honour roll=== {| class="wikitable" |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Port Adelaide Football Club Honour Roll |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Interclub Matches |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' ! {{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} !{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage PF/PA (Includes finals/League results only)}} ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' |- style="font-size: 87%;" | 1870||3 |0-1-2 |50 ||[[John Hart Jr. (Australian politician)|John Hart Jr.]] || Richard Leicester ||[[John Wald (Australian footballer)|John Wald]]||John Wald<br />George Dale||John Wald ||John Wald (2) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | 1871||3 |1-2-1 |0 ||John Hart Jr. || George Ireland ||Fred Stone||Fred Stone||Fred Stone||{{N/a}} |- style="font-size: 87%;" | 1872||2 (Runner Up) |0-1-2 |0||John Hart Jr. || George Ireland ||George Middleton||George Middleton||{{N/a}}||{{N/a}} |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1873 South Australian football season|1873]]||2 (Runner Up) |1-2-0 |25||John Hart Jr. || F.Ireland ||H.Sparnon||H.Sparnon<br />George Middleton||Samuel Tyzack||Samuel Tyzack (1) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1874 South Australian football season|1874]]||2 (Runner Up) |2-3-1 |100 || John Hart Jr. || F.Ireland ||John Rann||John Rann<br />Charles Wells||{{N/a}}||{{N/a}} |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1875 South Australian football season|1875]]||2 (Runner Up) |3-3-1 |140 || John Hart Jr. || F.Ireland ||Robert Sandilands||Robert Sandilands||Henry Ford||Henry Ford (2)<br />Warren (2) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1876 South Australian football season|1876]]||5 |2-6-0 |38 || John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells ||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Ernest LeMessurier||Samuel Tyzack (1)<br />John Rann (1)<br />E.LeMessurier (1) |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | South Australian Football Association era |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;" |{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} !{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1877 SAFA season|1877]]||4 |9-4-2 |177|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells ||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||[[Thomas Smith (Australian footballer)|Thomas Smith]]||Alfred LeMessurier (5) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1878 SAFA season|1878]]||2 ([[1878 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |5-2-4 |400|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells ||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Thomas Smith||E.LeMessurier (3)<br />Joseph Carter (3) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1879 SAFA season|1879]]||2 ([[1879 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |5-2-2 |183|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells ||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Thomas Smith||E.LeMessurier (4) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1880 SAFA season|1880]]||6 |3-3-5 |89|| John Formby || J.W.Channon ||J.A.Atkins||J.A.Atkins<br />Joseph Carter||Jack Sidoli||E.LeMessurier (3) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1881 SAFA season|1881]]||5 |2-6-5 |43|| John Formby || E.LeMessurrier<br />Joseph Carter ||J.H.Sandilands||William Fletcher<br />J.H.Sandilands||Jack Sidoli||Henry Watt (6) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1882 SAFA season|1882]]||3 |7-7-0 |157|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier ||Charles Kellett||Charles Kellett||James Munro||George Slatter (6) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1883 SAFA season|1883]]||2 ([[1883 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |7-5-2 |114|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier ||Nowell Turpenny||Ernest Le Messurier<br />Nowell Turpenny||Robert Kirkpatrick||James Litchfield (13)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1884 SAFA season|1884]]||'''1 ([[1884 SAFA season|Premiers]])''' |11-2-2 |252|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier ||Nowell Turpenny||Nowell Turpenny||Charles Kellett<br />George Cairns||Robert Roy (25)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1885 SAFA season|1885]]||3 |6-8-1 |120|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier ||Nowell Turpenny||Nowell Turpenny<br />Charles Kellett||Michael Coffee||Robert Roy (13) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1886 SAFA season|1886]]||4 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small> |3-11-1 |64|| John Formby || James Litchfield ||[[Jack McGargill]]||William Bushby||Charlie Fry||Michael Coffee (6) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1887 SAFA season|1887]]||2 ([[1887 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |12-3-2 |239|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier ||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||William Bushby<br />Richard Walsh||Alfred Bushby (22) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1888 SAFA season|1888]]||2 ([[1888 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |14-2-1 |280|| John Formby || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||[[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harold Phillips]]||Harold Phillips (24) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1889 SAFA season|1889]]||2 ([[1889 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |14-3-1 |385|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank ||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||Goody Hamilton||Charlie Fry (32)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1890 SAFA season|1890]]||'''1 ([[1890 SAFA season|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1890 Championship of Australia|Champions of Australia]]''' |16-2-0 |388|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Charlie Fry||John Mckenzie (54)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1891 SAFA season|1891]]||2 ([[1891 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |12-4-0 |288|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank<br />Alfred Bushby ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Harold Phillips||John Mckenzie (37) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1892 SAFA season|1892]]||2 ([[1892 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |11-4-1 |193|| John Formby || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Harold Phillips||Alexander McKenzie (43) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1893 SAFA season|1893]]||3 |10-6-2 |202|| John Cleave || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Walter Murray<br />Harold Phillips||Alexander McKenzie (59) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1894 SAFA season|1894]]||3 |9-9-0 |114|| John Cleave || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Alfred Miers||Alexander McKenzie (36) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1895 SAFA season|1895]]||3 |8-7-1 |141|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Alfred Miers||Oscar L'estage||Alexander McKenzie (25) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1896 SAFA season|1896]]||5 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small> |4-13-1 |69|| W.Fisher<br />[[Charles Tucker (mayor)|Charles Tucker]] || H.W.Hills ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||George Linklater||Adam Lees (19) |- style="font-size: 87%;" ! colspan="10" |Modern scoring system adopted |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1897 SAFA season|1897]]||'''1 ([[1897 SAFA season|Premiers]])''' |14-2-1 |266|| W.Fisher<br />Charles Tucker || H.W.Hills ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Ken McKenzie||Adam Lees (26)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" ! colspan="10" |First regular SAFA Grand Finals held |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1898 SAFA season|1898]]||2 ([[1898 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-6-0 |199|| W.Fisher || H.W.Hills<br />John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||[[Archibald Hosie]]||William Stark (31) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1899 SAFA season|1899]]||3 |9-5-0 |155|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Harold Phillips||[[Stan Malin]]||William Stark (13) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1900 SAFA season|1900]]||6 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small> |2-12-0 |66|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Harold Phillips||Jack Quinn||Hedley Tompkins (16) |- style="font-size: 87%;" ! colspan="10" |Federation of Australia |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1901 SAFA season|1901]]||2 ([[1901 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-7-0 |131|| Robert Cruickshank || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie ||Ted Strawns||Jack Quinn (27) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1902 SAFA season|1902]]||3 ([[1902 SAFA season|Disqualified by SAFA]]) |10-2-0 |198|| [[William Mattinson]] || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie ||Lewis Corston||Matthew Healy (25) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1903 SAFA season|1903]]||'''1 ([[1903 SAFA Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |12-2-1 |248|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie ||Jimmy Tompkins||Jimmy Tompkins (40) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1904 SAFA season|1904]]||2 ([[1904 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |10-3-1 |173|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie<br />Jack Quinn||Lewis Corston||Jimmy Tompkins (28) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1905 SAFA season|1905]]||2 ([[1905 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |11-2-1 |170|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Jack Quinn||Jack Quinn||James Mathison (30)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1906 SAFA season|1906]]||'''1 ([[1906 SAFA Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |12-2-0 |213|| William Mattinson || James Hodge ||Jack McGargill||Jack Fletcher<br />Lewis Corston||Ted Strawns||James Mathison (42)* |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | South Australian Football League era |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' !{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} !{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1907 SAFL season|1907]]||2 ([[1907 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |11-4-0 |192|| William Mattinson || James Hodge ||Jack McGargill||Lewis Corston||[[Jack Mack]]||Jack Quinn (32)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1908 SAFL season|1908]]||3 |8-5-0 |137||William Mattinson || James Hodge || Jack McGargill ||Ted Strawns<br />[[Mick Donaghy]]||James Dickson||James Mathison (33)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1909 SAFL season|1909]]||2 ([[1909 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |9-5-0 |134|| William Mattinson || James Hodge ||Archibald Hosie||Mick Donaghy||James Dickson||[[Angelo Congear]] (12) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1910 SAFL season|1910]]||'''1 ([[1910 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1910 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]''' |14-2-0 |150|| William Mattinson || James Hodge ||Archibald Hosie||Jack Woollard||[[Sampson Hosking]]||[[Frank Hansen (Australian footballer)|Frank Hansen]] (46) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1911 SAFL season|1911]]||2 ([[1911 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-3-0 |171|| Robert Cruickshank || James Hodge ||Mick Donaghy<br />Jack Woollard||George Dempster||[[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]]||Frank Hansen (41)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1912 SAFL season|1912]]||2 ([[1912 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-2-0 |205|| Robert Cruickshank || James Hodge ||Sampson Hosking||Cliff Cocks<br />Sampson Hosking||Harold Oliver||Frank Hansen (37)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1913 SAFL season|1913]]||'''1 ([[1913 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1913 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]''' |12-2-0 |160|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge ||[[Jack Londrigan]]||Jack Londrigan||Harry Eaton||Frank Hansen (39)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1914 SAFL season|1914]]||'''1 ([[1914 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1914 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]''' |14-0-0 |209|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge ||Jack Londrigan||Jack Londrigan||[[Jack Ashley (footballer)|Jack Ashley]]||Jack Dunn (33)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1915 SAFL season|1915]]||2 ([[1915 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |9-4-1 |175|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge ||Alexander McFarlane||Alexander McFarlane||Harry Eaton||[[Angelo Congear]] (21) |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Play suspended due to World War I |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1919 SAFL season|1919]]||4 |6-6-1 |127|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler ||[[Frank Hansen (Australian footballer)|Frank Hansen]]||Horrie Pope<br />Alexander McFarlane||Jack Ashley||Len Lackman (26)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1920 SAFL season|1920]]||3 |8-5-0 |119|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler ||Frank Hansen||John Robertson<br />Albert Olds||[[Charlie Adams (Australian footballer)|Charlie Adams]]||Eric Dewar (24) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1921 SAFL season|1921]]||'''1 ([[1921 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |13-4-0 |182|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler ||Sampson Hosking ||Harold Oliver||Charlie Adams||[[Maurice Allingham (Australian Footballer)|Maurice Allingham]] (43) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1922 SAFL season|1922]]||5 |7-7-0 |101|| Herbert Skipper || Charles Tyler ||Samuel Howie ||Samuel Howie||Clement Dayman||Maurice Allingham (47) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1923 SAFL season|1923]]||7 |5-9-0 |99|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie ||Clement Dayman<br /> ||Clement Dayman||[[Les Dayman]]||Maurice Allingham (42) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1924 SAFL season|1924]]||4 |9-6-0 |121|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie ||[[Archibald Hosie]]||[[Clifford Keal]]||Les Dayman||Maurice Allingham (28) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1925 SAFL season|1925]]||3 |10-5-0 |127|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie ||Archibald Hosie||Clifford Keal||[[Peter Bampton]]||[[Harold Logan (Australian footballer)|Harold Logan]] (56) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1926 SAFL season|1926]]||3 |10-5-0 |123|| Percival Cherry || Alexander McKelvie ||Maurice Allingham||Maurice Allingham||Laurie Hodge||Harold Logan (36) |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | South Australian National Football League era |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' !{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} !{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1927 SANFL season|1927]]||3 |10-8-0 |118|| Percival Cherry || [[Charles Hayter (secretary)|Charles Hayter]] ||Sampson Hosking||[[Peter Bampton]]||[[Clifford Keal]]||Harold Logan (66) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1928 SANFL season|1928]]||'''1 ([[1928 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |15-4-0 |119|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||[[Victor Johnson (footballer)|Victor Johnson]]||[[Les Dayman]]||[[Les Dayman]] (41) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1929 SANFL season|1929]]||2 ([[1929 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |15-5-0 |156|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Victor Johnson||Ernest Mucklow||Les Dayman (86)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1930 SANFL season|1930]]||2 ([[1930 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-7-1 |116|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Victor Johnson||Victor Johnson||Les Dayman (89) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1931 SANFL season|1931]]||3 |14-5-0 |127|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking ||Victor Johnson||Maurice Allingham||Les Dayman (70) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1932 SANFL season|1932]]||4 |10-8-0 |99|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter ||[[Sydney Ween]]||Sydney Ween||Ernest Mucklow||[[Ned Hender (Australian footballer)|Ned Hender]] (55) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1933 SANFL season|1933]]||5 |9-7-1 |104|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter ||Henry Dewar||Sydney Ween||[[Jack Dermody]]||Ned Hender (48) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1934 SANFL season|1934]]||2 ([[1934 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |11-7-1 |121|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter ||Len Ashby||Victor Johnson||[[Albert Hollingworth]]||Jim Prideaux (73) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1935 SANFL season|1935]]||2 ([[1935 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |13-6-0 |125|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter ||Len Ashby||Robert Johnson||Jack Dermody||Jim Prideaux (95) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1936 SANFL season|1936]]||'''1 ([[1936 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |16-4-0 |127|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Jack Dermody||Albert Hollingworth||Jim Prideaux (86) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1937 SANFL season|1937]]||'''1 ([[1937 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |15-4-0 |131|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Jack Dermody||[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Robert Quinn]]||Robert Quinn (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1938 SANFL season|1938]]||2 ([[1938 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-8-0 |118|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||[[Ned Hender (Australian footballer)|Ned Hender]]||Robert Quinn ||[[Albert Hollingworth]] (45) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1939 SANFL season|1939]]||'''1 ([[1939 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |15-4-0 |126|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Robert Quinn ||Robert Quinn ||[[Allan Reval]]||Howard Abbott (49) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1940 SANFL season|1940]]||3 |14-5-0 |118|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Robert Quinn<br />Allan Reval||Robert Quinn<br />Allan Reval||[[Reginald Schumann]]||[[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]] (47) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1941 SANFL season|1941]]||4 |11-6-1 |106|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Allan Reval||Allan Reval ||Jack Skelley||Allan McLean (62) |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Temporary geographical merger with West Torrens during World War II |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1942 SANFL season|1942]]||'''1 ([[1942 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' | ||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw (42)<br /><small>(West Torrens)</small> |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1943 SANFL season|1943]]||2 ([[1943 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) | ||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Llewellyn Roberts||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw<br /><small>(West Torrens)</small> |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1944 SANFL season|1944]]||2 ([[1944 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) | ||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Llewellyn Roberts||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw (69)<small><br />(West Torrens)</small> |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Competition returns to unaligned teams |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1945 SANFL season|1945]]||2 ([[1945 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |16-3-0 |133 || Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Robert Quinn]]||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1946 SANFL season|1946]]||2 ([[1946 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |13-7-0 |121|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]||Ken Jolly (46) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1947 SANFL season|1947]]||3 |14-5-0 |131|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Allan McLean (80)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1948 SANFL season|1948]]||7 |4-13-0 |86|| Percival Cherry || Charles Hayter<br />[[Les Dayman]] ||Llewellyn Roberts||Llewellyn Roberts||[[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]]||Allan McLean (48) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1949 SANFL season|1949]]||6 |7-10-0 |94|| Percival Cherry || [[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]] ||Jack McCarthy||[[Reginald Schumann]]||Richard Russell||[[Lloyd Zucker]] (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1950 SANFL season|1950]]||3 |13-6-0 |113|| Walter Baudinet || Allan McLean ||[[Fos Williams]]||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Fos Williams (40) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1951 SANFL season|1951]]||'''1 ([[1951 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-1-0 |156|| Walter Baudinet || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Richard Russell ||Noel Clark (37) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1952 SANFL season|1952]]||3 |13-6-0 |149||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean || Fos Williams ||Fos Williams||[[Ray Whitaker]]|| [[Roger Clift (Australian footballer)|Roger Clift]] (26) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1953 SANFL season|1953]]||2 ([[1953 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |16-5-0 |144 || Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Harold McDonald (footballer)|Harold McDonald]]||[[Ray Whitaker]] (35) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1954 SANFL season|1954]]||'''1 ([[1954 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |17-3-0 |147|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams|| [[Roger Clift (Australian footballer)|Roger Clift]]||Tom Garland (44) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1955 SANFL season|1955]]||'''1 ([[1955 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |15-5-0 |132|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Fos Williams]] (35) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1956 SANFL season|1956]]||'''1 ([[1956 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-1-0 |187|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]]||[[Rex Johns (Australian footballer)|Rex Johns]] (70)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1957 SANFL season|1957]]||'''1 ([[1957 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |17-2-1 |170|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]]||Rex Johns (77) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1958 SANFL season|1958]]||'''1 ([[1958 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |18-3-0 |146|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Geof Motley]]||Rex Johns (55)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1959 SANFL season|1959]]||'''1 ([[1959 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-2-0 |160|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||[[Wally Dittmar]] (74)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1960 SANFL season|1960]]||3 |14-6-0 |148||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Geof Motley ||Geof Motley||Neville Hayes||Wally Dittmar (69)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1961 SANFL season|1961]]||3 |15-6-0 |141||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Geof Motley ||Geof Motley||[[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]]||Rex Johns (54) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1962 SANFL season|1962]]||'''1 ([[1962 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-2-0 |156|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||[[Peter Obst]]||Rex Johns (76) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1963 SANFL season|1963]]||'''1 ([[1963 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |15-7-0 |152|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||Rex Johns (54)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1964 SANFL season|1964]]||2 ([[1964 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |18-4-0 |183|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Jeffrey Potter||Jeffrey Potter (30) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1965 SANFL season|1965]]||'''1 ([[1965 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-3-0 |129|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||[[Eric Freeman (cricketer)|Eric Freeman]] (74) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1966 SANFL season|1966]]||2 ([[1966 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |15-7-0 |143|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||[[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]||Eric Freeman (81)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1967 SANFL season|1967]]||2 ([[1967 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |16-7-0 |134|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||John Cahill||Jeffrey Potter||Eric Freeman (74) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1968 SANFL season|1968]]||2 ([[1968 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |16-7-0 |139|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||John Cahill||John Cahill||[[Russell Ebert]] (44) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1969 SANFL season|1969]]||6 |9-11-0 |92||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean || Fos Williams ||John Cahill||Jeffrey Potter||Mark Dittmar (28) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1970 SANFL season|1970]]||3 |17-4-1 |150 ||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean || Fos Williams ||John Cahill||John Cahill||Eric Freeman (75) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1971 SANFL season|1971]]||2 ([[1971 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |17-7-0 |138|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||John Cahill||[[Russell Ebert]]||Eric Freeman (50) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1972 SANFL season|1972]]||2 ([[1972 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |16-8-0 |122|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Max James]](62) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1973 SANFL season|1973]]||5 |11-11-0 |105||Ken Duthie || Allan McLean || Fos Williams ||John Cahill||John Cahill||John Cahill (59) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1974 SANFL season|1974]]||3 |19-5-1 |123|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||[[Darrell Cahill]] (54) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1975 SANFL season|1975]]||3 |14-7-0 |123|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Peter Woite]]||[[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (64) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1976 SANFL season|1976]]||2 ([[1976 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |18-5-0 |135|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Randall Gerlach (90) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1977 SANFL season|1977]]||'''1 ([[1977 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-4-1 |146|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Tim Evans (88)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1978 SANFL season|1978]]||3 |16-9-0 |111|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Stephen Clifford]]||Tim Evans (90)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1979 SANFL season|1979]]||'''1 ([[1979 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |17-8-0 |112|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||[[Brian Cunningham]]||[[Milan Faletic]]||Tim Evans (82) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1980 SANFL season|1980]]||'''1 ([[1980 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |21-2-1 |188|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||Stephen Clifford ||Tim Evans (146)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1981 SANFL season|1981]]||'''1 ([[1981 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |18-7-0 |122|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor ||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||Russell Ebert||Tim Evans (98)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1982 SANFL season|1982]]||3 |16-7-1 |127|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor ||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||[[Craig Bradley]]||Tim Evans (125)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1983 SANFL season|1983]]||6 |10-12-0 |91|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor ||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Stephen Clifford||Tim Evans (63) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1984 SANFL season|1984]]||2 ([[1984 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |18-6-0 |127|| Ken Duthie || Ian McKenzie ||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Craig Bradley||Tim Evans (137) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1985 SANFL season|1985]]||7 |8-14-0 |88|| Ken Duthie || Ian McKenzie ||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Craig Bradley||Tim Evans (96) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1986 SANFL season|1986]] ||4 |13-11-0 |103|| [[Bruce Weber (administrator)|Bruce Weber]] || Ian McKenzie ||Russell Ebert||[[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]]||[[Martin Leslie (Australian footballer)|Martin Leslie]]||[[Darren Smith (Australian rules footballer)|Darren Smith]] (49) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1987 SANFL season|1987]] ||4 |15-9-0 |112|| Bruce Weber || Ian McKenzie ||Russell Ebert||Russell Johnston||[[Bruce Abernethy]]||Darren Smith (71) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1988 SANFL season|1988]]||'''1 ([[1988 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |18-6-0 |127|| Bruce Weber || Ian McKenzie ||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||[[Greg Phillips]]||[[Scott Hodges]] (74) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1989 SANFL season|1989]]||'''1 ([[1989 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |21-4-0 |139|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton ||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||Russell Johnston||Scott Hodges (79) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1990 SANFL season|1990]]||'''1 ([[1990 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-4-0 |150|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton ||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||Scott Hodges ||Scott Hodges (153)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1991 SANFL season|1991]]||5 |14-9-0 |109|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton ||John Cahill||[[Greg Phillips]]||[[Paul Northeast (Australian footballer)|Paul Northeast]]||[[Darryl Borlase (Australian footballer)|Darryl Borlase]] (25) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1992 SANFL season|1992]]||'''1 ([[1992 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |20-4-0 |137 || Bruce Weber || [[Brian Cunningham]] ||John Cahill||Greg Phillips ||[[Nathan Buckley]]||[[Mark Tylor (Australian footballer)|Mark Tylor]] (97)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1993 SANFL season|1993]] ||3 |16-7-0 |118||[[Greg Boulton]] || Brian Cunningham ||John Cahill||Greg Phillips||[[Troy Bond]]||Mark Tylor (90)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1994 SANFL season|1994]]||'''1 ([[1994 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |18-8-0 |131||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||John Cahill||[[Tim Ginever]]||Tim Ginever||Scott Hodges (130)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1995 SANFL season|1995]]||'''1 ([[1995 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-6-0 |131||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||John Cahill||Tim Ginever||[[Robbie West]]||Mark Tylor (53) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1996 SANFL season|1996]]||'''1 ([[1996 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |16-8-0 |129||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham<br />Robert Clayton<br />David Hutton ||John Cahill<br />[[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] ||Tim Ginever||Scott Hodges ||Scott Hodges (117) |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Australian Football League era |- style="font-size: 87%;" ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' !{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} !{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1997 AFL season|1997]] || 9 |10-11-1 |92||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||John Cahill|| [[Gavin Wanganeen]] || [[Darren Mead]] || [[Scott Cummings]] (70) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1998 AFL season|1998]] || 10 |9-12-1 |96 ||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||John Cahill || Gavin Wanganeen || Adam Kingsley || [[Warren Tredrea]] (33) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1999 AFL season|1999]] || 7 |12-11-0 |90||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||[[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] || Gavin Wanganeen || Stephen Paxman || Warren Tredrea (40) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2000 AFL season|2000]] || 14 |7-14-1 |84||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||Mark Williams || Gavin Wanganeen || Brett Montgomery || Warren Tredrea (32) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2001 AFL season|2001]] || 5 |16-8-0 |129||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||Mark Williams || [[Matthew Primus]] ||Warren Tredrea || Warren Tredrea (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2002 AFL season|2002]] || 3 |19-6-0 |132||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||Mark Williams ||Matthew Primus ||Matthew Primus || [[Stuart Dew]] (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2003 AFL season|2003]] || 4 |19-6-0 |127 ||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||Mark Williams ||Matthew Primus || Gavin Wanganeen || Warren Tredrea (58) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2004 AFL season|2004]] || '''1 ([[2004 AFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |20-5-0 |132 ||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||Mark Williams || Matthew Primus<br />Warren Tredrea ||Warren Tredrea || Warren Tredrea (81) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2005 AFL season|2005]] || 6 |12-11-1 |98 ||Greg Boulton || John James ||Mark Williams ||Matthew Primus ||Warren Tredrea || Warren Tredrea (65) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2006 AFL Season|2006]] || 12 |8-14-0 |89||Greg Boulton || John James ||Mark Williams || Warren Tredrea || [[Brendon Lade]] || [[Josh Mahoney]] (29) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2007 AFL Season|2007]] || 2 ([[2007 AFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |17-8-0 |113||Greg Boulton || John James ||Mark Williams || Warren Tredrea || [[Kane Cornes]] || [[Brett Ebert]] (56) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2008 AFL Season|2008]] || 13 |7-15-0 |96||Greg Boulton || John James<br />Mark Haysman ||Mark Williams || Warren Tredrea ||Kane Cornes || [[Daniel Motlop]] (57) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2009 AFL season|2009]] || 10 |9-13-0 |89|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman ||Mark Williams || [[Domenic Cassisi]] || Warren Tredrea || Warren Tredrea (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2010 AFL season|2010]] || 10 |10-12-0 |82|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman ||Mark Williams<br />Matthew Primus|| Domenic Cassisi || Kane Cornes || [[Jay Schulz]] (33) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2011 AFL Season|2011]] || 16 |3-19-0 |65|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman<br />[[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]] ||Matthew Primus || Domenic Cassisi || [[Travis Boak]]<br />[[Jackson Trengove]] || [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robbie Gray]] (32) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2012 AFL season|2012]] || 14 |5-16-1 |79|| Brett Duncanson<br />[[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] || Keith Thomas ||Matthew Primus<br />[[Garry Hocking]] || Domenic Cassisi ||Kane Cornes || Jay Schulz (42) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2013 AFL season|2013]] || 5 |13-11-0 |102||David Koch || Keith Thomas ||[[Ken Hinkley]] || Travis Boak || [[Chad Wingard]] || Jay Schulz (49) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2014 AFL season|2014]]|| 3 |16-8-0 |130||David Koch || Keith Thomas ||Ken Hinkley || Travis Boak || Robbie Gray|| Jay Schulz (66) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2015 Port Adelaide Football Club season|2015]]|| 9 |12-10-0 |106 ||David Koch || Keith Thomas ||Ken Hinkley || Travis Boak ||Robbie Gray||Chad Wingard (53) |- style="font-size: 87%;" |[[2016 Port Adelaide Football Club season|2016]] |10 |10-12-0 |106 |David Koch |Keith Thomas |Ken Hinkley |Travis Boak |Robbie Gray |Chad Wingard (38) |} ===Hall of Fame=== {{S-start}} {{Australian football Hall of Fame |Current Team Name = Port Adelaide Football Club | All Team Names = Port Adelaide | ColorA# = 000000 | ColorB# = FFFFFF | ColorC# = 008080 | ColorD# = FFFFFF | | Team Name 1 = '''South Australian Football Association (1877-1906)''' | List 1.1 = | List 1.2 = | List 1.3 = [[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harold Phillips]] | List 1.4 = | List 1.5 = | List 1.6 = | Team Name 2 = '''South Australian Football League (1907-1927)''' | List 2.1 = [[Angelo Congear]] | List 2.2 = [[Les Dayman|Leslie Dayman]] | List 2.3 = [[Sampson Hosking]] | List 2.4 = [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]] | List 2.5 = | List 2.6 = | Team Name 3 = '''South Australian National Football League (1928-1996)''' | List 3.1 = [[Bruce Abernethy]]<br />[[Brian Cunningham]]<br />[[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]]<br />[[Lloyd Zucker]]<br />'''[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]]''' | List 3.2 = [[John Abley]]<br />'''[[Russell Ebert]]'''<br />[[Scott Hodges]]<br />Edward McMahon<br />[[Allan Reval]]<br />'''[[Fos Williams]]''' | List 3.3 = [[Dave Boyd]]<br />[[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]]<br />Ron Hoffman<br />'''[[Geof Motley]]'''<br />[[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]]<br />[[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] | List 3.4 = '''[[Craig Bradley]]'''<br />Brian Fairclough<br />Henry Kneebone <abbr title="Club Doctor">[[File:Injury icon 2.svg|10px]]</abbr><br />[[Greg Phillips]]<br />[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]<br />[[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]] | List 3.5 = '''[[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]'''<br />[[Tim Ginever]]<br />'''[[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]]'''<br />[[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]]<br />[[Darren Smith (Australian rules footballer)|Darren Smith]] | Team Name 4 = '''Australian Football League (since 1997)''' | List 4.3 = '''[[Gavin Wanganeen]]''' |}} {{S-end}} ===Greatest Team=== {{S-start}} {{Aussie rules team | title = {{font color|#FFFFFF|Port Adelaide's Greatest Team 1870–2000}} | color = #000000 | backpocket1 = [[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]] | fullback = [[John Abley]] | backpocket2 = [[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]] | halfbackflank1 = [[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]] | centrehalfback = [[Greg Phillips]] | halfbackflank2 = [[Geof Motley]] | wing1 = [[Craig Bradley]] | centre = [[Russell Ebert]] (vc) | wing2 = [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] | halfforwardflank1 = [[Dave Boyd]] | centrehalfforward = [[Les Dayman]] | halfforwardflank2 = [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]] | forwardpocket1 = [[Scott Hodges]] | fullforward = [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] | forwardpocket2 = [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] | ruck = [[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]] | ruckrover = [[Allan Reval]] | rover = [[Fos Williams]] (c) | interchange1 = [[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harry Phillips]] | interchange2 = [[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]] | interchange3 = [[Peter Woite]] | interchange4 = [[Lloyd Zucker]] | interchange5 = | interchange6 = | coach = [[Fos Williams]] }} {{S-end}} ===Military service=== {{S-start}} |- style="background:#bdb76b;" ! colspan="4" | <big>War Roll of Honour</big> <ref>http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/club/history/our-servicemen</ref> |- !colspan="4" | World War I |- | Maurice Allingham||Frederick Badcock||Arthur Biscombe||William Boon † |- | David Bower||Howard Bungey||Hugh Challinder||Arnold Channon |- | Albert Chaplin †||Robert Coffen||Henry Davis||Clement Dayman |- | William Dempster||Henry Dewar||William 'Roy' Drummond M.M.||Edward Foggo |- | Archibald Gosling †||Matthew Healy||Horace Hoare||Samuel Howie |- | Gordon Inkster||Clarence Latimer||Lawrence Levy||William Marshall |- | Tom McDonald D.C.M||Frederick Meadows||Edward Oatey||John W. Robertson |- | Edwin Rose||Thomas Sard||Stedman Stidson||William Theodore |- | Harry Tobin||Arthur Tubel||Arthur Turner||Douglas Walsh M.C.† |- | Joseph Watson †||Edward Weeden|||| |- !colspan="4" | World War I – officials |- | Dr Alexander Benson||Charles Hayter||Dr Edward Morris|| |- !colspan="4" | World War II |- | Howard Abbott||James Allingham||Charles A. Andersen||Charles H. Andersen |- | Basil Bampton||Harold Beer||Halcombe Brock †||Maxwell Carmichael † |- | George W.F. Chapman||Clarence Christensen||Noel Clark||John Coppin |- | Ivor Dangerfield||Lindsay Darling||Ralph Dawe||Clarance L. Dayman |- | John Dermody||Edward Dorian||James Doyle||Drozena Eden |- | Bert Edwards||James Farr||Dennis Fitzgerald||Frederick Galliford |- | Laurence Gates||Geoffrey Germein||Francis Gibaut||Arthur Gower |- | Colin Grant||Claude Greening||Donald Gregg||Colin Grimm |- | John Heaton||Colin Herbert||John Johnson||Kenneth Johnson |- | Clyde Kellaway||Peter Keough||Lyall Kretschmer||Robert Lander |- | Peter Marrett||Richard Mayne||Harold McDonald||Norman McInnes |- | Malcolm McKiggan †||Allan R.C. 'Bob' McLean||Harold Mills||Brian Moore |- | George Neaylon||John Oehme||William Owens||Alexander Pender |- | Harry Perry||Frederick Peters||James Prideaux||George U. Quinn † |- | John M. Quinn||Robert B. Quinn M.M.||Lew Roberts||Herbert Robertson |- | Bertram Robinson||Lloyd Rudd †||Leonard Salvemini||Reginald Schumann |- | John Skelley||Kenneth Slade||Gordon Temby||William Trigg |- | Arthur Tunbridge||Arthur Utting||John Wade †||Hercules Waldron |- | John White||Geoffrey Wiese||Foster Williams||John Woollard |- !colspan="4" | World War II – officials/staff |- | Kenneth Aubert||Archibald Dowsett||Henry Naismith||William Adair |- !colspan="4" | [[Vietnam War]] |- | Peter Chant †||Lindsay McGie||John A. Quinn|| {{S-end}} † denotes killed in action or died while serving ==Club achievements== {| class="wikitable" |- style="background:#bdb76b;" | colspan="4" style="text-align:center;"|'''Club Achievements''' |- style="background:#bdb76b;" |'''Competition'''||'''Level'''||'''Wins'''||'''Year Won''' |- | rowspan="3" |'''AFL'''<br />||Premiers||1||2004 |- |Runners Up||1|||2007 |- |McClelland Trophy||3||2002, 2003, 2004 |- |'''Championship of Australia'''||Champions||4||1890, 1910, 1913, 1914 |- | rowspan="3" |'''SAFA/SAFL/SANFL'''||Premiers||36||1884, 1890, 1897, 1903, 1906,<br />1910, 1913, 1914, 1921, 1928,<br />1936, 1937, 1939, 1951, 1954,<br />1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959<br />1962, 1963, 1965, 1977, 1979,<br />1980, 1981, 1988, 1989, 1990<br />1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998,<br />1999 |- |Runners Up||37|| 1878, 1879, 1883, 1887, 1888,<br />1889, 1891, 1892, 1898, 1901<br />1904, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911,<br />1912, 1915, 1925, 1926, 1929<br />1930, 1934, 1935, 1938, 1945,<br />1946, 1953, 1964, 1966, 1967<br />1968, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1984,<br />1997, 2014 |- |Minor Premiers||44||1889, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1906,<br />1907, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913<br />1914, 1915, 1921, 1928, 1931,<br />1934, 1935, 1936, 1939, 1940<br />1945, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955,<br />1956, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961<br />1962, 1964, 1965, 1970, 1976,<br />1977, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1988<br />1990, 1992, 1999, 2014 |- |rowspan="2"|'''South Australian Patriotic League''' |Premiers |3 |1916, 1917, 1942 |- |Runner Up |2 |1943, 1944 |} ==Player achievements== ===Competition awards=== '''[[Magarey Medal]]''' '''(SANFL best and fairest)''' * 1899 – [[Stan Malin]] * 1907 – [[Jack Mack]] * 1910 – [[Sampson Hosking]] * 1914 – [[Jack Ashley (footballer)|Jack Ashley]] * 1915 – Sampson Hosking * 1921 – [[Charlie Adams (Australian footballer)|Charlie Adams]] * 1925 – [[Peter Bampton]] * 1938 – [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] * 1945 – Bob Quinn * 1956 – [[Dave Boyd]] * 1964 – [[Geof Motley]] * 1967 – [[Trevor Obst]] * 1971 – [[Russell Ebert]] * 1974 – Russell Ebert * 1975 – [[Peter Woite]] * 1976 – Russell Ebert * 1980 – Russell Ebert * 1986 – [[Greg Anderson (footballer)|Greg Anderson]] * 1990 – [[Scott Hodges]] * 1992 – [[Nathan Buckley]] * 2001 – [[Tony Brown (Australian rules footballer)|Tony Brown]] & [[Ryan O'Connor]] * 2003 – [[Brett Ebert]] * 2005 – [[Jeremy Clayton]] '''Dutschke Medal (SAWFL best and fairest)''' * 2011 - Emma Sampson '''AFLCA Champion Player of the Year''' * 2004 – [[Warren Tredrea]] * 2014 – [[Robbie Gray]] '''[[AFL Rising Star]] (Best player under 21)''' * 1997 – [[Michael Wilson (Australian footballer)|Michael Wilson]] * 2006 – [[Danyle Pearce]] === Grand final best on ground awards === '''[[Norm Smith Medal]] (AFL Grand Final best on ground)''' * 2004 – [[Byron Pickett]] '''[[Jack Oatey Medal]] (SANFL Grand Final best on ground)''' * 1981 – [[Russell Ebert]] * 1988 – [[Bruce Abernethy]] * 1989 – [[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]] * 1990 – [[George Fiacchi]] * 1992 – [[Nathan Buckley]] * 1994 – [[Darryl Wakelin]] * 1995 – [[Anthony Darcy]] * 1996 – [[David Brown (Australian footballer born 1969)|David Brown]] * 1998 – [[Brett Chalmers]] * 1999 – [[Darryl Poole]] === All-Australian === '''''Sporting Life Magazine''''' * 1947 – [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] (captain) * 1950 – [[Dick Russell (footballer)|Dick Russell]], [[Fos Williams]] * 1951 – [[Harold McDonald (footballer)|Harold McDonald]], Fos Williams * 1955 – Harold McDonald '''Interstate carnivals''' * 1956 – [[John Abley]] * 1958 – John Abley * 1961 – John Abley * 1969 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] * 1980 – [[Greg Phillips]], [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] * 1983 – [[Craig Bradley]], [[Tony Giles]], [[Stephen Curtis]] * 1985 – Craig Bradley * 1987 – [[Greg Anderson (footballer)|Greg Anderson]] * 1988 – [[Martin Leslie (Australian rules footballer)|Martin Leslie]] '''Australian Football League''' * 1997 – [[Adam Heuskes]] * 2001 – [[Gavin Wanganeen]], [[Matthew Primus]], [[Warren Tredrea]] * 2002 – [[Brett Montgomery]], Matthew Primus, Warren Tredrea, [[Josh Francou]] * 2003 – Gavin Wanganeen, Warren Tredrea * 2004 – Warren Tredrea, [[Chad Cornes]], Mark Williams (coach) * 2005 – [[Kane Cornes]] * 2006 – [[Brendon Lade]], [[Shaun Burgoyne]] * 2007 – Kane Cornes, Chad Cornes, Brendon Lade * 2013 – [[Chad Wingard]], [[Travis Boak]] * 2014 – [[Robbie Gray]], Travis Boak * 2015 – Chad Wingard, Robbie Gray ===Club awards=== '''John Cahill Medal (Best and Fairest)'''{{Main article|John Cahill Medal}}'''Gavin Wanganeen Medal (Best player under 21)''' * 2006 – [[Danyle Pearce]] * 2007 – [[Justin Westhoff]] * 2008 – [[Alipate Carlile]] * 2009 – [[Travis Boak]] * 2010 – [[Jackson Trengove]] * 2011 – [[Hamish Hartlett]] * 2012 – [[Chad Wingard]] * 2013 – [[Ollie Wines]] * 2014 – Ollie Wines * 2015 – Ollie Wines * 2016 - Jarman Impey '''John McCarthy Medal (Community Award)''' * 2013 – [[Jack Hombsch]] * 2014 – [[Brad Ebert]] * 2015 – [[Nathan Krakouer]] == Club records == '''Overall Win/Loss record''' * AFL – 440 games / 224 wins / 211 losses / 5 draws (51.48%) * SANFL – 2636 games / 1727 wins / 860 losses / 65 draws (66.75%) At end of 2015 season. '''Best league record against another club''' Over 10 league matches against a current club. * AFL – West Coast – 17 wins / 10 losses / 0 draws (62.96%) * SANFL – Glenelg – 177 wins / 67 losses / 3 draws (72.27%) At end of 2015 season. '''Worst league record against another club''' Over 10 league matches against a current club. * AFL – Sydney – 7 wins / 19 losses / 0 draws (26.92%) * SANFL – Norwood – 195 wins / 190 losses / 17 draws (48.51%) <nowiki>*</nowiki>as of 21/4/2015 '''Highest score''' * AFL – 29.14 (188) vs Hawthorn, Round 13, 2005, Football Park * SANFL – 37.21 (243) vs [[Woodville Football Club|Woodville]], 19 April 1980, Football Park '''Lowest score''' * AFL – 3.3 (21) vs Collingwood, Round 20, 2011, Football Park * SANFL – 1.1 (7) vs North Adelaide, 5 May 1900, Alberton Oval '''Greatest Winning Margin''' * AFL – 117 points vs Hawthorn, Round 13, 2005, Football Park * SANFL – 179 points vs [[Woodville Football Club|Woodville]], 8 August 1970, Woodville Oval '''Greatest losing margin''' * AFL – 165 points vs {{AFL Haw}}, Round 21, [[2011 AFL season|2011]], [[MCG]] * SANFL – 114 points vs [[Sturt Double Blues|Sturt]], [[1965 SANFL season|1965]], [[Unley Oval]] '''Most Wins in a season''' * AFL – 20 wins ([[2004 AFL season|2004]]) * SANFL – 21 wins ([[1980 SANFL season|1980]], [[1989 SANFL season|1989]]) '''Least losses in a season''' * AFL – 5 losses ([[2004 AFL season|2004]]) * SANFL – 0 losses ([[1914 SAFL season|1914]]) '''Largest home attendances (Minor Round)''' * AFL – 54,468 at Adelaide Oval (Round 16, [[2015 AFL season|2015]] vs [[Adelaide Football Club|Adelaide]]) * AFL (Non-showdown) – 52,505 at Adelaide Oval (Round 22, [[2014 AFL season|2014]] vs {{AFL Car}}) * SANFL – 36,397 at [[Football Park]] (Round 2, [[1990 SANFL season|1990]] vs [[Norwood Redlegs|Norwood]]) * SANFL – 22,738 at [[Alberton Oval]] (Round 11, [[1977 SANFL season|1977]] vs [[Norwood Redlegs|Norwood]]) '''Largest away attendances (Minor Round)''' * AFL – 51,883 at [[MCG]] (Round 1, 1997 vs Collingwood) * SANFL – 30,618 at Adelaide Oval (Round 11, 1977 vs South Adelaide) * SANFL – 22,015 at [[Unley Oval]] (Round 9, 1968 vs Sturt) '''Largest finals attendances''' * AFL – 97,302 at [[Melbourne Cricket Ground|MCG]] ([[2007 AFL Grand Final]] vs Geelong) * SANFL – 66,897 (80,000 police estimate) at [[Football Park]] ([[1976 SANFL Grand Final]] vs [[Sturt Double Blues|Sturt]])<ref name="Norton 2013 28"/> '''Longest undefeated run''' * AFL – 8 wins (Round 8 → 15, [[2002 AFL season|2002]], Round 15 → 22, [[2003 AFL season|2003]], Round 4 → 12, [[2014 AFL season|2014]]) * SANFL – 33 games (21 June [[1913 SAFL season|1913]] → [[1914 SAFL season|1914]] → 3 July [[1915 SAFL season|1915]]) '''Longest losing run''' * AFL – 11 games (Round 11 → 23, [[2011 AFL season|2011]]) * SANFL – 7 games (14 May 2002 → 1 June 2002) ==Player records== '''Most games played''' * AFL – 300 – [[Kane Cornes]] (2001–2015) * SANFL – 392 – [[Russell Ebert]] (1968–1978, 1980–1985) '''Most games coached''' * AFL – 274 – [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] (1999–2010) * SANFL – 444 – [[Fos Williams]] (1950–1958, 1962–1973) * {{Tooltip|Combined|SANFL (1877-1996) and AFL (1997–present)}} – 465 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] ('''SANFL''': 1974–1982, 1988–1996; '''AFL''': 1997–1998) '''Most premierships as player''' * SANFL – 9 – [[Geof Motley]] (1954–1959, 1962–1963, 1965) * AFL – 1 – [[Template:2004 Port Adelaide Power premiership players|2004 premiership team]] '''Most premierships as coach''' * SANFL – 10 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] (1977, 1979–81, 1988–90, 1994–96) * AFL – 1 – [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] (2004) '''Most goals at Port Adelaide''' * AFL – 549 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (1997–2010) * SANFL – 1044 – [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (1975–1986) '''Most goals in a match''' * AFL – 8 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (1998, Round 7, vs Carlton, Princes Park) * AFL – 8 – [[Jay Schulz]] (2014, Round 14, vs Western Bulldogs, Adelaide Oval) * SANFL – 16 – [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (1980, Round 5, vs West Adelaide) '''Most goals in a season''' * AFL – 81 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (2004) * SANFL – 153 – [[Scott Hodges]] (1990) ==References== {{reflist|colwidth=30em}} {{reflist|group=1}} ==External links== {{Commons category}} * [http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/ Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club] {{Port Adelaide Football Club}} {{navboxes | title = Port Adelaide Football Club SAFA/SAFL/SANFL/AFL premiership teams | titlestyle = background:black; color:white; border: solid teal 2px | list1 = {{1884 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1890 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1897 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1903 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1906 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1910 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1913 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1914 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1921 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1928 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1936 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1937 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1939 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1942 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1951 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1954 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1955 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1956 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1957 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1958 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership team}} {{1959 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1962 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1963 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1965 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1977 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1979 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1980 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership team}} {{1981 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1988 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1989 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1990 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1992 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1994 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1995 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1996 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{2004 Port Adelaide Power premiership players}} }} {{AFL}} {{Aussie Rules in South Australia}} {{Adelaide Sports Teams}} {{South Australian National Football League |state=collapsed}} {{Port Adelaide landmarks}} [[Category:Australian Football League clubs]] [[Category:Sports clubs established in 1870]] [[Category:Port Adelaide Football Club]] [[Category:Sporting clubs in Adelaide]] [[Category:Australian rules football clubs in South Australia]] [[Category:1870 establishments in Australia]]'
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'@@ -1,214 +1,1892 @@ -The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it "the Riddle House," even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there. It stood on a hill overlooking the village, some of its windows boarded, tiles missing from its roof, and ivy spreading unchecked over its face. Once a fine-looking manor, and easily the largest and grandest building for miles around, the Riddle House was now damp, derelict, and unoccupied. +<!--see talk page for recommendations--> +{{Use Australian English|date=October 2011}} +{{Use dmy dates|date=October 2012}} +{{Infobox australian football club +| clubname = Port Adelaide +| image = [[File:Port Adelaide Football Club Logo.jpg|240px|Port Adelaide Football Club logo]] +| fullname = Port Adelaide Football Club Ltd<ref>{{cite web|title=Port Adelaide Football Club Limited|publisher=Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)|url=http://www.search.asic.gov.au/cgi-bin/gns030c?acn=068_839_547&juris=9&hdtext=ACN&srchsrc=1|accessdate=5 November 2010}}</ref> +| motto = We Are Port Adelaide <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/video/2015-09-15/ptv-jack-hombsch-jim-stynes-community-leadership-award-nomination | title=PTV: Jack Hombsch - Jim Stynes Community Leadership Award nomination | date=15 September 2015 | quote= Port Adelaide's motto is 'We Exist to Win Premierships and Make Our Community Proud #119'.}}</ref> +| topgoalkicker = [[Chad Wingard]] (38) +| bestandfairest = +| season = 2016 +| home&away = 10th +| founded = 12 May {{Start date and age|1870}} +| colours = AFL: [[File:AFL Port Adelaide Icon.jpg|16px]], SANFL: [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] +| league = Power <small>(AFL)</small><br />[[Australian Football League]]<br />Magpies <small>(2nds)</small><br />[[South Australian National Football League]]<br/>Port Adelaide Women <small>(SAWFL)</small><br/>[[South Australian Women's Football League]]<br />Academy <small>(3rds)</small><br />Junior development +| chairman = [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] +| CEO = [[Keith Thomas]] +| coach = [[Ken Hinkley]] (AFL)<br />[[Chad Cornes]] (SANFL)<br/>Markita Bond (SAWFL) +| captain = [[Travis Boak]] (AFL)<br />Steven Summerton (SANFL)<br/> Maddie Willis (SAWFL) +| ground = [[Adelaide Oval]] +| capacity = 53,583 +| ground2 = [[Alberton Oval]] +| capacity2 = 17,000 +| formerground = [[Football Park]] +| span = 1974–2013 +| trainingground = [[Alberton Oval]] +| premierships = AFL (1): [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004]]<br />Championship of Australia (4):<br />[[1890 Championship of Australia|1890]], [[1910 Championship of Australia|1910]], [[1913 Championship of Australia|1913]], [[1914 Championship of Australia|1914]]<br />SANFL <small>pre AFL entry</small> (34):<br />[[1884 SAFA season|1884]], [[1890 SAFA season|1890]], [[1897 SAFA season|1897]], [[1903 SAFA Grand Final|1903]], [[1906 SAFA Grand Final|1906]], [[1910 SAFL Grand Final|1910]], [[1913 SAFL Grand Final|1913]], [[1914 SAFL Grand Final|1914]], [[1921 SAFL Grand Final|1921]], [[1928 SANFL Grand Final|1928]], [[1936 SANFL Grand Final|1936]], [[1937 SANFL Grand Final|1937]], [[1939 SANFL Grand Final|1939]], [[1951 SANFL Grand Final|1951]], [[1954 SANFL Grand Final|1954]], [[1955 SANFL Grand Final|1955]], [[1956 SANFL Grand Final|1956]], [[1957 SANFL Grand Final|1957]], [[1958 SANFL Grand Final|1958]], [[1959 SANFL Grand Final|1959]], [[1962 SANFL Grand Final|1962]], [[1963 SANFL Grand Final|1963]], [[1965 SANFL Grand Final|1965]], [[1977 SANFL Grand Final|1977]], [[1979 SANFL Grand Final|1979]], [[1980 SANFL Grand Final|1980]], [[1981 SANFL Grand Final|1981]], [[1988 SANFL Grand Final|1988]], [[1989 SANFL Grand Final|1989]], [[1990 SANFL Grand Final|1990]], [[1992 SANFL Grand Final|1992]], [[1994 SANFL Grand Final|1994]], [[1995 SANFL Grand Final|1995]], [[1996 SANFL Grand Final|1996]]<br />SANFL <small>post AFL entry</small> (2): [[1998 SANFL Grand Final|1998]], [[1999 SANFL Grand Final|1999]]<br />WWI Patriotic League (2):<br />1916, 1917<br/>WWII Patriotic League (1):<br />[[1942 SANFL Grand Final|1942]] <small>(as Port-Torrens)</small> +| url = [http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/ portadelaidefc.com.au] +| jumper = +| current = +}} +The '''Port Adelaide Football Club''' is a professional [[Australian rules football]] club based in [[Alberton, South Australia|Alberton]], [[Port Adelaide]], South Australia. The club's senior team plays in the [[Australian Football League]] (AFL) whilst its reserves and development teams compete in the [[South Australian National Football League]] (SANFL).<ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/105240/default.aspx Update: Power & Magpies Unite – Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club]</ref> Port Adelaide is the oldest professional football club in South Australia and the [[List of Australian rules football clubs by date of establishment|5th oldest club in the AFL]]. -The Little Hangletons all agreed that the old house was "creepy." Half a century ago, something strange and horrible had happened there, something that the older inhabitants of the village still liked to discuss when topics for gossip were scarce. The story had been picked over so many times, and had been embroidered in so many places, that nobody was quite sure what the truth was anymore. Every version of the tale, however, started in the same place: Fifty years before, at daybreak on a fine summer's morning when the Riddle House had still been well kept and impressive, a maid had entered the drawing room to find all three Riddles dead. +Since the club's first game on 24 May 1870, it has won 36 South Australian league premierships, including six in a row. The club also won the [[Champions of Australia]] competition on a record four occasions.<ref>[http://www.fullpointsfooty.net/port_adelaide.htm ''Port Adelaide – Part One: 1870 to 1918''], FullPointsFooty.net</ref><ref>[http://www.fullpointsfooty.net/championship_of_australia.htm ''Club Championship of Australia''], FullPointsFooty.net.</ref> In 1997, the club joined the Australian Football League as the only pre-existing non-Victorian club—and subsequently added the [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004 AFL Premiership]] to its achievements. -The maid had run screaming down the hill into the village and roused as many people as she could. +==Club history== +{{multiple image +| align = right +| image1= John_Hart_Jr_1876.jpeg +| width1 = 112 +| alt1 = +| image2 = Bucks Flat, Glanville Hall Estate.jpg +| width2 = 226 +| alt2 = +| footer = Left: Inaugural club president [[John Hart, Jr.]]<br>Right: Port Adelaide played at [[John Hart (South Australian colonist)|John Hart, Sr.]]'s property, Glanville Hall Estate, from 1870-1879. +}} +{{main article|History of Port Adelaide Football Club}} -"Lying there with their eyes wide open! Cold as ice! Still in their dinner things!" +===1870–1876: Formation years=== +By the late 1860s [[Port Adelaide]]'s [[Port River|river]] traffic was growing significantly causing John Rann, Mr. Leicester and Mr. Ireland to form a sporting club to benefit local wharf workers.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port Adelaide Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%2520Adelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The Port Adelaide Football Club was established on 12 May 1870 as part of a joint [[Australian rules football|Australian football]] and [[cricket]] club with the first training session taking place two days later.<ref>{{cite news |url = http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article39203522|title = The wheat statistics.|newspaper = [[South Australian Register]]|location = Adelaide, SA|date = 13 May 1870|accessdate = 29 March 2015|page = 5|publisher = National Library of Australia}}</ref> It played its first match against a team called the "Young Australians" on 24 May 1870 at inaugural club president [[John Hart, Jr.|John Hart]]'s family property in [[Glanville, South Australia|Glanville]]. Football in [[South Australia]] at this stage was yet to be organised by a single body and as a result there were several sets of rules in use across the state. -The police were summoned, and the whole of Little Hangleton had seethed with shocked curiosity and ill-disguised excitement. Nobody wasted their breath pretending to feel very sad about the Riddles, for they had been most unpopular. Elderly Mr. and Mrs. Riddle had been rich, snobbish, and rude, and their grown-up son, Tom, had been, if anything, worse. All the villagers cared about was the identity of their murderer - for plainly, three apparently healthy people did not all drop dead of natural causes on the same night. +===1877–1889: SAFA foundation, Alberton Oval and Australia's first grand final=== +In [[1877 SAFA season|1877]] Port Adelaide joined seven other clubs to form the [[South Australian National Football League|South Australian Football Association]] (SAFA), the first league of its type in Australia.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.sahistorians.org.au/175/chronology/april/30-april-1877-south-australian-football-associatio.shtml|title = The South Australian Football Story|date = 1983|accessdate = 2 May 2015|website = SA 175|publisher = professional historians association (south australia)|last = Whimpress|first = Bernard}}</ref> It competed its first few seasons wearing magenta guernseys and white shorts.<ref>{{Cite book|title = 1877 South Australian Football Season Records and Statistics|last = Gyss|first = Trevor|publisher = |year = 2010|isbn = 1445782928|location = |page = 31}}</ref> In [[1878 SAFA season|1878]] the club hosted its first game against the recently established [[Norwood Football Club]] with the visitors winning 1-0. A rivalry between these clubs would soon develop into one of the fiercest in Australian sport (See [[Port Adelaide–Norwood SANFL rivalry|Port Adelaide-Norwood SANFL rivalry]]).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article73070391 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The South Australian Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=18 June 1878 |accessdate=2 May 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> +{{multiple image +| align = right +| image1 = Alberton_Oval_1880_Juniors.png +| width1 = 200 +| alt1 = +| image2 = Port_Adelaide_1884_Premiership_Team.jpg +| width2 = 240 +| alt2 = +| footer = Left: Junior Port Adelaide players at [[Alberton Oval]] in 1880, the first year the ground was used by the club for football.<br />Right: Port Adelaide's first premiership team from the [[1884 SAFA season|1884 season]]. +}} +In 1880 the club moved to [[Alberton Oval]]. In 1881 the club played an interstate team for the first time against [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] at Adelaide Oval. Later that year the club travelled to Victoria and played its first game outside South Australia against [[Sale Football Club|Sale]].<ref>{{cite web|title = 10 things you probably don’t know about the Port Adelaide Football Club… – portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2015-05-12/port-adelaide-turns-145|accessdate = 2015-05-29}}</ref> During the [[1882 SAFA season|1882 season]] Port Adelaide overcame Norwood for the first time after nine previous attempts winning by 1 goal at [[Adelaide Oval]]. In 1884 Port Adelaide won its first SAFA premiership, ending Norwood's run of six premierships. On 25 May 1885, Port Adelaide played its first game at the [[MCG]] against [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]], drawing with the eventual VFA premiers in front of 10,000 spectators.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article6080331 |title=Sporting Intelligence |newspaper=[[The Argus (Melbourne)|The Argus]] |location=Melbourne |date=25 May 1885 |accessdate=22 November 2014 |page=9 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> -The Hanged Man, the village pub, did a roaring trade that night; the whole village seemed to have turned out to discuss the murders. They were rewarded for leaving their firesides when the Riddles' cook arrived dramatically in their midst and announced to the suddenly silent pub that a man called Frank Bryce had just been arrested. +In 1887 immense interest led into the Round 8 meeting against Norwood as the previous two matches between the clubs resulted in draws. Norwood won in front of a then-record 11,000 spectators at Adelaide Oval.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article37175326 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The South Australian Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=21 June 1887 |accessdate=14 January 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> During 1889 the club played against the [[Richmond Football Club|Richmond]] at [[Punt Road]], with Port prevailing by a goal.<ref>{{Cite web|title = First of firsts: Port Adelaide v Richmond 1889 - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2014-09-03/first-of-firsts-port-adelaide-v-richmond-1889|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The [[1889 SAFA season]] ended with Port Adelaide and Norwood equal top, leading to the staging of [[1889 SAFA Grand Final|Australia's first grand final]]. Norwood went on to defeat Port Adelaide by two goals. -"Frank!" cried several people. "Never!" +===1890–1901: First national success and last wooden spoon=== -Frank Bryce was the Riddles' gardener. He lived alone in a run-down cottage on the grounds of the Riddle House. Frank had come back from the war with a very stiff leg and a great dislike of crowds and loud noises, and had been working for the Riddles ever since. +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | ''[[1890 Championship of Australia]]''|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Score'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:SANFL Port Adelaide 1883-1901 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''{{AFL Por}}''' || '''7''' || '''10''' || '''7''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:VFL South Melbourne 1880-1896 Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]] || 6 || 13 || 6 +|- +| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] +| colspan=3 | +| colspan=3 | +|} +{{multiple image +| align = left +| image1 = Harry_Phillips.jpg +| width1 = 128 +| alt1 = +| image2 = PortMagenta.JPG +| width2 = 100 +| alt2 = +| footer = Left: [[Harry Phillips (Australian footballer)|Harry Phillips]] won the clubs best and fairest in [[1888 SAFA season|1888]], [[1891 SAFA season|1891]], [[1893 SAFA season|1892]] and [[1893 SAFA season|1893]].<br />Right: Port fan Willy Whicker wearing a striped magenta guernsey used by the club until dye became too costly (1883-1901). +}} -There was a rush to buy the cook drinks and hear more details. +In 1890 Port Adelaide won its second SAFA premiership and would go on to be crowned "[[1890 Championship of Australia|Champions of Australia]]" for the first time after defeating [[Victorian Football League|VFA]] premiers [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]]. During the 1890s Australia was affected by a severe depression and many players were forced to move interstate to find work translating into poor on field results. By 1896, the club was in crisis and finished last causing the clubs committee to meet with the aim of revitalising the club. Historian John Devaney suggested that there was a "conscious and deliberate cultivation by both the committee and the team's on field leaders of a revitalised club spirit, whereby playing for Port Adelaide became a genuine source of pride".<ref>{{cite web|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%20Adelaide/9|title = Port Adelaide|date = |accessdate = 14 May 2015|website = Australian Football|publisher = |last = Devaney|first = John}}</ref> It had immediate results and in 1897 Port Adelaide won a [[1897 SAFA season|third premiership]] finishing the season with a record of 14-2-1 with a scoring record two and a half times its conceded total. This is one of only four occurrences since 1877 that the team that finished last won a premiership the following year. [[Stan Malin]] won Port Adelaide's first [[Magarey Medal]] in 1899. -"Always thought he was odd," she told the eagerly listening villagers, after her fourth sherry. "Unfriendly, like. I'm sure if I've offered him a cuppa once, I've offered it a hundred times. Never wanted to mix, he didn't." +During the 19th century the club had nicknames including the Cockledivers, the Seaside Men, the Seasiders and the Magentas. In 1900, Port finished bottom in the six-team competition, which it has not done in any senior league since. -"Ah, now," said a woman at the bar, "he had a hard war, Frank. He likes the quiet life. That's no reason to -" +===1902–1915: Black and white and the pre-war invincibles=== +{{multiple image +| align = right +| image1 = PortAdelaideFC1902Logo.png +| width1 = 138 +| alt1 = +| image2 = Port Adelaide premiership team 1903.jpg +| width2 = 330 +| alt2 = +| footer = Left: Port Adelaide adopted the black and white "Wharf Pylon" guernsey and the Magpie emblem in 1902.<br />Right: Port Adelaide's [[1903 SAFA Grand Final|1903]] premiership team were the first to win a Grand Final in the "Wharf Pylon" guernsey. +}} -"Who else had a key to the back door, then?" barked the cook. "There's been a spare key hanging in the gardener's cottage far back as I can remember! Nobody forced the door last night! No broken windows! All Frank had to do was creep up to the big house while we was all sleeping..." +In 1902, Port Adelaide took the field in black and white guernseys for the first time after it was having trouble finding dyes that would last for its blue and magenta guernseys.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162353382 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[Adelaide Observer]] |date=26 April 1902 |accessdate=28 December 2014 |page=20 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The first year in the new guernsey would be a controversial year for the club. After finishing the [[1902 SAFA season|1902 season]] on top of the ladder was disqualified from a game with {{SANFL SthA}} after disputing the use of an unaccredited umpire.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4875685 |title=A FOOTBALL DISPUTE. |newspaper=[[The Advertiser (Adelaide)|The Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=4 September 1902 |accessdate=30 May 2015 |page=4 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The 1902 SAFA premiership would subsequently be awarded to North Adelaide after they defeated South Adelaide in the Grand Final a week later.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article56255969 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Register (Adelaide)|The Register]] |location=Adelaide |date=9 September 1902 |accessdate=29 December 2014 |page=6 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> Port Adelaide offered to play North Adelaide in a premiership deciding match, but the association refused.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article56255969 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Register (Adelaide)|The Register]] |location=Adelaide |date=9 September 1902 |accessdate=30 May 2015 |page=6 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The first premiership after the dispute came the following year when Port Adelaide defeated South Adelaide 6.6 (42) to 5.5 (35) in the 1903 SAFA Challenge Final. A further premiership came in 1906 when Port defeated North Adelaide 8.12 (60) to 5.9 (39) in the year's Grand Final. During the early stages of the 1907 season, Port Adelaide travelled to Sydney to play a combination of the cities best players. The game was marketed as 'Port Adelaide vs. Sydney' with the harbour city side taking the honours 8.9 (57) to 5.14 (44).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115235416 |title=PORT ADELAIDE v. SYDNEY. |newspaper=[[The Evening News (Sydney)|The Evening News]]|location=Sydney |date=7 June 1907 |accessdate=5 May 2015 |page=3 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | ''1910 Port Adelaide vs. WAFL<ref name="ReferenceA">http://australianfootball.com/articles/view/Port+in+Perth+-+Port+Adelaide%27s+1910+WA+tour/12</ref>'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Wellington colours.svg|16px]] [[Western Australia Australian rules football team|WAFL]] || 6 || 12 || 48 +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''6''' || '''17''' || '''53''' +|- +| Venue: [[Fremantle Oval]] +| colspan=3 | +|} +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | ''[[1910 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''15''' || '''20''' || '''110''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:AFL Collingwood Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Collingwood Football Club|Collingwood]] || 7 || 9 || 51 +|- +| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] +| colspan=3 | +|} -The villagers exchanged dark looks. +Port Adelaide won the SAFL premiership in 1910 defeating [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]] 8.12 (60) to 5.11 (41) in the Grand Final. The club would go on to defeat Collingwood for the [[1910 Championship of Australia]] title. During the 1910 post season, seeking revenge for their loss the year before, Port Adelaide travelled to Western Australia and beat East Fremantle by 12 points. To conclude the trip Port Adelaide played a combination of some of the [[Western Australian Football League|WAFL]]'s best players and achieved a remarkable victory scoring 6.17 (53) to 6.12 (48), with [[Sampson Hosking]] named best on ground.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football|url = http://australianfootball.com/articles/view/Port+in+Perth+-+Port+Adelaide's+1910+WA+tour/12|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Along with beating the premiers from South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia in 1910, Port Adelaide also invited North Broken Hill, the premier team of New South Wales, to a game at Adelaide Oval. Port Would win this game 14.20 (104) to 5.5 (35).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article45135647 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Barrier Miner]] |location=Broken Hill, NSW |date=16 August 1910 |accessdate=5 May 2015 |page=2 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> -"I always thought that he had a nasty look about him, right enough," grunted a man at the bar. +{{multiple image +| align = left +| image1 = PortAdelaideOval.JPG +| width1 = 150 +| alt1 = +| image2 = PortAdelaide1914.jpg +| width2 = 280 +| alt2 = +| footer = Left: Club legend [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]] taking a mark in the [[1914 SAFL season#Week 1|1914 SAFL Semi Final]] against [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]] at [[Adelaide Oval]].<br />Right: [[1914 Port Adelaide Football Club season|Port Adelaide's undefeated 1914 SAFL premiers and Champions of Australia]] team. +}}The following two seasons for Port Adelaide would be frustrating dropping only one game during the 1911 minor round and going undefeated the following year in 1912 only to be knocked out of contention by [[West Adelaide Football Club|West Adelaide]] both times, the second of these encounters in front of a pre war South Australian record crowd of 28,500. During the 1912 preseason, Port Adelaide travelled to Tasmania and took on a combination of players from various [[Tasmanian Football League]] (TFL) sides. The game would prove to be very competitive with Port Adelaide defeating the TFL combination 7.13 (55) to 6.6 (42).<ref>{{Cite book|title = SA Football Companion|last = Devaney|first = John|publisher = Full Points Footy's|year = 2008|isbn = |location = |page = 431}}</ref> +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | ''[[1913 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''13''' || '''16''' || '''94''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:FitzroyDesign.jpg|16px]] [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] || 4 || 7 || 31 +|- +| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] +| colspan=3 | +|}During the 1913 preseason, Port Adelaide travelled back to Western Australia to play East Fremantle again with the local side winning for a second time 6.6 (42) to 4.12 (36). Despite this inauspicious preseason the club would break through in 1913, dropping only two games during the minor round and eventually defeating North Adelaide 7.12 (54) to 5.10 (40) for the SAFL premiership and [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] 13.16 (94) to 4.7 (31) for the [[1913 Championship of Australia]]. +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | ''1914 Port Adelaide vs. SAFL<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article59365634 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Mail (Adelaide)|The Mail]] |location=Adelaide |date=15 October 1914 |accessdate=9 January 2015 |page=4 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref>'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Safootballjumper.jpg|16px]] [[South Australia Australian rules football team|SAFL]] || 5 || 10 || 40 +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''14''' || '''14''' || '''98''' +|- +| Venue: [[Jubilee Oval]] +| colspan=3 | +|} +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | ''[[1914 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''9''' || '''16''' || '''70''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:CarltonDesign.png|16px]] [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] || 5 || 6 || 36 +|- +| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] +| colspan=3 | +|} +The [[1914 Port Adelaide Football Club season]] is widely regarded as one of the best in Australian rules football history. It won all its pre season matches, won all fourteen SAFL games by an average margin of 49 points and the 1914 SAFL Grand Final where it held North Adelaide to a single goal for the match 13.15 (93) to 1.8 (14). The club would then meet [[Victorian Football League|VFL]] premiers [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] on Adelaide Oval, defeating the Victorian club by 34 points to claim a record fourth Championship of Australia. At the end of 1914 season a combined team from the six other SAFL clubs played Port Adelaide and lost to the subsequently dubbed "Invincibles" by 58 points.<ref>{{Cite news|title = Championship football port adelaide invincible soundly defeat combined league team.|url = http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article105464625|newspaper = Daily Herald|date = 15 October 1914|access-date = 2015-07-13|page = 5}}</ref> Key players from this team are [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]], [[Angelo Congear]] and [[Sampson Hosking]] who all share the unique distinction of playing in three Championships of Australia together as well all taking part in South Australia's first victorious [[1911 Adelaide Carnival|Australian National Football Carnival in 1911]].<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Angelo Congear - Player Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/players/player/angelo%252Bcongear/43|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> -"War turned him funny, if you ask me," said the landlord. +=== 1919–1949: Two World Wars, the Great Depression and post war struggles === +[[File:Port_Adelaide_1921.jpg|thumb|left|Port Adelaide players hold up their [[1921 SAFL season|1921 SAFL premiership]] flag]] -"Told you I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of Frank, didn't I, Dot?" said an excited woman in the corner. +During World War I the club lost three players—William Boon, Joseph Watson and Albert Chaplin—to the war. A scaled-back competition referred to as the 'Patriotic League' was organised during wartime in which Port Adelaide won the 1916 and 1917 instalments. +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | [[1921 SAFL Grand Final]] || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''4''' || '''8''' || '''32''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Norwood Jumper Design.png|16px]] {{SANFL Nor}} || 3 || 6 || 24 +|- +| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] +| colspan=3 | crowd: 34,000 +| colspan=3 | +|} +After World War I, [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]], arguably the state's best player, was close to retiring from league football playing only 1 game in 1919 and 8 in 1920. However keen supporters of the club hoping to replicate its pre-war success raised funds and bought him a motorbike so he could commute from his farm in [[Berri, South Australia|Berri]] for the 1921 season.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Family tree. Details of William Harold OLIVER (1891-1958)|url = http://www.users.on.net/~jtpope/public/indiv/i02317.htm|website = www.users.on.net|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Oliver would captain the club to the 1921 premiership, winning his fourth in the process. In 1922 after playing only 5 league matches for the season his football career came to an end due to commitments regarding his farm and disputes regarding game compensation. His contract termination meant he was paid ₤76 of ₤100 pounds for the season making him one of the highest-paid footballers of the era.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article106671475 |title=Play and Players|newspaper=[[Daily Herald (Adelaide)|Daily Herald]] |location=Adelaide |date=4 August 1922 |accessdate=18 March 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> Shortly afterwards most of Port Adelaide's champion players from before the war started to retire and the club's performances declined.<ref name="ReferenceC">{{cite web|title = Australian Football – Port Adelaide Football Club – Stats|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/stats/Port%2BAdelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-05-22}}</ref> As was the case in the 1890s, the depression of the early 1930s hit the club hard with players moving interstate to secure employment.<ref name="ReferenceC" /> +[[File:Bob_Quinn_(Australian_footballer).jpg|left|thumb|[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] chaired off after the 1939 Grand Final win]] +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | [[1939 SANFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''16''' || '''28''' || '''124''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:West Torrens FC design.png|16px]] {{SANFL WT}} || 11 || 11 || 77 +|- +| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] +| colspan=3 | crowd: 44,885 +| colspan=3 | +|} +By the late 1930s, the economy and Port Adelaide's form both recovered and after two narrow grand final losses in 1934 and 1935 the club won premierships in 1936, 1937 and 1939. During 1939, [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]], in his third year as a player for the club, coached the team to a Grand Final win over [[West Torrens Football Club|West Torrens]]. Many Port Adelaide players also enlisted for military service during this time.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = Largs Bay Printers|year = 1991|isbn = |location = Adelaide|page = 6}}</ref> In 1941 Port Adelaide suffered its first player casualties from war since World War I with Lloyd Rudd and Jack Wade both killed on the Allies' front in France. Four more players would be killed through the war: Maxwell Carmichael, George Quinn, Christopher Johnston and Halcombe Brock.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = |year = 1991|isbn = |location = |page = 12}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2014-04-24/port-adelaide-servicemen-in-war|title =Port Adelaide servicemen in war |date = 24 April 2014 |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Agius |first = Matthew}}</ref> +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | 1942 Wartime fundraiser || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Collingwood Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide/West Torrens''' || '''20''' || '''23''' || '''113''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Safootballjumper.jpg|16px]] "The Rest" || 20 || 21 || 111 +|- +| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] +| colspan=3 | +| colspan=3 |<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article48884888 |title=Port-Torrens Wins Again |newspaper=[[The Advertiser (Adelaide)|The Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=28 September 1942 |accessdate=24 January 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> +|} -"Horrible temper," said Dot, nodding fervently. "I remember, when he was a kid..." +Just as had happened in 1914, the league was being hit hard by player losses in World War II. Due to a lack of able men the league's eight teams were reduced to four with Port Adelaide merging with nearby West Torrens from 1942 to 1944. The joint club would play in all three Grand Finals during this period, winning the 1942 instalment but losing the 1943 and 1944 editions to the Norwood-North Adelaide combination. Normal competition resumed in 1945. After finishing his military service [[Haydn Bunton Sr.]], now a triple [[Brownlow Medal|Brownlow]] and [[Sandover Medal|Sandover]] medallist, joined the club for his final season.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://australianfootball.com/players/player/haydn%2Bbunton%2Bsnr/5255|title = Haydn Bunton Snr|date = |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Devaney|first = John}}</ref> However, despite this addition Port Adelaide was unable to regain its pre-war success and played in only one grand final for the rest of the 1940s. -By the following morning, hardly anyone in Little Hangleton doubted that Frank Bryce had killed the Riddles. +===1950–1973: Fos Williams era and Jack Oatey rivalry=== +[[File:Fos Williams 1954.jpg|thumb|200px|left|[[Fos Williams]] coached Port Adelaide to nine premierships, playing in six of them.]] +At the end of the 1949, having missed two finals series in a row, the Port Adelaide Football Club had become desperate to improve its on-field performances. The club's committee subsequently sought out a coach that could win the club its next premiership. -But over in the neighboring town of Great Hangleton, in the dark and dingy police station, Frank was stubbornly repeating, again and again, that he was innocent, and that the only person he had seen near the house on the day of the Riddles' deaths had been a teenage boy, a stranger, dark-haired and pale. Nobody else in the village had seen any such boy, and the police were quite sure Frank had invented him. +Eventually a decision was made which would influence the next 50 years of the Port Adelaide Football Club with [[Fos Williams|Foster Neil Williams]], a brilliant [[Follower (Australian rules football)|rover]] from West Adelaide, being appointed captain-coach of the club. Williams brought to the club a new coaching style based on success at any cost which was succinctly encapsulated in the legendary [[Port Adelaide Football Club#Club creed|club creed]] he eventually wrote in 1962. During his second season as coach in 1951, Williams led Port to their first official premiership (excluding World War II competition) for 9 seasons, defeating North Adelaide by 11 points. At the end of the 1951 season the VFL premiers Geelong visited South Australia to play the local premiers Port Adelaide on Adelaide Oval. Geelong won the match 8.14 (62) to 6.18 (54) in front of 25,000 people.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = Largs Bay Printers|year = 1991|isbn = 0959316213|location = Port Adelaide|page = 46}}</ref> Port Adelaide would make the Grand Final again in 1953 against local rivals West Torrens in what would be the Eagles last appearance before merging with Woodville. West Torrens would disappoint Port Adelaide, winning the 1953 premiership by 7 points. +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | [[1957 SANFL Grand Final]] || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''15''' || '''15''' || '''105''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Norwood Jumper Design.png|16px]] Norwood || 13 || 16 || 94 +|- +| Venue: [[Football Park]] +| colspan=3 | Crowd: 58,924 +|} +Port Adelaide's run of disappointment from the 1952 and 1953 seasons would prove to be short lived with the club subsequently going on to win a national record six Grand Finals in a row from 1954 to 1959. The club had a win-loss-draw record of 105-16-1 (86%) over the six-year period. During the 1950s Port Adelaide and [[Melbourne Football Club|Melbourne]], often the premiers of South Australian and Victorian leagues, played exhibition matches at [[Norwood Oval]]. The most notable game was the 1955 match with an estimated crowd of 23,000. The game being a thriller going down to the last 15 seconds with [[Frank 'Bluey' Adams|Frank Adams]] kicking a behind and sealing the game 9.11 (65) to 9.10 (64) in favour of [[Norm Smith]]'s demons.<ref name="demonwiki.org">{{cite web|url = http://demonwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=1955+Exhibition+Match+vs+Port+Adelaide|title = 1955 Exhibition Match vs Port Adelaide|date = |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url = http://demonwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=1955+Exhibition+Match+vs+Port+Adelaide|title = 1955 Exhibition Match vs Port Adelaide|date = 30 May 2014|accessdate = 2015-01-20|website = demonwiki.org|publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref> The following year Melbourne was full of praise for their cross border challenger with those in the Demons camp agreeing that "Port Adelaide could take their place in the V.F.L. competition and do themselves credit".<ref>{{Cite book|title = Port Adelaide Football Club Annual Report|last = |first = |publisher = Port Adelaide Football Club|year = 1956|isbn = |location = |page = 6}}</ref> -Then, just when things were looking very serious for Frank, the report on the Riddles' bodies came back and changed everything. +[[Geof Motley]] took over the captain-coaching role at the club in 1959 when Williams left to take a break from the game. That year the club won the premiership setting a national record of sixth consecutive Grand Final victories. Port Adelaide's hope of winning 7 consecutive premierships was brought to an end in the 1960 preliminary final when Norwood won by 27 points. For the following two seasons Port Adelaide would finish third. +{|style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width="200" | [[1965 SANFL Grand Final]]<br />Fos Williams ninth premiership.|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''12''' || '''8''' || '''80''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Sturt Football Club design.png|16px]] {{SANFL Stu}} || 12 || 5 || 77 +|- +| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] +| colspan=3 | Crowd: 62,543<ref>http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1965/</ref> +| colspan=3 | +|} +Fos Williams returned in 1962 and Port Adelaide won three of the next four premierships taking his personal tally to nine and the clubs record to 10 of the last 15 premierships. The 1965 premiership, the last that Williams coached, was played in front of 62,543 people, the largest ever crowd at Adelaide Oval. In that game Port Adelaide defeat Sturt by 3 points. After the [[1965 SANFL Grand Final|1965 Grand Final]], Port Adelaide would be frustrated by the dominance of [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]], which won seven premierships over this period under the leadership of [[Jack Oatey]]. In all, despite playing in 6 of the next 10 grand finals, Port Adelaide would fail to win a premiership until 1977. -The police had never read an odder report. A team of doctors had examined the bodies and had concluded that none of the Riddles had been poisoned, stabbed, shot, strangles, suffocated, or (as far as they could tell) harmed at all. In fact (the report continued, in a tone of unmistakable bewilderment), the Riddles all appeared to be in perfect health - apart from the fact that they were all dead. The doctors did note (as though determined to find something wrong with the bodies) that each of the Riddles had a look of terror upon his or her face - but as the frustrated police said, whoever heard of three people being frightened to death? +===1974–1998: John Cahill, SANFL domination and AFL entry=== +{{multiple image +| align = left +| image1 = Gavin Wanganeen John Cahill 1997.jpg +| width1 = 280 +| alt1 = +| image2 = +| width2 = 120 +| alt2 = +| footer = [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] with [[Gavin Wanganeen]] in 1997. They were respectively the first coach and captain of the club in the AFL.}} -As there was no proof that the Riddles had been murdered at all, the police were forced to let Frank go. The Riddles were buried in the Little Hangleton churchyard, and their graves remained objects of curiosity for a while. To everyone's surprise, and amid a cloud of suspicion, Frank Bryce returned to his cottage on the grounds of the Riddle House. +One of Port Adelaide's finest players during the Fos Williams era was [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]. He eventually became William's [[Mentorship|protégé]] and ultimately took over as coach in 1974. In 1975 a dispute between the [[City of Port Adelaide Enfield|Port Adelaide City Council]] and the SANFL over the use of Alberton Oval forced Port Adelaide to move its home matches to Adelaide Oval for two seasons. In 1976 Cahill would subsequently take Port Adelaide to its first Grand Final under his leadership against Sturt with an official attendance of 66,897, the record for football in South Australia. The actual crowd was estimated at 80,000, much bigger than the official figure as Football Park ran out of tickets early and were forced to shut the gates 90 minutes before the bounce as people were being crushed on entry.<ref name="Norton 2013 28">{{Cite book|title = Port Adelaide Football Club – 2013 Season Guide.|last = Norton|first = Daniel|publisher = Bowden Group|year = 2013|isbn = |location = Adelaide|page = 28}}</ref> Sturt won in an upset by 41 points. In 1977 the dispute regarding Alberton Oval was resolved and the club moved back to its home ground and won that years premiership breaking an 11-year drought which at the time was Port Adelaide longest since competing in an organised football competition. -"As far as I'm concerned, he killed them, and I don't care what the police say," said Dot in the Hanged Man. "And if he had any decency, he'd leave here, knowing as how we knows he did it." +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide'''|| '''17''' || '''11''' || '''113''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Richmond Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Glenelg Football Club|Glenelg]] || 16 || 9 || 105 +|- +| Venue: [[Football Park]] +| colspan=3 | Crowd: 56,717<ref>http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1977/</ref> +| colspan=3 | +|} +{{quote|It has taken us a bloody long time but by gee it was worth it!|[[Russell Ebert]] during the post game award presentations of the [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]].<ref>Russell Ebert, [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]] – Port Adelaide vs. Glenelg.</ref>}} -But Frank did not leave. He stayed to tend the garden for the next family who lived in the Riddle House, and then the next - for neither family stayed long. Perhaps it was partly because of Frank that the new owners said there was a nasty feeling about the place, which, in the absence of inhabitants, started to fall into disrepair. +The [[1980 SANFL season|1980 season]] was Port Adelaide's most dominant since 1914. All SANFL divisions of the club made finals with both the league and reserve sides winning their respective premierships. Russell Ebert won his record 4th [[Magarey Medal]]. [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] set the then-league goal kicking record of 146 goals in a season. The club provided seven players to the state league team ([[Russell Ebert|Ebert]], [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Evans]], [[Brian Cunningham|Cunningham]], [[Greg Phillips|Phillips]], [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Williams]], [[Tony Giles|Giles]] and [[Milan Faletic|Faletic]]). The club set a new record for most points scored during the whole season at 3,421 whilst also having the best defence conceding only 1,851 points. Overall Port Adelaide lost 2 games from 24 for the year. -The wealthy man who owned the Riddle House these days neither lived there nor put it to any use; they said in the village that he kept it for "tax reasons," though nobody was very clear what these might be. The wealthy owner continued to pay Frank to do the gardening, however. Frank was nearing his seventy-seventh birthday now, very deaf, his bad leg stiffer than ever, but could be seen pottering around the flower beds in fine weather, even though the weeds were starting to creep up on him, try as he might to suppress them. +[[Russell Ebert]] became coach in 1983 when Cahill left to coach Collingwood for two seasons. This period saw the club fail to reach the grand final. The period also marked the rise of the VFL as Australia's premier football competition. Many SANFL players were moving to the VFL larger salaries. In 1982 the SANFL, Norwood and [[East Perth Football Club|East Perth]] all approached the VFL in regards to entering the league. All were ignored at the time.<ref name="australianfootball.com">{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port+Adelaide Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%252BAdelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Port Adelaide's report from 1982 showed that the failure of these attempts impacted the understanding of its future.<ref>'Port Adelaide Football Club Inc. Annual Report and Balance Sheet Season 1982', page 11</ref> From this point onwards the club restructured in regards to economics, public relations and on-field performance for an attempt to enter the league. There was genuine feeling that failure to do this would result in the club ceasing to exist in the future.<ref name="australianfootball.com"/> Talk of a side from South Australia entering the VFL was fast tracked in 1987 when a team from Western Australia, the [[West Coast Eagles]], and a team from [[Brisbane]], the [[Brisbane Bears]] joined the VFL. South Australia was left out as the only mainland state without a team. -Weeds were not the only things Frank had to contend with either. Boys from the village made a habit of throwing stones through the windows of the Riddle House. They rode their bicycles over the lawns Frank worked so hard to keep smooth. Once or twice, they broke into the old house for a dare. They knew that old Frank's devotion to the house and the grounds amounted almost to an obsession, and it amused them to see him limping across the garden, brandishing his stick and yelling croakily at them. Frank, for his part, believed the boys tormented him because they, like their parents and grandparents, though him a murderer. So when Frank awoke one night in August and saw something very odd up at the old house, he merely assumed that the boys had gone one step further in their attempts to punish him. +John Cahill returned as coach for the 1988 season. During that year, one of Fos Williams sons, Anthony, was tragically killed in a building accident. The following day the club played against Norwood and managed to overcome an early deficit to win the emotional charged game. The club would go on to win the 1988 premiership. -It was Frank's bad leg that woke him; it was paining him worse than ever in his old age. He got up and limped downstairs into the kitchen with the idea of refilling his hot-water bottle to ease the stiffness in his knee. Standing at the sink, filling the kettle, he looked up at the Riddle House and saw lights glimmering in its upper windows. Frank knew at once what was going on. The boys had broken into the house again, and judging by the flickering quality of the light, they had started a fire. +In 1989 seven out of ten SANFL clubs were recording losses and the combined income of the SANFL and WAFL had dropped to 40% of that of the VFL.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Revisiting the South Australian license saga of 1991|url = http://www.theroar.com.au/2012/07/16/revisiting-the-south-australian-license-saga-of-1991/|website = The Roar|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> During early 1990 the SANFL decided to wait three years before making any further decision in regards to fielding a South Australian side in the VFL until it could be done without negatively affecting football within the state. Frustrated with lack of progress, Port Adelaide were having secret negotiations in the town of Quorn for entry in 1991.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Stateline South Australia|url = http://www.abc.net.au/stateline/sa/content/2003/s1206851.htm|website = www.abc.net.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> From these discussions Port Adelaide Football Club accepted an invitation from the VFL to join what had now become the AFL. The AFL signed a Heads of Agreement with the club in expectation that Port would enter the competition in 1991, meaning the Port Adelaide Football Club would field two teams, one in the AFL and one in the SANFL. +During the 1990 preseason Port Adelaide played a practice match against the Geelong at Football Park in front of 35,000 spectators with [[Gary Ablett, Sr.|Gary Ablett Snr]] and [[Gavin Wanganeen]] prominent. -Frank had no telephone, in any case, he had deeply mistrusted the police ever since they had taken him in for questioning about the Riddles' deaths. He put down the kettle at once, hurried back upstairs as fast as his bad leg would allow, and was soon back in his kitchen, fully dressed and removing a rusty old key from its hook by the door. He picked up his walking stick, which was propped against the wall, and set off into the night. +When knowledge of Port Adelaide's negotiations to gain an AFL licence were made public, many in the SANFL saw it as an act of treachery. SANFL clubs urged Justice Olssen to make an injunction against the bid, which he agreed to.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Revisiting the South Australian license saga of 1991|url = http://www.theroar.com.au/2012/07/16/revisiting-the-south-australian-license-saga-of-1991/|website = The Roar|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The AFL suggested to the SANFL that if they didn't want Port Adelaide to join the AFL, they could put forward a counter bid to enter a composite South Australian side into the AFL. After legal action from all parties, the AFL finally agreed to accept the SANFL's bid and the [[Adelaide Football Club]] was born.<ref name="Devaney">John P. Devaney ''Full points footy: encyclopedia of Australian football clubs'' [[Lulu (company)|Lulu]], 2009 pp 400 ISBN 0-9556897-0-8</ref> -The front door of the Riddle House bore no sign of being forced, nor did any of the windows. Frank limped around to the back of the house until he reached a door almost completely hidden by ivy, took out the old key, put it into the lock, and opened the door noiselessly. +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]]<br />''Last season without AFL in SA.'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Richmond Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Glenelg Football Club|Glenelg]] || 13 || 15 || 93 +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''16''' || '''12''' || '''108''' +|- +| Venue: [[Football Park]] +| colspan=3 | Crowd: 50,589<ref name="subiacofc.com">http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1959/</ref> +| colspan=3 | +|} -He let himself into the cavernous kitchen. Frank had not entered it for many years; nevertheless, although it was very dark, he remembered where the door into the hall was, and he groped his way towards it, his nostrils full of the smell of decay, ears pricked for any sound of footsteps or voices from overhead. He reached the hall, which was a little lighter owing to the large mullioned windows on either side of the front door, and started to climb the stairs, blessing the dust that lay thick upon the stone, because it muffled the sound of his feet and stick. +{{quote|"These twenty blokes are sensational people and to our friends in the press the one thing that really matters is that there will always be a Port Adelaide Football Club."|[[George Fiacchi]] upon accepting the 1990 [[Jack Oatey Medal]] for best on ground at the [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]].<ref>George Fiacchi, [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]] – Port Adelaide vs. Glenelg, Channel 9.</ref>}} +The fallout from the failed bid resulted in some calling for Port Adelaide to be expelled from the SANFL.<ref name="Devaney" /> However, Port Adelaide continued to compete and continued to dominate. When the Adelaide Crows entered the AFL, SANFL attendances dropped by 14% however Port Adelaide attendances increased by 13%.<ref>1994 Port Adelaide licence promotional DVD.</ref> +Supporters for Port Adelaide's AFL bid included [[Kevin Sheedy (Australian footballer)|Kevin Sheedy]], [[Tom Hafey]], [[Ron Barassi]] and [[David Parkin]].<ref>Port Adelaide Football Club, AFL Bid Video, 1994.</ref> In 1994, the AFL announced it would award a second AFL licence to a South Australian club. Present at the [[1994 SANFL Grand Final|1994 Grand Final]] was AFL CEO [[Ross Oakley]] and Alan Schwab who bore witness to the clubs come from behind win against [[Woodville-West Torrens Football Club|Woodville-West Torrens]].<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-08-27/footy-park-flashbacks-7|title = Footy Park Flashbacks #7: 1994 SANFL Grand Final|date = August 27, 2013<!-- 5:18 PM-->|accessdate = |website = portadelaidefc.com.au|publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref>{{multiple image +| align = left +| image1 = Port_Adelaide_heads_for_the_AFL.jpg +| width1 = 115 +| alt1 = +| image2 = Port_Adelaide_Power_announcment.jpg +| width2 = 195 +| alt2 = +| footer = Left: Port Adelaide obtained an AFL licence in 1994 but had to wait until [[1997 AFL season|1997]] to enter.<br />Middle: Port Adelaide were still only known as the "Magpies" until the new moniker "Power" was announced live from the [[Adelaide Entertainment Center]] on 31 September 1995.}}During December 1994 Max Basher announced that Port Adelaide had won the tender for the second South Australian AFL licence.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.news.com.au/national/its-bye-bye-port-adelaide/story-e6frfkp9-1226453941613|title = It's bye bye Port Adelaide |author=Rucci, Michelangelo |date = 20 September 2012|accessdate =13 May 2015 |publisher = News Limited |work=Adelaide Advertiser}}</ref> However a licence did not guarantee entry and although a target year of 1996 was set, this was reliant upon an existing AFL club folding or merging with another. In 1996, the cash-strapped [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] announced it would merge with the Brisbane Bears to form the [[Brisbane Lions]]. A spot had finally opened and it was announced that in 1997, one year later than expected, [[Port Adelaide]] would enter the AFL. -On the landing, Frank turned right, and saw at once where the intruders were: At the every end of the passage a door stood ajar, and a flickering light shone through the gap, casting a long sliver of gold across the black floor. Frank edged closer and closer, he was able to see a narrow slice of the room beyond. +Once an entry date had been confirmed, the Port Adelaide Football Club set about forming a side fit for competition in the AFL. It was announced that existing Port Adelaide coach, John Cahill would make the transition to the AFL and [[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] would take over the SANFL coaching role. Cahill then set about forming a group which would form the inaugural squad. [[Brownlow Medal]]list and 1990 Port Adelaide premiership player, [[Gavin Wanganeen]] was poached from [[Essendon Football Club|Essendon]] and made captain of a team made up of six existing Port Adelaide players, two from the Adelaide Crows, seven players from other SANFL clubs and 14 recruits from interstate. Of the 35 players on Port Adelaide's inaugural AFL list 13 had played for the club before. The AFL's father son rule for the club was set at 200 games for players before 1997. This compared to only 100 for Victorian clubs. +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | 1997 [[West End (beer)|West End]] [[Showdown (AFL)|Showdown]] I || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Adelaide Icon.gif|16px]] [[Adelaide Crows]] || 11 || 6 || 72 +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Port Adelaide 1997-2009 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''11''' || '''17''' || '''83''' +|- +| Venue: [[Football Park]] +| colspan=3 | Crowd: 47,265 +| colspan=3 | +|} +On 29 March 1997, Port Adelaide played its first AFL premiership match against Collingwood at the MCG, suffering a 79-point defeat. Port won its first AFL game in Round 3 against Geelong, and defeated cross town rivals and eventual premiers Adelaide by 11 points in the first [[Showdown (AFL)|Showdown]] in Round 4. At the conclusion of Round 17, the side sat fifth – only one win and percentage off the top spot in what was an unusually close season – but it fell out of the finals after recording only a draw from its final five games. Port Adelaide finished its first season 9th, missing the finals on percentage behind Brisbane. The 1998 season was looking very similar to the previous year as they hovered around ninth position for most of the year and looked like a threat for finals after Round 14; but they lost six of their last eight games to finish in 10th place, with a record of 9 wins, 12 losses and 1 draw. -The fire, he now saw, had been lit in the grate. This surprised him. Then he stopped moving and listened intently, for a man's voice spoke within the room; it sounded timid and fearful. +===1999–2012: Mark Williams, first AFL premiership and Primus period=== +{{multiple image +| align = left +| image1 = Warren_tredrea.jpg +| width1 = 142 +| alt1 = +| image2 = Port Adelaide 2004 Trophy.jpg +| width2 = 135 +| alt2 = +| footer = Left: 2004 club leading goalkicker, [[Warren Tredrea]].<br />Right: The [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004 AFL premiership]] was Port Adelaide's first since joining the league. +}}In 1999 [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] took over as coach of Port Adelaide. The earned a spot in the AFL finals for the first time. They were eliminated by eventual premier, North Melbourne, by 44 points in the Qualifying Final. After finishing 14th in 2000, Port Adelaide had a very successful [[2001 AFL season|2001 season]], starting with a maiden pre-season competition victory, defeating the Brisbane Lions. Port Adelaide finished their 2001 home and away season in third place with 16 wins and six losses. The club travelled to Brisbane for the Qualifying Final, losing by 32 points, then lost its home Semi Final against sixth-placed [[Hawthorn Football Club|Hawthorn]] to be eliminated. Port Adelaide started 2002 strongly, winning the pre-season competition for the second time in a row, defeating Richmond by 9 points. The side built on its success and won its first [[McClelland Trophy|AFL minor premiership]] with an 18–4 record. However, they lost to the eventual premiers, the Brisbane Lions, by 56 points in the preliminary final. Port Adelaide continued its minor round dominance in 2003 and again finished top to claim the minor premiership; however like the previous year, Port Adelaide was eliminated in the preliminary final, losing to Collingwood by 44 points. -"There is a little more in the bottle, My Lord, if you are still hungry." +Port Adelaide opened the 2004 season well with four straight wins, but then won only four of its next eight games. From Rounds 12–17, Port Adelaide turned their fortunes around and had six consecutive wins, and with five rounds remaining were equal top of the ladder with Brisbane, [[St Kilda Football Club|St Kilda]] and Melbourne. +After losing in Round 18 to Essendon, Port Adelaide won its remaining four games – including wins against minor premiership contender Melbourne and cross town rivals Adelaide to claim the minor premiership for the third consecutive year. Port Adelaide easily won its qualifying final against Geelong, earning a home preliminary final. Port Adelaide made it through to its first AFL grand final after defeating St Kilda in a thrilling preliminary final by just six points with Gavin Wanganeen kicking the winning goal with a minute to go. -"Later," said a second voice. This too belonged to a man - but it was strangely high-pitched, and cold as a sudden blast of icy wind. Something about that voice made the sparse hairs on the back of Frank's neck stand up. "Move me closer to the fire, Wormtail." +The following week Port Adelaide faced a highly fancied Brisbane side attempting to win a record-equalling fourth straight AFL premiership. Only one point separated the sides at half time, however late in the third quarter Port Adelaide took the ascendency to lead by 17 points at three-quarter time, and dominated the final term to [[2004 AFL Grand Final|win by 40 points]]: 17.11 (113) to 10.13 (73). [[Byron Pickett]] was awarded with the [[Norm Smith Medal]] after being judged the best player in the match, tallying 20 disposals and kicking three goals. -Frank turned his right ear toward the door, the better to hear. There came the clink of a bottle being put down upon some hard surface, and then the dull scraping noise of a heavy chair being dragged across the floor. Frank caught a glimpse of a small man, his back to the door, pushing the chair into place. He was wearing a long black cloak, and there was a bald patch at the back of his head. Then he went out of sight again. +{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" +|- +| width=200 | [[2004 AFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' +|- +| style="text-align:left" | [[File:AFL Port Adelaide 1997-2009 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide'''|| '''17''' || '''11''' || '''113''' +|- +| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Brisbane Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Brisbane Lions]] || 10 || 13 || 73 +|- +| Venue: [[Melbourne Cricket Ground]] +| colspan=3 | Crowd: 77,671 +| colspan=3 | +|} +{{quote|"Port Adelaide are the winningest team in Australia. The old Port Adelaide have won 36 premierships, today, at the MCG, may just be their finest hour."|[[Tim Lane (journalist)|Tim Lane]]'s statement at the conclusion of the 2004 AFL Grand Final.<ref>Tim Lane, 2004 AFL Grand Final – Port Adelaide vs. Brisbane, Channel 10.</ref>}} -"Where is Nagini?" said the cold voice. +After a slow start to the 2005 season, Port finished eighth on the ladder, and defeated the Kangaroos by 87 points in the elimination final. In the semi-final, Port faced minor premiers Adelaide and lost by 83 points. [[File:Justin Westhoff (Port Adelaide Power).jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Justin Westhoff]] (pick No. 71) made his debut in the 2007 season, along with [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robert Gray]] (pick No. 55) and [[Travis Boak]] (pick No. 5).]] +After missing the finals in 2006 Port Adelaide made a strong recovery in 2007, and with strong performances from midfielders [[Shaun Burgoyne]] and [[Chad Cornes]] and strong debut seasons from [[Justin Westhoff]], [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robert Gray]] and [[Travis Boak]], Port Adelaide finished the minor round second on the ladder with 15-7 record. Port Adelaide started their finals campaign against the [[West Coast Eagles]] at Football Park and won by three points. That win gave Port the bye, and they easily defeated the Kangaroos in the preliminary final to win by 87 points. This win delivered Port its second Grand Final berth in four years. However, in the [[2007 AFL Grand Final|grand final]] they were defeated by Geelong by an AFL record margin of 119 points, 24.19 (163) to Port Adelaide's 6.8 (44) in a crowd of 97,302. -"I - I don't know, My Lord," said the first voice nervously. "She set out to explore the house, I think..." +The 2008 season was disappointing one for a Port Adelaide side keen to build on its 2007 grand final appearance, dropping to 13th on the ladder and out of the finals. By 2009 Port Adelaide had accumulated a consolidated debt totaling $5.1 million and was unable to pay its players; they had lost $1.4 million the season before. Financial assistance was denied by the league, with AFL Chief Executive [[Andrew Demetriou]] saying that they would have to undergo an intensive application process and work with the [[South Australian National Football League|SANFL]], who owned Port Adelaide's AFL licence.<ref>[http://thepowerfromport.com.au/articles.php?action=view&article_id=6827&lid=6&yr=2009 It's not a snub – AFL still in the wings] TPFP 19 March 2009</ref> On 20 May, Port were handed $2.5 million in debt relief by the SANFL, and on 15 June were handed a $1 million grant by the AFL commission.<ref>[http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/77190/default.aspx Port Adelaide gets $2.5 million SANFL funding] [[Australian Football League|AFL]] 20 May 2009</ref><ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/78867/default.aspx Power AFL grant] [[Australian Football League|AFL]], 15 June 2009</ref> The SANFL had announced it would not support Port Adelaide in both the AFL and SANFL. Plans for a re-merging the two teams was rejected by the SANFL. Amidst these off-field struggles, the club finished 10th in 2009. The 2010 season would see [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] step down as senior coach marking the end of the Williams era for the club. -"You will milk her before we retire, Wormtail," said the second voice. "I will need feeding in the night. The journey has tired me greatly." +{{quote|"He (Demetriou) said he could not imagine an AFL competition without Port Adelaide in it. I thought that was a really strong statement of leadership.”|[[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]] at a press conference upon the retirement of Andrew Demetriou.<ref>{{Cite news|url = http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/inquirer/and-the-big-man-flies/story-e6frg6z6-1226844136598|title = And the big man flies|last = Will Swanton|first = Courtney Walsh|date = March 4, 2014}}</ref>}} -Brow furrowed, Frank inclined his good ear still closer to the door, listening very hard. There was a pause, and then the man called Wormtail spoke again. +[[Matthew Primus]] took over as caretaker coach for Port Adelaide after [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] stood down.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/97958/default.aspx|title=Primu appointed – Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club |publisher=Portadelaidefc.com.au |date=11 July 2010 |accessdate=11 July 2010}}</ref> The club finished the 2010 season with five wins from its last seven games to finish tenth. On 9 September, [[Matthew Primus]] was appointed as the senior coach of the club for the next three years. The SANFL sought to take control of Port Adelaide in 2011. Despite underwriting $5 million of Port's debt in 2010, the takeover failed when the SANFL was unable to get a line of credit to cover Port Adelaide's future debts. The AFL announced it would underwrite $1.25 million in debt to protect its $1.25 billion television rights. AFL Chief executive [[Andrew Demetriou]], offered $9 million over the next three years to help the club, ahead of the move to the [[Adelaide Oval]]. The AFL gave the money to the SANFL with strict conditions that they give Port Adelaide three million dollars a year, for three years.<ref>{{Cite web|title = The official website of the Australian Football League - AFL.com.au|url = http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/122680/default.aspx|website = afl.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Statistically, 2011 was Port Adelaide's worst season in 141 years, finishing 16th with only three wins from 22 games. Rounds 20 and 21 saw the club lose to {{AFL Col}} and [[Hawthorn Football Club|Hawthorn]] by record margins of 138 and 165 respectively. The 2012 season was marginally better but a loss against {{AFL GWS}} resulted in senior coach [[Matthew Primus]] stepping down. Assistant coach, [[Garry Hocking]], took over for the remaining four games, with a draw in the final round against {{AFL Ric}} the best result. -"My Lord, may I ask how long we are going to stay here?" +===2013–present: Ken Hinkley, Adelaide Oval return and independence === +[[File:Adelaide Oval, 2014.jpg|thumb|250px|In 2014 Port Adelaide returned to Adelaide Oval as its home ground for the first time since 1976]] +On 8 October 2012, [[Ken Hinkley]] was announced as the new senior coach of the club. This marked the first time that the club had appointed someone not associated with the club before since [[Fos Williams]] in 1950. Television personality [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] was named chairman of the club and numerous board members were replaced. The 2013 preseason also saw [[Travis Boak]] succeed [[Domenic Cassisi]] as the captain of the club.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Boak to lead new era at Port Adelaide|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-01-30/boak-becomes-69th-captain|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The club finished the home and away season 7th on the ladder, making it the first time that they had qualified for the finals since 2007. Port travelled to Melbourne to play Collingwood at the MCG in an Elimination final where they won by 24 points; they then lost to Geelong by 16 points the following week. -"A week," said the cold voice. "Perhaps longer. The place is moderately comfortable, and the plan cannot proceed yet. It would be foolish to act before the Quidditch World Cup is over." +The 2014 season saw both Port Adelaide and Adelaide move their home ground from Football Park to the redeveloped Adelaide Oval. Port Adelaide signed up a record 55,715 members for the 2014 season and averaged 44,429 at home games, a 65% increase from the previous year. Port Adelaide had its best first half of an AFL season, sitting first with ten wins from eleven matches. They then won only four of their remaining eleven matches to finish fifth on the ladder. They hosted Richmond in the elimination finals, kicking the first seven goals of the game and leading by as much as 87 points before recording a 57-point victory. After defeating {{AFL Fre}} in the semi-finals the club's 2014 season ended with a three-point loss to Hawthorn in the preliminary finals. -Frank inserted a gnarled finger into his ear and rotated it. Owing, no doubt, to a buildup of earwax, he had heard the word "Quidditch," which was not a word at all. +With great expectation Port Adelaide started the 2015 season playing all of the year's finalists in the opening 10 rounds and entered the mid-season break with a 5-7 record. The club had a better second half of the year, recording 7-3, but would miss out on finals by one win. -"The - the Quidditch World Cup, My Lord?" said Wormtail. (Frank dug his finger still more vigorously into his ear.) "Forgive me, but - I do not understand - why should we wait until the World Cup is over?" +On 11 February 2016, the mens Port Adelaide Football Club merged with the Port Adelaide Women's Football Club. -"Because, fool, at this very moment wizards are pouring into the country from all over the world, and every meddler from the Ministry of Magic will be on duty, on the watch for signs of unusual activity, checking and double-checking identities. They will be obsessed with security, lest the Muggles notice anything. So we wait." +==SANFL presence post AFL entry== -Frank stopped trying to clear out his ear. He had distinctly heard the words "Ministry of Magic," "wizards," and "Muggles." Plainly, each of these expressions meant something secret, and Frank could think of only two sorts of people who would speak in code: spies and criminals. Frank tightened his hold on his walking stick once more, and listened more closely still. +When the Port Adelaide Football Club entered the AFL, a new state league team was created to fill the void left by the club. The new club was now called the Port Adelaide Magpies Football Club as opposed to the original counterpart, the Port Adelaide Football Club, playing in the national competition.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port+Adelaide+Magpies Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%252BAdelaide%252BMagpies/318|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> On 20 August 2010, the "One Port Adelaide Football Club" movement was launched by former player [[Tim Ginever]] to merge the Port Adelaide Football Club and the Port Adelaide Magpies Football Club as one club. A website was created that claimed 50,000 signatures were needed for the two entities to merge. On 15 November 2010, all nine SANFL clubs and agreed that the off-field merger between the two clubs would proceed.<ref>[http://onepafc.com.au/ Stop Press! One Club has been approved! See you at Alberton Oval at 11am Tuesday 16 November! #pafc]</ref><ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/one%20pafc/tabid/16808/default.aspx One PAFC – Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club]</ref> On 10 September 2013, Port Adelaide and the SANFL agreed to a model to allow all its AFL-listed players (not selected to play for Port Adelaide in the AFL) to play for the club in the SANFL League competition. From 2015 onward, the club lost its recruiting zones and could no longer field sides in the junior SANFL competition. Port Adelaide subsequently started an Academy team composed of 18- to 22-year-olds.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Statement: Port Adelaide accepts SANFL invitation - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-09-10/statement-port-adelaide-accepts-sanfl-invitation|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> -"Your Lordship is still determined, then?" Wormtail said quietly. +== Women's teams == +The Port Adelaide Women's Football Club was founded in 2003 and competes in the [[South Australian Women's Football League]]. In 2016 the club merged with the men's club with the intention of further developing the game among women in the Port Adelaide area and South Australia more generally.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Port Adelaide to field women's team in 2016 with big grassroots committment &#91;sic&#93;- portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2016-02-11/womens-footy-port-adelaide-to-field-female-team-in-2016|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|access-date = 2016-02-19}}</ref> -"Certainly I am determined, Wormtail." There was a note of menace in the cold voice now. +==Club symbols and identity== -A slight pause followed - and the Wormtail spoke, the words tumbling from him in a rush, as though he was forcing himself to say this before he lost his nerve. +===Guernsey=== -"It could be done without Harry Potter, My Lord." +The Port Adelaide Football Club won 32 grand finals in the "Wharf Pylon" [[Guernsey (Australian Rules Football)|guernsey]] in addition to the Champions of Australia three times. Due to the fact that AFL club Collingwood were already using the magpie emblem and "Magpies" nickname, Port Adelaide was requested by the AFL to simply find a new nickname and logo to avoid a clash.<ref>h{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article122301794 |title=Premier SA club plans AFL move. |newspaper=[[The Canberra Times]] |date=1 August 1990 |accessdate=18 March 2015 |page=38 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> However, after the unsuccessful 1990 bid, Collingwood successfully lobbied the AFL to force Port Adelaide to change not only its logo and nickname but also its guernsey and colours. In 1995, a new guernsey was created incorporating teal. -Another pause, more protracted, and then - +In May 2007 chief executive John James stated that Port Adelaide received more correspondence from its supporters about the heritage guernsey than all other issues and that the club would "fight for its heritage and what is right". Port Adelaide decided not to participate in the 2006 heritage round when the AFL declined the club's 1980s guernsey for its 80s-themed heritage round.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2007-05-01/club-statement-re-heritage-guernsey|title= Club statement re: heritage guernsey|date=1 May 2007}}</ref> -"Without Harry Potter?" breathed the second voice softly. "I see..." +In 2007 the club was waiting for confirmation from the AFL that it could wear its 1970s' "Wharf Pylon" guernsey for a match against the [[Western Bulldogs]] and wanted confirmation it would be able to continue to honour its heritage in any future heritage rounds. On 14 May 2007 the AFL and Port Adelaide reached an agreement whereby the club could wear its traditional guernsey in the heritage round, with the proviso that in future seasons its players can only wear it in home heritage round games and provided that such a game is not against Collingwood.<ref>. [http://portadelaidefc.com.au/Season2007/News/NewsArticle/tabid/6038/Default.aspx?newsId=43168 "Port Adelaide to wear Black and White"] from the Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club. Retrieved 14 May 2007.</ref> No heritage rounds have been held since this agreement was reached. -"My Lord, I do not say this out of concern for the boy!" said Wormtail, his voice rising squeakily. "The boy is nothing to me, nothing at all! It is merely that if we were to use another witch or wizard - any wizard - the thing could be done so much more quickly! If you allowed me to leave you for a short while - you know that I can disguise myself most effectively - I could be back here in as little as two days with a suitable person -" +{{quote|"This team from South Australia – this Port Power – why would they pick black and white? Did the competition really need another club in navy or dark colours?".|[[Collingwood Football Club]] president [[Eddie McGuire]]'s 2003 statement regarding Port Adelaide wearing its traditional guernsey.<ref>Karen Lyon, Alan Shiell +and Bill McDonald, [http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/26/1053801337727.html Port, Pies in black-and-white blue], The Age.</ref>}} -"I could use another wizard," said the cold voice softly, "that is true..." +Collingwood club president [[Eddie McGuire]] has been a vocal opponent of Port Adelaide wearing the "Wharf Pylon" guernsey, claiming that Collingwood has an exclusive right to wear black and white in the AFL, even in the heritage round.{{quote|"It should have nothing to do with Eddie McGuire and Collingwood ... I'll say that for a start."|[[Leigh Matthews]] during a discussion regarding Port Adelaide's traditional guernsey during the 2014 Elimination Final.<ref>Leigh Matthews, 2014 AFL Elimination Final – Port Adelaide vs Richmond, Channel 7.</ref>}} -"My Lord, it makes sense," said Wormtail, sounding thoroughly relieved now. "Laying hands on Harry Potter would be so difficult, he is so well protected -" +Support for the guernsey remains extremely high with a limited batch of jumpers raising over $400,000 for the club for the one off game against Carlton in 2013.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Port to farewell AAMI in prison bars - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-04-23/port-to-farewell-aami-in-prison-bars|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The most recent instance of the club trying to wear its traditional guernsey was in celebration of 100 years since its 1914 Championship of Australia.<ref>{{Cite web|url = http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/afl/port-adelaide-denied-opportunity-to-wear-heritage-jumper-at-first-friday-night-match-at-adelaide-oval/story-fnia6ojc-1226991287562|title = Port Adelaide denied opportunity to wear heritage jumper at first friday night match at Adelaide Oval|date = July 16, 2014|accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Rucci|first = Michelangelo}}</ref> The AFL denied the club the right. There was controversy in 2014 during the lead-up to the final against Richmond when the AFL told Port Adelaide they had to wear their clash guernsey. On 2 September 2014 the AFL cleared them to use the traditional guernsey for the match.{{quote|"I've always regarded that strip that Port are wearing today as the best uniform in Australian Football".|[[Dennis Cometti]] describing Port Adelaide's traditional guernsey during the 2014 Elimination Final.<ref>Dennis Cometti, 2014 AFL Elimination Final – Port Adelaide vs Richmond, Channel 7.</ref>}} +'''Home and Away guernsey''' - Worn in 2009 as the winning design from a competition, it became permanent in 2010. -"And so you volunteer to go and fetch me a substitute? I wonder...perhaps the task of nursing me has become wearisome for you, Wormtail? Could this suggestion of abandoning the plan be nothing more than an attempt to desert me?" +'''Clash guernsey''' - adopted in 2010. -"My Lord! I - I have no wish to leave you, none at all -" +'''Traditional guernsey''' - the Wharf Pylon ("Prison Bar") guernsey was adopted in 1902 and is worn in the AFL when permitted.<gallery mode="packed"> +File:ISC_Template_300_-_Black_Front.jpg|Home and Away +File:ISC_Template_300_-_White_Front.jpg|[[Away colours|Clash]] +File:Port_Adelaide_Magpies_Jumper.svg|[[Throwback uniform|Traditional]] +</gallery> -"Do not lie to me!" hissed the second voice. "I can always tell, Wormtail! You are regretting that you ever returned to me. I revolt you. I see you flinch when you look at me, feel you shudder when you touch me..." +===Club songs=== +The AFL side's victory song is "Power to Win", written for the club by Quentin Eyers and [[Cold Chisel#Band members|Les Kaczmarek]]. -"No! My devotion to Your Lordship -" +The SANFL side's victory song is "Cheer, Cheer the Black and the White", to the tune of "[[Victory March (fight song)|Notre Dame Victory March]]". -"Your devotion is nothing more than cowardice. You would not be here if you had anywhere else to go. How am I to survive without you, when I need feeding every few hours? Who is to milk Nagini?" +===="Never Tear Us Apart"==== +Since March 2014, Port Adelaide has used "[[Never Tear Us Apart]]" by the Australian band [[INXS]] as the club's unofficial anthem leading up to the opening bounce at its new home of Adelaide Oval. The song is used as a reference to the various and unique difficulties the club faced when trying to enter the AFL. -"But you seem so much stronger, My Lord -" +Port Adelaide's use of the song stemmed from a trip the club took to Anfield in November 2012 while they were in England to play an exhibition match against the Western Bulldogs.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> In light of the very positive reviews given by the club's players towards the Anfield crowd's rendition of "[[You'll Never Walk Alone]]", Matthew Richardson, Port's general manager of marketing and consumer business, along with the club's management, sought to replicate the pre-match experience they experienced at Anfield. At a meeting in mid-2013, the idea of an anthem was raised; a number of various songs were suggested, including "[[Power and the Passion (song)|Power and the Passion]]" by [[Midnight Oil]] and "Power to the People" by [[John Schumann]]. Eventually, "Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS was suggested by Port Adelaide's events manager, Tara MacLeod. It was eventually accepted, due to the fact that the song resonated with the club's history.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> -"Liar," breathed the second voice. "I am no stronger, and a few days alone would be enough to rob me of the little health I have regained under your clumsy care. Silence!" +Initially the song was introduced to coincide with the 60-second countdown before the start of a match, with the music playing over the top of a video montage. The song proved to be a success among the fans, with them adopting the song as well as raising scarves above their heads as the song was being sung.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> So successful was the song that by June 2014, the club were forced to print club coloured scarves with the words "Never Tear Us Apart" on them that fans would hold aloft and sing in unison prior to the start of matches. -Wormtail, who had been sputtering incoherently, fell silent at once. For a few seconds, Frank could hear nothing but the fire crackling. The second man spoke once more, in a whisper that was almost a hiss. +===Home grounds=== -"I have my reasons for using the boy, as I have already explained to you, and I will use no other. I have waited thirteen years. A few more months will make no difference. As for the protection surrounding the boy, I believe my plan will be effective. All that is needed is a little courage from you, Wormtail - courage you will find, unless you wish to feel the full extent of Lord Voldermort's wrath -" +On 15 May 1880, Port Adelaide played its first match at Alberton Oval. In 1881 the decision was made by the club to start leasing the oval from the Port Adelaide Council for the sum of 10 shillings a year. Situated at the eastern end of the suburb of Alberton in Adelaide, the playing surface is surrounded by the Allan Scott club headquarters, the Robert B. Quinn MM Stand, the Fos Williams Family Stand, the Port Adelaide Bowling Club and the N.L. Williams Scoreboard. As well as the facilities facing the oval, along Queen Street there is The Port Club and The Port Store.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/alberton%20oval/tabid/8097/default.aspx |title=Alberton Oval – Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club |publisher=Portadelaidefc.com.au |accessdate=14 June 2010}}</ref> -"My Lord, I must speak!" said Wormtail, panic in his voice now. "All through our journey I have gone over the plan in my head - My Lord, Bertha Jorkin's disappearance will not go unnoticed for long, and if we proceed, if I murder -" +<gallery mode="packed"> +File:Glanville-hall.jpg|[[Glanville, South Australia|Glanville Hall Estate]]<br /><small>'''SAFA''': 1870–1879</small> +File:Fos_Williams_Stand.JPG|[[Alberton Oval]]<br /><small>'''SANFL''': 1880–present<br />'''AFL (training)''': 1997–present</small> +File:As-east.jpg|[[Football Park]]<br /><small>'''AFL''': 1997–2013</small> +File:Completed_Adelaide_Oval_2014_-_cropped_and_rotated.jpg|[[Adelaide Oval]]<br /><small>'''SANFL''':1975-1976<br />'''AFL''': 2011, 2014–present</small> +</gallery> -"If?" whispered the second voice. "If? If you follow the plan, Wormtail, the Ministry need never know that anyone else has died. You will do it quietly and without fuss; I only wish that I could do it myself, but in my present condition...Come, Wormtail, one more death and our path to Harry Potter is clear. I am not asking you to do it alone. By that time, my faithful servant will have rejoined us -" +===Current playing list=== +{{Port Adelaide Football Club current squad}} -"I am a faithful servant," said Wormtail, the merest trace of sullenness in his voice. +{{Port Adelaide Reserves}} -"Wormtail, I need somebody with brains, somebody whose loyalty has never wavered, and you, unfortunately, fulfill neither requirement." +==Corporate== -"I found you," said Wormtail, and there was definitely a sulky edge to his voice now. "I was the one who found you. I brought you Bertha Jorkins." +===Administrative positions=== +* Chairman: [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] +* Chief executive: [[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]] +* Football operations: [[Christopher Davies (Australian cricketer)|Chris Davies]] +* Board members: +** Kevin Osborn (deputy chairman) +** Cos Cardone +** [[George Fiacchi]] +** Ross Haslam +** [[Holly Ransom]] +** Jamie Restas +** Richard Ryan +** Trevor Thiele +** [[Amanda Vanstone]] -"That is true," said the second man, sounding amused. "A stroke of brilliance I would not have thought possible from you, Wormtail - though, if truth be told, you were not aware how useful she would be when you caught her, were you?" +===Current sponsors=== -"I - I thought she might be useful, My Lord -" +====Major sponsor==== +* [[Renault]] +* [[EnergyAustralia]] +* Foodbank (Australia) -"Liar," said the second voice again, the cruel amusement more pronounced than ever. "However, I do not deny that her information was invaluable. Without it, I could never have formed our plan, and for that, you will have your reward, Wormtail. I will allow you to perform an essential task for me, one that many of my followers would give their right hands to perform..." +====Clothing==== +* [[International Sports Clothing]] -"R-really, My Lord? What -?" Wormtail sounded terrified again. +==China partnership== +On 14 April 2016, Port Adelaide announced a three-year multimillion-dollar partnership with leading Chinese property developer Shanghai Cred. Within this partnership, Port Adelaide will take primary responsibility for developing Australian rules football in [[China]]. The partnership will see Port Adelaide hold annual training camps and provide sponsorship in China, as well as producing AFL programs and broadcasting games in the country via [[China Central Television]] and other networks.{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} -"Ah, Wormtail, you don't want me to spoil the surprise? Your part will come at the very end...but I promise you, you will have the honor of being just as useful as Bertha Jorkins." +==Membership and attendance== +{| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:center; font-size:90%; border-collapse:collapse; width:50%;" +|- style="background:#C1D8FF;" +! Year !! Membership !! Membership<br>Change !! Minor<br>Round !! Finals !! Home Crowd<br>Average !! Home Crowd<br>Average Change +|- +|1997||<center>35,809</center>||<center>N/A</center>||<center>9th</center>||'''-'''||<center>35,703</center>||<center>N/A</center> +|- +|1998||<center>38,305</center>||<center>{{increase}} 2,496</center>||<center>10th</center> ||'''-'''||<center>31,657</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,046</center> +|- +|1999||<center>37,166</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,139</center>|||<center>7th</center>||<center>'''7th'''</center>||<center>31,270</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 387</center> +|- +|2000||<center>34,295</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 2,871</center>||<center>14th</center>||'''-'''||<center>26,376</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,894</center> +|- +|2001||<center>33,296</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 999</center>||<center>3rd</center>||<center>'''5th'''</center>||<center>30,789</center>||<center>{{increase}} 4,413</center> +|- +|2002||<center>36,299</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,003</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''3rd'''</center>||<center>30,414</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 375</center> +|- +|2003||<center>36,425</center>||<center>{{increase}} 126</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''4th'''</center>|| <center>31,845</center>||<center>{{increase}} 1,431</center> +|- +|2004||<center>36,340</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 85</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''1st'''</center>||<center>29,877</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,968</center> +|- +|2005||<center>36,834</center>||<center>{{increase}} 494</center>||<center>8</center>|| <center>'''6th'''</center>||<center>32,911</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,034</center> +|- +|2006||<center>35,648</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,186</center>||<center>12</center>|| <center>'''-'''</center>||<center>28,546</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,365</center> +|- +|2007||<center>34,073</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,575</center>||<center>2</center>||<center>'''2nd'''</center>||<center>27,870</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 676</center> +|- +|2008||<center>34,185</center>||<center>{{increase}} 112</center>||<center>13</center>||'''-'''||<center>22,126</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 5,744</center> +|- +|2009||<center>30,605</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 3580</center>||<center>10</center>||'''-'''||<center>24,349</center>||<center>{{increase}} 2,223</center> +|- +|2010||<center>31,388</center>||<center>{{increase}} 783</center>||<center>10</center>||'''-'''||<center>24,256</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 93</center> +|- +|2011||<center>36,624</center>||<center>{{increase}} 5,236</center>||<center>16</center>||'''-'''||<center>23,066</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,190</center> +|- +|2012||<center>37,627</center>||<center>{{increase}} 1,003</center>||<center>14</center>||'''-'''||<center>19,911</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 3,155</center> +|- +|2013||<center>41,010</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,383</center>|| <center>7</center>||<center>'''5th'''</center>||<center>26,915</center>||<center>{{increase}} 7,004</center> +|- +|2014||<center>55,508</center>||<center>{{increase}} 14,498</center>|| <center>5</center> ||<center>'''3rd'''</center> ||<center>44,429</center> ||<center>{{increase}} 17,514</center> +|- +|2015||<center>'''60,439'''</center>||<center>{{increase}} 4,931</center>|| 9 ||'''-'''||<center>43,749</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 680 </center> +|- +|2016 +|60,007 +|<center>{{decrease}} 432 </center> +|10 +|'''-''' +|39,665 +|<center>{{decrease}} 4,048 </center> +|} +==Supporters== -"You...you..." Wormtail's voice suddenly sounded hoarse, as though his mouth had gone very dry. "You...are going...to kill me too?" +The Port Adelaide Football Club has historically drawn its supporter base in and around historical working class [[Port Adelaide]]. However, this support has spread to many coastal locations in Adelaide (from [[Outer Harbor, South Australia|Outer Harbour]] down to [[West Beach, South Australia|West Beach]]), in much of the inner-Western suburbs, throughout the North-Eastern suburbs in [[City of Campbelltown (South Australia)|Campbelltown]] and [[City of Tea Tree Gully|Tea Tree Gully]], in many of the Southern suburbs (such as [[Aberfoyle Park]] and [[Flagstaff Hill, South Australia|Flagstaff Hill]]), as well as throughout the [[Adelaide Hills]] and country South Australia. -"Wormtail, Wormtail," said the cold voice silkily, "why would I kill you? I killed Bertha because I had to. She was fit for nothing after my questioning, quite useless. In any case, awkward questions would have been asked if she had gone back to the Ministry with the news that she had met you on her holidays. Wizards who are supposed to be dead would do well not to run into Ministry of Magic witches at wayside inns..." +After historically being the largest football club in South Australia, Port Adelaide has reemerged as one of the largest sporting organisations in Australia, with over 60,000 members and an average attendance nearing 45,000 in 2015. -Wormtail muttered something so quietly that Frank could not hear it, but it made the second man laugh - an entirely mirthless laugh, cold as his speech. +===Supporter groups=== +Port Adelaide has many [[supporter groups]], with every state or territory containing at least one supporter group. In addition, many country towns within South Australia have their own supporter group, many of which travel to both home and away games.<ref>{{cite web|title = Port Adelaide Supporter Groups - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/supporters/official-supporter-groups|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-07-11}}</ref> +* Port Adelaide Cheer Squad +* Outer Army +* Alberton Crowd +* Interstate Groups -"We could have modified her memory? But Memory Charms can be broken by a powerful wizard, as I proved when I questioned her. It would be an insult to her memory not to use the information I extracted from her, Wormtail." +===Number 1 ticket holders=== -Out in the corridor, Frank suddenly became aware that the hand gripping his walking stick was slippery with sweat. The man with the cold voice had killed a woman. He was talking about it without any kind of remorse - with amusement. He was dangerous - a madman. And he was planning more murders - this boy, Harry Potter, whoever he was - was in danger - +====Current==== +* [[Hugh Sheridan]] – Australian actor and singer. -Frank knew what he must do. Now, if ever, was the time to go to the police. He would creep out of the house and head straight for the telephone box in the village...but the cold voice was speaking again, and Frank remained where he was, frozen to the spot, listening with all his might. +====Former==== +* [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] – [[Seven Network]]'s ''[[Sunrise (TV program)|Sunrise]]'' co-host, current club chairman.<ref>[http://www.thepowerfromport.com.au/articles.php?action=view&article_id=6537&lid=6&yr=2009 Joint No.1 Ticket Holders thepowerfromport.com.au 30 January 2008]</ref> +* [[Stuart O'Grady]] – Australian professional road bicycle racer.<ref>[http://www.theage.com.au/news/sport/riding-the-rollercoaster/2008/01/01/1198949817491.html Riding the roller-coaster] ''[[The Age]]'' 2 January 2008</ref> +* [[Teresa Palmer]] – Australian model and actress.<ref>[http://portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/default.aspx?newsid=71576 Teresa Palmer Power's No. 1] AFL News 30 January 2008</ref> +* [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] – Former Port Adelaide player.<ref>[http://portadelaidefc.com.au/tabid/6038/default.aspx?newsid=67573 Bob Quinn 1915–2008] Official website of the Port Adelaide Football Club, 12 September 2008</ref> +* [[Tony Santic]] – Owner of [[Makybe Diva]].<ref>[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-143684449/diva-trainer-port-no.html AFL: Diva trainer Port's No.1 fan] 24 March 2006</ref> -"One more murder...my faithful servant at Hogwarts...Harry Potter is as good as mine, Wormtail. It is decided. There will be no more argument. But quiet...I think I hear Nagini..." +====Notable followers==== +* [[Jimmy Barnes]] - Australian Rock and Roll Legend<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/subscribe/news/1/index.html?sourceCode=AAWEB_WRE170_a&mode=premium&dest=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/afl/expert-opinion/graham-cornes/graham-cornes-crows-have-tough-battle-to-match-powers-pregame-hype/news-story/f82fc8d7e826c181ad444797426619cc&memtype=anonymous|title=Tall order for Crows to match Power’s pre-game hype|last=Cornes|first=Graham|date=|work=|access-date=|via=}}</ref> +* [[Donald Bradman|Sir Donald Bradman]] – Australian cricketer.<ref>{{Cite book|title = 100 Years with the Magpies: The Story of the Port Adelaide Football Club 1870-1970|last = McLean|first = Allan Robert|publisher = Port Adelaide Football Club|year = 1971|isbn = |location = |pages = Foreword}}</ref> +* [[Darren Cahill]] – Australian professional tennis player/coach and son of [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]. +* [[Dean Canto]] – Australian professional touring car driver. +* [[Ben Folds]] - Musician<ref name="foxsports.com.au">{{cite web|last1=Beveridge|first1=Riley|title=Your AFL club’s most famous supporters, from Barack Obama to Cam Newton|url=http://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/your-afl-clubs-most-famous-supporters-from-barack-obama-to-cam-newton/news-story/03eb54659866d587cf9c2cc4b9f3d8c5|website=Fox Sports|accessdate=29 January 2016}}</ref> +* [[Hugh Jackman]] - Australian actor<ref name="foxsports.com.au"/> +* [[Thanasi Kokkinakis]] – Australian professional tennis player<ref>http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/pain-and-plenty-of-gain-for-port-adelaide-in-extreme-heat-says-jackson-trengove/story-fni5f9de-1226802681544</ref> +* [[Anna Meares]] – Australian gold medal track cyclist.<ref>http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/cycling-champion-anna-meares-flies-the-flag-for-power/story-fni5f9de-1226716425235</ref> +* [[Jason Momoa]] – American/Hawaiian actor and writer<ref>http://satedanbadass.tumblr.com/post/97447157305/george-mountzouris-georgemount-4-min-jason</ref> +* [[Stuart O'Grady]] - former cyclist<ref name="foxsports.com.au"/> +* [[Erin Phillips]] – Australian professional basketball player and daughter of former player [[Greg Phillips]] +* [[Roger Rasheed]] – Australian professional tennis player/coach.<ref>http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/tennis/roger-rasheed8217s-power-and-passion/story-fnii0pkt-1226660627324</ref> +* [[MC Pressure|Daniel Smith]] – Member of Australian hip-hop group [[Hilltop Hoods|The Hilltop Hoods]].<ref>http://www.littleheroesfoundation.com.au/lib/pdf/MC.pdf</ref> +* [[Michael Turtur]] - Australian gold medal track cyclist.<ref>1984 SANFL Grand Final, ABC, Olympic Athlete parade lap.</ref> +* [[Travis Head]] – Australian cricketer. -And the second man's voice changed. He started making noises such as Frank had never heard before; he was hissing and spitting without drawing breath. Frank thought he must be having some sort of fit or seizure. +==Club honour boards== +{{Main article|List of Port Adelaide Football Club players}} -And then Frank heard movement behind him in the dark passageway. He turned to look, and found himself paralyzed with fright. +===Honour roll=== +{| class="wikitable" +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! colspan="10" | Port Adelaide Football Club Honour Roll +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! colspan="10" | Interclub Matches +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' +! +{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} +!{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage PF/PA (Includes finals/League results only)}} +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| 1870||3 +|0-1-2 +|50 +||[[John Hart Jr. (Australian politician)|John Hart Jr.]] +|| Richard Leicester ||[[John Wald (Australian footballer)|John Wald]]||John Wald<br />George Dale||John Wald +||John Wald (2) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| 1871||3 +|1-2-1 +|0 +||John Hart Jr. +|| George Ireland +||Fred Stone||Fred Stone||Fred Stone||{{N/a}} +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| 1872||2 (Runner Up) +|0-1-2 +|0||John Hart Jr. +|| George Ireland +||George Middleton||George Middleton||{{N/a}}||{{N/a}} +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1873 South Australian football season|1873]]||2 (Runner Up) +|1-2-0 +|25||John Hart Jr. +|| F.Ireland +||H.Sparnon||H.Sparnon<br />George Middleton||Samuel Tyzack||Samuel Tyzack (1) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1874 South Australian football season|1874]]||2 (Runner Up) +|2-3-1 +|100 +|| John Hart Jr. || F.Ireland +||John Rann||John Rann<br />Charles Wells||{{N/a}}||{{N/a}} +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1875 South Australian football season|1875]]||2 (Runner Up) +|3-3-1 +|140 +|| John Hart Jr. || F.Ireland +||Robert Sandilands||Robert Sandilands||Henry Ford||Henry Ford (2)<br />Warren (2) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1876 South Australian football season|1876]]||5 +|2-6-0 +|38 +|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells +||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Ernest LeMessurier||Samuel Tyzack (1)<br />John Rann (1)<br />E.LeMessurier (1) +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! colspan="10" | South Australian Football Association era +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;" |{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} +!{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1877 SAFA season|1877]]||4 +|9-4-2 +|177|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells +||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||[[Thomas Smith (Australian footballer)|Thomas Smith]]||Alfred LeMessurier (5) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1878 SAFA season|1878]]||2 ([[1878 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) +|5-2-4 +|400|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells +||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Thomas Smith||E.LeMessurier (3)<br />Joseph Carter (3) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1879 SAFA season|1879]]||2 ([[1879 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) +|5-2-2 +|183|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells +||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Thomas Smith||E.LeMessurier (4) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1880 SAFA season|1880]]||6 +|3-3-5 +|89|| John Formby || J.W.Channon +||J.A.Atkins||J.A.Atkins<br />Joseph Carter||Jack Sidoli||E.LeMessurier (3) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1881 SAFA season|1881]]||5 +|2-6-5 +|43|| John Formby || E.LeMessurrier<br />Joseph Carter +||J.H.Sandilands||William Fletcher<br />J.H.Sandilands||Jack Sidoli||Henry Watt (6) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1882 SAFA season|1882]]||3 +|7-7-0 +|157|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier +||Charles Kellett||Charles Kellett||James Munro||George Slatter (6) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1883 SAFA season|1883]]||2 ([[1883 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) +|7-5-2 +|114|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier +||Nowell Turpenny||Ernest Le Messurier<br />Nowell Turpenny||Robert Kirkpatrick||James Litchfield (13)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1884 SAFA season|1884]]||'''1 ([[1884 SAFA season|Premiers]])''' +|11-2-2 +|252|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier +||Nowell Turpenny||Nowell Turpenny||Charles Kellett<br />George Cairns||Robert Roy (25)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1885 SAFA season|1885]]||3 +|6-8-1 +|120|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier +||Nowell Turpenny||Nowell Turpenny<br />Charles Kellett||Michael Coffee||Robert Roy (13) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1886 SAFA season|1886]]||4 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small> +|3-11-1 +|64|| John Formby || James Litchfield +||[[Jack McGargill]]||William Bushby||Charlie Fry||Michael Coffee (6) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1887 SAFA season|1887]]||2 ([[1887 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) +|12-3-2 +|239|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier +||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||William Bushby<br />Richard Walsh||Alfred Bushby (22) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1888 SAFA season|1888]]||2 ([[1888 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) +|14-2-1 +|280|| John Formby || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||[[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harold Phillips]]||Harold Phillips (24) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1889 SAFA season|1889]]||2 ([[1889 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|14-3-1 +|385|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank +||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||Goody Hamilton||Charlie Fry (32)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1890 SAFA season|1890]]||'''1 ([[1890 SAFA season|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1890 Championship of Australia|Champions of Australia]]''' +|16-2-0 +|388|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank +||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Charlie Fry||John Mckenzie (54)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1891 SAFA season|1891]]||2 ([[1891 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) +|12-4-0 +|288|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank<br />Alfred Bushby +||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Harold Phillips||John Mckenzie (37) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1892 SAFA season|1892]]||2 ([[1892 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) +|11-4-1 +|193|| John Formby || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Harold Phillips||Alexander McKenzie (43) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1893 SAFA season|1893]]||3 +|10-6-2 +|202|| John Cleave || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Walter Murray<br />Harold Phillips||Alexander McKenzie (59) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1894 SAFA season|1894]]||3 +|9-9-0 +|114|| John Cleave || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Alfred Miers||Alexander McKenzie (36) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1895 SAFA season|1895]]||3 +|8-7-1 +|141|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Alfred Miers||Oscar L'estage||Alexander McKenzie (25) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1896 SAFA season|1896]]||5 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small> +|4-13-1 +|69|| W.Fisher<br />[[Charles Tucker (mayor)|Charles Tucker]] +|| H.W.Hills +||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||George Linklater||Adam Lees (19) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +! colspan="10" |Modern scoring system adopted +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1897 SAFA season|1897]]||'''1 ([[1897 SAFA season|Premiers]])''' +|14-2-1 +|266|| W.Fisher<br />Charles Tucker +|| H.W.Hills +||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Ken McKenzie||Adam Lees (26)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +! colspan="10" |First regular SAFA Grand Finals held +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1898 SAFA season|1898]]||2 ([[1898 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|12-6-0 +|199|| W.Fisher || H.W.Hills<br />John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||[[Archibald Hosie]]||William Stark (31) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1899 SAFA season|1899]]||3 +|9-5-0 +|155|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Harold Phillips||[[Stan Malin]]||William Stark (13) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1900 SAFA season|1900]]||6 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small> +|2-12-0 +|66|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Harold Phillips||Jack Quinn||Hedley Tompkins (16) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +! colspan="10" |Federation of Australia +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1901 SAFA season|1901]]||2 ([[1901 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|12-7-0 +|131|| Robert Cruickshank || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie +||Ted Strawns||Jack Quinn (27) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1902 SAFA season|1902]]||3 ([[1902 SAFA season|Disqualified by SAFA]]) +|10-2-0 +|198|| [[William Mattinson]] || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie +||Lewis Corston||Matthew Healy (25) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1903 SAFA season|1903]]||'''1 ([[1903 SAFA Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|12-2-1 +|248|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie +||Jimmy Tompkins||Jimmy Tompkins (40) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1904 SAFA season|1904]]||2 ([[1904 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|10-3-1 +|173|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie<br />Jack Quinn||Lewis Corston||Jimmy Tompkins (28) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1905 SAFA season|1905]]||2 ([[1905 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|11-2-1 +|170|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney +||Jack McGargill||Jack Quinn||Jack Quinn||James Mathison (30)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1906 SAFA season|1906]]||'''1 ([[1906 SAFA Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|12-2-0 +|213|| William Mattinson || James Hodge +||Jack McGargill||Jack Fletcher<br />Lewis Corston||Ted Strawns||James Mathison (42)* +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! colspan="10" | South Australian Football League era +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' +!{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} +!{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1907 SAFL season|1907]]||2 ([[1907 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|11-4-0 +|192|| William Mattinson || James Hodge +||Jack McGargill||Lewis Corston||[[Jack Mack]]||Jack Quinn (32)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1908 SAFL season|1908]]||3 +|8-5-0 +|137||William Mattinson || James Hodge +|| Jack McGargill +||Ted Strawns<br />[[Mick Donaghy]]||James Dickson||James Mathison (33)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1909 SAFL season|1909]]||2 ([[1909 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|9-5-0 +|134|| William Mattinson || James Hodge +||Archibald Hosie||Mick Donaghy||James Dickson||[[Angelo Congear]] (12) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1910 SAFL season|1910]]||'''1 ([[1910 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1910 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]''' +|14-2-0 +|150|| William Mattinson || James Hodge +||Archibald Hosie||Jack Woollard||[[Sampson Hosking]]||[[Frank Hansen (Australian footballer)|Frank Hansen]] (46) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1911 SAFL season|1911]]||2 ([[1911 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|12-3-0 +|171|| Robert Cruickshank || James Hodge +||Mick Donaghy<br />Jack Woollard||George Dempster||[[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]]||Frank Hansen (41)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1912 SAFL season|1912]]||2 ([[1912 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|12-2-0 +|205|| Robert Cruickshank || James Hodge +||Sampson Hosking||Cliff Cocks<br />Sampson Hosking||Harold Oliver||Frank Hansen (37)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1913 SAFL season|1913]]||'''1 ([[1913 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1913 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]''' +|12-2-0 +|160|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge +||[[Jack Londrigan]]||Jack Londrigan||Harry Eaton||Frank Hansen (39)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1914 SAFL season|1914]]||'''1 ([[1914 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1914 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]''' +|14-0-0 +|209|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge +||Jack Londrigan||Jack Londrigan||[[Jack Ashley (footballer)|Jack Ashley]]||Jack Dunn (33)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1915 SAFL season|1915]]||2 ([[1915 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|9-4-1 +|175|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge +||Alexander McFarlane||Alexander McFarlane||Harry Eaton||[[Angelo Congear]] (21) +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! colspan="10" | Play suspended due to World War I +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1919 SAFL season|1919]]||4 +|6-6-1 +|127|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler +||[[Frank Hansen (Australian footballer)|Frank Hansen]]||Horrie Pope<br />Alexander McFarlane||Jack Ashley||Len Lackman (26)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1920 SAFL season|1920]]||3 +|8-5-0 +|119|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler +||Frank Hansen||John Robertson<br />Albert Olds||[[Charlie Adams (Australian footballer)|Charlie Adams]]||Eric Dewar (24) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1921 SAFL season|1921]]||'''1 ([[1921 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|13-4-0 +|182|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler +||Sampson Hosking +||Harold Oliver||Charlie Adams||[[Maurice Allingham (Australian Footballer)|Maurice Allingham]] (43) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1922 SAFL season|1922]]||5 +|7-7-0 +|101|| Herbert Skipper || Charles Tyler +||Samuel Howie +||Samuel Howie||Clement Dayman||Maurice Allingham (47) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1923 SAFL season|1923]]||7 +|5-9-0 +|99|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie +||Clement Dayman<br /> +||Clement Dayman||[[Les Dayman]]||Maurice Allingham (42) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1924 SAFL season|1924]]||4 +|9-6-0 +|121|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie +||[[Archibald Hosie]]||[[Clifford Keal]]||Les Dayman||Maurice Allingham (28) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1925 SAFL season|1925]]||3 +|10-5-0 +|127|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie +||Archibald Hosie||Clifford Keal||[[Peter Bampton]]||[[Harold Logan (Australian footballer)|Harold Logan]] (56) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1926 SAFL season|1926]]||3 +|10-5-0 +|123|| Percival Cherry || Alexander McKelvie +||Maurice Allingham||Maurice Allingham||Laurie Hodge||Harold Logan (36) +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! colspan="10" | South Australian National Football League era +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' +!{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} +!{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1927 SANFL season|1927]]||3 +|10-8-0 +|118|| Percival Cherry || [[Charles Hayter (secretary)|Charles Hayter]] +||Sampson Hosking||[[Peter Bampton]]||[[Clifford Keal]]||Harold Logan (66) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1928 SANFL season|1928]]||'''1 ([[1928 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|15-4-0 +|119|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Sampson Hosking||[[Victor Johnson (footballer)|Victor Johnson]]||[[Les Dayman]]||[[Les Dayman]] (41) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1929 SANFL season|1929]]||2 ([[1929 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|15-5-0 +|156|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Sampson Hosking||Victor Johnson||Ernest Mucklow||Les Dayman (86)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1930 SANFL season|1930]]||2 ([[1930 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|12-7-1 +|116|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Sampson Hosking||Victor Johnson||Victor Johnson||Les Dayman (89) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1931 SANFL season|1931]]||3 +|14-5-0 +|127|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Sampson Hosking +||Victor Johnson||Maurice Allingham||Les Dayman (70) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1932 SANFL season|1932]]||4 +|10-8-0 +|99|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter +||[[Sydney Ween]]||Sydney Ween||Ernest Mucklow||[[Ned Hender (Australian footballer)|Ned Hender]] (55) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1933 SANFL season|1933]]||5 +|9-7-1 +|104|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter +||Henry Dewar||Sydney Ween||[[Jack Dermody]]||Ned Hender (48) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1934 SANFL season|1934]]||2 ([[1934 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|11-7-1 +|121|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter +||Len Ashby||Victor Johnson||[[Albert Hollingworth]]||Jim Prideaux (73) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1935 SANFL season|1935]]||2 ([[1935 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|13-6-0 +|125|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter +||Len Ashby||Robert Johnson||Jack Dermody||Jim Prideaux (95) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1936 SANFL season|1936]]||'''1 ([[1936 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|16-4-0 +|127|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter +||Sampson Hosking||Jack Dermody||Albert Hollingworth||Jim Prideaux (86) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1937 SANFL season|1937]]||'''1 ([[1937 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|15-4-0 +|131|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Sampson Hosking||Jack Dermody||[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Robert Quinn]]||Robert Quinn (51) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1938 SANFL season|1938]]||2 ([[1938 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|12-8-0 +|118|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Sampson Hosking||[[Ned Hender (Australian footballer)|Ned Hender]]||Robert Quinn +||[[Albert Hollingworth]] (45) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1939 SANFL season|1939]]||'''1 ([[1939 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|15-4-0 +|126|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Robert Quinn +||Robert Quinn +||[[Allan Reval]]||Howard Abbott (49) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1940 SANFL season|1940]]||3 +|14-5-0 +|118|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Robert Quinn<br />Allan Reval||Robert Quinn<br />Allan Reval||[[Reginald Schumann]]||[[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]] (47) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1941 SANFL season|1941]]||4 +|11-6-1 +|106|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Allan Reval||Allan Reval +||Jack Skelley||Allan McLean (62) +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! colspan="10" | Temporary geographical merger with West Torrens during World War II +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1942 SANFL season|1942]]||'''1 ([[1942 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +| +||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Sampson Hosking||[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw (42)<br /><small>(West Torrens)</small> +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1943 SANFL season|1943]]||2 ([[1943 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +| +||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Sampson Hosking||Llewellyn Roberts||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw<br /><small>(West Torrens)</small> +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1944 SANFL season|1944]]||2 ([[1944 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +| +||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Sampson Hosking||Llewellyn Roberts||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw (69)<small><br />(West Torrens)</small> +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! colspan="10" | Competition returns to unaligned teams +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1945 SANFL season|1945]]||2 ([[1945 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|16-3-0 +|133 +|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Robert Quinn]]||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn (51) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1946 SANFL season|1946]]||2 ([[1946 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|13-7-0 +|121|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]||Ken Jolly (46) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1947 SANFL season|1947]]||3 +|14-5-0 +|131|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter +||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Allan McLean (80)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1948 SANFL season|1948]]||7 +|4-13-0 +|86|| Percival Cherry || Charles Hayter<br />[[Les Dayman]] +||Llewellyn Roberts||Llewellyn Roberts||[[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]]||Allan McLean (48) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1949 SANFL season|1949]]||6 +|7-10-0 +|94|| Percival Cherry || [[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]] +||Jack McCarthy||[[Reginald Schumann]]||Richard Russell||[[Lloyd Zucker]] (51) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1950 SANFL season|1950]]||3 +|13-6-0 +|113|| Walter Baudinet || Allan McLean +||[[Fos Williams]]||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Fos Williams (40) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1951 SANFL season|1951]]||'''1 ([[1951 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|19-1-0 +|156|| Walter Baudinet || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Richard Russell +||Noel Clark (37) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1952 SANFL season|1952]]||3 +|13-6-0 +|149||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +|| Fos Williams +||Fos Williams||[[Ray Whitaker]]|| [[Roger Clift (Australian footballer)|Roger Clift]] (26) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1953 SANFL season|1953]]||2 ([[1953 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|16-5-0 +|144 +|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Harold McDonald (footballer)|Harold McDonald]]||[[Ray Whitaker]] (35) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1954 SANFL season|1954]]||'''1 ([[1954 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|17-3-0 +|147|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Fos Williams|| [[Roger Clift (Australian footballer)|Roger Clift]]||Tom Garland (44) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1955 SANFL season|1955]]||'''1 ([[1955 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|15-5-0 +|132|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Fos Williams]] (35) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1956 SANFL season|1956]]||'''1 ([[1956 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|19-1-0 +|187|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]]||[[Rex Johns (Australian footballer)|Rex Johns]] (70)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1957 SANFL season|1957]]||'''1 ([[1957 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|17-2-1 +|170|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]]||Rex Johns (77) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1958 SANFL season|1958]]||'''1 ([[1958 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|18-3-0 +|146|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Geof Motley]]||Rex Johns (55)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1959 SANFL season|1959]]||'''1 ([[1959 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|19-2-0 +|160|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||[[Wally Dittmar]] (74)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1960 SANFL season|1960]]||3 +|14-6-0 +|148||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Geof Motley +||Geof Motley||Neville Hayes||Wally Dittmar (69)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1961 SANFL season|1961]]||3 +|15-6-0 +|141||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Geof Motley +||Geof Motley||[[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]]||Rex Johns (54) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1962 SANFL season|1962]]||'''1 ([[1962 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|19-2-0 +|156|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||[[Peter Obst]]||Rex Johns (76) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1963 SANFL season|1963]]||'''1 ([[1963 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|15-7-0 +|152|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||Rex Johns (54)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1964 SANFL season|1964]]||2 ([[1964 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|18-4-0 +|183|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Jeffrey Potter||Jeffrey Potter (30) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1965 SANFL season|1965]]||'''1 ([[1965 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|19-3-0 +|129|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||[[Eric Freeman (cricketer)|Eric Freeman]] (74) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1966 SANFL season|1966]]||2 ([[1966 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|15-7-0 +|143|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||[[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]||Eric Freeman (81)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1967 SANFL season|1967]]||2 ([[1967 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|16-7-0 +|134|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||John Cahill||Jeffrey Potter||Eric Freeman (74) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1968 SANFL season|1968]]||2 ([[1968 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|16-7-0 +|139|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||John Cahill||John Cahill||[[Russell Ebert]] (44) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1969 SANFL season|1969]]||6 +|9-11-0 +|92||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +|| Fos Williams +||John Cahill||Jeffrey Potter||Mark Dittmar (28) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1970 SANFL season|1970]]||3 +|17-4-1 +|150 +||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +|| Fos Williams +||John Cahill||John Cahill||Eric Freeman (75) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1971 SANFL season|1971]]||2 ([[1971 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|17-7-0 +|138|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||John Cahill||[[Russell Ebert]]||Eric Freeman (50) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1972 SANFL season|1972]]||2 ([[1972 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|16-8-0 +|122|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean +||Fos Williams||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Max James]](62) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1973 SANFL season|1973]]||5 +|11-11-0 +|105||Ken Duthie || Allan McLean +|| Fos Williams +||John Cahill||John Cahill||John Cahill (59) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1974 SANFL season|1974]]||3 +|19-5-1 +|123|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean +||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||[[Darrell Cahill]] (54) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1975 SANFL season|1975]]||3 +|14-7-0 +|123|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean +||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Peter Woite]]||[[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (64) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1976 SANFL season|1976]]||2 ([[1976 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|18-5-0 +|135|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean +||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Randall Gerlach (90) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1977 SANFL season|1977]]||'''1 ([[1977 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|19-4-1 +|146|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean +||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Tim Evans (88)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1978 SANFL season|1978]]||3 +|16-9-0 +|111|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean +||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Stephen Clifford]]||Tim Evans (90)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1979 SANFL season|1979]]||'''1 ([[1979 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|17-8-0 +|112|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean +||John Cahill||[[Brian Cunningham]]||[[Milan Faletic]]||Tim Evans (82) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1980 SANFL season|1980]]||'''1 ([[1980 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|21-2-1 +|188|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean +||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||Stephen Clifford +||Tim Evans (146)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1981 SANFL season|1981]]||'''1 ([[1981 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|18-7-0 +|122|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor +||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||Russell Ebert||Tim Evans (98)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1982 SANFL season|1982]]||3 +|16-7-1 +|127|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor +||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||[[Craig Bradley]]||Tim Evans (125)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1983 SANFL season|1983]]||6 +|10-12-0 +|91|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor +||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Stephen Clifford||Tim Evans (63) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1984 SANFL season|1984]]||2 ([[1984 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|18-6-0 +|127|| Ken Duthie || Ian McKenzie +||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Craig Bradley||Tim Evans (137) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1985 SANFL season|1985]]||7 +|8-14-0 +|88|| Ken Duthie || Ian McKenzie +||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Craig Bradley||Tim Evans (96) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1986 SANFL season|1986]] ||4 +|13-11-0 +|103|| [[Bruce Weber (administrator)|Bruce Weber]] || Ian McKenzie +||Russell Ebert||[[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]]||[[Martin Leslie (Australian footballer)|Martin Leslie]]||[[Darren Smith (Australian rules footballer)|Darren Smith]] (49) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1987 SANFL season|1987]] ||4 +|15-9-0 +|112|| Bruce Weber || Ian McKenzie +||Russell Ebert||Russell Johnston||[[Bruce Abernethy]]||Darren Smith (71) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1988 SANFL season|1988]]||'''1 ([[1988 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|18-6-0 +|127|| Bruce Weber || Ian McKenzie +||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||[[Greg Phillips]]||[[Scott Hodges]] (74) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1989 SANFL season|1989]]||'''1 ([[1989 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|21-4-0 +|139|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton +||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||Russell Johnston||Scott Hodges (79) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1990 SANFL season|1990]]||'''1 ([[1990 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|19-4-0 +|150|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton +||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||Scott Hodges +||Scott Hodges (153)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1991 SANFL season|1991]]||5 +|14-9-0 +|109|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton +||John Cahill||[[Greg Phillips]]||[[Paul Northeast (Australian footballer)|Paul Northeast]]||[[Darryl Borlase (Australian footballer)|Darryl Borlase]] (25) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1992 SANFL season|1992]]||'''1 ([[1992 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|20-4-0 +|137 +|| Bruce Weber || [[Brian Cunningham]] +||John Cahill||Greg Phillips +||[[Nathan Buckley]]||[[Mark Tylor (Australian footballer)|Mark Tylor]] (97)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1993 SANFL season|1993]] ||3 +|16-7-0 +|118||[[Greg Boulton]] || Brian Cunningham +||John Cahill||Greg Phillips||[[Troy Bond]]||Mark Tylor (90)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1994 SANFL season|1994]]||'''1 ([[1994 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|18-8-0 +|131||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham +||John Cahill||[[Tim Ginever]]||Tim Ginever||Scott Hodges (130)* +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1995 SANFL season|1995]]||'''1 ([[1995 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|19-6-0 +|131||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham +||John Cahill||Tim Ginever||[[Robbie West]]||Mark Tylor (53) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1996 SANFL season|1996]]||'''1 ([[1996 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|16-8-0 +|129||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham<br />Robert Clayton<br />David Hutton +||John Cahill<br />[[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] ||Tim Ginever||Scott Hodges +||Scott Hodges (117) +|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" +! colspan="10" | Australian Football League era +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' +!{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} +!{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' +! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1997 AFL season|1997]] || 9 +|10-11-1 +|92||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham +||John Cahill|| [[Gavin Wanganeen]] || [[Darren Mead]] || [[Scott Cummings]] (70) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1998 AFL season|1998]] || 10 +|9-12-1 +|96 +||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham +||John Cahill || Gavin Wanganeen || Adam Kingsley || [[Warren Tredrea]] (33) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[1999 AFL season|1999]] || 7 +|12-11-0 +|90||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham +||[[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] || Gavin Wanganeen || Stephen Paxman || Warren Tredrea (40) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2000 AFL season|2000]] || 14 +|7-14-1 +|84||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham +||Mark Williams +|| Gavin Wanganeen || Brett Montgomery || Warren Tredrea (32) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2001 AFL season|2001]] || 5 +|16-8-0 +|129||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham +||Mark Williams +|| [[Matthew Primus]] ||Warren Tredrea +|| Warren Tredrea (51) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2002 AFL season|2002]] || 3 +|19-6-0 +|132||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham +||Mark Williams +||Matthew Primus +||Matthew Primus +|| [[Stuart Dew]] (51) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2003 AFL season|2003]] || 4 +|19-6-0 +|127 +||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham +||Mark Williams +||Matthew Primus +|| Gavin Wanganeen || Warren Tredrea (58) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2004 AFL season|2004]] || '''1 ([[2004 AFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' +|20-5-0 +|132 +||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham +||Mark Williams +|| Matthew Primus<br />Warren Tredrea +||Warren Tredrea +|| Warren Tredrea (81) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2005 AFL season|2005]] || 6 +|12-11-1 +|98 +||Greg Boulton || John James +||Mark Williams +||Matthew Primus +||Warren Tredrea +|| Warren Tredrea (65) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2006 AFL Season|2006]] || 12 +|8-14-0 +|89||Greg Boulton || John James +||Mark Williams +|| Warren Tredrea || [[Brendon Lade]] || [[Josh Mahoney]] (29) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2007 AFL Season|2007]] || 2 ([[2007 AFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) +|17-8-0 +|113||Greg Boulton || John James +||Mark Williams +|| Warren Tredrea || [[Kane Cornes]] || [[Brett Ebert]] (56) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2008 AFL Season|2008]] || 13 +|7-15-0 +|96||Greg Boulton || John James<br />Mark Haysman +||Mark Williams +|| Warren Tredrea ||Kane Cornes +|| [[Daniel Motlop]] (57) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2009 AFL season|2009]] || 10 +|9-13-0 +|89|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman +||Mark Williams +|| [[Domenic Cassisi]] || Warren Tredrea || Warren Tredrea (51) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2010 AFL season|2010]] || 10 +|10-12-0 +|82|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman +||Mark Williams<br />Matthew Primus|| Domenic Cassisi || Kane Cornes || [[Jay Schulz]] (33) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2011 AFL Season|2011]] || 16 +|3-19-0 +|65|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman<br />[[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]] +||Matthew Primus +|| Domenic Cassisi || [[Travis Boak]]<br />[[Jackson Trengove]] || [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robbie Gray]] (32) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2012 AFL season|2012]] || 14 +|5-16-1 +|79|| Brett Duncanson<br />[[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] +|| Keith Thomas +||Matthew Primus<br />[[Garry Hocking]] || Domenic Cassisi ||Kane Cornes +|| Jay Schulz (42) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2013 AFL season|2013]] || 5 +|13-11-0 +|102||David Koch || Keith Thomas +||[[Ken Hinkley]] || Travis Boak || [[Chad Wingard]] || Jay Schulz (49) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2014 AFL season|2014]]|| 3 +|16-8-0 +|130||David Koch || Keith Thomas +||Ken Hinkley || Travis Boak || Robbie Gray|| Jay Schulz (66) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +| [[2015 Port Adelaide Football Club season|2015]]|| 9 +|12-10-0 +|106 +||David Koch || Keith Thomas +||Ken Hinkley || Travis Boak ||Robbie Gray||Chad Wingard (53) +|- style="font-size: 87%;" +|[[2016 Port Adelaide Football Club season|2016]] +|10 +|10-12-0 +|106 +|David Koch +|Keith Thomas +|Ken Hinkley +|Travis Boak +|Robbie Gray +|Chad Wingard (38) +|} -Something was slithering toward him along the dark corridor floor, and as it drew nearer to the sliver of firelight, he realized with a thrill of terror that it was a gigantic snake, at least twelve feet long. Horrified, transfixed, Frank stared as its undulating body cut a wide, curving track through the thick dust on the floor, coming closer and closer - What was he to do? The only means of escape was into the room where the two men sat plotting murder, yet if he stayed where he was the snake would surely kill him - +===Hall of Fame=== +{{S-start}} +{{Australian football Hall of Fame +|Current Team Name = Port Adelaide Football Club +| All Team Names = Port Adelaide +| ColorA# = 000000 +| ColorB# = FFFFFF +| ColorC# = 008080 +| ColorD# = FFFFFF +| +| Team Name 1 = '''South Australian Football Association (1877-1906)''' +| List 1.1 = +| List 1.2 = +| List 1.3 = [[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harold Phillips]] +| List 1.4 = +| List 1.5 = +| List 1.6 = +| Team Name 2 = '''South Australian Football League (1907-1927)''' +| List 2.1 = [[Angelo Congear]] +| List 2.2 = [[Les Dayman|Leslie Dayman]] +| List 2.3 = [[Sampson Hosking]] +| List 2.4 = [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]] +| List 2.5 = +| List 2.6 = +| Team Name 3 = '''South Australian National Football League (1928-1996)''' +| List 3.1 = [[Bruce Abernethy]]<br />[[Brian Cunningham]]<br />[[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]]<br />[[Lloyd Zucker]]<br />'''[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]]''' +| List 3.2 = [[John Abley]]<br />'''[[Russell Ebert]]'''<br />[[Scott Hodges]]<br />Edward McMahon<br />[[Allan Reval]]<br />'''[[Fos Williams]]''' +| List 3.3 = [[Dave Boyd]]<br />[[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]]<br />Ron Hoffman<br />'''[[Geof Motley]]'''<br />[[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]]<br />[[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] +| List 3.4 = '''[[Craig Bradley]]'''<br />Brian Fairclough<br />Henry Kneebone <abbr title="Club Doctor">[[File:Injury icon 2.svg|10px]]</abbr><br />[[Greg Phillips]]<br />[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]<br />[[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]] +| List 3.5 = '''[[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]'''<br />[[Tim Ginever]]<br />'''[[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]]'''<br />[[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]]<br />[[Darren Smith (Australian rules footballer)|Darren Smith]] +| Team Name 4 = '''Australian Football League (since 1997)''' +| List 4.3 = '''[[Gavin Wanganeen]]''' |}} +{{S-end}} -But before he had made his decision, the snake was level with him, and then, incredibly, miraculously, it was passing; it was following the spitting, hissing noises made by the cold voice beyond the door, and in seconds, the tip of its diamond-patterned tail had vanished through the gap. +===Greatest Team=== +{{S-start}} +{{Aussie rules team | title = {{font color|#FFFFFF|Port Adelaide's Greatest Team 1870–2000}} | color = #000000 +| backpocket1 = [[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]] +| fullback = [[John Abley]] +| backpocket2 = [[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]] +| halfbackflank1 = [[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]] +| centrehalfback = [[Greg Phillips]] +| halfbackflank2 = [[Geof Motley]] +| wing1 = [[Craig Bradley]] +| centre = [[Russell Ebert]] (vc) +| wing2 = [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] +| halfforwardflank1 = [[Dave Boyd]] +| centrehalfforward = [[Les Dayman]] +| halfforwardflank2 = [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]] +| forwardpocket1 = [[Scott Hodges]] +| fullforward = [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] +| forwardpocket2 = [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] +| ruck = [[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]] +| ruckrover = [[Allan Reval]] +| rover = [[Fos Williams]] (c) +| interchange1 = [[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harry Phillips]] +| interchange2 = [[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]] +| interchange3 = [[Peter Woite]] +| interchange4 = [[Lloyd Zucker]] +| interchange5 = +| interchange6 = +| coach = [[Fos Williams]] +}} +{{S-end}} -There was sweat on Frank's forehead now, and the hand on the walking stick was trembling. Inside the room, the cold voice was continuing to hiss, and Frank was visited by a strange idea, an impossible idea...This man could talk to snakes. +===Military service=== +{{S-start}} +|- style="background:#bdb76b;" +! colspan="4" | <big>War Roll of Honour</big> <ref>http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/club/history/our-servicemen</ref> +|- +!colspan="4" | World War I +|- +| Maurice Allingham||Frederick Badcock||Arthur Biscombe||William Boon † +|- +| David Bower||Howard Bungey||Hugh Challinder||Arnold Channon +|- +| Albert Chaplin †||Robert Coffen||Henry Davis||Clement Dayman +|- +| William Dempster||Henry Dewar||William 'Roy' Drummond M.M.||Edward Foggo +|- +| Archibald Gosling †||Matthew Healy||Horace Hoare||Samuel Howie +|- +| Gordon Inkster||Clarence Latimer||Lawrence Levy||William Marshall +|- +| Tom McDonald D.C.M||Frederick Meadows||Edward Oatey||John W. Robertson +|- +| Edwin Rose||Thomas Sard||Stedman Stidson||William Theodore +|- +| Harry Tobin||Arthur Tubel||Arthur Turner||Douglas Walsh M.C.† +|- +| Joseph Watson †||Edward Weeden|||| +|- +!colspan="4" | World War I – officials +|- +| Dr Alexander Benson||Charles Hayter||Dr Edward Morris|| +|- +!colspan="4" | World War II +|- +| Howard Abbott||James Allingham||Charles A. Andersen||Charles H. Andersen +|- +| Basil Bampton||Harold Beer||Halcombe Brock †||Maxwell Carmichael † +|- +| George W.F. Chapman||Clarence Christensen||Noel Clark||John Coppin +|- +| Ivor Dangerfield||Lindsay Darling||Ralph Dawe||Clarance L. Dayman +|- +| John Dermody||Edward Dorian||James Doyle||Drozena Eden +|- +| Bert Edwards||James Farr||Dennis Fitzgerald||Frederick Galliford +|- +| Laurence Gates||Geoffrey Germein||Francis Gibaut||Arthur Gower +|- +| Colin Grant||Claude Greening||Donald Gregg||Colin Grimm +|- +| John Heaton||Colin Herbert||John Johnson||Kenneth Johnson +|- +| Clyde Kellaway||Peter Keough||Lyall Kretschmer||Robert Lander +|- +| Peter Marrett||Richard Mayne||Harold McDonald||Norman McInnes +|- +| Malcolm McKiggan †||Allan R.C. 'Bob' McLean||Harold Mills||Brian Moore +|- +| George Neaylon||John Oehme||William Owens||Alexander Pender +|- +| Harry Perry||Frederick Peters||James Prideaux||George U. Quinn † +|- +| John M. Quinn||Robert B. Quinn M.M.||Lew Roberts||Herbert Robertson +|- +| Bertram Robinson||Lloyd Rudd †||Leonard Salvemini||Reginald Schumann +|- +| John Skelley||Kenneth Slade||Gordon Temby||William Trigg +|- +| Arthur Tunbridge||Arthur Utting||John Wade †||Hercules Waldron +|- +| John White||Geoffrey Wiese||Foster Williams||John Woollard +|- +!colspan="4" | World War II – officials/staff +|- +| Kenneth Aubert||Archibald Dowsett||Henry Naismith||William Adair +|- +!colspan="4" | [[Vietnam War]] +|- +| Peter Chant †||Lindsay McGie||John A. Quinn|| +{{S-end}} +† denotes killed in action or died while serving -Frank didn't understand what was going on. He wanted more than anything to be back in his bed with his hot-water bottle. The problem was that his legs didn't seem to want to move. As he stood there shaking and trying to master himself, the cold voice switched abruptly to English again. +==Club achievements== +{| class="wikitable" +|- style="background:#bdb76b;" +| colspan="4" style="text-align:center;"|'''Club Achievements''' +|- style="background:#bdb76b;" +|'''Competition'''||'''Level'''||'''Wins'''||'''Year Won''' +|- +| rowspan="3" |'''AFL'''<br />||Premiers||1||2004 +|- +|Runners Up||1|||2007 +|- +|McClelland Trophy||3||2002, 2003, 2004 +|- +|'''Championship of Australia'''||Champions||4||1890, 1910, 1913, 1914 +|- +| rowspan="3" |'''SAFA/SAFL/SANFL'''||Premiers||36||1884, 1890, 1897, 1903, 1906,<br />1910, 1913, 1914, 1921, 1928,<br />1936, 1937, 1939, 1951, 1954,<br />1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959<br />1962, 1963, 1965, 1977, 1979,<br />1980, 1981, 1988, 1989, 1990<br />1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998,<br />1999 +|- +|Runners Up||37|| 1878, 1879, 1883, 1887, 1888,<br />1889, 1891, 1892, 1898, 1901<br />1904, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911,<br />1912, 1915, 1925, 1926, 1929<br />1930, 1934, 1935, 1938, 1945,<br />1946, 1953, 1964, 1966, 1967<br />1968, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1984,<br />1997, 2014 +|- +|Minor Premiers||44||1889, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1906,<br />1907, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913<br />1914, 1915, 1921, 1928, 1931,<br />1934, 1935, 1936, 1939, 1940<br />1945, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955,<br />1956, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961<br />1962, 1964, 1965, 1970, 1976,<br />1977, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1988<br />1990, 1992, 1999, 2014 +|- +|rowspan="2"|'''South Australian Patriotic League''' +|Premiers +|3 +|1916, 1917, 1942 +|- +|Runner Up +|2 +|1943, 1944 +|} -"Nagini has interesting news, Wormtail," it said. +==Player achievements== -"In-indeed, My Lord?" said Wormtail. +===Competition awards=== +'''[[Magarey Medal]]''' '''(SANFL best and fairest)''' +* 1899 – [[Stan Malin]] +* 1907 – [[Jack Mack]] +* 1910 – [[Sampson Hosking]] +* 1914 – [[Jack Ashley (footballer)|Jack Ashley]] +* 1915 – Sampson Hosking +* 1921 – [[Charlie Adams (Australian footballer)|Charlie Adams]] +* 1925 – [[Peter Bampton]] +* 1938 – [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] +* 1945 – Bob Quinn +* 1956 – [[Dave Boyd]] +* 1964 – [[Geof Motley]] +* 1967 – [[Trevor Obst]] +* 1971 – [[Russell Ebert]] +* 1974 – Russell Ebert +* 1975 – [[Peter Woite]] +* 1976 – Russell Ebert +* 1980 – Russell Ebert +* 1986 – [[Greg Anderson (footballer)|Greg Anderson]] +* 1990 – [[Scott Hodges]] +* 1992 – [[Nathan Buckley]] +* 2001 – [[Tony Brown (Australian rules footballer)|Tony Brown]] & [[Ryan O'Connor]] +* 2003 – [[Brett Ebert]] +* 2005 – [[Jeremy Clayton]] +'''Dutschke Medal (SAWFL best and fairest)''' +* 2011 - Emma Sampson +'''AFLCA Champion Player of the Year''' +* 2004 – [[Warren Tredrea]] +* 2014 – [[Robbie Gray]] +'''[[AFL Rising Star]] (Best player under 21)''' +* 1997 – [[Michael Wilson (Australian footballer)|Michael Wilson]] +* 2006 – [[Danyle Pearce]] -"Indeed, yes," said the voice, "According to Nagini, there is an old Muggle standing right outside this room, listening to every word we say." +=== Grand final best on ground awards === +'''[[Norm Smith Medal]] (AFL Grand Final best on ground)''' +* 2004 – [[Byron Pickett]] +'''[[Jack Oatey Medal]] (SANFL Grand Final best on ground)''' +* 1981 – [[Russell Ebert]] +* 1988 – [[Bruce Abernethy]] +* 1989 – [[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]] +* 1990 – [[George Fiacchi]] +* 1992 – [[Nathan Buckley]] +* 1994 – [[Darryl Wakelin]] +* 1995 – [[Anthony Darcy]] +* 1996 – [[David Brown (Australian footballer born 1969)|David Brown]] +* 1998 – [[Brett Chalmers]] +* 1999 – [[Darryl Poole]] -Frank didn't have a chance to hide himself. There were footsteps and then the door of the room was flung wide open. +=== All-Australian === +'''''Sporting Life Magazine''''' +* 1947 – [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] (captain) +* 1950 – [[Dick Russell (footballer)|Dick Russell]], [[Fos Williams]] +* 1951 – [[Harold McDonald (footballer)|Harold McDonald]], Fos Williams +* 1955 – Harold McDonald +'''Interstate carnivals''' +* 1956 – [[John Abley]] +* 1958 – John Abley +* 1961 – John Abley +* 1969 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] +* 1980 – [[Greg Phillips]], [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] +* 1983 – [[Craig Bradley]], [[Tony Giles]], [[Stephen Curtis]] +* 1985 – Craig Bradley +* 1987 – [[Greg Anderson (footballer)|Greg Anderson]] +* 1988 – [[Martin Leslie (Australian rules footballer)|Martin Leslie]] +'''Australian Football League''' +* 1997 – [[Adam Heuskes]] +* 2001 – [[Gavin Wanganeen]], [[Matthew Primus]], [[Warren Tredrea]] +* 2002 – [[Brett Montgomery]], Matthew Primus, Warren Tredrea, [[Josh Francou]] +* 2003 – Gavin Wanganeen, Warren Tredrea +* 2004 – Warren Tredrea, [[Chad Cornes]], Mark Williams (coach) +* 2005 – [[Kane Cornes]] +* 2006 – [[Brendon Lade]], [[Shaun Burgoyne]] +* 2007 – Kane Cornes, Chad Cornes, Brendon Lade +* 2013 – [[Chad Wingard]], [[Travis Boak]] +* 2014 – [[Robbie Gray]], Travis Boak +* 2015 – Chad Wingard, Robbie Gray -A short, balding man with graying hair, a pointed nose, and small, watery eyes stood before Frank, a mixture of fear and alarm in his face. +===Club awards=== +'''John Cahill Medal (Best and Fairest)'''{{Main article|John Cahill Medal}}'''Gavin Wanganeen Medal (Best player under 21)''' +* 2006 – [[Danyle Pearce]] +* 2007 – [[Justin Westhoff]] +* 2008 – [[Alipate Carlile]] +* 2009 – [[Travis Boak]] +* 2010 – [[Jackson Trengove]] +* 2011 – [[Hamish Hartlett]] +* 2012 – [[Chad Wingard]] +* 2013 – [[Ollie Wines]] +* 2014 – Ollie Wines +* 2015 – Ollie Wines +* 2016 - Jarman Impey +'''John McCarthy Medal (Community Award)''' +* 2013 – [[Jack Hombsch]] +* 2014 – [[Brad Ebert]] +* 2015 – [[Nathan Krakouer]] -"Invite him inside, Wormtail. Where are your manners?" +== Club records == +'''Overall Win/Loss record''' +* AFL – 440 games / 224 wins / 211 losses / 5 draws (51.48%) +* SANFL – 2636 games / 1727 wins / 860 losses / 65 draws (66.75%) +At end of 2015 season. -The cold voice was coming from the ancient armchair before the fire, but Frank couldn't see the speaker. the snake, on the other hand, was curled up on the rotting hearth rug, like some horrible travesty of a pet dog. +'''Best league record against another club''' -Wormtail beckoned Frank into the room. Though still deeply shaken, Frank took a firmer grip on his walking stick and limped over the threshold. +Over 10 league matches against a current club. +* AFL – West Coast – 17 wins / 10 losses / 0 draws (62.96%) +* SANFL – Glenelg – 177 wins / 67 losses / 3 draws (72.27%) +At end of 2015 season. -The fire was the only source of light in the room; it cast long, spidery shadows upon the walls. Frank stared at the back of the armchair; the man inside it seemed to be even smaller than his servant, for Frank couldn't even see the back of his head. +'''Worst league record against another club''' -"You heard everything, Muggle?" said the cold voice. +Over 10 league matches against a current club. +* AFL – Sydney – 7 wins / 19 losses / 0 draws (26.92%) +* SANFL – Norwood – 195 wins / 190 losses / 17 draws (48.51%) +<nowiki>*</nowiki>as of 21/4/2015 -"What's that you're calling me?" said Frank defiantly, for now that he was inside the room, now that the time had come for some sort of action, he felt braver; it had always been so in the war. +'''Highest score''' -"I am calling you a Muggle," said the voice coolly. "It means that you are not a wizard." +* AFL – 29.14 (188) vs Hawthorn, Round 13, 2005, Football Park +* SANFL – 37.21 (243) vs [[Woodville Football Club|Woodville]], 19 April 1980, Football Park -"I don't know what you mean by wizard," said Frank, his voice growing steadier. "All I know is I've heard enough to interest the police tonight, I have. You've done murder and you're planning more! And I'll tell you this too," he added, on a sudden inspiration, "my wife knows I'm up here, and if I don't come back -" +'''Lowest score''' -"You have no wife," said the cold voice, very quietly. "Nobody knows you are here. You told nobody that you were coming. Do not lie to Lord Voldemort, Muggle, for he knows...he always knows..." +* AFL – 3.3 (21) vs Collingwood, Round 20, 2011, Football Park +* SANFL – 1.1 (7) vs North Adelaide, 5 May 1900, Alberton Oval -"Is that right?" said Frank roughly. "Lord, is it? Well, I don't think much of your manners, My Lord. Turn 'round and face me like a man, why don't you?" +'''Greatest Winning Margin''' -"But I am not a man, Muggle," said the cold voice, barely audible now over the crackling of the flames. "I am much, much more than a man. However...why not? I will face you...Wormtail, come turn my chair around." +* AFL – 117 points vs Hawthorn, Round 13, 2005, Football Park +* SANFL – 179 points vs [[Woodville Football Club|Woodville]], 8 August 1970, Woodville Oval -The servant gave a whimper. +'''Greatest losing margin''' -"You heard me, Wormtail." +* AFL – 165 points vs {{AFL Haw}}, Round 21, [[2011 AFL season|2011]], [[MCG]] +* SANFL – 114 points vs [[Sturt Double Blues|Sturt]], [[1965 SANFL season|1965]], [[Unley Oval]] -Slowly, with his face screwed up, as though he would rather have done anything than approach his master and the hearth rug where the snake lay, the small man walked forward and began to turn the chair. The snake lifted its ugly triangular head and hissed slightly as the legs of the chair snagged on its rug. +'''Most Wins in a season''' -And then the chair was facing Frank, and he saw what was sitting in it. His walking stick fell to the floor with a clatter. He opened his mouth and let out a scream. He was screaming so loudly that he never heard the words the thing in the chair spoke as it raised a wand. There was a flash of green light, a rushing sound, and Frank Bryce crumpled. He was dead before he hit the floor. +* AFL – 20 wins ([[2004 AFL season|2004]]) +* SANFL – 21 wins ([[1980 SANFL season|1980]], [[1989 SANFL season|1989]]) -Two hundred miles away, the boy called Harry Potter woke with a start. +'''Least losses in a season''' + +* AFL – 5 losses ([[2004 AFL season|2004]]) +* SANFL – 0 losses ([[1914 SAFL season|1914]]) + +'''Largest home attendances (Minor Round)''' + +* AFL – 54,468 at Adelaide Oval (Round 16, [[2015 AFL season|2015]] vs [[Adelaide Football Club|Adelaide]]) +* AFL (Non-showdown) – 52,505 at Adelaide Oval (Round 22, [[2014 AFL season|2014]] vs {{AFL Car}}) +* SANFL – 36,397 at [[Football Park]] (Round 2, [[1990 SANFL season|1990]] vs [[Norwood Redlegs|Norwood]]) +* SANFL – 22,738 at [[Alberton Oval]] (Round 11, [[1977 SANFL season|1977]] vs [[Norwood Redlegs|Norwood]]) + +'''Largest away attendances (Minor Round)''' + +* AFL – 51,883 at [[MCG]] (Round 1, 1997 vs Collingwood) +* SANFL – 30,618 at Adelaide Oval (Round 11, 1977 vs South Adelaide) +* SANFL – 22,015 at [[Unley Oval]] (Round 9, 1968 vs Sturt) + +'''Largest finals attendances''' + +* AFL – 97,302 at [[Melbourne Cricket Ground|MCG]] ([[2007 AFL Grand Final]] vs Geelong) +* SANFL – 66,897 (80,000 police estimate) at [[Football Park]] ([[1976 SANFL Grand Final]] vs [[Sturt Double Blues|Sturt]])<ref name="Norton 2013 28"/> + +'''Longest undefeated run''' + +* AFL – 8 wins (Round 8 → 15, [[2002 AFL season|2002]], Round 15 → 22, [[2003 AFL season|2003]], Round 4 → 12, [[2014 AFL season|2014]]) +* SANFL – 33 games (21 June [[1913 SAFL season|1913]] → [[1914 SAFL season|1914]] → 3 July [[1915 SAFL season|1915]]) + +'''Longest losing run''' + +* AFL – 11 games (Round 11 → 23, [[2011 AFL season|2011]]) +* SANFL – 7 games (14 May 2002 → 1 June 2002) + +==Player records== +'''Most games played''' +* AFL – 300 – [[Kane Cornes]] (2001–2015) +* SANFL – 392 – [[Russell Ebert]] (1968–1978, 1980–1985) + +'''Most games coached''' +* AFL – 274 – [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] (1999–2010) +* SANFL – 444 – [[Fos Williams]] (1950–1958, 1962–1973) +* {{Tooltip|Combined|SANFL (1877-1996) and AFL (1997–present)}} – 465 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] ('''SANFL''': 1974–1982, 1988–1996; '''AFL''': 1997–1998) +'''Most premierships as player''' +* SANFL – 9 – [[Geof Motley]] (1954–1959, 1962–1963, 1965) +* AFL – 1 – [[Template:2004 Port Adelaide Power premiership players|2004 premiership team]] +'''Most premierships as coach''' +* SANFL – 10 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] (1977, 1979–81, 1988–90, 1994–96) +* AFL – 1 – [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] (2004) +'''Most goals at Port Adelaide''' + +* AFL – 549 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (1997–2010) +* SANFL – 1044 – [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (1975–1986) +'''Most goals in a match''' +* AFL – 8 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (1998, Round 7, vs Carlton, Princes Park) +* AFL – 8 – [[Jay Schulz]] (2014, Round 14, vs Western Bulldogs, Adelaide Oval) +* SANFL – 16 – [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (1980, Round 5, vs West Adelaide) +'''Most goals in a season''' +* AFL – 81 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (2004) +* SANFL – 153 – [[Scott Hodges]] (1990) + +==References== +{{reflist|colwidth=30em}} +{{reflist|group=1}} + +==External links== +{{Commons category}} +* [http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/ Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club] + +{{Port Adelaide Football Club}} + +{{navboxes +| title = Port Adelaide Football Club SAFA/SAFL/SANFL/AFL premiership teams +| titlestyle = background:black; color:white; border: solid teal 2px +| list1 = +{{1884 Port Adelaide premiership players}} +{{1890 Port Adelaide premiership players}} +{{1897 Port Adelaide premiership players}} +{{1903 Port Adelaide premiership players}} +{{1906 Port Adelaide premiership players}} +{{1910 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1913 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1914 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1921 Port Adelaide premiership players}} +{{1928 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1936 Port Adelaide premiership players}} +{{1937 Port Adelaide premiership players}} +{{1939 Port Adelaide premiership players}} +{{1942 Port Adelaide premiership players}} +{{1951 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1954 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1955 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1956 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1957 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1958 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership team}} +{{1959 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1962 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1963 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1965 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1977 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1979 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1980 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership team}} +{{1981 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1988 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1989 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1990 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1992 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1994 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1995 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{1996 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} +{{2004 Port Adelaide Power premiership players}} +}} +{{AFL}} +{{Aussie Rules in South Australia}} +{{Adelaide Sports Teams}} +{{South Australian National Football League |state=collapsed}} +{{Port Adelaide landmarks}} + +[[Category:Australian Football League clubs]] +[[Category:Sports clubs established in 1870]] +[[Category:Port Adelaide Football Club]] +[[Category:Sporting clubs in Adelaide]] +[[Category:Australian rules football clubs in South Australia]] +[[Category:1870 establishments in Australia]] '
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[ 0 => '<!--see talk page for recommendations-->', 1 => '{{Use Australian English|date=October 2011}}', 2 => '{{Use dmy dates|date=October 2012}}', 3 => '{{Infobox australian football club', 4 => '| clubname = Port Adelaide', 5 => '| image = [[File:Port Adelaide Football Club Logo.jpg|240px|Port Adelaide Football Club logo]]', 6 => '| fullname = Port Adelaide Football Club Ltd<ref>{{cite web|title=Port Adelaide Football Club Limited|publisher=Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)|url=http://www.search.asic.gov.au/cgi-bin/gns030c?acn=068_839_547&juris=9&hdtext=ACN&srchsrc=1|accessdate=5 November 2010}}</ref>', 7 => '| motto = We Are Port Adelaide <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/video/2015-09-15/ptv-jack-hombsch-jim-stynes-community-leadership-award-nomination | title=PTV: Jack Hombsch - Jim Stynes Community Leadership Award nomination | date=15 September 2015 | quote= Port Adelaide's motto is 'We Exist to Win Premierships and Make Our Community Proud #119'.}}</ref>', 8 => '| topgoalkicker = [[Chad Wingard]] (38)', 9 => '| bestandfairest = ', 10 => '| season = 2016', 11 => '| home&away = 10th', 12 => '| founded = 12 May {{Start date and age|1870}}', 13 => '| colours = AFL: [[File:AFL Port Adelaide Icon.jpg|16px]], SANFL: [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]]', 14 => '| league = Power <small>(AFL)</small><br />[[Australian Football League]]<br />Magpies <small>(2nds)</small><br />[[South Australian National Football League]]<br/>Port Adelaide Women <small>(SAWFL)</small><br/>[[South Australian Women's Football League]]<br />Academy <small>(3rds)</small><br />Junior development', 15 => '| chairman = [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]]', 16 => '| CEO = [[Keith Thomas]]', 17 => '| coach = [[Ken Hinkley]] (AFL)<br />[[Chad Cornes]] (SANFL)<br/>Markita Bond (SAWFL)', 18 => '| captain = [[Travis Boak]] (AFL)<br />Steven Summerton (SANFL)<br/> Maddie Willis (SAWFL)', 19 => '| ground = [[Adelaide Oval]]', 20 => '| capacity = 53,583', 21 => '| ground2 = [[Alberton Oval]]', 22 => '| capacity2 = 17,000', 23 => '| formerground = [[Football Park]]', 24 => '| span = 1974–2013', 25 => '| trainingground = [[Alberton Oval]]', 26 => '| premierships = AFL (1): [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004]]<br />Championship of Australia (4):<br />[[1890 Championship of Australia|1890]], [[1910 Championship of Australia|1910]], [[1913 Championship of Australia|1913]], [[1914 Championship of Australia|1914]]<br />SANFL <small>pre AFL entry</small> (34):<br />[[1884 SAFA season|1884]], [[1890 SAFA season|1890]], [[1897 SAFA season|1897]], [[1903 SAFA Grand Final|1903]], [[1906 SAFA Grand Final|1906]], [[1910 SAFL Grand Final|1910]], [[1913 SAFL Grand Final|1913]], [[1914 SAFL Grand Final|1914]], [[1921 SAFL Grand Final|1921]], [[1928 SANFL Grand Final|1928]], [[1936 SANFL Grand Final|1936]], [[1937 SANFL Grand Final|1937]], [[1939 SANFL Grand Final|1939]], [[1951 SANFL Grand Final|1951]], [[1954 SANFL Grand Final|1954]], [[1955 SANFL Grand Final|1955]], [[1956 SANFL Grand Final|1956]], [[1957 SANFL Grand Final|1957]], [[1958 SANFL Grand Final|1958]], [[1959 SANFL Grand Final|1959]], [[1962 SANFL Grand Final|1962]], [[1963 SANFL Grand Final|1963]], [[1965 SANFL Grand Final|1965]], [[1977 SANFL Grand Final|1977]], [[1979 SANFL Grand Final|1979]], [[1980 SANFL Grand Final|1980]], [[1981 SANFL Grand Final|1981]], [[1988 SANFL Grand Final|1988]], [[1989 SANFL Grand Final|1989]], [[1990 SANFL Grand Final|1990]], [[1992 SANFL Grand Final|1992]], [[1994 SANFL Grand Final|1994]], [[1995 SANFL Grand Final|1995]], [[1996 SANFL Grand Final|1996]]<br />SANFL <small>post AFL entry</small> (2): [[1998 SANFL Grand Final|1998]], [[1999 SANFL Grand Final|1999]]<br />WWI Patriotic League (2):<br />1916, 1917<br/>WWII Patriotic League (1):<br />[[1942 SANFL Grand Final|1942]] <small>(as Port-Torrens)</small>', 27 => '| url = [http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/ portadelaidefc.com.au]', 28 => '| jumper = ', 29 => '| current = ', 30 => '}}', 31 => 'The '''Port Adelaide Football Club''' is a professional [[Australian rules football]] club based in [[Alberton, South Australia|Alberton]], [[Port Adelaide]], South Australia. The club's senior team plays in the [[Australian Football League]] (AFL) whilst its reserves and development teams compete in the [[South Australian National Football League]] (SANFL).<ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/105240/default.aspx Update: Power & Magpies Unite – Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club]</ref> Port Adelaide is the oldest professional football club in South Australia and the [[List of Australian rules football clubs by date of establishment|5th oldest club in the AFL]].', 32 => 'Since the club's first game on 24 May 1870, it has won 36 South Australian league premierships, including six in a row. The club also won the [[Champions of Australia]] competition on a record four occasions.<ref>[http://www.fullpointsfooty.net/port_adelaide.htm ''Port Adelaide – Part One: 1870 to 1918''], FullPointsFooty.net</ref><ref>[http://www.fullpointsfooty.net/championship_of_australia.htm ''Club Championship of Australia''], FullPointsFooty.net.</ref> In 1997, the club joined the Australian Football League as the only pre-existing non-Victorian club—and subsequently added the [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004 AFL Premiership]] to its achievements.', 33 => '==Club history==', 34 => '{{multiple image', 35 => '| align = right', 36 => '| image1= John_Hart_Jr_1876.jpeg', 37 => '| width1 = 112', 38 => '| alt1 =', 39 => '| image2 = Bucks Flat, Glanville Hall Estate.jpg', 40 => '| width2 = 226', 41 => '| alt2 = ', 42 => '| footer = Left: Inaugural club president [[John Hart, Jr.]]<br>Right: Port Adelaide played at [[John Hart (South Australian colonist)|John Hart, Sr.]]'s property, Glanville Hall Estate, from 1870-1879.', 43 => '}}', 44 => '{{main article|History of Port Adelaide Football Club}}', 45 => '===1870–1876: Formation years===', 46 => 'By the late 1860s [[Port Adelaide]]'s [[Port River|river]] traffic was growing significantly causing John Rann, Mr. Leicester and Mr. Ireland to form a sporting club to benefit local wharf workers.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port Adelaide Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%2520Adelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The Port Adelaide Football Club was established on 12 May 1870 as part of a joint [[Australian rules football|Australian football]] and [[cricket]] club with the first training session taking place two days later.<ref>{{cite news |url = http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article39203522|title = The wheat statistics.|newspaper = [[South Australian Register]]|location = Adelaide, SA|date = 13 May 1870|accessdate = 29 March 2015|page = 5|publisher = National Library of Australia}}</ref> It played its first match against a team called the "Young Australians" on 24 May 1870 at inaugural club president [[John Hart, Jr.|John Hart]]'s family property in [[Glanville, South Australia|Glanville]]. Football in [[South Australia]] at this stage was yet to be organised by a single body and as a result there were several sets of rules in use across the state.', 47 => '===1877–1889: SAFA foundation, Alberton Oval and Australia's first grand final===', 48 => 'In [[1877 SAFA season|1877]] Port Adelaide joined seven other clubs to form the [[South Australian National Football League|South Australian Football Association]] (SAFA), the first league of its type in Australia.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.sahistorians.org.au/175/chronology/april/30-april-1877-south-australian-football-associatio.shtml|title = The South Australian Football Story|date = 1983|accessdate = 2 May 2015|website = SA 175|publisher = professional historians association (south australia)|last = Whimpress|first = Bernard}}</ref> It competed its first few seasons wearing magenta guernseys and white shorts.<ref>{{Cite book|title = 1877 South Australian Football Season Records and Statistics|last = Gyss|first = Trevor|publisher = |year = 2010|isbn = 1445782928|location = |page = 31}}</ref> In [[1878 SAFA season|1878]] the club hosted its first game against the recently established [[Norwood Football Club]] with the visitors winning 1-0. A rivalry between these clubs would soon develop into one of the fiercest in Australian sport (See [[Port Adelaide–Norwood SANFL rivalry|Port Adelaide-Norwood SANFL rivalry]]).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article73070391 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The South Australian Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=18 June 1878 |accessdate=2 May 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref>', 49 => '{{multiple image', 50 => '| align = right', 51 => '| image1 = Alberton_Oval_1880_Juniors.png', 52 => '| width1 = 200', 53 => '| alt1 = ', 54 => '| image2 = Port_Adelaide_1884_Premiership_Team.jpg', 55 => '| width2 = 240', 56 => '| alt2 = ', 57 => '| footer = Left: Junior Port Adelaide players at [[Alberton Oval]] in 1880, the first year the ground was used by the club for football.<br />Right: Port Adelaide's first premiership team from the [[1884 SAFA season|1884 season]].', 58 => '}}', 59 => 'In 1880 the club moved to [[Alberton Oval]]. In 1881 the club played an interstate team for the first time against [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] at Adelaide Oval. Later that year the club travelled to Victoria and played its first game outside South Australia against [[Sale Football Club|Sale]].<ref>{{cite web|title = 10 things you probably don’t know about the Port Adelaide Football Club… – portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2015-05-12/port-adelaide-turns-145|accessdate = 2015-05-29}}</ref> During the [[1882 SAFA season|1882 season]] Port Adelaide overcame Norwood for the first time after nine previous attempts winning by 1 goal at [[Adelaide Oval]]. In 1884 Port Adelaide won its first SAFA premiership, ending Norwood's run of six premierships. On 25 May 1885, Port Adelaide played its first game at the [[MCG]] against [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]], drawing with the eventual VFA premiers in front of 10,000 spectators.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article6080331 |title=Sporting Intelligence |newspaper=[[The Argus (Melbourne)|The Argus]] |location=Melbourne |date=25 May 1885 |accessdate=22 November 2014 |page=9 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref>', 60 => 'In 1887 immense interest led into the Round 8 meeting against Norwood as the previous two matches between the clubs resulted in draws. Norwood won in front of a then-record 11,000 spectators at Adelaide Oval.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article37175326 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The South Australian Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=21 June 1887 |accessdate=14 January 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> During 1889 the club played against the [[Richmond Football Club|Richmond]] at [[Punt Road]], with Port prevailing by a goal.<ref>{{Cite web|title = First of firsts: Port Adelaide v Richmond 1889 - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2014-09-03/first-of-firsts-port-adelaide-v-richmond-1889|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The [[1889 SAFA season]] ended with Port Adelaide and Norwood equal top, leading to the staging of [[1889 SAFA Grand Final|Australia's first grand final]]. Norwood went on to defeat Port Adelaide by two goals.', 61 => '===1890–1901: First national success and last wooden spoon===', 62 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 63 => '|-', 64 => '| width=200 | ''[[1890 Championship of Australia]]''|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Score''', 65 => '|-', 66 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:SANFL Port Adelaide 1883-1901 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''{{AFL Por}}''' || '''7''' || '''10''' || '''7'''', 67 => '|-', 68 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:VFL South Melbourne 1880-1896 Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]] || 6 || 13 || 6', 69 => '|-', 70 => '| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]]', 71 => '| colspan=3 | ', 72 => '| colspan=3 |', 73 => '|} ', 74 => '{{multiple image', 75 => '| align = left', 76 => '| image1 = Harry_Phillips.jpg', 77 => '| width1 = 128', 78 => '| alt1 = ', 79 => '| image2 = PortMagenta.JPG', 80 => '| width2 = 100', 81 => '| alt2 = ', 82 => '| footer = Left: [[Harry Phillips (Australian footballer)|Harry Phillips]] won the clubs best and fairest in [[1888 SAFA season|1888]], [[1891 SAFA season|1891]], [[1893 SAFA season|1892]] and [[1893 SAFA season|1893]].<br />Right: Port fan Willy Whicker wearing a striped magenta guernsey used by the club until dye became too costly (1883-1901).', 83 => '}}', 84 => 'In 1890 Port Adelaide won its second SAFA premiership and would go on to be crowned "[[1890 Championship of Australia|Champions of Australia]]" for the first time after defeating [[Victorian Football League|VFA]] premiers [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]]. During the 1890s Australia was affected by a severe depression and many players were forced to move interstate to find work translating into poor on field results. By 1896, the club was in crisis and finished last causing the clubs committee to meet with the aim of revitalising the club. Historian John Devaney suggested that there was a "conscious and deliberate cultivation by both the committee and the team's on field leaders of a revitalised club spirit, whereby playing for Port Adelaide became a genuine source of pride".<ref>{{cite web|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%20Adelaide/9|title = Port Adelaide|date = |accessdate = 14 May 2015|website = Australian Football|publisher = |last = Devaney|first = John}}</ref> It had immediate results and in 1897 Port Adelaide won a [[1897 SAFA season|third premiership]] finishing the season with a record of 14-2-1 with a scoring record two and a half times its conceded total. This is one of only four occurrences since 1877 that the team that finished last won a premiership the following year. [[Stan Malin]] won Port Adelaide's first [[Magarey Medal]] in 1899.', 85 => 'During the 19th century the club had nicknames including the Cockledivers, the Seaside Men, the Seasiders and the Magentas. In 1900, Port finished bottom in the six-team competition, which it has not done in any senior league since.', 86 => '===1902–1915: Black and white and the pre-war invincibles===', 87 => '{{multiple image', 88 => '| align = right', 89 => '| image1 = PortAdelaideFC1902Logo.png', 90 => '| width1 = 138', 91 => '| alt1 = ', 92 => '| image2 = Port Adelaide premiership team 1903.jpg', 93 => '| width2 = 330', 94 => '| alt2 = ', 95 => '| footer = Left: Port Adelaide adopted the black and white "Wharf Pylon" guernsey and the Magpie emblem in 1902.<br />Right: Port Adelaide's [[1903 SAFA Grand Final|1903]] premiership team were the first to win a Grand Final in the "Wharf Pylon" guernsey.', 96 => '}}', 97 => 'In 1902, Port Adelaide took the field in black and white guernseys for the first time after it was having trouble finding dyes that would last for its blue and magenta guernseys.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162353382 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[Adelaide Observer]] |date=26 April 1902 |accessdate=28 December 2014 |page=20 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The first year in the new guernsey would be a controversial year for the club. After finishing the [[1902 SAFA season|1902 season]] on top of the ladder was disqualified from a game with {{SANFL SthA}} after disputing the use of an unaccredited umpire.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4875685 |title=A FOOTBALL DISPUTE. |newspaper=[[The Advertiser (Adelaide)|The Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=4 September 1902 |accessdate=30 May 2015 |page=4 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The 1902 SAFA premiership would subsequently be awarded to North Adelaide after they defeated South Adelaide in the Grand Final a week later.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article56255969 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Register (Adelaide)|The Register]] |location=Adelaide |date=9 September 1902 |accessdate=29 December 2014 |page=6 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> Port Adelaide offered to play North Adelaide in a premiership deciding match, but the association refused.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article56255969 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Register (Adelaide)|The Register]] |location=Adelaide |date=9 September 1902 |accessdate=30 May 2015 |page=6 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The first premiership after the dispute came the following year when Port Adelaide defeated South Adelaide 6.6 (42) to 5.5 (35) in the 1903 SAFA Challenge Final. A further premiership came in 1906 when Port defeated North Adelaide 8.12 (60) to 5.9 (39) in the year's Grand Final. During the early stages of the 1907 season, Port Adelaide travelled to Sydney to play a combination of the cities best players. The game was marketed as 'Port Adelaide vs. Sydney' with the harbour city side taking the honours 8.9 (57) to 5.14 (44).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115235416 |title=PORT ADELAIDE v. SYDNEY. |newspaper=[[The Evening News (Sydney)|The Evening News]]|location=Sydney |date=7 June 1907 |accessdate=5 May 2015 |page=3 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref>', 98 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 99 => '|-', 100 => '| width=200 | ''1910 Port Adelaide vs. WAFL<ref name="ReferenceA">http://australianfootball.com/articles/view/Port+in+Perth+-+Port+Adelaide%27s+1910+WA+tour/12</ref>'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 101 => '|-', 102 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Wellington colours.svg|16px]] [[Western Australia Australian rules football team|WAFL]] || 6 || 12 || 48', 103 => '|-', 104 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''6''' || '''17''' || '''53'''', 105 => '|-', 106 => '| Venue: [[Fremantle Oval]]', 107 => '| colspan=3 | ', 108 => '|}', 109 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 110 => '|-', 111 => '| width=200 | ''[[1910 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 112 => '|-', 113 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''15''' || '''20''' || '''110'''', 114 => '|-', 115 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:AFL Collingwood Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Collingwood Football Club|Collingwood]] || 7 || 9 || 51', 116 => '|-', 117 => '| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]]', 118 => '| colspan=3 | ', 119 => '|}', 120 => 'Port Adelaide won the SAFL premiership in 1910 defeating [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]] 8.12 (60) to 5.11 (41) in the Grand Final. The club would go on to defeat Collingwood for the [[1910 Championship of Australia]] title. During the 1910 post season, seeking revenge for their loss the year before, Port Adelaide travelled to Western Australia and beat East Fremantle by 12 points. To conclude the trip Port Adelaide played a combination of some of the [[Western Australian Football League|WAFL]]'s best players and achieved a remarkable victory scoring 6.17 (53) to 6.12 (48), with [[Sampson Hosking]] named best on ground.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football|url = http://australianfootball.com/articles/view/Port+in+Perth+-+Port+Adelaide's+1910+WA+tour/12|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Along with beating the premiers from South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia in 1910, Port Adelaide also invited North Broken Hill, the premier team of New South Wales, to a game at Adelaide Oval. Port Would win this game 14.20 (104) to 5.5 (35).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article45135647 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Barrier Miner]] |location=Broken Hill, NSW |date=16 August 1910 |accessdate=5 May 2015 |page=2 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref>', 121 => '{{multiple image', 122 => '| align = left', 123 => '| image1 = PortAdelaideOval.JPG', 124 => '| width1 = 150', 125 => '| alt1 = ', 126 => '| image2 = PortAdelaide1914.jpg', 127 => '| width2 = 280', 128 => '| alt2 = ', 129 => '| footer = Left: Club legend [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]] taking a mark in the [[1914 SAFL season#Week 1|1914 SAFL Semi Final]] against [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]] at [[Adelaide Oval]].<br />Right: [[1914 Port Adelaide Football Club season|Port Adelaide's undefeated 1914 SAFL premiers and Champions of Australia]] team.', 130 => '}}The following two seasons for Port Adelaide would be frustrating dropping only one game during the 1911 minor round and going undefeated the following year in 1912 only to be knocked out of contention by [[West Adelaide Football Club|West Adelaide]] both times, the second of these encounters in front of a pre war South Australian record crowd of 28,500. During the 1912 preseason, Port Adelaide travelled to Tasmania and took on a combination of players from various [[Tasmanian Football League]] (TFL) sides. The game would prove to be very competitive with Port Adelaide defeating the TFL combination 7.13 (55) to 6.6 (42).<ref>{{Cite book|title = SA Football Companion|last = Devaney|first = John|publisher = Full Points Footy's|year = 2008|isbn = |location = |page = 431}}</ref>', 131 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 132 => '|-', 133 => '| width=200 | ''[[1913 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 134 => '|-', 135 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''13''' || '''16''' || '''94'''', 136 => '|-', 137 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:FitzroyDesign.jpg|16px]] [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] || 4 || 7 || 31', 138 => '|-', 139 => '| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]]', 140 => '| colspan=3 | ', 141 => '|}During the 1913 preseason, Port Adelaide travelled back to Western Australia to play East Fremantle again with the local side winning for a second time 6.6 (42) to 4.12 (36). Despite this inauspicious preseason the club would break through in 1913, dropping only two games during the minor round and eventually defeating North Adelaide 7.12 (54) to 5.10 (40) for the SAFL premiership and [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] 13.16 (94) to 4.7 (31) for the [[1913 Championship of Australia]].', 142 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 143 => '|-', 144 => '| width=200 | ''1914 Port Adelaide vs. SAFL<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article59365634 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Mail (Adelaide)|The Mail]] |location=Adelaide |date=15 October 1914 |accessdate=9 January 2015 |page=4 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref>'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 145 => '|-', 146 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Safootballjumper.jpg|16px]] [[South Australia Australian rules football team|SAFL]] || 5 || 10 || 40', 147 => '|-', 148 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''14''' || '''14''' || '''98'''', 149 => '|-', 150 => '| Venue: [[Jubilee Oval]]', 151 => '| colspan=3 | ', 152 => '|}', 153 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 154 => '|-', 155 => '| width=200 | ''[[1914 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 156 => '|-', 157 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''9''' || '''16''' || '''70'''', 158 => '|-', 159 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:CarltonDesign.png|16px]] [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] || 5 || 6 || 36', 160 => '|-', 161 => '| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]]', 162 => '| colspan=3 | ', 163 => '|}', 164 => 'The [[1914 Port Adelaide Football Club season]] is widely regarded as one of the best in Australian rules football history. It won all its pre season matches, won all fourteen SAFL games by an average margin of 49 points and the 1914 SAFL Grand Final where it held North Adelaide to a single goal for the match 13.15 (93) to 1.8 (14). The club would then meet [[Victorian Football League|VFL]] premiers [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] on Adelaide Oval, defeating the Victorian club by 34 points to claim a record fourth Championship of Australia. At the end of 1914 season a combined team from the six other SAFL clubs played Port Adelaide and lost to the subsequently dubbed "Invincibles" by 58 points.<ref>{{Cite news|title = Championship football port adelaide invincible soundly defeat combined league team.|url = http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article105464625|newspaper = Daily Herald|date = 15 October 1914|access-date = 2015-07-13|page = 5}}</ref> Key players from this team are [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]], [[Angelo Congear]] and [[Sampson Hosking]] who all share the unique distinction of playing in three Championships of Australia together as well all taking part in South Australia's first victorious [[1911 Adelaide Carnival|Australian National Football Carnival in 1911]].<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Angelo Congear - Player Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/players/player/angelo%252Bcongear/43|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref>', 165 => '=== 1919–1949: Two World Wars, the Great Depression and post war struggles ===', 166 => '[[File:Port_Adelaide_1921.jpg|thumb|left|Port Adelaide players hold up their [[1921 SAFL season|1921 SAFL premiership]] flag]]', 167 => 'During World War I the club lost three players—William Boon, Joseph Watson and Albert Chaplin—to the war. A scaled-back competition referred to as the 'Patriotic League' was organised during wartime in which Port Adelaide won the 1916 and 1917 instalments.', 168 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 169 => '|-', 170 => '| width=200 | [[1921 SAFL Grand Final]] || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 171 => '|-', 172 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''4''' || '''8''' || '''32'''', 173 => '|-', 174 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Norwood Jumper Design.png|16px]] {{SANFL Nor}} || 3 || 6 || 24', 175 => '|-', 176 => '| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]]', 177 => '| colspan=3 | crowd: 34,000', 178 => '| colspan=3 |', 179 => '|}', 180 => 'After World War I, [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]], arguably the state's best player, was close to retiring from league football playing only 1 game in 1919 and 8 in 1920. However keen supporters of the club hoping to replicate its pre-war success raised funds and bought him a motorbike so he could commute from his farm in [[Berri, South Australia|Berri]] for the 1921 season.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Family tree. Details of William Harold OLIVER (1891-1958)|url = http://www.users.on.net/~jtpope/public/indiv/i02317.htm|website = www.users.on.net|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Oliver would captain the club to the 1921 premiership, winning his fourth in the process. In 1922 after playing only 5 league matches for the season his football career came to an end due to commitments regarding his farm and disputes regarding game compensation. His contract termination meant he was paid ₤76 of ₤100 pounds for the season making him one of the highest-paid footballers of the era.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article106671475 |title=Play and Players|newspaper=[[Daily Herald (Adelaide)|Daily Herald]] |location=Adelaide |date=4 August 1922 |accessdate=18 March 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> Shortly afterwards most of Port Adelaide's champion players from before the war started to retire and the club's performances declined.<ref name="ReferenceC">{{cite web|title = Australian Football – Port Adelaide Football Club – Stats|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/stats/Port%2BAdelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-05-22}}</ref> As was the case in the 1890s, the depression of the early 1930s hit the club hard with players moving interstate to secure employment.<ref name="ReferenceC" />', 181 => '[[File:Bob_Quinn_(Australian_footballer).jpg|left|thumb|[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] chaired off after the 1939 Grand Final win]]', 182 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 183 => '|-', 184 => '| width=200 | [[1939 SANFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 185 => '|-', 186 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''16''' || '''28''' || '''124'''', 187 => '|-', 188 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:West Torrens FC design.png|16px]] {{SANFL WT}} || 11 || 11 || 77', 189 => '|-', 190 => '| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]]', 191 => '| colspan=3 | crowd: 44,885', 192 => '| colspan=3 |', 193 => '|}', 194 => 'By the late 1930s, the economy and Port Adelaide's form both recovered and after two narrow grand final losses in 1934 and 1935 the club won premierships in 1936, 1937 and 1939. During 1939, [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]], in his third year as a player for the club, coached the team to a Grand Final win over [[West Torrens Football Club|West Torrens]]. Many Port Adelaide players also enlisted for military service during this time.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = Largs Bay Printers|year = 1991|isbn = |location = Adelaide|page = 6}}</ref> In 1941 Port Adelaide suffered its first player casualties from war since World War I with Lloyd Rudd and Jack Wade both killed on the Allies' front in France. Four more players would be killed through the war: Maxwell Carmichael, George Quinn, Christopher Johnston and Halcombe Brock.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = |year = 1991|isbn = |location = |page = 12}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2014-04-24/port-adelaide-servicemen-in-war|title =Port Adelaide servicemen in war |date = 24 April 2014 |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Agius |first = Matthew}}</ref>', 195 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 196 => '|-', 197 => '| width=200 | 1942 Wartime fundraiser || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 198 => '|-', 199 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Collingwood Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide/West Torrens''' || '''20''' || '''23''' || '''113'''', 200 => '|-', 201 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:Safootballjumper.jpg|16px]] "The Rest" || 20 || 21 || 111', 202 => '|-', 203 => '| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]]', 204 => '| colspan=3 |', 205 => '| colspan=3 |<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article48884888 |title=Port-Torrens Wins Again |newspaper=[[The Advertiser (Adelaide)|The Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=28 September 1942 |accessdate=24 January 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref>', 206 => '|}', 207 => 'Just as had happened in 1914, the league was being hit hard by player losses in World War II. Due to a lack of able men the league's eight teams were reduced to four with Port Adelaide merging with nearby West Torrens from 1942 to 1944. The joint club would play in all three Grand Finals during this period, winning the 1942 instalment but losing the 1943 and 1944 editions to the Norwood-North Adelaide combination. Normal competition resumed in 1945. After finishing his military service [[Haydn Bunton Sr.]], now a triple [[Brownlow Medal|Brownlow]] and [[Sandover Medal|Sandover]] medallist, joined the club for his final season.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://australianfootball.com/players/player/haydn%2Bbunton%2Bsnr/5255|title = Haydn Bunton Snr|date = |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Devaney|first = John}}</ref> However, despite this addition Port Adelaide was unable to regain its pre-war success and played in only one grand final for the rest of the 1940s.', 208 => '===1950–1973: Fos Williams era and Jack Oatey rivalry===', 209 => '[[File:Fos Williams 1954.jpg|thumb|200px|left|[[Fos Williams]] coached Port Adelaide to nine premierships, playing in six of them.]]', 210 => 'At the end of the 1949, having missed two finals series in a row, the Port Adelaide Football Club had become desperate to improve its on-field performances. The club's committee subsequently sought out a coach that could win the club its next premiership.', 211 => 'Eventually a decision was made which would influence the next 50 years of the Port Adelaide Football Club with [[Fos Williams|Foster Neil Williams]], a brilliant [[Follower (Australian rules football)|rover]] from West Adelaide, being appointed captain-coach of the club. Williams brought to the club a new coaching style based on success at any cost which was succinctly encapsulated in the legendary [[Port Adelaide Football Club#Club creed|club creed]] he eventually wrote in 1962. During his second season as coach in 1951, Williams led Port to their first official premiership (excluding World War II competition) for 9 seasons, defeating North Adelaide by 11 points. At the end of the 1951 season the VFL premiers Geelong visited South Australia to play the local premiers Port Adelaide on Adelaide Oval. Geelong won the match 8.14 (62) to 6.18 (54) in front of 25,000 people.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = Largs Bay Printers|year = 1991|isbn = 0959316213|location = Port Adelaide|page = 46}}</ref> Port Adelaide would make the Grand Final again in 1953 against local rivals West Torrens in what would be the Eagles last appearance before merging with Woodville. West Torrens would disappoint Port Adelaide, winning the 1953 premiership by 7 points.', 212 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 213 => '|-', 214 => '| width=200 | [[1957 SANFL Grand Final]] || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 215 => '|-', 216 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''15''' || '''15''' || '''105'''', 217 => '|-', 218 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Norwood Jumper Design.png|16px]] Norwood || 13 || 16 || 94', 219 => '|-', 220 => '| Venue: [[Football Park]]', 221 => '| colspan=3 | Crowd: 58,924', 222 => '|}', 223 => 'Port Adelaide's run of disappointment from the 1952 and 1953 seasons would prove to be short lived with the club subsequently going on to win a national record six Grand Finals in a row from 1954 to 1959. The club had a win-loss-draw record of 105-16-1 (86%) over the six-year period. During the 1950s Port Adelaide and [[Melbourne Football Club|Melbourne]], often the premiers of South Australian and Victorian leagues, played exhibition matches at [[Norwood Oval]]. The most notable game was the 1955 match with an estimated crowd of 23,000. The game being a thriller going down to the last 15 seconds with [[Frank 'Bluey' Adams|Frank Adams]] kicking a behind and sealing the game 9.11 (65) to 9.10 (64) in favour of [[Norm Smith]]'s demons.<ref name="demonwiki.org">{{cite web|url = http://demonwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=1955+Exhibition+Match+vs+Port+Adelaide|title = 1955 Exhibition Match vs Port Adelaide|date = |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url = http://demonwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=1955+Exhibition+Match+vs+Port+Adelaide|title = 1955 Exhibition Match vs Port Adelaide|date = 30 May 2014|accessdate = 2015-01-20|website = demonwiki.org|publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref> The following year Melbourne was full of praise for their cross border challenger with those in the Demons camp agreeing that "Port Adelaide could take their place in the V.F.L. competition and do themselves credit".<ref>{{Cite book|title = Port Adelaide Football Club Annual Report|last = |first = |publisher = Port Adelaide Football Club|year = 1956|isbn = |location = |page = 6}}</ref>', 224 => '[[Geof Motley]] took over the captain-coaching role at the club in 1959 when Williams left to take a break from the game. That year the club won the premiership setting a national record of sixth consecutive Grand Final victories. Port Adelaide's hope of winning 7 consecutive premierships was brought to an end in the 1960 preliminary final when Norwood won by 27 points. For the following two seasons Port Adelaide would finish third.', 225 => '{|style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 226 => '|-', 227 => '| width="200" | [[1965 SANFL Grand Final]]<br />Fos Williams ninth premiership.|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 228 => '|-', 229 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''12''' || '''8''' || '''80'''', 230 => '|-', 231 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Sturt Football Club design.png|16px]] {{SANFL Stu}} || 12 || 5 || 77', 232 => '|-', 233 => '| Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]]', 234 => '| colspan=3 | Crowd: 62,543<ref>http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1965/</ref>', 235 => '| colspan=3 |', 236 => '|}', 237 => 'Fos Williams returned in 1962 and Port Adelaide won three of the next four premierships taking his personal tally to nine and the clubs record to 10 of the last 15 premierships. The 1965 premiership, the last that Williams coached, was played in front of 62,543 people, the largest ever crowd at Adelaide Oval. In that game Port Adelaide defeat Sturt by 3 points. After the [[1965 SANFL Grand Final|1965 Grand Final]], Port Adelaide would be frustrated by the dominance of [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]], which won seven premierships over this period under the leadership of [[Jack Oatey]]. In all, despite playing in 6 of the next 10 grand finals, Port Adelaide would fail to win a premiership until 1977.', 238 => '===1974–1998: John Cahill, SANFL domination and AFL entry===', 239 => '{{multiple image', 240 => '| align = left', 241 => '| image1 = Gavin Wanganeen John Cahill 1997.jpg', 242 => '| width1 = 280', 243 => '| alt1 = ', 244 => '| image2 = ', 245 => '| width2 = 120', 246 => '| alt2 = ', 247 => '| footer = [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] with [[Gavin Wanganeen]] in 1997. They were respectively the first coach and captain of the club in the AFL.}}', 248 => 'One of Port Adelaide's finest players during the Fos Williams era was [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]. He eventually became William's [[Mentorship|protégé]] and ultimately took over as coach in 1974. In 1975 a dispute between the [[City of Port Adelaide Enfield|Port Adelaide City Council]] and the SANFL over the use of Alberton Oval forced Port Adelaide to move its home matches to Adelaide Oval for two seasons. In 1976 Cahill would subsequently take Port Adelaide to its first Grand Final under his leadership against Sturt with an official attendance of 66,897, the record for football in South Australia. The actual crowd was estimated at 80,000, much bigger than the official figure as Football Park ran out of tickets early and were forced to shut the gates 90 minutes before the bounce as people were being crushed on entry.<ref name="Norton 2013 28">{{Cite book|title = Port Adelaide Football Club – 2013 Season Guide.|last = Norton|first = Daniel|publisher = Bowden Group|year = 2013|isbn = |location = Adelaide|page = 28}}</ref> Sturt won in an upset by 41 points. In 1977 the dispute regarding Alberton Oval was resolved and the club moved back to its home ground and won that years premiership breaking an 11-year drought which at the time was Port Adelaide longest since competing in an organised football competition.', 249 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 250 => '|-', 251 => '| width=200 | [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 252 => '|-', 253 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide'''|| '''17''' || '''11''' || '''113'''', 254 => '|-', 255 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Richmond Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Glenelg Football Club|Glenelg]] || 16 || 9 || 105', 256 => '|-', 257 => '| Venue: [[Football Park]]', 258 => '| colspan=3 | Crowd: 56,717<ref>http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1977/</ref>', 259 => '| colspan=3 |', 260 => '|}', 261 => '{{quote|It has taken us a bloody long time but by gee it was worth it!|[[Russell Ebert]] during the post game award presentations of the [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]].<ref>Russell Ebert, [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]] – Port Adelaide vs. Glenelg.</ref>}}', 262 => 'The [[1980 SANFL season|1980 season]] was Port Adelaide's most dominant since 1914. All SANFL divisions of the club made finals with both the league and reserve sides winning their respective premierships. Russell Ebert won his record 4th [[Magarey Medal]]. [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] set the then-league goal kicking record of 146 goals in a season. The club provided seven players to the state league team ([[Russell Ebert|Ebert]], [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Evans]], [[Brian Cunningham|Cunningham]], [[Greg Phillips|Phillips]], [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Williams]], [[Tony Giles|Giles]] and [[Milan Faletic|Faletic]]). The club set a new record for most points scored during the whole season at 3,421 whilst also having the best defence conceding only 1,851 points. Overall Port Adelaide lost 2 games from 24 for the year.', 263 => '[[Russell Ebert]] became coach in 1983 when Cahill left to coach Collingwood for two seasons. This period saw the club fail to reach the grand final. The period also marked the rise of the VFL as Australia's premier football competition. Many SANFL players were moving to the VFL larger salaries. In 1982 the SANFL, Norwood and [[East Perth Football Club|East Perth]] all approached the VFL in regards to entering the league. All were ignored at the time.<ref name="australianfootball.com">{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port+Adelaide Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%252BAdelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Port Adelaide's report from 1982 showed that the failure of these attempts impacted the understanding of its future.<ref>'Port Adelaide Football Club Inc. Annual Report and Balance Sheet Season 1982', page 11</ref> From this point onwards the club restructured in regards to economics, public relations and on-field performance for an attempt to enter the league. There was genuine feeling that failure to do this would result in the club ceasing to exist in the future.<ref name="australianfootball.com"/> Talk of a side from South Australia entering the VFL was fast tracked in 1987 when a team from Western Australia, the [[West Coast Eagles]], and a team from [[Brisbane]], the [[Brisbane Bears]] joined the VFL. South Australia was left out as the only mainland state without a team.', 264 => 'John Cahill returned as coach for the 1988 season. During that year, one of Fos Williams sons, Anthony, was tragically killed in a building accident. The following day the club played against Norwood and managed to overcome an early deficit to win the emotional charged game. The club would go on to win the 1988 premiership.', 265 => 'In 1989 seven out of ten SANFL clubs were recording losses and the combined income of the SANFL and WAFL had dropped to 40% of that of the VFL.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Revisiting the South Australian license saga of 1991|url = http://www.theroar.com.au/2012/07/16/revisiting-the-south-australian-license-saga-of-1991/|website = The Roar|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> During early 1990 the SANFL decided to wait three years before making any further decision in regards to fielding a South Australian side in the VFL until it could be done without negatively affecting football within the state. Frustrated with lack of progress, Port Adelaide were having secret negotiations in the town of Quorn for entry in 1991.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Stateline South Australia|url = http://www.abc.net.au/stateline/sa/content/2003/s1206851.htm|website = www.abc.net.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> From these discussions Port Adelaide Football Club accepted an invitation from the VFL to join what had now become the AFL. The AFL signed a Heads of Agreement with the club in expectation that Port would enter the competition in 1991, meaning the Port Adelaide Football Club would field two teams, one in the AFL and one in the SANFL.', 266 => 'During the 1990 preseason Port Adelaide played a practice match against the Geelong at Football Park in front of 35,000 spectators with [[Gary Ablett, Sr.|Gary Ablett Snr]] and [[Gavin Wanganeen]] prominent.', 267 => 'When knowledge of Port Adelaide's negotiations to gain an AFL licence were made public, many in the SANFL saw it as an act of treachery. SANFL clubs urged Justice Olssen to make an injunction against the bid, which he agreed to.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Revisiting the South Australian license saga of 1991|url = http://www.theroar.com.au/2012/07/16/revisiting-the-south-australian-license-saga-of-1991/|website = The Roar|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The AFL suggested to the SANFL that if they didn't want Port Adelaide to join the AFL, they could put forward a counter bid to enter a composite South Australian side into the AFL. After legal action from all parties, the AFL finally agreed to accept the SANFL's bid and the [[Adelaide Football Club]] was born.<ref name="Devaney">John P. Devaney ''Full points footy: encyclopedia of Australian football clubs'' [[Lulu (company)|Lulu]], 2009 pp 400 ISBN 0-9556897-0-8</ref>', 268 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 269 => '|-', 270 => '| width=200 | [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]]<br />''Last season without AFL in SA.'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 271 => '|-', 272 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Richmond Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Glenelg Football Club|Glenelg]] || 13 || 15 || 93', 273 => '|-', 274 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''16''' || '''12''' || '''108'''', 275 => '|-', 276 => '| Venue: [[Football Park]]', 277 => '| colspan=3 | Crowd: 50,589<ref name="subiacofc.com">http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1959/</ref>', 278 => '| colspan=3 |', 279 => '|}', 280 => '{{quote|"These twenty blokes are sensational people and to our friends in the press the one thing that really matters is that there will always be a Port Adelaide Football Club."|[[George Fiacchi]] upon accepting the 1990 [[Jack Oatey Medal]] for best on ground at the [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]].<ref>George Fiacchi, [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]] – Port Adelaide vs. Glenelg, Channel 9.</ref>}}', 281 => 'The fallout from the failed bid resulted in some calling for Port Adelaide to be expelled from the SANFL.<ref name="Devaney" /> However, Port Adelaide continued to compete and continued to dominate. When the Adelaide Crows entered the AFL, SANFL attendances dropped by 14% however Port Adelaide attendances increased by 13%.<ref>1994 Port Adelaide licence promotional DVD.</ref>', 282 => 'Supporters for Port Adelaide's AFL bid included [[Kevin Sheedy (Australian footballer)|Kevin Sheedy]], [[Tom Hafey]], [[Ron Barassi]] and [[David Parkin]].<ref>Port Adelaide Football Club, AFL Bid Video, 1994.</ref> In 1994, the AFL announced it would award a second AFL licence to a South Australian club. Present at the [[1994 SANFL Grand Final|1994 Grand Final]] was AFL CEO [[Ross Oakley]] and Alan Schwab who bore witness to the clubs come from behind win against [[Woodville-West Torrens Football Club|Woodville-West Torrens]].<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-08-27/footy-park-flashbacks-7|title = Footy Park Flashbacks #7: 1994 SANFL Grand Final|date = August 27, 2013<!-- 5:18 PM-->|accessdate = |website = portadelaidefc.com.au|publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref>{{multiple image', 283 => '| align = left', 284 => '| image1 = Port_Adelaide_heads_for_the_AFL.jpg', 285 => '| width1 = 115', 286 => '| alt1 = ', 287 => '| image2 = Port_Adelaide_Power_announcment.jpg', 288 => '| width2 = 195', 289 => '| alt2 = ', 290 => '| footer = Left: Port Adelaide obtained an AFL licence in 1994 but had to wait until [[1997 AFL season|1997]] to enter.<br />Middle: Port Adelaide were still only known as the "Magpies" until the new moniker "Power" was announced live from the [[Adelaide Entertainment Center]] on 31 September 1995.}}During December 1994 Max Basher announced that Port Adelaide had won the tender for the second South Australian AFL licence.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.news.com.au/national/its-bye-bye-port-adelaide/story-e6frfkp9-1226453941613|title = It's bye bye Port Adelaide |author=Rucci, Michelangelo |date = 20 September 2012|accessdate =13 May 2015 |publisher = News Limited |work=Adelaide Advertiser}}</ref> However a licence did not guarantee entry and although a target year of 1996 was set, this was reliant upon an existing AFL club folding or merging with another. In 1996, the cash-strapped [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] announced it would merge with the Brisbane Bears to form the [[Brisbane Lions]]. A spot had finally opened and it was announced that in 1997, one year later than expected, [[Port Adelaide]] would enter the AFL.', 291 => 'Once an entry date had been confirmed, the Port Adelaide Football Club set about forming a side fit for competition in the AFL. It was announced that existing Port Adelaide coach, John Cahill would make the transition to the AFL and [[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] would take over the SANFL coaching role. Cahill then set about forming a group which would form the inaugural squad. [[Brownlow Medal]]list and 1990 Port Adelaide premiership player, [[Gavin Wanganeen]] was poached from [[Essendon Football Club|Essendon]] and made captain of a team made up of six existing Port Adelaide players, two from the Adelaide Crows, seven players from other SANFL clubs and 14 recruits from interstate. Of the 35 players on Port Adelaide's inaugural AFL list 13 had played for the club before. The AFL's father son rule for the club was set at 200 games for players before 1997. This compared to only 100 for Victorian clubs.', 292 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 293 => '|-', 294 => '| width=200 | 1997 [[West End (beer)|West End]] [[Showdown (AFL)|Showdown]] I || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 295 => '|-', 296 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Adelaide Icon.gif|16px]] [[Adelaide Crows]] || 11 || 6 || 72', 297 => '|-', 298 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Port Adelaide 1997-2009 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''11''' || '''17''' || '''83'''', 299 => '|-', 300 => '| Venue: [[Football Park]]', 301 => '| colspan=3 | Crowd: 47,265', 302 => '| colspan=3 |', 303 => '|}', 304 => 'On 29 March 1997, Port Adelaide played its first AFL premiership match against Collingwood at the MCG, suffering a 79-point defeat. Port won its first AFL game in Round 3 against Geelong, and defeated cross town rivals and eventual premiers Adelaide by 11 points in the first [[Showdown (AFL)|Showdown]] in Round 4. At the conclusion of Round 17, the side sat fifth – only one win and percentage off the top spot in what was an unusually close season – but it fell out of the finals after recording only a draw from its final five games. Port Adelaide finished its first season 9th, missing the finals on percentage behind Brisbane. The 1998 season was looking very similar to the previous year as they hovered around ninth position for most of the year and looked like a threat for finals after Round 14; but they lost six of their last eight games to finish in 10th place, with a record of 9 wins, 12 losses and 1 draw.', 305 => '===1999–2012: Mark Williams, first AFL premiership and Primus period===', 306 => '{{multiple image', 307 => '| align = left', 308 => '| image1 = Warren_tredrea.jpg', 309 => '| width1 = 142', 310 => '| alt1 = ', 311 => '| image2 = Port Adelaide 2004 Trophy.jpg', 312 => '| width2 = 135', 313 => '| alt2 = ', 314 => '| footer = Left: 2004 club leading goalkicker, [[Warren Tredrea]].<br />Right: The [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004 AFL premiership]] was Port Adelaide's first since joining the league.', 315 => '}}In 1999 [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] took over as coach of Port Adelaide. The earned a spot in the AFL finals for the first time. They were eliminated by eventual premier, North Melbourne, by 44 points in the Qualifying Final. After finishing 14th in 2000, Port Adelaide had a very successful [[2001 AFL season|2001 season]], starting with a maiden pre-season competition victory, defeating the Brisbane Lions. Port Adelaide finished their 2001 home and away season in third place with 16 wins and six losses. The club travelled to Brisbane for the Qualifying Final, losing by 32 points, then lost its home Semi Final against sixth-placed [[Hawthorn Football Club|Hawthorn]] to be eliminated. Port Adelaide started 2002 strongly, winning the pre-season competition for the second time in a row, defeating Richmond by 9 points. The side built on its success and won its first [[McClelland Trophy|AFL minor premiership]] with an 18–4 record. However, they lost to the eventual premiers, the Brisbane Lions, by 56 points in the preliminary final. Port Adelaide continued its minor round dominance in 2003 and again finished top to claim the minor premiership; however like the previous year, Port Adelaide was eliminated in the preliminary final, losing to Collingwood by 44 points.', 316 => 'Port Adelaide opened the 2004 season well with four straight wins, but then won only four of its next eight games. From Rounds 12–17, Port Adelaide turned their fortunes around and had six consecutive wins, and with five rounds remaining were equal top of the ladder with Brisbane, [[St Kilda Football Club|St Kilda]] and Melbourne.', 317 => 'After losing in Round 18 to Essendon, Port Adelaide won its remaining four games – including wins against minor premiership contender Melbourne and cross town rivals Adelaide to claim the minor premiership for the third consecutive year. Port Adelaide easily won its qualifying final against Geelong, earning a home preliminary final. Port Adelaide made it through to its first AFL grand final after defeating St Kilda in a thrilling preliminary final by just six points with Gavin Wanganeen kicking the winning goal with a minute to go.', 318 => 'The following week Port Adelaide faced a highly fancied Brisbane side attempting to win a record-equalling fourth straight AFL premiership. Only one point separated the sides at half time, however late in the third quarter Port Adelaide took the ascendency to lead by 17 points at three-quarter time, and dominated the final term to [[2004 AFL Grand Final|win by 40 points]]: 17.11 (113) to 10.13 (73). [[Byron Pickett]] was awarded with the [[Norm Smith Medal]] after being judged the best player in the match, tallying 20 disposals and kicking three goals.', 319 => '{| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;"', 320 => '|-', 321 => '| width=200 | [[2004 AFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total''', 322 => '|-', 323 => '| style="text-align:left" | [[File:AFL Port Adelaide 1997-2009 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide'''|| '''17''' || '''11''' || '''113'''', 324 => '|-', 325 => '| style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Brisbane Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Brisbane Lions]] || 10 || 13 || 73', 326 => '|-', 327 => '| Venue: [[Melbourne Cricket Ground]]', 328 => '| colspan=3 | Crowd: 77,671', 329 => '| colspan=3 |', 330 => '|}', 331 => '{{quote|"Port Adelaide are the winningest team in Australia. The old Port Adelaide have won 36 premierships, today, at the MCG, may just be their finest hour."|[[Tim Lane (journalist)|Tim Lane]]'s statement at the conclusion of the 2004 AFL Grand Final.<ref>Tim Lane, 2004 AFL Grand Final – Port Adelaide vs. Brisbane, Channel 10.</ref>}}', 332 => 'After a slow start to the 2005 season, Port finished eighth on the ladder, and defeated the Kangaroos by 87 points in the elimination final. In the semi-final, Port faced minor premiers Adelaide and lost by 83 points. [[File:Justin Westhoff (Port Adelaide Power).jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Justin Westhoff]] (pick No. 71) made his debut in the 2007 season, along with [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robert Gray]] (pick No. 55) and [[Travis Boak]] (pick No. 5).]]', 333 => 'After missing the finals in 2006 Port Adelaide made a strong recovery in 2007, and with strong performances from midfielders [[Shaun Burgoyne]] and [[Chad Cornes]] and strong debut seasons from [[Justin Westhoff]], [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robert Gray]] and [[Travis Boak]], Port Adelaide finished the minor round second on the ladder with 15-7 record. Port Adelaide started their finals campaign against the [[West Coast Eagles]] at Football Park and won by three points. That win gave Port the bye, and they easily defeated the Kangaroos in the preliminary final to win by 87 points. This win delivered Port its second Grand Final berth in four years. However, in the [[2007 AFL Grand Final|grand final]] they were defeated by Geelong by an AFL record margin of 119 points, 24.19 (163) to Port Adelaide's 6.8 (44) in a crowd of 97,302.', 334 => 'The 2008 season was disappointing one for a Port Adelaide side keen to build on its 2007 grand final appearance, dropping to 13th on the ladder and out of the finals. By 2009 Port Adelaide had accumulated a consolidated debt totaling $5.1 million and was unable to pay its players; they had lost $1.4 million the season before. Financial assistance was denied by the league, with AFL Chief Executive [[Andrew Demetriou]] saying that they would have to undergo an intensive application process and work with the [[South Australian National Football League|SANFL]], who owned Port Adelaide's AFL licence.<ref>[http://thepowerfromport.com.au/articles.php?action=view&article_id=6827&lid=6&yr=2009 It's not a snub – AFL still in the wings] TPFP 19 March 2009</ref> On 20 May, Port were handed $2.5 million in debt relief by the SANFL, and on 15 June were handed a $1 million grant by the AFL commission.<ref>[http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/77190/default.aspx Port Adelaide gets $2.5 million SANFL funding] [[Australian Football League|AFL]] 20 May 2009</ref><ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/78867/default.aspx Power AFL grant] [[Australian Football League|AFL]], 15 June 2009</ref> The SANFL had announced it would not support Port Adelaide in both the AFL and SANFL. Plans for a re-merging the two teams was rejected by the SANFL. Amidst these off-field struggles, the club finished 10th in 2009. The 2010 season would see [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] step down as senior coach marking the end of the Williams era for the club.', 335 => '{{quote|"He (Demetriou) said he could not imagine an AFL competition without Port Adelaide in it. I thought that was a really strong statement of leadership.”|[[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]] at a press conference upon the retirement of Andrew Demetriou.<ref>{{Cite news|url = http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/inquirer/and-the-big-man-flies/story-e6frg6z6-1226844136598|title = And the big man flies|last = Will Swanton|first = Courtney Walsh|date = March 4, 2014}}</ref>}}', 336 => '[[Matthew Primus]] took over as caretaker coach for Port Adelaide after [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] stood down.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/97958/default.aspx|title=Primu appointed – Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club |publisher=Portadelaidefc.com.au |date=11 July 2010 |accessdate=11 July 2010}}</ref> The club finished the 2010 season with five wins from its last seven games to finish tenth. On 9 September, [[Matthew Primus]] was appointed as the senior coach of the club for the next three years. The SANFL sought to take control of Port Adelaide in 2011. Despite underwriting $5 million of Port's debt in 2010, the takeover failed when the SANFL was unable to get a line of credit to cover Port Adelaide's future debts. The AFL announced it would underwrite $1.25 million in debt to protect its $1.25 billion television rights. AFL Chief executive [[Andrew Demetriou]], offered $9 million over the next three years to help the club, ahead of the move to the [[Adelaide Oval]]. The AFL gave the money to the SANFL with strict conditions that they give Port Adelaide three million dollars a year, for three years.<ref>{{Cite web|title = The official website of the Australian Football League - AFL.com.au|url = http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/122680/default.aspx|website = afl.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Statistically, 2011 was Port Adelaide's worst season in 141 years, finishing 16th with only three wins from 22 games. Rounds 20 and 21 saw the club lose to {{AFL Col}} and [[Hawthorn Football Club|Hawthorn]] by record margins of 138 and 165 respectively. The 2012 season was marginally better but a loss against {{AFL GWS}} resulted in senior coach [[Matthew Primus]] stepping down. Assistant coach, [[Garry Hocking]], took over for the remaining four games, with a draw in the final round against {{AFL Ric}} the best result.', 337 => '===2013–present: Ken Hinkley, Adelaide Oval return and independence ===', 338 => '[[File:Adelaide Oval, 2014.jpg|thumb|250px|In 2014 Port Adelaide returned to Adelaide Oval as its home ground for the first time since 1976]]', 339 => 'On 8 October 2012, [[Ken Hinkley]] was announced as the new senior coach of the club. This marked the first time that the club had appointed someone not associated with the club before since [[Fos Williams]] in 1950. Television personality [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] was named chairman of the club and numerous board members were replaced. The 2013 preseason also saw [[Travis Boak]] succeed [[Domenic Cassisi]] as the captain of the club.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Boak to lead new era at Port Adelaide|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-01-30/boak-becomes-69th-captain|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The club finished the home and away season 7th on the ladder, making it the first time that they had qualified for the finals since 2007. Port travelled to Melbourne to play Collingwood at the MCG in an Elimination final where they won by 24 points; they then lost to Geelong by 16 points the following week.', 340 => 'The 2014 season saw both Port Adelaide and Adelaide move their home ground from Football Park to the redeveloped Adelaide Oval. Port Adelaide signed up a record 55,715 members for the 2014 season and averaged 44,429 at home games, a 65% increase from the previous year. Port Adelaide had its best first half of an AFL season, sitting first with ten wins from eleven matches. They then won only four of their remaining eleven matches to finish fifth on the ladder. They hosted Richmond in the elimination finals, kicking the first seven goals of the game and leading by as much as 87 points before recording a 57-point victory. After defeating {{AFL Fre}} in the semi-finals the club's 2014 season ended with a three-point loss to Hawthorn in the preliminary finals.', 341 => 'With great expectation Port Adelaide started the 2015 season playing all of the year's finalists in the opening 10 rounds and entered the mid-season break with a 5-7 record. The club had a better second half of the year, recording 7-3, but would miss out on finals by one win.', 342 => 'On 11 February 2016, the mens Port Adelaide Football Club merged with the Port Adelaide Women's Football Club.', 343 => '==SANFL presence post AFL entry==', 344 => 'When the Port Adelaide Football Club entered the AFL, a new state league team was created to fill the void left by the club. The new club was now called the Port Adelaide Magpies Football Club as opposed to the original counterpart, the Port Adelaide Football Club, playing in the national competition.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port+Adelaide+Magpies Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%252BAdelaide%252BMagpies/318|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> On 20 August 2010, the "One Port Adelaide Football Club" movement was launched by former player [[Tim Ginever]] to merge the Port Adelaide Football Club and the Port Adelaide Magpies Football Club as one club. A website was created that claimed 50,000 signatures were needed for the two entities to merge. On 15 November 2010, all nine SANFL clubs and agreed that the off-field merger between the two clubs would proceed.<ref>[http://onepafc.com.au/ Stop Press! One Club has been approved! See you at Alberton Oval at 11am Tuesday 16 November! #pafc]</ref><ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/one%20pafc/tabid/16808/default.aspx One PAFC – Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club]</ref> On 10 September 2013, Port Adelaide and the SANFL agreed to a model to allow all its AFL-listed players (not selected to play for Port Adelaide in the AFL) to play for the club in the SANFL League competition. From 2015 onward, the club lost its recruiting zones and could no longer field sides in the junior SANFL competition. Port Adelaide subsequently started an Academy team composed of 18- to 22-year-olds.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Statement: Port Adelaide accepts SANFL invitation - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-09-10/statement-port-adelaide-accepts-sanfl-invitation|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref>', 345 => '== Women's teams ==', 346 => 'The Port Adelaide Women's Football Club was founded in 2003 and competes in the [[South Australian Women's Football League]]. In 2016 the club merged with the men's club with the intention of further developing the game among women in the Port Adelaide area and South Australia more generally.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Port Adelaide to field women's team in 2016 with big grassroots committment &#91;sic&#93;- portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2016-02-11/womens-footy-port-adelaide-to-field-female-team-in-2016|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|access-date = 2016-02-19}}</ref>', 347 => '==Club symbols and identity==', 348 => '===Guernsey===', 349 => 'The Port Adelaide Football Club won 32 grand finals in the "Wharf Pylon" [[Guernsey (Australian Rules Football)|guernsey]] in addition to the Champions of Australia three times. Due to the fact that AFL club Collingwood were already using the magpie emblem and "Magpies" nickname, Port Adelaide was requested by the AFL to simply find a new nickname and logo to avoid a clash.<ref>h{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article122301794 |title=Premier SA club plans AFL move. |newspaper=[[The Canberra Times]] |date=1 August 1990 |accessdate=18 March 2015 |page=38 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> However, after the unsuccessful 1990 bid, Collingwood successfully lobbied the AFL to force Port Adelaide to change not only its logo and nickname but also its guernsey and colours. In 1995, a new guernsey was created incorporating teal.', 350 => 'In May 2007 chief executive John James stated that Port Adelaide received more correspondence from its supporters about the heritage guernsey than all other issues and that the club would "fight for its heritage and what is right". Port Adelaide decided not to participate in the 2006 heritage round when the AFL declined the club's 1980s guernsey for its 80s-themed heritage round.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2007-05-01/club-statement-re-heritage-guernsey|title= Club statement re: heritage guernsey|date=1 May 2007}}</ref>', 351 => 'In 2007 the club was waiting for confirmation from the AFL that it could wear its 1970s' "Wharf Pylon" guernsey for a match against the [[Western Bulldogs]] and wanted confirmation it would be able to continue to honour its heritage in any future heritage rounds. On 14 May 2007 the AFL and Port Adelaide reached an agreement whereby the club could wear its traditional guernsey in the heritage round, with the proviso that in future seasons its players can only wear it in home heritage round games and provided that such a game is not against Collingwood.<ref>. [http://portadelaidefc.com.au/Season2007/News/NewsArticle/tabid/6038/Default.aspx?newsId=43168 "Port Adelaide to wear Black and White"] from the Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club. Retrieved 14 May 2007.</ref> No heritage rounds have been held since this agreement was reached.', 352 => '{{quote|"This team from South Australia – this Port Power – why would they pick black and white? Did the competition really need another club in navy or dark colours?".|[[Collingwood Football Club]] president [[Eddie McGuire]]'s 2003 statement regarding Port Adelaide wearing its traditional guernsey.<ref>Karen Lyon, Alan Shiell', 353 => 'and Bill McDonald, [http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/26/1053801337727.html Port, Pies in black-and-white blue], The Age.</ref>}}', 354 => 'Collingwood club president [[Eddie McGuire]] has been a vocal opponent of Port Adelaide wearing the "Wharf Pylon" guernsey, claiming that Collingwood has an exclusive right to wear black and white in the AFL, even in the heritage round.{{quote|"It should have nothing to do with Eddie McGuire and Collingwood ... I'll say that for a start."|[[Leigh Matthews]] during a discussion regarding Port Adelaide's traditional guernsey during the 2014 Elimination Final.<ref>Leigh Matthews, 2014 AFL Elimination Final – Port Adelaide vs Richmond, Channel 7.</ref>}}', 355 => 'Support for the guernsey remains extremely high with a limited batch of jumpers raising over $400,000 for the club for the one off game against Carlton in 2013.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Port to farewell AAMI in prison bars - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-04-23/port-to-farewell-aami-in-prison-bars|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The most recent instance of the club trying to wear its traditional guernsey was in celebration of 100 years since its 1914 Championship of Australia.<ref>{{Cite web|url = http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/afl/port-adelaide-denied-opportunity-to-wear-heritage-jumper-at-first-friday-night-match-at-adelaide-oval/story-fnia6ojc-1226991287562|title = Port Adelaide denied opportunity to wear heritage jumper at first friday night match at Adelaide Oval|date = July 16, 2014|accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Rucci|first = Michelangelo}}</ref> The AFL denied the club the right. There was controversy in 2014 during the lead-up to the final against Richmond when the AFL told Port Adelaide they had to wear their clash guernsey. On 2 September 2014 the AFL cleared them to use the traditional guernsey for the match.{{quote|"I've always regarded that strip that Port are wearing today as the best uniform in Australian Football".|[[Dennis Cometti]] describing Port Adelaide's traditional guernsey during the 2014 Elimination Final.<ref>Dennis Cometti, 2014 AFL Elimination Final – Port Adelaide vs Richmond, Channel 7.</ref>}}', 356 => ''''Home and Away guernsey''' - Worn in 2009 as the winning design from a competition, it became permanent in 2010.', 357 => ''''Clash guernsey''' - adopted in 2010.', 358 => ''''Traditional guernsey''' - the Wharf Pylon ("Prison Bar") guernsey was adopted in 1902 and is worn in the AFL when permitted.<gallery mode="packed">', 359 => 'File:ISC_Template_300_-_Black_Front.jpg|Home and Away', 360 => 'File:ISC_Template_300_-_White_Front.jpg|[[Away colours|Clash]]', 361 => 'File:Port_Adelaide_Magpies_Jumper.svg|[[Throwback uniform|Traditional]]', 362 => '</gallery>', 363 => '===Club songs===', 364 => 'The AFL side's victory song is "Power to Win", written for the club by Quentin Eyers and [[Cold Chisel#Band members|Les Kaczmarek]].', 365 => 'The SANFL side's victory song is "Cheer, Cheer the Black and the White", to the tune of "[[Victory March (fight song)|Notre Dame Victory March]]".', 366 => '===="Never Tear Us Apart"====', 367 => 'Since March 2014, Port Adelaide has used "[[Never Tear Us Apart]]" by the Australian band [[INXS]] as the club's unofficial anthem leading up to the opening bounce at its new home of Adelaide Oval. The song is used as a reference to the various and unique difficulties the club faced when trying to enter the AFL.', 368 => 'Port Adelaide's use of the song stemmed from a trip the club took to Anfield in November 2012 while they were in England to play an exhibition match against the Western Bulldogs.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> In light of the very positive reviews given by the club's players towards the Anfield crowd's rendition of "[[You'll Never Walk Alone]]", Matthew Richardson, Port's general manager of marketing and consumer business, along with the club's management, sought to replicate the pre-match experience they experienced at Anfield. At a meeting in mid-2013, the idea of an anthem was raised; a number of various songs were suggested, including "[[Power and the Passion (song)|Power and the Passion]]" by [[Midnight Oil]] and "Power to the People" by [[John Schumann]]. Eventually, "Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS was suggested by Port Adelaide's events manager, Tara MacLeod. It was eventually accepted, due to the fact that the song resonated with the club's history.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref>', 369 => 'Initially the song was introduced to coincide with the 60-second countdown before the start of a match, with the music playing over the top of a video montage. The song proved to be a success among the fans, with them adopting the song as well as raising scarves above their heads as the song was being sung.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> So successful was the song that by June 2014, the club were forced to print club coloured scarves with the words "Never Tear Us Apart" on them that fans would hold aloft and sing in unison prior to the start of matches.', 370 => '===Home grounds===', 371 => 'On 15 May 1880, Port Adelaide played its first match at Alberton Oval. In 1881 the decision was made by the club to start leasing the oval from the Port Adelaide Council for the sum of 10 shillings a year. Situated at the eastern end of the suburb of Alberton in Adelaide, the playing surface is surrounded by the Allan Scott club headquarters, the Robert B. Quinn MM Stand, the Fos Williams Family Stand, the Port Adelaide Bowling Club and the N.L. Williams Scoreboard. As well as the facilities facing the oval, along Queen Street there is The Port Club and The Port Store.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/alberton%20oval/tabid/8097/default.aspx |title=Alberton Oval – Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club |publisher=Portadelaidefc.com.au |accessdate=14 June 2010}}</ref>', 372 => '<gallery mode="packed">', 373 => 'File:Glanville-hall.jpg|[[Glanville, South Australia|Glanville Hall Estate]]<br /><small>'''SAFA''': 1870–1879</small>', 374 => 'File:Fos_Williams_Stand.JPG|[[Alberton Oval]]<br /><small>'''SANFL''': 1880–present<br />'''AFL (training)''': 1997–present</small>', 375 => 'File:As-east.jpg|[[Football Park]]<br /><small>'''AFL''': 1997–2013</small>', 376 => 'File:Completed_Adelaide_Oval_2014_-_cropped_and_rotated.jpg|[[Adelaide Oval]]<br /><small>'''SANFL''':1975-1976<br />'''AFL''': 2011, 2014–present</small>', 377 => '</gallery>', 378 => '===Current playing list===', 379 => '{{Port Adelaide Football Club current squad}}', 380 => '{{Port Adelaide Reserves}}', 381 => '==Corporate==', 382 => '===Administrative positions===', 383 => '* Chairman: [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]]', 384 => '* Chief executive: [[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]]', 385 => '* Football operations: [[Christopher Davies (Australian cricketer)|Chris Davies]]', 386 => '* Board members:', 387 => '** Kevin Osborn (deputy chairman)', 388 => '** Cos Cardone', 389 => '** [[George Fiacchi]]', 390 => '** Ross Haslam', 391 => '** [[Holly Ransom]]', 392 => '** Jamie Restas', 393 => '** Richard Ryan', 394 => '** Trevor Thiele', 395 => '** [[Amanda Vanstone]]', 396 => '===Current sponsors===', 397 => '====Major sponsor====', 398 => '* [[Renault]]', 399 => '* [[EnergyAustralia]]', 400 => '* Foodbank (Australia)', 401 => '====Clothing====', 402 => '* [[International Sports Clothing]]', 403 => '==China partnership==', 404 => 'On 14 April 2016, Port Adelaide announced a three-year multimillion-dollar partnership with leading Chinese property developer Shanghai Cred. Within this partnership, Port Adelaide will take primary responsibility for developing Australian rules football in [[China]]. The partnership will see Port Adelaide hold annual training camps and provide sponsorship in China, as well as producing AFL programs and broadcasting games in the country via [[China Central Television]] and other networks.{{citation needed|date=April 2016}}', 405 => '==Membership and attendance==', 406 => '{| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:center; font-size:90%; border-collapse:collapse; width:50%;"', 407 => '|- style="background:#C1D8FF;"', 408 => '! Year !! Membership !! Membership<br>Change !! Minor<br>Round !! Finals !! Home Crowd<br>Average !! Home Crowd<br>Average Change', 409 => '|-', 410 => '|1997||<center>35,809</center>||<center>N/A</center>||<center>9th</center>||'''-'''||<center>35,703</center>||<center>N/A</center>', 411 => '|-', 412 => '|1998||<center>38,305</center>||<center>{{increase}} 2,496</center>||<center>10th</center> ||'''-'''||<center>31,657</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,046</center>', 413 => '|-', 414 => '|1999||<center>37,166</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,139</center>|||<center>7th</center>||<center>'''7th'''</center>||<center>31,270</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 387</center>', 415 => '|-', 416 => '|2000||<center>34,295</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 2,871</center>||<center>14th</center>||'''-'''||<center>26,376</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,894</center>', 417 => '|-', 418 => '|2001||<center>33,296</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 999</center>||<center>3rd</center>||<center>'''5th'''</center>||<center>30,789</center>||<center>{{increase}} 4,413</center>', 419 => '|-', 420 => '|2002||<center>36,299</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,003</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''3rd'''</center>||<center>30,414</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 375</center>', 421 => '|-', 422 => '|2003||<center>36,425</center>||<center>{{increase}} 126</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''4th'''</center>|| <center>31,845</center>||<center>{{increase}} 1,431</center>', 423 => '|-', 424 => '|2004||<center>36,340</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 85</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''1st'''</center>||<center>29,877</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,968</center>', 425 => '|-', 426 => '|2005||<center>36,834</center>||<center>{{increase}} 494</center>||<center>8</center>|| <center>'''6th'''</center>||<center>32,911</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,034</center>', 427 => '|-', 428 => '|2006||<center>35,648</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,186</center>||<center>12</center>|| <center>'''-'''</center>||<center>28,546</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,365</center>', 429 => '|-', 430 => '|2007||<center>34,073</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,575</center>||<center>2</center>||<center>'''2nd'''</center>||<center>27,870</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 676</center>', 431 => '|-', 432 => '|2008||<center>34,185</center>||<center>{{increase}} 112</center>||<center>13</center>||'''-'''||<center>22,126</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 5,744</center>', 433 => '|-', 434 => '|2009||<center>30,605</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 3580</center>||<center>10</center>||'''-'''||<center>24,349</center>||<center>{{increase}} 2,223</center>', 435 => '|-', 436 => '|2010||<center>31,388</center>||<center>{{increase}} 783</center>||<center>10</center>||'''-'''||<center>24,256</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 93</center>', 437 => '|-', 438 => '|2011||<center>36,624</center>||<center>{{increase}} 5,236</center>||<center>16</center>||'''-'''||<center>23,066</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,190</center>', 439 => '|-', 440 => '|2012||<center>37,627</center>||<center>{{increase}} 1,003</center>||<center>14</center>||'''-'''||<center>19,911</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 3,155</center>', 441 => '|-', 442 => '|2013||<center>41,010</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,383</center>|| <center>7</center>||<center>'''5th'''</center>||<center>26,915</center>||<center>{{increase}} 7,004</center>', 443 => '|-', 444 => '|2014||<center>55,508</center>||<center>{{increase}} 14,498</center>|| <center>5</center> ||<center>'''3rd'''</center> ||<center>44,429</center> ||<center>{{increase}} 17,514</center>', 445 => '|-', 446 => '|2015||<center>'''60,439'''</center>||<center>{{increase}} 4,931</center>|| 9 ||'''-'''||<center>43,749</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 680 </center>', 447 => '|-', 448 => '|2016', 449 => '|60,007', 450 => '|<center>{{decrease}} 432 </center>', 451 => '|10', 452 => '|'''-'''', 453 => '|39,665', 454 => '|<center>{{decrease}} 4,048 </center>', 455 => '|}', 456 => '==Supporters==', 457 => 'The Port Adelaide Football Club has historically drawn its supporter base in and around historical working class [[Port Adelaide]]. However, this support has spread to many coastal locations in Adelaide (from [[Outer Harbor, South Australia|Outer Harbour]] down to [[West Beach, South Australia|West Beach]]), in much of the inner-Western suburbs, throughout the North-Eastern suburbs in [[City of Campbelltown (South Australia)|Campbelltown]] and [[City of Tea Tree Gully|Tea Tree Gully]], in many of the Southern suburbs (such as [[Aberfoyle Park]] and [[Flagstaff Hill, South Australia|Flagstaff Hill]]), as well as throughout the [[Adelaide Hills]] and country South Australia.', 458 => 'After historically being the largest football club in South Australia, Port Adelaide has reemerged as one of the largest sporting organisations in Australia, with over 60,000 members and an average attendance nearing 45,000 in 2015.', 459 => '===Supporter groups===', 460 => 'Port Adelaide has many [[supporter groups]], with every state or territory containing at least one supporter group. In addition, many country towns within South Australia have their own supporter group, many of which travel to both home and away games.<ref>{{cite web|title = Port Adelaide Supporter Groups - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/supporters/official-supporter-groups|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-07-11}}</ref>', 461 => '* Port Adelaide Cheer Squad', 462 => '* Outer Army', 463 => '* Alberton Crowd', 464 => '* Interstate Groups', 465 => '===Number 1 ticket holders===', 466 => '====Current====', 467 => '* [[Hugh Sheridan]] – Australian actor and singer.', 468 => '====Former====', 469 => '* [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] – [[Seven Network]]'s ''[[Sunrise (TV program)|Sunrise]]'' co-host, current club chairman.<ref>[http://www.thepowerfromport.com.au/articles.php?action=view&article_id=6537&lid=6&yr=2009 Joint No.1 Ticket Holders thepowerfromport.com.au 30 January 2008]</ref>', 470 => '* [[Stuart O'Grady]] – Australian professional road bicycle racer.<ref>[http://www.theage.com.au/news/sport/riding-the-rollercoaster/2008/01/01/1198949817491.html Riding the roller-coaster] ''[[The Age]]'' 2 January 2008</ref>', 471 => '* [[Teresa Palmer]] – Australian model and actress.<ref>[http://portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/default.aspx?newsid=71576 Teresa Palmer Power's No. 1] AFL News 30 January 2008</ref>', 472 => '* [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] – Former Port Adelaide player.<ref>[http://portadelaidefc.com.au/tabid/6038/default.aspx?newsid=67573 Bob Quinn 1915–2008] Official website of the Port Adelaide Football Club, 12 September 2008</ref>', 473 => '* [[Tony Santic]] – Owner of [[Makybe Diva]].<ref>[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-143684449/diva-trainer-port-no.html AFL: Diva trainer Port's No.1 fan] 24 March 2006</ref>', 474 => '====Notable followers====', 475 => '* [[Jimmy Barnes]] - Australian Rock and Roll Legend<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/subscribe/news/1/index.html?sourceCode=AAWEB_WRE170_a&mode=premium&dest=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/afl/expert-opinion/graham-cornes/graham-cornes-crows-have-tough-battle-to-match-powers-pregame-hype/news-story/f82fc8d7e826c181ad444797426619cc&memtype=anonymous|title=Tall order for Crows to match Power’s pre-game hype|last=Cornes|first=Graham|date=|work=|access-date=|via=}}</ref>', 476 => '* [[Donald Bradman|Sir Donald Bradman]] – Australian cricketer.<ref>{{Cite book|title = 100 Years with the Magpies: The Story of the Port Adelaide Football Club 1870-1970|last = McLean|first = Allan Robert|publisher = Port Adelaide Football Club|year = 1971|isbn = |location = |pages = Foreword}}</ref>', 477 => '* [[Darren Cahill]] – Australian professional tennis player/coach and son of [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]].', 478 => '* [[Dean Canto]] – Australian professional touring car driver.', 479 => '* [[Ben Folds]] - Musician<ref name="foxsports.com.au">{{cite web|last1=Beveridge|first1=Riley|title=Your AFL club’s most famous supporters, from Barack Obama to Cam Newton|url=http://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/your-afl-clubs-most-famous-supporters-from-barack-obama-to-cam-newton/news-story/03eb54659866d587cf9c2cc4b9f3d8c5|website=Fox Sports|accessdate=29 January 2016}}</ref> ', 480 => '* [[Hugh Jackman]] - Australian actor<ref name="foxsports.com.au"/> ', 481 => '* [[Thanasi Kokkinakis]] – Australian professional tennis player<ref>http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/pain-and-plenty-of-gain-for-port-adelaide-in-extreme-heat-says-jackson-trengove/story-fni5f9de-1226802681544</ref>', 482 => '* [[Anna Meares]] – Australian gold medal track cyclist.<ref>http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/cycling-champion-anna-meares-flies-the-flag-for-power/story-fni5f9de-1226716425235</ref>', 483 => '* [[Jason Momoa]] – American/Hawaiian actor and writer<ref>http://satedanbadass.tumblr.com/post/97447157305/george-mountzouris-georgemount-4-min-jason</ref>', 484 => '* [[Stuart O'Grady]] - former cyclist<ref name="foxsports.com.au"/> ', 485 => '* [[Erin Phillips]] – Australian professional basketball player and daughter of former player [[Greg Phillips]]', 486 => '* [[Roger Rasheed]] – Australian professional tennis player/coach.<ref>http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/tennis/roger-rasheed8217s-power-and-passion/story-fnii0pkt-1226660627324</ref>', 487 => '* [[MC Pressure|Daniel Smith]] – Member of Australian hip-hop group [[Hilltop Hoods|The Hilltop Hoods]].<ref>http://www.littleheroesfoundation.com.au/lib/pdf/MC.pdf</ref>', 488 => '* [[Michael Turtur]] - Australian gold medal track cyclist.<ref>1984 SANFL Grand Final, ABC, Olympic Athlete parade lap.</ref>', 489 => '* [[Travis Head]] – Australian cricketer.', 490 => '==Club honour boards==', 491 => '{{Main article|List of Port Adelaide Football Club players}}', 492 => '===Honour roll===', 493 => '{| class="wikitable"', 494 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 495 => '! colspan="10" | Port Adelaide Football Club Honour Roll', 496 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 497 => '! colspan="10" | Interclub Matches', 498 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 499 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year'''', 500 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position'''', 501 => '!', 502 => '{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}}', 503 => '!{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage PF/PA (Includes finals/League results only)}}', 504 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman'''', 505 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive'''', 506 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach'''', 507 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain'''', 508 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest'''', 509 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker'''', 510 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 511 => '| 1870||3', 512 => '|0-1-2', 513 => '|50', 514 => '||[[John Hart Jr. (Australian politician)|John Hart Jr.]]', 515 => '|| Richard Leicester ||[[John Wald (Australian footballer)|John Wald]]||John Wald<br />George Dale||John Wald', 516 => '||John Wald (2)', 517 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 518 => '| 1871||3', 519 => '|1-2-1', 520 => '|0', 521 => '||John Hart Jr.', 522 => '|| George Ireland', 523 => '||Fred Stone||Fred Stone||Fred Stone||{{N/a}}', 524 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 525 => '| 1872||2 (Runner Up)', 526 => '|0-1-2', 527 => '|0||John Hart Jr.', 528 => '|| George Ireland', 529 => '||George Middleton||George Middleton||{{N/a}}||{{N/a}}', 530 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 531 => '| [[1873 South Australian football season|1873]]||2 (Runner Up)', 532 => '|1-2-0', 533 => '|25||John Hart Jr.', 534 => '|| F.Ireland', 535 => '||H.Sparnon||H.Sparnon<br />George Middleton||Samuel Tyzack||Samuel Tyzack (1)', 536 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 537 => '| [[1874 South Australian football season|1874]]||2 (Runner Up)', 538 => '|2-3-1', 539 => '|100', 540 => '|| John Hart Jr. || F.Ireland', 541 => '||John Rann||John Rann<br />Charles Wells||{{N/a}}||{{N/a}}', 542 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 543 => '| [[1875 South Australian football season|1875]]||2 (Runner Up)', 544 => '|3-3-1', 545 => '|140', 546 => '|| John Hart Jr. || F.Ireland', 547 => '||Robert Sandilands||Robert Sandilands||Henry Ford||Henry Ford (2)<br />Warren (2)', 548 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 549 => '| [[1876 South Australian football season|1876]]||5', 550 => '|2-6-0', 551 => '|38', 552 => '|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells', 553 => '||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Ernest LeMessurier||Samuel Tyzack (1)<br />John Rann (1)<br />E.LeMessurier (1)', 554 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 555 => '! colspan="10" | South Australian Football Association era', 556 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 557 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year'''', 558 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position'''', 559 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;" |{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}}', 560 => '!{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}}', 561 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman'''', 562 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive'''', 563 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach'''', 564 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain'''', 565 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest'''', 566 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker'''', 567 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 568 => '| [[1877 SAFA season|1877]]||4', 569 => '|9-4-2', 570 => '|177|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells', 571 => '||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||[[Thomas Smith (Australian footballer)|Thomas Smith]]||Alfred LeMessurier (5)', 572 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 573 => '| [[1878 SAFA season|1878]]||2 ([[1878 SAFA season|Runner Up]])', 574 => '|5-2-4', 575 => '|400|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells', 576 => '||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Thomas Smith||E.LeMessurier (3)<br />Joseph Carter (3)', 577 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 578 => '| [[1879 SAFA season|1879]]||2 ([[1879 SAFA season|Runner Up]])', 579 => '|5-2-2', 580 => '|183|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells', 581 => '||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Thomas Smith||E.LeMessurier (4)', 582 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 583 => '| [[1880 SAFA season|1880]]||6', 584 => '|3-3-5', 585 => '|89|| John Formby || J.W.Channon', 586 => '||J.A.Atkins||J.A.Atkins<br />Joseph Carter||Jack Sidoli||E.LeMessurier (3)', 587 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 588 => '| [[1881 SAFA season|1881]]||5', 589 => '|2-6-5', 590 => '|43|| John Formby || E.LeMessurrier<br />Joseph Carter', 591 => '||J.H.Sandilands||William Fletcher<br />J.H.Sandilands||Jack Sidoli||Henry Watt (6)', 592 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 593 => '| [[1882 SAFA season|1882]]||3', 594 => '|7-7-0', 595 => '|157|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier', 596 => '||Charles Kellett||Charles Kellett||James Munro||George Slatter (6)', 597 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 598 => '| [[1883 SAFA season|1883]]||2 ([[1883 SAFA season|Runner Up]])', 599 => '|7-5-2', 600 => '|114|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier', 601 => '||Nowell Turpenny||Ernest Le Messurier<br />Nowell Turpenny||Robert Kirkpatrick||James Litchfield (13)*', 602 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 603 => '| [[1884 SAFA season|1884]]||'''1 ([[1884 SAFA season|Premiers]])'''', 604 => '|11-2-2', 605 => '|252|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier', 606 => '||Nowell Turpenny||Nowell Turpenny||Charles Kellett<br />George Cairns||Robert Roy (25)*', 607 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 608 => '| [[1885 SAFA season|1885]]||3', 609 => '|6-8-1', 610 => '|120|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier', 611 => '||Nowell Turpenny||Nowell Turpenny<br />Charles Kellett||Michael Coffee||Robert Roy (13)', 612 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 613 => '| [[1886 SAFA season|1886]]||4 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small>', 614 => '|3-11-1', 615 => '|64|| John Formby || James Litchfield', 616 => '||[[Jack McGargill]]||William Bushby||Charlie Fry||Michael Coffee (6)', 617 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 618 => '| [[1887 SAFA season|1887]]||2 ([[1887 SAFA season|Runner Up]])', 619 => '|12-3-2', 620 => '|239|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier', 621 => '||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||William Bushby<br />Richard Walsh||Alfred Bushby (22)', 622 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 623 => '| [[1888 SAFA season|1888]]||2 ([[1888 SAFA season|Runner Up]])', 624 => '|14-2-1', 625 => '|280|| John Formby || John Sweeney', 626 => '||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||[[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harold Phillips]]||Harold Phillips (24)', 627 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 628 => '| [[1889 SAFA season|1889]]||2 ([[1889 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 629 => '|14-3-1', 630 => '|385|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank', 631 => '||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||Goody Hamilton||Charlie Fry (32)*', 632 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 633 => '| [[1890 SAFA season|1890]]||'''1 ([[1890 SAFA season|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1890 Championship of Australia|Champions of Australia]]'''', 634 => '|16-2-0', 635 => '|388|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank', 636 => '||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Charlie Fry||John Mckenzie (54)*', 637 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 638 => '| [[1891 SAFA season|1891]]||2 ([[1891 SAFA season|Runner Up]])', 639 => '|12-4-0', 640 => '|288|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank<br />Alfred Bushby', 641 => '||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Harold Phillips||John Mckenzie (37)', 642 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 643 => '| [[1892 SAFA season|1892]]||2 ([[1892 SAFA season|Runner Up]])', 644 => '|11-4-1', 645 => '|193|| John Formby || John Sweeney', 646 => '||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Harold Phillips||Alexander McKenzie (43)', 647 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 648 => '| [[1893 SAFA season|1893]]||3', 649 => '|10-6-2', 650 => '|202|| John Cleave || John Sweeney', 651 => '||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Walter Murray<br />Harold Phillips||Alexander McKenzie (59)', 652 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 653 => '| [[1894 SAFA season|1894]]||3', 654 => '|9-9-0', 655 => '|114|| John Cleave || John Sweeney', 656 => '||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Alfred Miers||Alexander McKenzie (36)', 657 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 658 => '| [[1895 SAFA season|1895]]||3', 659 => '|8-7-1', 660 => '|141|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney', 661 => '||Jack McGargill||Alfred Miers||Oscar L'estage||Alexander McKenzie (25)', 662 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 663 => '| [[1896 SAFA season|1896]]||5 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small>', 664 => '|4-13-1', 665 => '|69|| W.Fisher<br />[[Charles Tucker (mayor)|Charles Tucker]]', 666 => '|| H.W.Hills', 667 => '||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||George Linklater||Adam Lees (19)', 668 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 669 => '! colspan="10" |Modern scoring system adopted', 670 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 671 => '| [[1897 SAFA season|1897]]||'''1 ([[1897 SAFA season|Premiers]])'''', 672 => '|14-2-1', 673 => '|266|| W.Fisher<br />Charles Tucker', 674 => '|| H.W.Hills', 675 => '||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Ken McKenzie||Adam Lees (26)*', 676 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 677 => '! colspan="10" |First regular SAFA Grand Finals held', 678 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 679 => '| [[1898 SAFA season|1898]]||2 ([[1898 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 680 => '|12-6-0', 681 => '|199|| W.Fisher || H.W.Hills<br />John Sweeney', 682 => '||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||[[Archibald Hosie]]||William Stark (31)', 683 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 684 => '| [[1899 SAFA season|1899]]||3', 685 => '|9-5-0', 686 => '|155|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney', 687 => '||Jack McGargill||Harold Phillips||[[Stan Malin]]||William Stark (13)', 688 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 689 => '| [[1900 SAFA season|1900]]||6 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small>', 690 => '|2-12-0', 691 => '|66|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney', 692 => '||Jack McGargill||Harold Phillips||Jack Quinn||Hedley Tompkins (16)', 693 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 694 => '! colspan="10" |Federation of Australia', 695 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 696 => '| [[1901 SAFA season|1901]]||2 ([[1901 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 697 => '|12-7-0', 698 => '|131|| Robert Cruickshank || John Sweeney', 699 => '||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie', 700 => '||Ted Strawns||Jack Quinn (27)', 701 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 702 => '| [[1902 SAFA season|1902]]||3 ([[1902 SAFA season|Disqualified by SAFA]])', 703 => '|10-2-0', 704 => '|198|| [[William Mattinson]] || John Sweeney', 705 => '||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie', 706 => '||Lewis Corston||Matthew Healy (25)', 707 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 708 => '| [[1903 SAFA season|1903]]||'''1 ([[1903 SAFA Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 709 => '|12-2-1', 710 => '|248|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney', 711 => '||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie', 712 => '||Jimmy Tompkins||Jimmy Tompkins (40)', 713 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 714 => '| [[1904 SAFA season|1904]]||2 ([[1904 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 715 => '|10-3-1', 716 => '|173|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney', 717 => '||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie<br />Jack Quinn||Lewis Corston||Jimmy Tompkins (28)', 718 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 719 => '| [[1905 SAFA season|1905]]||2 ([[1905 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 720 => '|11-2-1', 721 => '|170|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney', 722 => '||Jack McGargill||Jack Quinn||Jack Quinn||James Mathison (30)*', 723 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 724 => '| [[1906 SAFA season|1906]]||'''1 ([[1906 SAFA Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 725 => '|12-2-0', 726 => '|213|| William Mattinson || James Hodge', 727 => '||Jack McGargill||Jack Fletcher<br />Lewis Corston||Ted Strawns||James Mathison (42)*', 728 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 729 => '! colspan="10" | South Australian Football League era', 730 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 731 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year'''', 732 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position'''', 733 => '!{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}}', 734 => '!{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}}', 735 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman'''', 736 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive'''', 737 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach'''', 738 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain'''', 739 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest'''', 740 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker'''', 741 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 742 => '| [[1907 SAFL season|1907]]||2 ([[1907 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 743 => '|11-4-0', 744 => '|192|| William Mattinson || James Hodge', 745 => '||Jack McGargill||Lewis Corston||[[Jack Mack]]||Jack Quinn (32)*', 746 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 747 => '| [[1908 SAFL season|1908]]||3', 748 => '|8-5-0', 749 => '|137||William Mattinson || James Hodge', 750 => '|| Jack McGargill', 751 => '||Ted Strawns<br />[[Mick Donaghy]]||James Dickson||James Mathison (33)*', 752 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 753 => '| [[1909 SAFL season|1909]]||2 ([[1909 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 754 => '|9-5-0', 755 => '|134|| William Mattinson || James Hodge', 756 => '||Archibald Hosie||Mick Donaghy||James Dickson||[[Angelo Congear]] (12)', 757 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 758 => '| [[1910 SAFL season|1910]]||'''1 ([[1910 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1910 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]'''', 759 => '|14-2-0', 760 => '|150|| William Mattinson || James Hodge', 761 => '||Archibald Hosie||Jack Woollard||[[Sampson Hosking]]||[[Frank Hansen (Australian footballer)|Frank Hansen]] (46)', 762 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 763 => '| [[1911 SAFL season|1911]]||2 ([[1911 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 764 => '|12-3-0', 765 => '|171|| Robert Cruickshank || James Hodge', 766 => '||Mick Donaghy<br />Jack Woollard||George Dempster||[[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]]||Frank Hansen (41)*', 767 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 768 => '| [[1912 SAFL season|1912]]||2 ([[1912 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 769 => '|12-2-0', 770 => '|205|| Robert Cruickshank || James Hodge', 771 => '||Sampson Hosking||Cliff Cocks<br />Sampson Hosking||Harold Oliver||Frank Hansen (37)*', 772 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 773 => '| [[1913 SAFL season|1913]]||'''1 ([[1913 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1913 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]'''', 774 => '|12-2-0', 775 => '|160|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge', 776 => '||[[Jack Londrigan]]||Jack Londrigan||Harry Eaton||Frank Hansen (39)*', 777 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 778 => '| [[1914 SAFL season|1914]]||'''1 ([[1914 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1914 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]'''', 779 => '|14-0-0', 780 => '|209|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge', 781 => '||Jack Londrigan||Jack Londrigan||[[Jack Ashley (footballer)|Jack Ashley]]||Jack Dunn (33)*', 782 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 783 => '| [[1915 SAFL season|1915]]||2 ([[1915 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 784 => '|9-4-1', 785 => '|175|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge', 786 => '||Alexander McFarlane||Alexander McFarlane||Harry Eaton||[[Angelo Congear]] (21)', 787 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 788 => '! colspan="10" | Play suspended due to World War I', 789 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 790 => '| [[1919 SAFL season|1919]]||4', 791 => '|6-6-1', 792 => '|127|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler', 793 => '||[[Frank Hansen (Australian footballer)|Frank Hansen]]||Horrie Pope<br />Alexander McFarlane||Jack Ashley||Len Lackman (26)*', 794 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 795 => '| [[1920 SAFL season|1920]]||3', 796 => '|8-5-0', 797 => '|119|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler', 798 => '||Frank Hansen||John Robertson<br />Albert Olds||[[Charlie Adams (Australian footballer)|Charlie Adams]]||Eric Dewar (24)', 799 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 800 => '| [[1921 SAFL season|1921]]||'''1 ([[1921 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 801 => '|13-4-0', 802 => '|182|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler', 803 => '||Sampson Hosking', 804 => '||Harold Oliver||Charlie Adams||[[Maurice Allingham (Australian Footballer)|Maurice Allingham]] (43)', 805 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 806 => '| [[1922 SAFL season|1922]]||5', 807 => '|7-7-0', 808 => '|101|| Herbert Skipper || Charles Tyler', 809 => '||Samuel Howie', 810 => '||Samuel Howie||Clement Dayman||Maurice Allingham (47)', 811 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 812 => '| [[1923 SAFL season|1923]]||7', 813 => '|5-9-0', 814 => '|99|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie', 815 => '||Clement Dayman<br />', 816 => '||Clement Dayman||[[Les Dayman]]||Maurice Allingham (42)', 817 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 818 => '| [[1924 SAFL season|1924]]||4', 819 => '|9-6-0', 820 => '|121|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie', 821 => '||[[Archibald Hosie]]||[[Clifford Keal]]||Les Dayman||Maurice Allingham (28)', 822 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 823 => '| [[1925 SAFL season|1925]]||3', 824 => '|10-5-0', 825 => '|127|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie', 826 => '||Archibald Hosie||Clifford Keal||[[Peter Bampton]]||[[Harold Logan (Australian footballer)|Harold Logan]] (56)', 827 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 828 => '| [[1926 SAFL season|1926]]||3', 829 => '|10-5-0', 830 => '|123|| Percival Cherry || Alexander McKelvie', 831 => '||Maurice Allingham||Maurice Allingham||Laurie Hodge||Harold Logan (36)', 832 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 833 => '! colspan="10" | South Australian National Football League era', 834 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 835 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year'''', 836 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position'''', 837 => '!{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}}', 838 => '!{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}}', 839 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman'''', 840 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive'''', 841 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach'''', 842 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain'''', 843 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest'''', 844 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker'''', 845 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 846 => '| [[1927 SANFL season|1927]]||3', 847 => '|10-8-0', 848 => '|118|| Percival Cherry || [[Charles Hayter (secretary)|Charles Hayter]]', 849 => '||Sampson Hosking||[[Peter Bampton]]||[[Clifford Keal]]||Harold Logan (66)', 850 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 851 => '| [[1928 SANFL season|1928]]||'''1 ([[1928 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 852 => '|15-4-0', 853 => '|119|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 854 => '||Sampson Hosking||[[Victor Johnson (footballer)|Victor Johnson]]||[[Les Dayman]]||[[Les Dayman]] (41)', 855 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 856 => '| [[1929 SANFL season|1929]]||2 ([[1929 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 857 => '|15-5-0', 858 => '|156|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 859 => '||Sampson Hosking||Victor Johnson||Ernest Mucklow||Les Dayman (86)*', 860 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 861 => '| [[1930 SANFL season|1930]]||2 ([[1930 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 862 => '|12-7-1', 863 => '|116|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 864 => '||Sampson Hosking||Victor Johnson||Victor Johnson||Les Dayman (89)', 865 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 866 => '| [[1931 SANFL season|1931]]||3', 867 => '|14-5-0', 868 => '|127|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 869 => '||Sampson Hosking', 870 => '||Victor Johnson||Maurice Allingham||Les Dayman (70)', 871 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 872 => '| [[1932 SANFL season|1932]]||4', 873 => '|10-8-0', 874 => '|99|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter', 875 => '||[[Sydney Ween]]||Sydney Ween||Ernest Mucklow||[[Ned Hender (Australian footballer)|Ned Hender]] (55)', 876 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 877 => '| [[1933 SANFL season|1933]]||5', 878 => '|9-7-1', 879 => '|104|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter', 880 => '||Henry Dewar||Sydney Ween||[[Jack Dermody]]||Ned Hender (48)', 881 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 882 => '| [[1934 SANFL season|1934]]||2 ([[1934 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 883 => '|11-7-1', 884 => '|121|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter', 885 => '||Len Ashby||Victor Johnson||[[Albert Hollingworth]]||Jim Prideaux (73)', 886 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 887 => '| [[1935 SANFL season|1935]]||2 ([[1935 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 888 => '|13-6-0', 889 => '|125|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter', 890 => '||Len Ashby||Robert Johnson||Jack Dermody||Jim Prideaux (95)', 891 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 892 => '| [[1936 SANFL season|1936]]||'''1 ([[1936 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 893 => '|16-4-0', 894 => '|127|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter', 895 => '||Sampson Hosking||Jack Dermody||Albert Hollingworth||Jim Prideaux (86)', 896 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 897 => '| [[1937 SANFL season|1937]]||'''1 ([[1937 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 898 => '|15-4-0', 899 => '|131|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 900 => '||Sampson Hosking||Jack Dermody||[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Robert Quinn]]||Robert Quinn (51)', 901 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 902 => '| [[1938 SANFL season|1938]]||2 ([[1938 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 903 => '|12-8-0', 904 => '|118|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 905 => '||Sampson Hosking||[[Ned Hender (Australian footballer)|Ned Hender]]||Robert Quinn', 906 => '||[[Albert Hollingworth]] (45)', 907 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 908 => '| [[1939 SANFL season|1939]]||'''1 ([[1939 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 909 => '|15-4-0', 910 => '|126|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 911 => '||Robert Quinn', 912 => '||Robert Quinn', 913 => '||[[Allan Reval]]||Howard Abbott (49)', 914 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 915 => '| [[1940 SANFL season|1940]]||3', 916 => '|14-5-0', 917 => '|118|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 918 => '||Robert Quinn<br />Allan Reval||Robert Quinn<br />Allan Reval||[[Reginald Schumann]]||[[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]] (47)', 919 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 920 => '| [[1941 SANFL season|1941]]||4', 921 => '|11-6-1', 922 => '|106|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 923 => '||Allan Reval||Allan Reval', 924 => '||Jack Skelley||Allan McLean (62)', 925 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 926 => '! colspan="10" | Temporary geographical merger with West Torrens during World War II', 927 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 928 => '| [[1942 SANFL season|1942]]||'''1 ([[1942 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 929 => '|', 930 => '||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 931 => '||Sampson Hosking||[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw (42)<br /><small>(West Torrens)</small>', 932 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 933 => '| [[1943 SANFL season|1943]]||2 ([[1943 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 934 => '|', 935 => '||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 936 => '||Sampson Hosking||Llewellyn Roberts||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw<br /><small>(West Torrens)</small>', 937 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 938 => '| [[1944 SANFL season|1944]]||2 ([[1944 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 939 => '|', 940 => '||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 941 => '||Sampson Hosking||Llewellyn Roberts||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw (69)<small><br />(West Torrens)</small>', 942 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 943 => '! colspan="10" | Competition returns to unaligned teams', 944 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 945 => '| [[1945 SANFL season|1945]]||2 ([[1945 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 946 => '|16-3-0', 947 => '|133', 948 => '|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 949 => '||[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Robert Quinn]]||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn (51)', 950 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 951 => '| [[1946 SANFL season|1946]]||2 ([[1946 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 952 => '|13-7-0', 953 => '|121|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 954 => '||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]||Ken Jolly (46)', 955 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 956 => '| [[1947 SANFL season|1947]]||3', 957 => '|14-5-0', 958 => '|131|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter', 959 => '||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Allan McLean (80)*', 960 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 961 => '| [[1948 SANFL season|1948]]||7', 962 => '|4-13-0', 963 => '|86|| Percival Cherry || Charles Hayter<br />[[Les Dayman]]', 964 => '||Llewellyn Roberts||Llewellyn Roberts||[[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]]||Allan McLean (48)', 965 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 966 => '| [[1949 SANFL season|1949]]||6', 967 => '|7-10-0', 968 => '|94|| Percival Cherry || [[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]]', 969 => '||Jack McCarthy||[[Reginald Schumann]]||Richard Russell||[[Lloyd Zucker]] (51)', 970 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 971 => '| [[1950 SANFL season|1950]]||3', 972 => '|13-6-0', 973 => '|113|| Walter Baudinet || Allan McLean', 974 => '||[[Fos Williams]]||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Fos Williams (40)', 975 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 976 => '| [[1951 SANFL season|1951]]||'''1 ([[1951 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 977 => '|19-1-0', 978 => '|156|| Walter Baudinet || Allan McLean', 979 => '||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Richard Russell', 980 => '||Noel Clark (37)', 981 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 982 => '| [[1952 SANFL season|1952]]||3', 983 => '|13-6-0', 984 => '|149||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 985 => '|| Fos Williams', 986 => '||Fos Williams||[[Ray Whitaker]]|| [[Roger Clift (Australian footballer)|Roger Clift]] (26)', 987 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 988 => '| [[1953 SANFL season|1953]]||2 ([[1953 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 989 => '|16-5-0', 990 => '|144', 991 => '|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 992 => '||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Harold McDonald (footballer)|Harold McDonald]]||[[Ray Whitaker]] (35)', 993 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 994 => '| [[1954 SANFL season|1954]]||'''1 ([[1954 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 995 => '|17-3-0', 996 => '|147|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 997 => '||Fos Williams||Fos Williams|| [[Roger Clift (Australian footballer)|Roger Clift]]||Tom Garland (44)', 998 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 999 => '| [[1955 SANFL season|1955]]||'''1 ([[1955 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1000 => '|15-5-0', 1001 => '|132|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1002 => '||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Fos Williams]] (35)', 1003 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1004 => '| [[1956 SANFL season|1956]]||'''1 ([[1956 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1005 => '|19-1-0', 1006 => '|187|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1007 => '||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]]||[[Rex Johns (Australian footballer)|Rex Johns]] (70)*', 1008 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1009 => '| [[1957 SANFL season|1957]]||'''1 ([[1957 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1010 => '|17-2-1', 1011 => '|170|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1012 => '||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]]||Rex Johns (77)', 1013 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1014 => '| [[1958 SANFL season|1958]]||'''1 ([[1958 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1015 => '|18-3-0', 1016 => '|146|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1017 => '||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Geof Motley]]||Rex Johns (55)*', 1018 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1019 => '| [[1959 SANFL season|1959]]||'''1 ([[1959 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1020 => '|19-2-0', 1021 => '|160|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1022 => '||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||[[Wally Dittmar]] (74)*', 1023 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1024 => '| [[1960 SANFL season|1960]]||3', 1025 => '|14-6-0', 1026 => '|148||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1027 => '||Geof Motley', 1028 => '||Geof Motley||Neville Hayes||Wally Dittmar (69)*', 1029 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1030 => '| [[1961 SANFL season|1961]]||3', 1031 => '|15-6-0', 1032 => '|141||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1033 => '||Geof Motley', 1034 => '||Geof Motley||[[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]]||Rex Johns (54)', 1035 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1036 => '| [[1962 SANFL season|1962]]||'''1 ([[1962 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1037 => '|19-2-0', 1038 => '|156|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1039 => '||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||[[Peter Obst]]||Rex Johns (76)', 1040 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1041 => '| [[1963 SANFL season|1963]]||'''1 ([[1963 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1042 => '|15-7-0', 1043 => '|152|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1044 => '||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||Rex Johns (54)*', 1045 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1046 => '| [[1964 SANFL season|1964]]||2 ([[1964 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 1047 => '|18-4-0', 1048 => '|183|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1049 => '||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Jeffrey Potter||Jeffrey Potter (30)', 1050 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1051 => '| [[1965 SANFL season|1965]]||'''1 ([[1965 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1052 => '|19-3-0', 1053 => '|129|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1054 => '||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||[[Eric Freeman (cricketer)|Eric Freeman]] (74)', 1055 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1056 => '| [[1966 SANFL season|1966]]||2 ([[1966 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 1057 => '|15-7-0', 1058 => '|143|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1059 => '||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||[[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]||Eric Freeman (81)*', 1060 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1061 => '| [[1967 SANFL season|1967]]||2 ([[1967 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 1062 => '|16-7-0', 1063 => '|134|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1064 => '||Fos Williams||John Cahill||Jeffrey Potter||Eric Freeman (74)', 1065 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1066 => '| [[1968 SANFL season|1968]]||2 ([[1968 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 1067 => '|16-7-0', 1068 => '|139|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1069 => '||Fos Williams||John Cahill||John Cahill||[[Russell Ebert]] (44)', 1070 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1071 => '| [[1969 SANFL season|1969]]||6', 1072 => '|9-11-0', 1073 => '|92||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1074 => '|| Fos Williams', 1075 => '||John Cahill||Jeffrey Potter||Mark Dittmar (28)', 1076 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1077 => '| [[1970 SANFL season|1970]]||3', 1078 => '|17-4-1', 1079 => '|150', 1080 => '||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1081 => '|| Fos Williams', 1082 => '||John Cahill||John Cahill||Eric Freeman (75)', 1083 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1084 => '| [[1971 SANFL season|1971]]||2 ([[1971 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 1085 => '|17-7-0', 1086 => '|138|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1087 => '||Fos Williams||John Cahill||[[Russell Ebert]]||Eric Freeman (50)', 1088 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1089 => '| [[1972 SANFL season|1972]]||2 ([[1972 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 1090 => '|16-8-0', 1091 => '|122|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean', 1092 => '||Fos Williams||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Max James]](62)', 1093 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1094 => '| [[1973 SANFL season|1973]]||5', 1095 => '|11-11-0', 1096 => '|105||Ken Duthie || Allan McLean', 1097 => '|| Fos Williams', 1098 => '||John Cahill||John Cahill||John Cahill (59)', 1099 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1100 => '| [[1974 SANFL season|1974]]||3', 1101 => '|19-5-1', 1102 => '|123|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean', 1103 => '||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||[[Darrell Cahill]] (54)', 1104 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1105 => '| [[1975 SANFL season|1975]]||3', 1106 => '|14-7-0', 1107 => '|123|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean', 1108 => '||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Peter Woite]]||[[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (64)', 1109 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1110 => '| [[1976 SANFL season|1976]]||2 ([[1976 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 1111 => '|18-5-0', 1112 => '|135|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean', 1113 => '||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Randall Gerlach (90)', 1114 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1115 => '| [[1977 SANFL season|1977]]||'''1 ([[1977 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1116 => '|19-4-1', 1117 => '|146|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean', 1118 => '||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Tim Evans (88)*', 1119 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1120 => '| [[1978 SANFL season|1978]]||3', 1121 => '|16-9-0', 1122 => '|111|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean', 1123 => '||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Stephen Clifford]]||Tim Evans (90)*', 1124 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1125 => '| [[1979 SANFL season|1979]]||'''1 ([[1979 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1126 => '|17-8-0', 1127 => '|112|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean', 1128 => '||John Cahill||[[Brian Cunningham]]||[[Milan Faletic]]||Tim Evans (82)', 1129 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1130 => '| [[1980 SANFL season|1980]]||'''1 ([[1980 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1131 => '|21-2-1', 1132 => '|188|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean', 1133 => '||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||Stephen Clifford', 1134 => '||Tim Evans (146)*', 1135 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1136 => '| [[1981 SANFL season|1981]]||'''1 ([[1981 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1137 => '|18-7-0', 1138 => '|122|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor', 1139 => '||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||Russell Ebert||Tim Evans (98)*', 1140 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1141 => '| [[1982 SANFL season|1982]]||3', 1142 => '|16-7-1', 1143 => '|127|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor', 1144 => '||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||[[Craig Bradley]]||Tim Evans (125)*', 1145 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1146 => '| [[1983 SANFL season|1983]]||6', 1147 => '|10-12-0', 1148 => '|91|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor', 1149 => '||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Stephen Clifford||Tim Evans (63)', 1150 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1151 => '| [[1984 SANFL season|1984]]||2 ([[1984 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 1152 => '|18-6-0', 1153 => '|127|| Ken Duthie || Ian McKenzie', 1154 => '||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Craig Bradley||Tim Evans (137)', 1155 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1156 => '| [[1985 SANFL season|1985]]||7', 1157 => '|8-14-0', 1158 => '|88|| Ken Duthie || Ian McKenzie', 1159 => '||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Craig Bradley||Tim Evans (96)', 1160 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1161 => '| [[1986 SANFL season|1986]] ||4', 1162 => '|13-11-0', 1163 => '|103|| [[Bruce Weber (administrator)|Bruce Weber]] || Ian McKenzie', 1164 => '||Russell Ebert||[[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]]||[[Martin Leslie (Australian footballer)|Martin Leslie]]||[[Darren Smith (Australian rules footballer)|Darren Smith]] (49)', 1165 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1166 => '| [[1987 SANFL season|1987]] ||4', 1167 => '|15-9-0', 1168 => '|112|| Bruce Weber || Ian McKenzie', 1169 => '||Russell Ebert||Russell Johnston||[[Bruce Abernethy]]||Darren Smith (71)', 1170 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1171 => '| [[1988 SANFL season|1988]]||'''1 ([[1988 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1172 => '|18-6-0', 1173 => '|127|| Bruce Weber || Ian McKenzie', 1174 => '||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||[[Greg Phillips]]||[[Scott Hodges]] (74)', 1175 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1176 => '| [[1989 SANFL season|1989]]||'''1 ([[1989 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1177 => '|21-4-0', 1178 => '|139|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton', 1179 => '||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||Russell Johnston||Scott Hodges (79)', 1180 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1181 => '| [[1990 SANFL season|1990]]||'''1 ([[1990 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1182 => '|19-4-0', 1183 => '|150|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton', 1184 => '||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||Scott Hodges', 1185 => '||Scott Hodges (153)*', 1186 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1187 => '| [[1991 SANFL season|1991]]||5', 1188 => '|14-9-0', 1189 => '|109|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton', 1190 => '||John Cahill||[[Greg Phillips]]||[[Paul Northeast (Australian footballer)|Paul Northeast]]||[[Darryl Borlase (Australian footballer)|Darryl Borlase]] (25)', 1191 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1192 => '| [[1992 SANFL season|1992]]||'''1 ([[1992 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1193 => '|20-4-0', 1194 => '|137', 1195 => '|| Bruce Weber || [[Brian Cunningham]]', 1196 => '||John Cahill||Greg Phillips', 1197 => '||[[Nathan Buckley]]||[[Mark Tylor (Australian footballer)|Mark Tylor]] (97)*', 1198 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1199 => '| [[1993 SANFL season|1993]] ||3', 1200 => '|16-7-0', 1201 => '|118||[[Greg Boulton]] || Brian Cunningham', 1202 => '||John Cahill||Greg Phillips||[[Troy Bond]]||Mark Tylor (90)*', 1203 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1204 => '| [[1994 SANFL season|1994]]||'''1 ([[1994 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1205 => '|18-8-0', 1206 => '|131||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham', 1207 => '||John Cahill||[[Tim Ginever]]||Tim Ginever||Scott Hodges (130)*', 1208 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1209 => '| [[1995 SANFL season|1995]]||'''1 ([[1995 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1210 => '|19-6-0', 1211 => '|131||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham', 1212 => '||John Cahill||Tim Ginever||[[Robbie West]]||Mark Tylor (53)', 1213 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1214 => '| [[1996 SANFL season|1996]]||'''1 ([[1996 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1215 => '|16-8-0', 1216 => '|129||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham<br />Robert Clayton<br />David Hutton', 1217 => '||John Cahill<br />[[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] ||Tim Ginever||Scott Hodges', 1218 => '||Scott Hodges (117)', 1219 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%"', 1220 => '! colspan="10" | Australian Football League era', 1221 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1222 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year'''', 1223 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position'''', 1224 => '!{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}}', 1225 => '!{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}}', 1226 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman'''', 1227 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive'''', 1228 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach'''', 1229 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain'''', 1230 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest'''', 1231 => '! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker'''', 1232 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1233 => '| [[1997 AFL season|1997]] || 9', 1234 => '|10-11-1', 1235 => '|92||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham', 1236 => '||John Cahill|| [[Gavin Wanganeen]] || [[Darren Mead]] || [[Scott Cummings]] (70)', 1237 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1238 => '| [[1998 AFL season|1998]] || 10', 1239 => '|9-12-1', 1240 => '|96', 1241 => '||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham', 1242 => '||John Cahill || Gavin Wanganeen || Adam Kingsley || [[Warren Tredrea]] (33)', 1243 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1244 => '| [[1999 AFL season|1999]] || 7', 1245 => '|12-11-0', 1246 => '|90||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham', 1247 => '||[[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] || Gavin Wanganeen || Stephen Paxman || Warren Tredrea (40)', 1248 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1249 => '| [[2000 AFL season|2000]] || 14', 1250 => '|7-14-1', 1251 => '|84||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham', 1252 => '||Mark Williams', 1253 => '|| Gavin Wanganeen || Brett Montgomery || Warren Tredrea (32)', 1254 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1255 => '| [[2001 AFL season|2001]] || 5', 1256 => '|16-8-0', 1257 => '|129||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham', 1258 => '||Mark Williams', 1259 => '|| [[Matthew Primus]] ||Warren Tredrea', 1260 => '|| Warren Tredrea (51)', 1261 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1262 => '| [[2002 AFL season|2002]] || 3', 1263 => '|19-6-0', 1264 => '|132||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham', 1265 => '||Mark Williams', 1266 => '||Matthew Primus', 1267 => '||Matthew Primus', 1268 => '|| [[Stuart Dew]] (51)', 1269 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1270 => '| [[2003 AFL season|2003]] || 4', 1271 => '|19-6-0', 1272 => '|127', 1273 => '||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham', 1274 => '||Mark Williams', 1275 => '||Matthew Primus', 1276 => '|| Gavin Wanganeen || Warren Tredrea (58)', 1277 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1278 => '| [[2004 AFL season|2004]] || '''1 ([[2004 AFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''', 1279 => '|20-5-0', 1280 => '|132', 1281 => '||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham', 1282 => '||Mark Williams', 1283 => '|| Matthew Primus<br />Warren Tredrea', 1284 => '||Warren Tredrea', 1285 => '|| Warren Tredrea (81)', 1286 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1287 => '| [[2005 AFL season|2005]] || 6', 1288 => '|12-11-1', 1289 => '|98', 1290 => '||Greg Boulton || John James', 1291 => '||Mark Williams', 1292 => '||Matthew Primus', 1293 => '||Warren Tredrea', 1294 => '|| Warren Tredrea (65)', 1295 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1296 => '| [[2006 AFL Season|2006]] || 12', 1297 => '|8-14-0', 1298 => '|89||Greg Boulton || John James', 1299 => '||Mark Williams', 1300 => '|| Warren Tredrea || [[Brendon Lade]] || [[Josh Mahoney]] (29)', 1301 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1302 => '| [[2007 AFL Season|2007]] || 2 ([[2007 AFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]])', 1303 => '|17-8-0', 1304 => '|113||Greg Boulton || John James', 1305 => '||Mark Williams', 1306 => '|| Warren Tredrea || [[Kane Cornes]] || [[Brett Ebert]] (56)', 1307 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1308 => '| [[2008 AFL Season|2008]] || 13', 1309 => '|7-15-0', 1310 => '|96||Greg Boulton || John James<br />Mark Haysman', 1311 => '||Mark Williams', 1312 => '|| Warren Tredrea ||Kane Cornes', 1313 => '|| [[Daniel Motlop]] (57)', 1314 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1315 => '| [[2009 AFL season|2009]] || 10', 1316 => '|9-13-0', 1317 => '|89|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman', 1318 => '||Mark Williams', 1319 => '|| [[Domenic Cassisi]] || Warren Tredrea || Warren Tredrea (51)', 1320 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1321 => '| [[2010 AFL season|2010]] || 10', 1322 => '|10-12-0', 1323 => '|82|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman', 1324 => '||Mark Williams<br />Matthew Primus|| Domenic Cassisi || Kane Cornes || [[Jay Schulz]] (33)', 1325 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1326 => '| [[2011 AFL Season|2011]] || 16', 1327 => '|3-19-0', 1328 => '|65|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman<br />[[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]]', 1329 => '||Matthew Primus', 1330 => '|| Domenic Cassisi || [[Travis Boak]]<br />[[Jackson Trengove]] || [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robbie Gray]] (32)', 1331 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1332 => '| [[2012 AFL season|2012]] || 14', 1333 => '|5-16-1', 1334 => '|79|| Brett Duncanson<br />[[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]]', 1335 => '|| Keith Thomas', 1336 => '||Matthew Primus<br />[[Garry Hocking]] || Domenic Cassisi ||Kane Cornes', 1337 => '|| Jay Schulz (42)', 1338 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1339 => '| [[2013 AFL season|2013]] || 5', 1340 => '|13-11-0', 1341 => '|102||David Koch || Keith Thomas', 1342 => '||[[Ken Hinkley]] || Travis Boak || [[Chad Wingard]] || Jay Schulz (49)', 1343 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1344 => '| [[2014 AFL season|2014]]|| 3', 1345 => '|16-8-0', 1346 => '|130||David Koch || Keith Thomas', 1347 => '||Ken Hinkley || Travis Boak || Robbie Gray|| Jay Schulz (66)', 1348 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1349 => '| [[2015 Port Adelaide Football Club season|2015]]|| 9', 1350 => '|12-10-0', 1351 => '|106', 1352 => '||David Koch || Keith Thomas', 1353 => '||Ken Hinkley || Travis Boak ||Robbie Gray||Chad Wingard (53)', 1354 => '|- style="font-size: 87%;"', 1355 => '|[[2016 Port Adelaide Football Club season|2016]]', 1356 => '|10', 1357 => '|10-12-0', 1358 => '|106', 1359 => '|David Koch', 1360 => '|Keith Thomas', 1361 => '|Ken Hinkley', 1362 => '|Travis Boak', 1363 => '|Robbie Gray', 1364 => '|Chad Wingard (38)', 1365 => '|}', 1366 => '===Hall of Fame===', 1367 => '{{S-start}}', 1368 => '{{Australian football Hall of Fame', 1369 => '|Current Team Name = Port Adelaide Football Club', 1370 => '| All Team Names = Port Adelaide', 1371 => '| ColorA# = 000000', 1372 => '| ColorB# = FFFFFF', 1373 => '| ColorC# = 008080', 1374 => '| ColorD# = FFFFFF', 1375 => '|', 1376 => '| Team Name 1 = '''South Australian Football Association (1877-1906)'''', 1377 => '| List 1.1 = ', 1378 => '| List 1.2 = ', 1379 => '| List 1.3 = [[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harold Phillips]]', 1380 => '| List 1.4 = ', 1381 => '| List 1.5 = ', 1382 => '| List 1.6 = ', 1383 => '| Team Name 2 = '''South Australian Football League (1907-1927)'''', 1384 => '| List 2.1 = [[Angelo Congear]]', 1385 => '| List 2.2 = [[Les Dayman|Leslie Dayman]]', 1386 => '| List 2.3 = [[Sampson Hosking]]', 1387 => '| List 2.4 = [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]]', 1388 => '| List 2.5 = ', 1389 => '| List 2.6 = ', 1390 => '| Team Name 3 = '''South Australian National Football League (1928-1996)'''', 1391 => '| List 3.1 = [[Bruce Abernethy]]<br />[[Brian Cunningham]]<br />[[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]]<br />[[Lloyd Zucker]]<br />'''[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]]'''', 1392 => '| List 3.2 = [[John Abley]]<br />'''[[Russell Ebert]]'''<br />[[Scott Hodges]]<br />Edward McMahon<br />[[Allan Reval]]<br />'''[[Fos Williams]]'''', 1393 => '| List 3.3 = [[Dave Boyd]]<br />[[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]]<br />Ron Hoffman<br />'''[[Geof Motley]]'''<br />[[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]]<br />[[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]]', 1394 => '| List 3.4 = '''[[Craig Bradley]]'''<br />Brian Fairclough<br />Henry Kneebone <abbr title="Club Doctor">[[File:Injury icon 2.svg|10px]]</abbr><br />[[Greg Phillips]]<br />[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]<br />[[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]]', 1395 => '| List 3.5 = '''[[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]'''<br />[[Tim Ginever]]<br />'''[[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]]'''<br />[[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]]<br />[[Darren Smith (Australian rules footballer)|Darren Smith]]', 1396 => '| Team Name 4 = '''Australian Football League (since 1997)'''', 1397 => '| List 4.3 = '''[[Gavin Wanganeen]]''' |}}', 1398 => '{{S-end}}', 1399 => '===Greatest Team===', 1400 => '{{S-start}}', 1401 => '{{Aussie rules team | title = {{font color|#FFFFFF|Port Adelaide's Greatest Team 1870–2000}} | color = #000000', 1402 => '| backpocket1 = [[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]]', 1403 => '| fullback = [[John Abley]]', 1404 => '| backpocket2 = [[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]]', 1405 => '| halfbackflank1 = [[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]]', 1406 => '| centrehalfback = [[Greg Phillips]]', 1407 => '| halfbackflank2 = [[Geof Motley]]', 1408 => '| wing1 = [[Craig Bradley]]', 1409 => '| centre = [[Russell Ebert]] (vc)', 1410 => '| wing2 = [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]', 1411 => '| halfforwardflank1 = [[Dave Boyd]]', 1412 => '| centrehalfforward = [[Les Dayman]]', 1413 => '| halfforwardflank2 = [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]]', 1414 => '| forwardpocket1 = [[Scott Hodges]]', 1415 => '| fullforward = [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]]', 1416 => '| forwardpocket2 = [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]]', 1417 => '| ruck = [[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]]', 1418 => '| ruckrover = [[Allan Reval]]', 1419 => '| rover = [[Fos Williams]] (c)', 1420 => '| interchange1 = [[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harry Phillips]]', 1421 => '| interchange2 = [[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]]', 1422 => '| interchange3 = [[Peter Woite]]', 1423 => '| interchange4 = [[Lloyd Zucker]]', 1424 => '| interchange5 = ', 1425 => '| interchange6 = ', 1426 => '| coach = [[Fos Williams]]', 1427 => '}}', 1428 => '{{S-end}}', 1429 => '===Military service===', 1430 => '{{S-start}}', 1431 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;"', 1432 => '! colspan="4" | <big>War Roll of Honour</big> <ref>http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/club/history/our-servicemen</ref>', 1433 => '|-', 1434 => '!colspan="4" | World War I', 1435 => '|-', 1436 => '| Maurice Allingham||Frederick Badcock||Arthur Biscombe||William Boon †', 1437 => '|-', 1438 => '| David Bower||Howard Bungey||Hugh Challinder||Arnold Channon', 1439 => '|-', 1440 => '| Albert Chaplin †||Robert Coffen||Henry Davis||Clement Dayman', 1441 => '|-', 1442 => '| William Dempster||Henry Dewar||William 'Roy' Drummond M.M.||Edward Foggo', 1443 => '|-', 1444 => '| Archibald Gosling †||Matthew Healy||Horace Hoare||Samuel Howie', 1445 => '|-', 1446 => '| Gordon Inkster||Clarence Latimer||Lawrence Levy||William Marshall', 1447 => '|-', 1448 => '| Tom McDonald D.C.M||Frederick Meadows||Edward Oatey||John W. Robertson', 1449 => '|-', 1450 => '| Edwin Rose||Thomas Sard||Stedman Stidson||William Theodore', 1451 => '|-', 1452 => '| Harry Tobin||Arthur Tubel||Arthur Turner||Douglas Walsh M.C.†', 1453 => '|-', 1454 => '| Joseph Watson †||Edward Weeden||||', 1455 => '|-', 1456 => '!colspan="4" | World War I – officials', 1457 => '|-', 1458 => '| Dr Alexander Benson||Charles Hayter||Dr Edward Morris||', 1459 => '|-', 1460 => '!colspan="4" | World War II', 1461 => '|-', 1462 => '| Howard Abbott||James Allingham||Charles A. Andersen||Charles H. Andersen', 1463 => '|-', 1464 => '| Basil Bampton||Harold Beer||Halcombe Brock †||Maxwell Carmichael †', 1465 => '|-', 1466 => '| George W.F. Chapman||Clarence Christensen||Noel Clark||John Coppin', 1467 => '|-', 1468 => '| Ivor Dangerfield||Lindsay Darling||Ralph Dawe||Clarance L. Dayman', 1469 => '|-', 1470 => '| John Dermody||Edward Dorian||James Doyle||Drozena Eden', 1471 => '|-', 1472 => '| Bert Edwards||James Farr||Dennis Fitzgerald||Frederick Galliford', 1473 => '|-', 1474 => '| Laurence Gates||Geoffrey Germein||Francis Gibaut||Arthur Gower', 1475 => '|-', 1476 => '| Colin Grant||Claude Greening||Donald Gregg||Colin Grimm', 1477 => '|-', 1478 => '| John Heaton||Colin Herbert||John Johnson||Kenneth Johnson', 1479 => '|-', 1480 => '| Clyde Kellaway||Peter Keough||Lyall Kretschmer||Robert Lander', 1481 => '|-', 1482 => '| Peter Marrett||Richard Mayne||Harold McDonald||Norman McInnes', 1483 => '|-', 1484 => '| Malcolm McKiggan †||Allan R.C. 'Bob' McLean||Harold Mills||Brian Moore', 1485 => '|-', 1486 => '| George Neaylon||John Oehme||William Owens||Alexander Pender', 1487 => '|-', 1488 => '| Harry Perry||Frederick Peters||James Prideaux||George U. Quinn †', 1489 => '|-', 1490 => '| John M. Quinn||Robert B. Quinn M.M.||Lew Roberts||Herbert Robertson', 1491 => '|-', 1492 => '| Bertram Robinson||Lloyd Rudd †||Leonard Salvemini||Reginald Schumann', 1493 => '|-', 1494 => '| John Skelley||Kenneth Slade||Gordon Temby||William Trigg', 1495 => '|-', 1496 => '| Arthur Tunbridge||Arthur Utting||John Wade †||Hercules Waldron', 1497 => '|-', 1498 => '| John White||Geoffrey Wiese||Foster Williams||John Woollard', 1499 => '|-', 1500 => '!colspan="4" | World War II – officials/staff', 1501 => '|-', 1502 => '| Kenneth Aubert||Archibald Dowsett||Henry Naismith||William Adair', 1503 => '|-', 1504 => '!colspan="4" | [[Vietnam War]]', 1505 => '|-', 1506 => '| Peter Chant †||Lindsay McGie||John A. Quinn||', 1507 => '{{S-end}}', 1508 => '† denotes killed in action or died while serving', 1509 => '==Club achievements==', 1510 => '{| class="wikitable"', 1511 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;"', 1512 => '| colspan="4" style="text-align:center;"|'''Club Achievements'''', 1513 => '|- style="background:#bdb76b;"', 1514 => '|'''Competition'''||'''Level'''||'''Wins'''||'''Year Won'''', 1515 => '|-', 1516 => '| rowspan="3" |'''AFL'''<br />||Premiers||1||2004', 1517 => '|-', 1518 => '|Runners Up||1|||2007', 1519 => '|-', 1520 => '|McClelland Trophy||3||2002, 2003, 2004', 1521 => '|-', 1522 => '|'''Championship of Australia'''||Champions||4||1890, 1910, 1913, 1914', 1523 => '|-', 1524 => '| rowspan="3" |'''SAFA/SAFL/SANFL'''||Premiers||36||1884, 1890, 1897, 1903, 1906,<br />1910, 1913, 1914, 1921, 1928,<br />1936, 1937, 1939, 1951, 1954,<br />1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959<br />1962, 1963, 1965, 1977, 1979,<br />1980, 1981, 1988, 1989, 1990<br />1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998,<br />1999', 1525 => '|-', 1526 => '|Runners Up||37|| 1878, 1879, 1883, 1887, 1888,<br />1889, 1891, 1892, 1898, 1901<br />1904, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911,<br />1912, 1915, 1925, 1926, 1929<br />1930, 1934, 1935, 1938, 1945,<br />1946, 1953, 1964, 1966, 1967<br />1968, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1984,<br />1997, 2014', 1527 => '|-', 1528 => '|Minor Premiers||44||1889, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1906,<br />1907, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913<br />1914, 1915, 1921, 1928, 1931,<br />1934, 1935, 1936, 1939, 1940<br />1945, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955,<br />1956, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961<br />1962, 1964, 1965, 1970, 1976,<br />1977, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1988<br />1990, 1992, 1999, 2014', 1529 => '|-', 1530 => '|rowspan="2"|'''South Australian Patriotic League'''', 1531 => '|Premiers', 1532 => '|3', 1533 => '|1916, 1917, 1942', 1534 => '|-', 1535 => '|Runner Up', 1536 => '|2', 1537 => '|1943, 1944', 1538 => '|}', 1539 => '==Player achievements==', 1540 => '===Competition awards===', 1541 => ''''[[Magarey Medal]]''' '''(SANFL best and fairest)'''', 1542 => '* 1899 – [[Stan Malin]]', 1543 => '* 1907 – [[Jack Mack]]', 1544 => '* 1910 – [[Sampson Hosking]]', 1545 => '* 1914 – [[Jack Ashley (footballer)|Jack Ashley]]', 1546 => '* 1915 – Sampson Hosking', 1547 => '* 1921 – [[Charlie Adams (Australian footballer)|Charlie Adams]]', 1548 => '* 1925 – [[Peter Bampton]]', 1549 => '* 1938 – [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]]', 1550 => '* 1945 – Bob Quinn', 1551 => '* 1956 – [[Dave Boyd]]', 1552 => '* 1964 – [[Geof Motley]]', 1553 => '* 1967 – [[Trevor Obst]]', 1554 => '* 1971 – [[Russell Ebert]]', 1555 => '* 1974 – Russell Ebert', 1556 => '* 1975 – [[Peter Woite]]', 1557 => '* 1976 – Russell Ebert', 1558 => '* 1980 – Russell Ebert', 1559 => '* 1986 – [[Greg Anderson (footballer)|Greg Anderson]]', 1560 => '* 1990 – [[Scott Hodges]]', 1561 => '* 1992 – [[Nathan Buckley]]', 1562 => '* 2001 – [[Tony Brown (Australian rules footballer)|Tony Brown]] & [[Ryan O'Connor]]', 1563 => '* 2003 – [[Brett Ebert]]', 1564 => '* 2005 – [[Jeremy Clayton]]', 1565 => ''''Dutschke Medal (SAWFL best and fairest)'''', 1566 => '* 2011 - Emma Sampson', 1567 => ''''AFLCA Champion Player of the Year'''', 1568 => '* 2004 – [[Warren Tredrea]]', 1569 => '* 2014 – [[Robbie Gray]]', 1570 => ''''[[AFL Rising Star]] (Best player under 21)'''', 1571 => '* 1997 – [[Michael Wilson (Australian footballer)|Michael Wilson]]', 1572 => '* 2006 – [[Danyle Pearce]]', 1573 => '=== Grand final best on ground awards ===', 1574 => ''''[[Norm Smith Medal]] (AFL Grand Final best on ground)'''', 1575 => '* 2004 – [[Byron Pickett]]', 1576 => ''''[[Jack Oatey Medal]] (SANFL Grand Final best on ground)'''', 1577 => '* 1981 – [[Russell Ebert]]', 1578 => '* 1988 – [[Bruce Abernethy]]', 1579 => '* 1989 – [[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]]', 1580 => '* 1990 – [[George Fiacchi]]', 1581 => '* 1992 – [[Nathan Buckley]]', 1582 => '* 1994 – [[Darryl Wakelin]]', 1583 => '* 1995 – [[Anthony Darcy]]', 1584 => '* 1996 – [[David Brown (Australian footballer born 1969)|David Brown]]', 1585 => '* 1998 – [[Brett Chalmers]]', 1586 => '* 1999 – [[Darryl Poole]]', 1587 => '=== All-Australian ===', 1588 => ''''''Sporting Life Magazine'''''', 1589 => '* 1947 – [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] (captain)', 1590 => '* 1950 – [[Dick Russell (footballer)|Dick Russell]], [[Fos Williams]]', 1591 => '* 1951 – [[Harold McDonald (footballer)|Harold McDonald]], Fos Williams', 1592 => '* 1955 – Harold McDonald', 1593 => ''''Interstate carnivals'''', 1594 => '* 1956 – [[John Abley]]', 1595 => '* 1958 – John Abley', 1596 => '* 1961 – John Abley', 1597 => '* 1969 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]', 1598 => '* 1980 – [[Greg Phillips]], [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]]', 1599 => '* 1983 – [[Craig Bradley]], [[Tony Giles]], [[Stephen Curtis]]', 1600 => '* 1985 – Craig Bradley', 1601 => '* 1987 – [[Greg Anderson (footballer)|Greg Anderson]]', 1602 => '* 1988 – [[Martin Leslie (Australian rules footballer)|Martin Leslie]]', 1603 => ''''Australian Football League'''', 1604 => '* 1997 – [[Adam Heuskes]]', 1605 => '* 2001 – [[Gavin Wanganeen]], [[Matthew Primus]], [[Warren Tredrea]]', 1606 => '* 2002 – [[Brett Montgomery]], Matthew Primus, Warren Tredrea, [[Josh Francou]]', 1607 => '* 2003 – Gavin Wanganeen, Warren Tredrea', 1608 => '* 2004 – Warren Tredrea, [[Chad Cornes]], Mark Williams (coach)', 1609 => '* 2005 – [[Kane Cornes]]', 1610 => '* 2006 – [[Brendon Lade]], [[Shaun Burgoyne]]', 1611 => '* 2007 – Kane Cornes, Chad Cornes, Brendon Lade', 1612 => '* 2013 – [[Chad Wingard]], [[Travis Boak]]', 1613 => '* 2014 – [[Robbie Gray]], Travis Boak', 1614 => '* 2015 – Chad Wingard, Robbie Gray', 1615 => '===Club awards===', 1616 => ''''John Cahill Medal (Best and Fairest)'''{{Main article|John Cahill Medal}}'''Gavin Wanganeen Medal (Best player under 21)'''', 1617 => '* 2006 – [[Danyle Pearce]]', 1618 => '* 2007 – [[Justin Westhoff]]', 1619 => '* 2008 – [[Alipate Carlile]]', 1620 => '* 2009 – [[Travis Boak]]', 1621 => '* 2010 – [[Jackson Trengove]]', 1622 => '* 2011 – [[Hamish Hartlett]]', 1623 => '* 2012 – [[Chad Wingard]]', 1624 => '* 2013 – [[Ollie Wines]]', 1625 => '* 2014 – Ollie Wines', 1626 => '* 2015 – Ollie Wines', 1627 => '* 2016 - Jarman Impey', 1628 => ''''John McCarthy Medal (Community Award)'''', 1629 => '* 2013 – [[Jack Hombsch]]', 1630 => '* 2014 – [[Brad Ebert]]', 1631 => '* 2015 – [[Nathan Krakouer]]', 1632 => '== Club records ==', 1633 => ''''Overall Win/Loss record'''', 1634 => '* AFL – 440 games / 224 wins / 211 losses / 5 draws (51.48%)', 1635 => '* SANFL – 2636 games / 1727 wins / 860 losses / 65 draws (66.75%)', 1636 => 'At end of 2015 season.', 1637 => ''''Best league record against another club'''', 1638 => 'Over 10 league matches against a current club.', 1639 => '* AFL – West Coast – 17 wins / 10 losses / 0 draws (62.96%)', 1640 => '* SANFL – Glenelg – 177 wins / 67 losses / 3 draws (72.27%)', 1641 => 'At end of 2015 season.', 1642 => ''''Worst league record against another club'''', 1643 => 'Over 10 league matches against a current club.', 1644 => '* AFL – Sydney – 7 wins / 19 losses / 0 draws (26.92%)', 1645 => '* SANFL – Norwood – 195 wins / 190 losses / 17 draws (48.51%)', 1646 => '<nowiki>*</nowiki>as of 21/4/2015', 1647 => ''''Highest score'''', 1648 => '* AFL – 29.14 (188) vs Hawthorn, Round 13, 2005, Football Park', 1649 => '* SANFL – 37.21 (243) vs [[Woodville Football Club|Woodville]], 19 April 1980, Football Park', 1650 => ''''Lowest score'''', 1651 => '* AFL – 3.3 (21) vs Collingwood, Round 20, 2011, Football Park', 1652 => '* SANFL – 1.1 (7) vs North Adelaide, 5 May 1900, Alberton Oval', 1653 => ''''Greatest Winning Margin'''', 1654 => '* AFL – 117 points vs Hawthorn, Round 13, 2005, Football Park', 1655 => '* SANFL – 179 points vs [[Woodville Football Club|Woodville]], 8 August 1970, Woodville Oval', 1656 => ''''Greatest losing margin'''', 1657 => '* AFL – 165 points vs {{AFL Haw}}, Round 21, [[2011 AFL season|2011]], [[MCG]]', 1658 => '* SANFL – 114 points vs [[Sturt Double Blues|Sturt]], [[1965 SANFL season|1965]], [[Unley Oval]]', 1659 => ''''Most Wins in a season'''', 1660 => '* AFL – 20 wins ([[2004 AFL season|2004]])', 1661 => '* SANFL – 21 wins ([[1980 SANFL season|1980]], [[1989 SANFL season|1989]])', 1662 => ''''Least losses in a season'''', 1663 => false, 1664 => '* AFL – 5 losses ([[2004 AFL season|2004]])', 1665 => '* SANFL – 0 losses ([[1914 SAFL season|1914]])', 1666 => false, 1667 => ''''Largest home attendances (Minor Round)'''', 1668 => false, 1669 => '* AFL – 54,468 at Adelaide Oval (Round 16, [[2015 AFL season|2015]] vs [[Adelaide Football Club|Adelaide]])', 1670 => '* AFL (Non-showdown) – 52,505 at Adelaide Oval (Round 22, [[2014 AFL season|2014]] vs {{AFL Car}})', 1671 => '* SANFL – 36,397 at [[Football Park]] (Round 2, [[1990 SANFL season|1990]] vs [[Norwood Redlegs|Norwood]])', 1672 => '* SANFL – 22,738 at [[Alberton Oval]] (Round 11, [[1977 SANFL season|1977]] vs [[Norwood Redlegs|Norwood]])', 1673 => false, 1674 => ''''Largest away attendances (Minor Round)'''', 1675 => false, 1676 => '* AFL – 51,883 at [[MCG]] (Round 1, 1997 vs Collingwood)', 1677 => '* SANFL – 30,618 at Adelaide Oval (Round 11, 1977 vs South Adelaide)', 1678 => '* SANFL – 22,015 at [[Unley Oval]] (Round 9, 1968 vs Sturt)', 1679 => false, 1680 => ''''Largest finals attendances'''', 1681 => false, 1682 => '* AFL – 97,302 at [[Melbourne Cricket Ground|MCG]] ([[2007 AFL Grand Final]] vs Geelong)', 1683 => '* SANFL – 66,897 (80,000 police estimate) at [[Football Park]] ([[1976 SANFL Grand Final]] vs [[Sturt Double Blues|Sturt]])<ref name="Norton 2013 28"/>', 1684 => false, 1685 => ''''Longest undefeated run'''', 1686 => false, 1687 => '* AFL – 8 wins (Round 8 → 15, [[2002 AFL season|2002]], Round 15 → 22, [[2003 AFL season|2003]], Round 4 → 12, [[2014 AFL season|2014]])', 1688 => '* SANFL – 33 games (21 June [[1913 SAFL season|1913]] → [[1914 SAFL season|1914]] → 3 July [[1915 SAFL season|1915]])', 1689 => false, 1690 => ''''Longest losing run'''', 1691 => false, 1692 => '* AFL – 11 games (Round 11 → 23, [[2011 AFL season|2011]])', 1693 => '* SANFL – 7 games (14 May 2002 → 1 June 2002)', 1694 => false, 1695 => '==Player records==', 1696 => ''''Most games played'''', 1697 => '* AFL – 300 – [[Kane Cornes]] (2001–2015)', 1698 => '* SANFL – 392 – [[Russell Ebert]] (1968–1978, 1980–1985)', 1699 => false, 1700 => ''''Most games coached'''', 1701 => '* AFL – 274 – [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] (1999–2010)', 1702 => '* SANFL – 444 – [[Fos Williams]] (1950–1958, 1962–1973)', 1703 => '* {{Tooltip|Combined|SANFL (1877-1996) and AFL (1997–present)}} – 465 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] ('''SANFL''': 1974–1982, 1988–1996; '''AFL''': 1997–1998)', 1704 => ''''Most premierships as player'''', 1705 => '* SANFL – 9 – [[Geof Motley]] (1954–1959, 1962–1963, 1965)', 1706 => '* AFL – 1 – [[Template:2004 Port Adelaide Power premiership players|2004 premiership team]]', 1707 => ''''Most premierships as coach'''', 1708 => '* SANFL – 10 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] (1977, 1979–81, 1988–90, 1994–96)', 1709 => '* AFL – 1 – [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] (2004)', 1710 => ''''Most goals at Port Adelaide'''', 1711 => false, 1712 => '* AFL – 549 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (1997–2010)', 1713 => '* SANFL – 1044 – [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (1975–1986)', 1714 => ''''Most goals in a match'''', 1715 => '* AFL – 8 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (1998, Round 7, vs Carlton, Princes Park)', 1716 => '* AFL – 8 – [[Jay Schulz]] (2014, Round 14, vs Western Bulldogs, Adelaide Oval)', 1717 => '* SANFL – 16 – [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (1980, Round 5, vs West Adelaide)', 1718 => ''''Most goals in a season'''', 1719 => '* AFL – 81 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (2004)', 1720 => '* SANFL – 153 – [[Scott Hodges]] (1990)', 1721 => false, 1722 => '==References==', 1723 => '{{reflist|colwidth=30em}}', 1724 => '{{reflist|group=1}}', 1725 => false, 1726 => '==External links==', 1727 => '{{Commons category}}', 1728 => '* [http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/ Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club]', 1729 => false, 1730 => '{{Port Adelaide Football Club}}', 1731 => false, 1732 => '{{navboxes', 1733 => '| title = Port Adelaide Football Club SAFA/SAFL/SANFL/AFL premiership teams', 1734 => '| titlestyle = background:black; color:white; border: solid teal 2px', 1735 => '| list1 = ', 1736 => '{{1884 Port Adelaide premiership players}}', 1737 => '{{1890 Port Adelaide premiership players}}', 1738 => '{{1897 Port Adelaide premiership players}}', 1739 => '{{1903 Port Adelaide premiership players}}', 1740 => '{{1906 Port Adelaide premiership players}}', 1741 => '{{1910 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1742 => '{{1913 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1743 => '{{1914 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1744 => '{{1921 Port Adelaide premiership players}}', 1745 => '{{1928 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1746 => '{{1936 Port Adelaide premiership players}}', 1747 => '{{1937 Port Adelaide premiership players}}', 1748 => '{{1939 Port Adelaide premiership players}}', 1749 => '{{1942 Port Adelaide premiership players}}', 1750 => '{{1951 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1751 => '{{1954 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1752 => '{{1955 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1753 => '{{1956 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1754 => '{{1957 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1755 => '{{1958 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership team}}', 1756 => '{{1959 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1757 => '{{1962 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1758 => '{{1963 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1759 => '{{1965 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1760 => '{{1977 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1761 => '{{1979 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1762 => '{{1980 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership team}}', 1763 => '{{1981 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1764 => '{{1988 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1765 => '{{1989 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1766 => '{{1990 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1767 => '{{1992 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1768 => '{{1994 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1769 => '{{1995 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1770 => '{{1996 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}}', 1771 => '{{2004 Port Adelaide Power premiership players}}', 1772 => '}}', 1773 => '{{AFL}}', 1774 => '{{Aussie Rules in South Australia}}', 1775 => '{{Adelaide Sports Teams}}', 1776 => '{{South Australian National Football League |state=collapsed}}', 1777 => '{{Port Adelaide landmarks}}', 1778 => false, 1779 => '[[Category:Australian Football League clubs]]', 1780 => '[[Category:Sports clubs established in 1870]]', 1781 => '[[Category:Port Adelaide Football Club]]', 1782 => '[[Category:Sporting clubs in Adelaide]]', 1783 => '[[Category:Australian rules football clubs in South Australia]]', 1784 => '[[Category:1870 establishments in Australia]]' ]
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[ 0 => 'The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it "the Riddle House," even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there. It stood on a hill overlooking the village, some of its windows boarded, tiles missing from its roof, and ivy spreading unchecked over its face. Once a fine-looking manor, and easily the largest and grandest building for miles around, the Riddle House was now damp, derelict, and unoccupied.', 1 => 'The Little Hangletons all agreed that the old house was "creepy." Half a century ago, something strange and horrible had happened there, something that the older inhabitants of the village still liked to discuss when topics for gossip were scarce. The story had been picked over so many times, and had been embroidered in so many places, that nobody was quite sure what the truth was anymore. Every version of the tale, however, started in the same place: Fifty years before, at daybreak on a fine summer's morning when the Riddle House had still been well kept and impressive, a maid had entered the drawing room to find all three Riddles dead.', 2 => 'The maid had run screaming down the hill into the village and roused as many people as she could.', 3 => '"Lying there with their eyes wide open! Cold as ice! Still in their dinner things!"', 4 => 'The police were summoned, and the whole of Little Hangleton had seethed with shocked curiosity and ill-disguised excitement. Nobody wasted their breath pretending to feel very sad about the Riddles, for they had been most unpopular. Elderly Mr. and Mrs. Riddle had been rich, snobbish, and rude, and their grown-up son, Tom, had been, if anything, worse. All the villagers cared about was the identity of their murderer - for plainly, three apparently healthy people did not all drop dead of natural causes on the same night.', 5 => 'The Hanged Man, the village pub, did a roaring trade that night; the whole village seemed to have turned out to discuss the murders. They were rewarded for leaving their firesides when the Riddles' cook arrived dramatically in their midst and announced to the suddenly silent pub that a man called Frank Bryce had just been arrested.', 6 => '"Frank!" cried several people. "Never!"', 7 => 'Frank Bryce was the Riddles' gardener. He lived alone in a run-down cottage on the grounds of the Riddle House. Frank had come back from the war with a very stiff leg and a great dislike of crowds and loud noises, and had been working for the Riddles ever since.', 8 => 'There was a rush to buy the cook drinks and hear more details.', 9 => '"Always thought he was odd," she told the eagerly listening villagers, after her fourth sherry. "Unfriendly, like. I'm sure if I've offered him a cuppa once, I've offered it a hundred times. Never wanted to mix, he didn't."', 10 => '"Ah, now," said a woman at the bar, "he had a hard war, Frank. He likes the quiet life. That's no reason to -"', 11 => '"Who else had a key to the back door, then?" barked the cook. "There's been a spare key hanging in the gardener's cottage far back as I can remember! Nobody forced the door last night! No broken windows! All Frank had to do was creep up to the big house while we was all sleeping..."', 12 => 'The villagers exchanged dark looks.', 13 => '"I always thought that he had a nasty look about him, right enough," grunted a man at the bar.', 14 => '"War turned him funny, if you ask me," said the landlord.', 15 => '"Told you I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of Frank, didn't I, Dot?" said an excited woman in the corner.', 16 => '"Horrible temper," said Dot, nodding fervently. "I remember, when he was a kid..."', 17 => 'By the following morning, hardly anyone in Little Hangleton doubted that Frank Bryce had killed the Riddles.', 18 => 'But over in the neighboring town of Great Hangleton, in the dark and dingy police station, Frank was stubbornly repeating, again and again, that he was innocent, and that the only person he had seen near the house on the day of the Riddles' deaths had been a teenage boy, a stranger, dark-haired and pale. Nobody else in the village had seen any such boy, and the police were quite sure Frank had invented him.', 19 => 'Then, just when things were looking very serious for Frank, the report on the Riddles' bodies came back and changed everything.', 20 => 'The police had never read an odder report. A team of doctors had examined the bodies and had concluded that none of the Riddles had been poisoned, stabbed, shot, strangles, suffocated, or (as far as they could tell) harmed at all. In fact (the report continued, in a tone of unmistakable bewilderment), the Riddles all appeared to be in perfect health - apart from the fact that they were all dead. The doctors did note (as though determined to find something wrong with the bodies) that each of the Riddles had a look of terror upon his or her face - but as the frustrated police said, whoever heard of three people being frightened to death?', 21 => 'As there was no proof that the Riddles had been murdered at all, the police were forced to let Frank go. The Riddles were buried in the Little Hangleton churchyard, and their graves remained objects of curiosity for a while. To everyone's surprise, and amid a cloud of suspicion, Frank Bryce returned to his cottage on the grounds of the Riddle House.', 22 => '"As far as I'm concerned, he killed them, and I don't care what the police say," said Dot in the Hanged Man. "And if he had any decency, he'd leave here, knowing as how we knows he did it."', 23 => 'But Frank did not leave. He stayed to tend the garden for the next family who lived in the Riddle House, and then the next - for neither family stayed long. Perhaps it was partly because of Frank that the new owners said there was a nasty feeling about the place, which, in the absence of inhabitants, started to fall into disrepair.', 24 => 'The wealthy man who owned the Riddle House these days neither lived there nor put it to any use; they said in the village that he kept it for "tax reasons," though nobody was very clear what these might be. The wealthy owner continued to pay Frank to do the gardening, however. Frank was nearing his seventy-seventh birthday now, very deaf, his bad leg stiffer than ever, but could be seen pottering around the flower beds in fine weather, even though the weeds were starting to creep up on him, try as he might to suppress them.', 25 => 'Weeds were not the only things Frank had to contend with either. Boys from the village made a habit of throwing stones through the windows of the Riddle House. They rode their bicycles over the lawns Frank worked so hard to keep smooth. Once or twice, they broke into the old house for a dare. They knew that old Frank's devotion to the house and the grounds amounted almost to an obsession, and it amused them to see him limping across the garden, brandishing his stick and yelling croakily at them. Frank, for his part, believed the boys tormented him because they, like their parents and grandparents, though him a murderer. So when Frank awoke one night in August and saw something very odd up at the old house, he merely assumed that the boys had gone one step further in their attempts to punish him.', 26 => 'It was Frank's bad leg that woke him; it was paining him worse than ever in his old age. He got up and limped downstairs into the kitchen with the idea of refilling his hot-water bottle to ease the stiffness in his knee. Standing at the sink, filling the kettle, he looked up at the Riddle House and saw lights glimmering in its upper windows. Frank knew at once what was going on. The boys had broken into the house again, and judging by the flickering quality of the light, they had started a fire.', 27 => 'Frank had no telephone, in any case, he had deeply mistrusted the police ever since they had taken him in for questioning about the Riddles' deaths. He put down the kettle at once, hurried back upstairs as fast as his bad leg would allow, and was soon back in his kitchen, fully dressed and removing a rusty old key from its hook by the door. He picked up his walking stick, which was propped against the wall, and set off into the night.', 28 => 'The front door of the Riddle House bore no sign of being forced, nor did any of the windows. Frank limped around to the back of the house until he reached a door almost completely hidden by ivy, took out the old key, put it into the lock, and opened the door noiselessly.', 29 => 'He let himself into the cavernous kitchen. Frank had not entered it for many years; nevertheless, although it was very dark, he remembered where the door into the hall was, and he groped his way towards it, his nostrils full of the smell of decay, ears pricked for any sound of footsteps or voices from overhead. He reached the hall, which was a little lighter owing to the large mullioned windows on either side of the front door, and started to climb the stairs, blessing the dust that lay thick upon the stone, because it muffled the sound of his feet and stick.', 30 => 'On the landing, Frank turned right, and saw at once where the intruders were: At the every end of the passage a door stood ajar, and a flickering light shone through the gap, casting a long sliver of gold across the black floor. Frank edged closer and closer, he was able to see a narrow slice of the room beyond.', 31 => 'The fire, he now saw, had been lit in the grate. This surprised him. Then he stopped moving and listened intently, for a man's voice spoke within the room; it sounded timid and fearful.', 32 => '"There is a little more in the bottle, My Lord, if you are still hungry."', 33 => '"Later," said a second voice. This too belonged to a man - but it was strangely high-pitched, and cold as a sudden blast of icy wind. Something about that voice made the sparse hairs on the back of Frank's neck stand up. "Move me closer to the fire, Wormtail."', 34 => 'Frank turned his right ear toward the door, the better to hear. There came the clink of a bottle being put down upon some hard surface, and then the dull scraping noise of a heavy chair being dragged across the floor. Frank caught a glimpse of a small man, his back to the door, pushing the chair into place. He was wearing a long black cloak, and there was a bald patch at the back of his head. Then he went out of sight again.', 35 => '"Where is Nagini?" said the cold voice.', 36 => '"I - I don't know, My Lord," said the first voice nervously. "She set out to explore the house, I think..."', 37 => '"You will milk her before we retire, Wormtail," said the second voice. "I will need feeding in the night. The journey has tired me greatly."', 38 => 'Brow furrowed, Frank inclined his good ear still closer to the door, listening very hard. There was a pause, and then the man called Wormtail spoke again.', 39 => '"My Lord, may I ask how long we are going to stay here?"', 40 => '"A week," said the cold voice. "Perhaps longer. The place is moderately comfortable, and the plan cannot proceed yet. It would be foolish to act before the Quidditch World Cup is over."', 41 => 'Frank inserted a gnarled finger into his ear and rotated it. Owing, no doubt, to a buildup of earwax, he had heard the word "Quidditch," which was not a word at all.', 42 => '"The - the Quidditch World Cup, My Lord?" said Wormtail. (Frank dug his finger still more vigorously into his ear.) "Forgive me, but - I do not understand - why should we wait until the World Cup is over?"', 43 => '"Because, fool, at this very moment wizards are pouring into the country from all over the world, and every meddler from the Ministry of Magic will be on duty, on the watch for signs of unusual activity, checking and double-checking identities. They will be obsessed with security, lest the Muggles notice anything. So we wait."', 44 => 'Frank stopped trying to clear out his ear. He had distinctly heard the words "Ministry of Magic," "wizards," and "Muggles." Plainly, each of these expressions meant something secret, and Frank could think of only two sorts of people who would speak in code: spies and criminals. Frank tightened his hold on his walking stick once more, and listened more closely still.', 45 => '"Your Lordship is still determined, then?" Wormtail said quietly.', 46 => '"Certainly I am determined, Wormtail." There was a note of menace in the cold voice now.', 47 => 'A slight pause followed - and the Wormtail spoke, the words tumbling from him in a rush, as though he was forcing himself to say this before he lost his nerve.', 48 => '"It could be done without Harry Potter, My Lord."', 49 => 'Another pause, more protracted, and then -', 50 => '"Without Harry Potter?" breathed the second voice softly. "I see..."', 51 => '"My Lord, I do not say this out of concern for the boy!" said Wormtail, his voice rising squeakily. "The boy is nothing to me, nothing at all! It is merely that if we were to use another witch or wizard - any wizard - the thing could be done so much more quickly! If you allowed me to leave you for a short while - you know that I can disguise myself most effectively - I could be back here in as little as two days with a suitable person -"', 52 => '"I could use another wizard," said the cold voice softly, "that is true..."', 53 => '"My Lord, it makes sense," said Wormtail, sounding thoroughly relieved now. "Laying hands on Harry Potter would be so difficult, he is so well protected -"', 54 => '"And so you volunteer to go and fetch me a substitute? I wonder...perhaps the task of nursing me has become wearisome for you, Wormtail? Could this suggestion of abandoning the plan be nothing more than an attempt to desert me?"', 55 => '"My Lord! I - I have no wish to leave you, none at all -"', 56 => '"Do not lie to me!" hissed the second voice. "I can always tell, Wormtail! You are regretting that you ever returned to me. I revolt you. I see you flinch when you look at me, feel you shudder when you touch me..."', 57 => '"No! My devotion to Your Lordship -"', 58 => '"Your devotion is nothing more than cowardice. You would not be here if you had anywhere else to go. How am I to survive without you, when I need feeding every few hours? Who is to milk Nagini?"', 59 => '"But you seem so much stronger, My Lord -"', 60 => '"Liar," breathed the second voice. "I am no stronger, and a few days alone would be enough to rob me of the little health I have regained under your clumsy care. Silence!"', 61 => 'Wormtail, who had been sputtering incoherently, fell silent at once. For a few seconds, Frank could hear nothing but the fire crackling. The second man spoke once more, in a whisper that was almost a hiss.', 62 => '"I have my reasons for using the boy, as I have already explained to you, and I will use no other. I have waited thirteen years. A few more months will make no difference. As for the protection surrounding the boy, I believe my plan will be effective. All that is needed is a little courage from you, Wormtail - courage you will find, unless you wish to feel the full extent of Lord Voldermort's wrath -"', 63 => '"My Lord, I must speak!" said Wormtail, panic in his voice now. "All through our journey I have gone over the plan in my head - My Lord, Bertha Jorkin's disappearance will not go unnoticed for long, and if we proceed, if I murder -"', 64 => '"If?" whispered the second voice. "If? If you follow the plan, Wormtail, the Ministry need never know that anyone else has died. You will do it quietly and without fuss; I only wish that I could do it myself, but in my present condition...Come, Wormtail, one more death and our path to Harry Potter is clear. I am not asking you to do it alone. By that time, my faithful servant will have rejoined us -"', 65 => '"I am a faithful servant," said Wormtail, the merest trace of sullenness in his voice.', 66 => '"Wormtail, I need somebody with brains, somebody whose loyalty has never wavered, and you, unfortunately, fulfill neither requirement."', 67 => '"I found you," said Wormtail, and there was definitely a sulky edge to his voice now. "I was the one who found you. I brought you Bertha Jorkins."', 68 => '"That is true," said the second man, sounding amused. "A stroke of brilliance I would not have thought possible from you, Wormtail - though, if truth be told, you were not aware how useful she would be when you caught her, were you?"', 69 => '"I - I thought she might be useful, My Lord -"', 70 => '"Liar," said the second voice again, the cruel amusement more pronounced than ever. "However, I do not deny that her information was invaluable. Without it, I could never have formed our plan, and for that, you will have your reward, Wormtail. I will allow you to perform an essential task for me, one that many of my followers would give their right hands to perform..."', 71 => '"R-really, My Lord? What -?" Wormtail sounded terrified again.', 72 => '"Ah, Wormtail, you don't want me to spoil the surprise? Your part will come at the very end...but I promise you, you will have the honor of being just as useful as Bertha Jorkins."', 73 => '"You...you..." Wormtail's voice suddenly sounded hoarse, as though his mouth had gone very dry. "You...are going...to kill me too?"', 74 => '"Wormtail, Wormtail," said the cold voice silkily, "why would I kill you? I killed Bertha because I had to. She was fit for nothing after my questioning, quite useless. In any case, awkward questions would have been asked if she had gone back to the Ministry with the news that she had met you on her holidays. Wizards who are supposed to be dead would do well not to run into Ministry of Magic witches at wayside inns..."', 75 => 'Wormtail muttered something so quietly that Frank could not hear it, but it made the second man laugh - an entirely mirthless laugh, cold as his speech.', 76 => '"We could have modified her memory? But Memory Charms can be broken by a powerful wizard, as I proved when I questioned her. It would be an insult to her memory not to use the information I extracted from her, Wormtail."', 77 => 'Out in the corridor, Frank suddenly became aware that the hand gripping his walking stick was slippery with sweat. The man with the cold voice had killed a woman. He was talking about it without any kind of remorse - with amusement. He was dangerous - a madman. And he was planning more murders - this boy, Harry Potter, whoever he was - was in danger -', 78 => 'Frank knew what he must do. Now, if ever, was the time to go to the police. He would creep out of the house and head straight for the telephone box in the village...but the cold voice was speaking again, and Frank remained where he was, frozen to the spot, listening with all his might.', 79 => '"One more murder...my faithful servant at Hogwarts...Harry Potter is as good as mine, Wormtail. It is decided. There will be no more argument. But quiet...I think I hear Nagini..."', 80 => 'And the second man's voice changed. He started making noises such as Frank had never heard before; he was hissing and spitting without drawing breath. Frank thought he must be having some sort of fit or seizure.', 81 => 'And then Frank heard movement behind him in the dark passageway. He turned to look, and found himself paralyzed with fright.', 82 => 'Something was slithering toward him along the dark corridor floor, and as it drew nearer to the sliver of firelight, he realized with a thrill of terror that it was a gigantic snake, at least twelve feet long. Horrified, transfixed, Frank stared as its undulating body cut a wide, curving track through the thick dust on the floor, coming closer and closer - What was he to do? The only means of escape was into the room where the two men sat plotting murder, yet if he stayed where he was the snake would surely kill him -', 83 => 'But before he had made his decision, the snake was level with him, and then, incredibly, miraculously, it was passing; it was following the spitting, hissing noises made by the cold voice beyond the door, and in seconds, the tip of its diamond-patterned tail had vanished through the gap.', 84 => 'There was sweat on Frank's forehead now, and the hand on the walking stick was trembling. Inside the room, the cold voice was continuing to hiss, and Frank was visited by a strange idea, an impossible idea...This man could talk to snakes.', 85 => 'Frank didn't understand what was going on. He wanted more than anything to be back in his bed with his hot-water bottle. The problem was that his legs didn't seem to want to move. As he stood there shaking and trying to master himself, the cold voice switched abruptly to English again.', 86 => '"Nagini has interesting news, Wormtail," it said.', 87 => '"In-indeed, My Lord?" said Wormtail.', 88 => '"Indeed, yes," said the voice, "According to Nagini, there is an old Muggle standing right outside this room, listening to every word we say."', 89 => 'Frank didn't have a chance to hide himself. There were footsteps and then the door of the room was flung wide open.', 90 => 'A short, balding man with graying hair, a pointed nose, and small, watery eyes stood before Frank, a mixture of fear and alarm in his face.', 91 => '"Invite him inside, Wormtail. Where are your manners?"', 92 => 'The cold voice was coming from the ancient armchair before the fire, but Frank couldn't see the speaker. the snake, on the other hand, was curled up on the rotting hearth rug, like some horrible travesty of a pet dog.', 93 => 'Wormtail beckoned Frank into the room. Though still deeply shaken, Frank took a firmer grip on his walking stick and limped over the threshold.', 94 => 'The fire was the only source of light in the room; it cast long, spidery shadows upon the walls. Frank stared at the back of the armchair; the man inside it seemed to be even smaller than his servant, for Frank couldn't even see the back of his head.', 95 => '"You heard everything, Muggle?" said the cold voice.', 96 => '"What's that you're calling me?" said Frank defiantly, for now that he was inside the room, now that the time had come for some sort of action, he felt braver; it had always been so in the war.', 97 => '"I am calling you a Muggle," said the voice coolly. "It means that you are not a wizard."', 98 => '"I don't know what you mean by wizard," said Frank, his voice growing steadier. "All I know is I've heard enough to interest the police tonight, I have. You've done murder and you're planning more! And I'll tell you this too," he added, on a sudden inspiration, "my wife knows I'm up here, and if I don't come back -"', 99 => '"You have no wife," said the cold voice, very quietly. "Nobody knows you are here. You told nobody that you were coming. Do not lie to Lord Voldemort, Muggle, for he knows...he always knows..."', 100 => '"Is that right?" said Frank roughly. "Lord, is it? Well, I don't think much of your manners, My Lord. Turn 'round and face me like a man, why don't you?"', 101 => '"But I am not a man, Muggle," said the cold voice, barely audible now over the crackling of the flames. "I am much, much more than a man. However...why not? I will face you...Wormtail, come turn my chair around."', 102 => 'The servant gave a whimper.', 103 => '"You heard me, Wormtail."', 104 => 'Slowly, with his face screwed up, as though he would rather have done anything than approach his master and the hearth rug where the snake lay, the small man walked forward and began to turn the chair. The snake lifted its ugly triangular head and hissed slightly as the legs of the chair snagged on its rug.', 105 => 'And then the chair was facing Frank, and he saw what was sitting in it. His walking stick fell to the floor with a clatter. He opened his mouth and let out a scream. He was screaming so loudly that he never heard the words the thing in the chair spoke as it raised a wand. There was a flash of green light, a rushing sound, and Frank Bryce crumpled. He was dead before he hit the floor.', 106 => 'Two hundred miles away, the boy called Harry Potter woke with a start.' ]
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'<!--see talk page for recommendations--> {{Use Australian English|date=October 2011}} {{Use dmy dates|date=October 2012}} {{Infobox australian football club | clubname = Port Adelaide | image = [[File:Port Adelaide Football Club Logo.jpg|240px|Port Adelaide Football Club logo]] | fullname = Port Adelaide Football Club Ltd<ref>{{cite web|title=Port Adelaide Football Club Limited|publisher=Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)|url=http://www.search.asic.gov.au/cgi-bin/gns030c?acn=068_839_547&juris=9&hdtext=ACN&srchsrc=1|accessdate=5 November 2010}}</ref> | motto = We Are Port Adelaide <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/video/2015-09-15/ptv-jack-hombsch-jim-stynes-community-leadership-award-nomination | title=PTV: Jack Hombsch - Jim Stynes Community Leadership Award nomination | date=15 September 2015 | quote= Port Adelaide's motto is 'We Exist to Win Premierships and Make Our Community Proud #119'.}}</ref> | topgoalkicker = [[Chad Wingard]] (38) | bestandfairest = | season = 2016 | home&away = 10th | founded = 12 May {{Start date and age|1870}} | colours = AFL: [[File:AFL Port Adelaide Icon.jpg|16px]], SANFL: [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] | league = Power <small>(AFL)</small><br />[[Australian Football League]]<br />Magpies <small>(2nds)</small><br />[[South Australian National Football League]]<br/>Port Adelaide Women <small>(SAWFL)</small><br/>[[South Australian Women's Football League]]<br />Academy <small>(3rds)</small><br />Junior development | chairman = [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] | CEO = [[Keith Thomas]] | coach = [[Ken Hinkley]] (AFL)<br />[[Chad Cornes]] (SANFL)<br/>Markita Bond (SAWFL) | captain = [[Travis Boak]] (AFL)<br />Steven Summerton (SANFL)<br/> Maddie Willis (SAWFL) | ground = [[Adelaide Oval]] | capacity = 53,583 | ground2 = [[Alberton Oval]] | capacity2 = 17,000 | formerground = [[Football Park]] | span = 1974–2013 | trainingground = [[Alberton Oval]] | premierships = AFL (1): [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004]]<br />Championship of Australia (4):<br />[[1890 Championship of Australia|1890]], [[1910 Championship of Australia|1910]], [[1913 Championship of Australia|1913]], [[1914 Championship of Australia|1914]]<br />SANFL <small>pre AFL entry</small> (34):<br />[[1884 SAFA season|1884]], [[1890 SAFA season|1890]], [[1897 SAFA season|1897]], [[1903 SAFA Grand Final|1903]], [[1906 SAFA Grand Final|1906]], [[1910 SAFL Grand Final|1910]], [[1913 SAFL Grand Final|1913]], [[1914 SAFL Grand Final|1914]], [[1921 SAFL Grand Final|1921]], [[1928 SANFL Grand Final|1928]], [[1936 SANFL Grand Final|1936]], [[1937 SANFL Grand Final|1937]], [[1939 SANFL Grand Final|1939]], [[1951 SANFL Grand Final|1951]], [[1954 SANFL Grand Final|1954]], [[1955 SANFL Grand Final|1955]], [[1956 SANFL Grand Final|1956]], [[1957 SANFL Grand Final|1957]], [[1958 SANFL Grand Final|1958]], [[1959 SANFL Grand Final|1959]], [[1962 SANFL Grand Final|1962]], [[1963 SANFL Grand Final|1963]], [[1965 SANFL Grand Final|1965]], [[1977 SANFL Grand Final|1977]], [[1979 SANFL Grand Final|1979]], [[1980 SANFL Grand Final|1980]], [[1981 SANFL Grand Final|1981]], [[1988 SANFL Grand Final|1988]], [[1989 SANFL Grand Final|1989]], [[1990 SANFL Grand Final|1990]], [[1992 SANFL Grand Final|1992]], [[1994 SANFL Grand Final|1994]], [[1995 SANFL Grand Final|1995]], [[1996 SANFL Grand Final|1996]]<br />SANFL <small>post AFL entry</small> (2): [[1998 SANFL Grand Final|1998]], [[1999 SANFL Grand Final|1999]]<br />WWI Patriotic League (2):<br />1916, 1917<br/>WWII Patriotic League (1):<br />[[1942 SANFL Grand Final|1942]] <small>(as Port-Torrens)</small> | url = [http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/ portadelaidefc.com.au] | jumper = | current = }} The '''Port Adelaide Football Club''' is a professional [[Australian rules football]] club based in [[Alberton, South Australia|Alberton]], [[Port Adelaide]], South Australia. The club's senior team plays in the [[Australian Football League]] (AFL) whilst its reserves and development teams compete in the [[South Australian National Football League]] (SANFL).<ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/105240/default.aspx Update: Power & Magpies Unite – Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club]</ref> Port Adelaide is the oldest professional football club in South Australia and the [[List of Australian rules football clubs by date of establishment|5th oldest club in the AFL]]. Since the club's first game on 24 May 1870, it has won 36 South Australian league premierships, including six in a row. The club also won the [[Champions of Australia]] competition on a record four occasions.<ref>[http://www.fullpointsfooty.net/port_adelaide.htm ''Port Adelaide – Part One: 1870 to 1918''], FullPointsFooty.net</ref><ref>[http://www.fullpointsfooty.net/championship_of_australia.htm ''Club Championship of Australia''], FullPointsFooty.net.</ref> In 1997, the club joined the Australian Football League as the only pre-existing non-Victorian club—and subsequently added the [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004 AFL Premiership]] to its achievements. ==Club history== {{multiple image | align = right | image1= John_Hart_Jr_1876.jpeg | width1 = 112 | alt1 = | image2 = Bucks Flat, Glanville Hall Estate.jpg | width2 = 226 | alt2 = | footer = Left: Inaugural club president [[John Hart, Jr.]]<br>Right: Port Adelaide played at [[John Hart (South Australian colonist)|John Hart, Sr.]]'s property, Glanville Hall Estate, from 1870-1879. }} {{main article|History of Port Adelaide Football Club}} ===1870–1876: Formation years=== By the late 1860s [[Port Adelaide]]'s [[Port River|river]] traffic was growing significantly causing John Rann, Mr. Leicester and Mr. Ireland to form a sporting club to benefit local wharf workers.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port Adelaide Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%2520Adelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The Port Adelaide Football Club was established on 12 May 1870 as part of a joint [[Australian rules football|Australian football]] and [[cricket]] club with the first training session taking place two days later.<ref>{{cite news |url = http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article39203522|title = The wheat statistics.|newspaper = [[South Australian Register]]|location = Adelaide, SA|date = 13 May 1870|accessdate = 29 March 2015|page = 5|publisher = National Library of Australia}}</ref> It played its first match against a team called the "Young Australians" on 24 May 1870 at inaugural club president [[John Hart, Jr.|John Hart]]'s family property in [[Glanville, South Australia|Glanville]]. Football in [[South Australia]] at this stage was yet to be organised by a single body and as a result there were several sets of rules in use across the state. ===1877–1889: SAFA foundation, Alberton Oval and Australia's first grand final=== In [[1877 SAFA season|1877]] Port Adelaide joined seven other clubs to form the [[South Australian National Football League|South Australian Football Association]] (SAFA), the first league of its type in Australia.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.sahistorians.org.au/175/chronology/april/30-april-1877-south-australian-football-associatio.shtml|title = The South Australian Football Story|date = 1983|accessdate = 2 May 2015|website = SA 175|publisher = professional historians association (south australia)|last = Whimpress|first = Bernard}}</ref> It competed its first few seasons wearing magenta guernseys and white shorts.<ref>{{Cite book|title = 1877 South Australian Football Season Records and Statistics|last = Gyss|first = Trevor|publisher = |year = 2010|isbn = 1445782928|location = |page = 31}}</ref> In [[1878 SAFA season|1878]] the club hosted its first game against the recently established [[Norwood Football Club]] with the visitors winning 1-0. A rivalry between these clubs would soon develop into one of the fiercest in Australian sport (See [[Port Adelaide–Norwood SANFL rivalry|Port Adelaide-Norwood SANFL rivalry]]).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article73070391 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The South Australian Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=18 June 1878 |accessdate=2 May 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> {{multiple image | align = right | image1 = Alberton_Oval_1880_Juniors.png | width1 = 200 | alt1 = | image2 = Port_Adelaide_1884_Premiership_Team.jpg | width2 = 240 | alt2 = | footer = Left: Junior Port Adelaide players at [[Alberton Oval]] in 1880, the first year the ground was used by the club for football.<br />Right: Port Adelaide's first premiership team from the [[1884 SAFA season|1884 season]]. }} In 1880 the club moved to [[Alberton Oval]]. In 1881 the club played an interstate team for the first time against [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] at Adelaide Oval. Later that year the club travelled to Victoria and played its first game outside South Australia against [[Sale Football Club|Sale]].<ref>{{cite web|title = 10 things you probably don’t know about the Port Adelaide Football Club… – portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2015-05-12/port-adelaide-turns-145|accessdate = 2015-05-29}}</ref> During the [[1882 SAFA season|1882 season]] Port Adelaide overcame Norwood for the first time after nine previous attempts winning by 1 goal at [[Adelaide Oval]]. In 1884 Port Adelaide won its first SAFA premiership, ending Norwood's run of six premierships. On 25 May 1885, Port Adelaide played its first game at the [[MCG]] against [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]], drawing with the eventual VFA premiers in front of 10,000 spectators.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article6080331 |title=Sporting Intelligence |newspaper=[[The Argus (Melbourne)|The Argus]] |location=Melbourne |date=25 May 1885 |accessdate=22 November 2014 |page=9 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> In 1887 immense interest led into the Round 8 meeting against Norwood as the previous two matches between the clubs resulted in draws. Norwood won in front of a then-record 11,000 spectators at Adelaide Oval.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article37175326 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The South Australian Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=21 June 1887 |accessdate=14 January 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> During 1889 the club played against the [[Richmond Football Club|Richmond]] at [[Punt Road]], with Port prevailing by a goal.<ref>{{Cite web|title = First of firsts: Port Adelaide v Richmond 1889 - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2014-09-03/first-of-firsts-port-adelaide-v-richmond-1889|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The [[1889 SAFA season]] ended with Port Adelaide and Norwood equal top, leading to the staging of [[1889 SAFA Grand Final|Australia's first grand final]]. Norwood went on to defeat Port Adelaide by two goals. ===1890–1901: First national success and last wooden spoon=== {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''[[1890 Championship of Australia]]''|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Score'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:SANFL Port Adelaide 1883-1901 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''{{AFL Por}}''' || '''7''' || '''10''' || '''7''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:VFL South Melbourne 1880-1896 Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]] || 6 || 13 || 6 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | | colspan=3 | |} {{multiple image | align = left | image1 = Harry_Phillips.jpg | width1 = 128 | alt1 = | image2 = PortMagenta.JPG | width2 = 100 | alt2 = | footer = Left: [[Harry Phillips (Australian footballer)|Harry Phillips]] won the clubs best and fairest in [[1888 SAFA season|1888]], [[1891 SAFA season|1891]], [[1893 SAFA season|1892]] and [[1893 SAFA season|1893]].<br />Right: Port fan Willy Whicker wearing a striped magenta guernsey used by the club until dye became too costly (1883-1901). }} In 1890 Port Adelaide won its second SAFA premiership and would go on to be crowned "[[1890 Championship of Australia|Champions of Australia]]" for the first time after defeating [[Victorian Football League|VFA]] premiers [[Sydney Swans|South Melbourne]]. During the 1890s Australia was affected by a severe depression and many players were forced to move interstate to find work translating into poor on field results. By 1896, the club was in crisis and finished last causing the clubs committee to meet with the aim of revitalising the club. Historian John Devaney suggested that there was a "conscious and deliberate cultivation by both the committee and the team's on field leaders of a revitalised club spirit, whereby playing for Port Adelaide became a genuine source of pride".<ref>{{cite web|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%20Adelaide/9|title = Port Adelaide|date = |accessdate = 14 May 2015|website = Australian Football|publisher = |last = Devaney|first = John}}</ref> It had immediate results and in 1897 Port Adelaide won a [[1897 SAFA season|third premiership]] finishing the season with a record of 14-2-1 with a scoring record two and a half times its conceded total. This is one of only four occurrences since 1877 that the team that finished last won a premiership the following year. [[Stan Malin]] won Port Adelaide's first [[Magarey Medal]] in 1899. During the 19th century the club had nicknames including the Cockledivers, the Seaside Men, the Seasiders and the Magentas. In 1900, Port finished bottom in the six-team competition, which it has not done in any senior league since. ===1902–1915: Black and white and the pre-war invincibles=== {{multiple image | align = right | image1 = PortAdelaideFC1902Logo.png | width1 = 138 | alt1 = | image2 = Port Adelaide premiership team 1903.jpg | width2 = 330 | alt2 = | footer = Left: Port Adelaide adopted the black and white "Wharf Pylon" guernsey and the Magpie emblem in 1902.<br />Right: Port Adelaide's [[1903 SAFA Grand Final|1903]] premiership team were the first to win a Grand Final in the "Wharf Pylon" guernsey. }} In 1902, Port Adelaide took the field in black and white guernseys for the first time after it was having trouble finding dyes that would last for its blue and magenta guernseys.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162353382 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[Adelaide Observer]] |date=26 April 1902 |accessdate=28 December 2014 |page=20 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The first year in the new guernsey would be a controversial year for the club. After finishing the [[1902 SAFA season|1902 season]] on top of the ladder was disqualified from a game with {{SANFL SthA}} after disputing the use of an unaccredited umpire.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4875685 |title=A FOOTBALL DISPUTE. |newspaper=[[The Advertiser (Adelaide)|The Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=4 September 1902 |accessdate=30 May 2015 |page=4 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The 1902 SAFA premiership would subsequently be awarded to North Adelaide after they defeated South Adelaide in the Grand Final a week later.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article56255969 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Register (Adelaide)|The Register]] |location=Adelaide |date=9 September 1902 |accessdate=29 December 2014 |page=6 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> Port Adelaide offered to play North Adelaide in a premiership deciding match, but the association refused.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article56255969 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Register (Adelaide)|The Register]] |location=Adelaide |date=9 September 1902 |accessdate=30 May 2015 |page=6 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> The first premiership after the dispute came the following year when Port Adelaide defeated South Adelaide 6.6 (42) to 5.5 (35) in the 1903 SAFA Challenge Final. A further premiership came in 1906 when Port defeated North Adelaide 8.12 (60) to 5.9 (39) in the year's Grand Final. During the early stages of the 1907 season, Port Adelaide travelled to Sydney to play a combination of the cities best players. The game was marketed as 'Port Adelaide vs. Sydney' with the harbour city side taking the honours 8.9 (57) to 5.14 (44).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115235416 |title=PORT ADELAIDE v. SYDNEY. |newspaper=[[The Evening News (Sydney)|The Evening News]]|location=Sydney |date=7 June 1907 |accessdate=5 May 2015 |page=3 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''1910 Port Adelaide vs. WAFL<ref name="ReferenceA">http://australianfootball.com/articles/view/Port+in+Perth+-+Port+Adelaide%27s+1910+WA+tour/12</ref>'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Wellington colours.svg|16px]] [[Western Australia Australian rules football team|WAFL]] || 6 || 12 || 48 |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''6''' || '''17''' || '''53''' |- | Venue: [[Fremantle Oval]] | colspan=3 | |} {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''[[1910 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''15''' || '''20''' || '''110''' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:AFL Collingwood Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Collingwood Football Club|Collingwood]] || 7 || 9 || 51 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | |} Port Adelaide won the SAFL premiership in 1910 defeating [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]] 8.12 (60) to 5.11 (41) in the Grand Final. The club would go on to defeat Collingwood for the [[1910 Championship of Australia]] title. During the 1910 post season, seeking revenge for their loss the year before, Port Adelaide travelled to Western Australia and beat East Fremantle by 12 points. To conclude the trip Port Adelaide played a combination of some of the [[Western Australian Football League|WAFL]]'s best players and achieved a remarkable victory scoring 6.17 (53) to 6.12 (48), with [[Sampson Hosking]] named best on ground.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football|url = http://australianfootball.com/articles/view/Port+in+Perth+-+Port+Adelaide's+1910+WA+tour/12|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Along with beating the premiers from South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia in 1910, Port Adelaide also invited North Broken Hill, the premier team of New South Wales, to a game at Adelaide Oval. Port Would win this game 14.20 (104) to 5.5 (35).<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article45135647 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Barrier Miner]] |location=Broken Hill, NSW |date=16 August 1910 |accessdate=5 May 2015 |page=2 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> {{multiple image | align = left | image1 = PortAdelaideOval.JPG | width1 = 150 | alt1 = | image2 = PortAdelaide1914.jpg | width2 = 280 | alt2 = | footer = Left: Club legend [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]] taking a mark in the [[1914 SAFL season#Week 1|1914 SAFL Semi Final]] against [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]] at [[Adelaide Oval]].<br />Right: [[1914 Port Adelaide Football Club season|Port Adelaide's undefeated 1914 SAFL premiers and Champions of Australia]] team. }}The following two seasons for Port Adelaide would be frustrating dropping only one game during the 1911 minor round and going undefeated the following year in 1912 only to be knocked out of contention by [[West Adelaide Football Club|West Adelaide]] both times, the second of these encounters in front of a pre war South Australian record crowd of 28,500. During the 1912 preseason, Port Adelaide travelled to Tasmania and took on a combination of players from various [[Tasmanian Football League]] (TFL) sides. The game would prove to be very competitive with Port Adelaide defeating the TFL combination 7.13 (55) to 6.6 (42).<ref>{{Cite book|title = SA Football Companion|last = Devaney|first = John|publisher = Full Points Footy's|year = 2008|isbn = |location = |page = 431}}</ref> {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''[[1913 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''13''' || '''16''' || '''94''' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:FitzroyDesign.jpg|16px]] [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] || 4 || 7 || 31 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | |}During the 1913 preseason, Port Adelaide travelled back to Western Australia to play East Fremantle again with the local side winning for a second time 6.6 (42) to 4.12 (36). Despite this inauspicious preseason the club would break through in 1913, dropping only two games during the minor round and eventually defeating North Adelaide 7.12 (54) to 5.10 (40) for the SAFL premiership and [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] 13.16 (94) to 4.7 (31) for the [[1913 Championship of Australia]]. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''1914 Port Adelaide vs. SAFL<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article59365634 |title=FOOTBALL. |newspaper=[[The Mail (Adelaide)|The Mail]] |location=Adelaide |date=15 October 1914 |accessdate=9 January 2015 |page=4 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref>'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Safootballjumper.jpg|16px]] [[South Australia Australian rules football team|SAFL]] || 5 || 10 || 40 |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''14''' || '''14''' || '''98''' |- | Venue: [[Jubilee Oval]] | colspan=3 | |} {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | ''[[1914 Championship of Australia]]'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''9''' || '''16''' || '''70''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:CarltonDesign.png|16px]] [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] || 5 || 6 || 36 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | |} The [[1914 Port Adelaide Football Club season]] is widely regarded as one of the best in Australian rules football history. It won all its pre season matches, won all fourteen SAFL games by an average margin of 49 points and the 1914 SAFL Grand Final where it held North Adelaide to a single goal for the match 13.15 (93) to 1.8 (14). The club would then meet [[Victorian Football League|VFL]] premiers [[Carlton Football Club|Carlton]] on Adelaide Oval, defeating the Victorian club by 34 points to claim a record fourth Championship of Australia. At the end of 1914 season a combined team from the six other SAFL clubs played Port Adelaide and lost to the subsequently dubbed "Invincibles" by 58 points.<ref>{{Cite news|title = Championship football port adelaide invincible soundly defeat combined league team.|url = http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article105464625|newspaper = Daily Herald|date = 15 October 1914|access-date = 2015-07-13|page = 5}}</ref> Key players from this team are [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]], [[Angelo Congear]] and [[Sampson Hosking]] who all share the unique distinction of playing in three Championships of Australia together as well all taking part in South Australia's first victorious [[1911 Adelaide Carnival|Australian National Football Carnival in 1911]].<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Angelo Congear - Player Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/players/player/angelo%252Bcongear/43|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> === 1919–1949: Two World Wars, the Great Depression and post war struggles === [[File:Port_Adelaide_1921.jpg|thumb|left|Port Adelaide players hold up their [[1921 SAFL season|1921 SAFL premiership]] flag]] During World War I the club lost three players—William Boon, Joseph Watson and Albert Chaplin—to the war. A scaled-back competition referred to as the 'Patriotic League' was organised during wartime in which Port Adelaide won the 1916 and 1917 instalments. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[1921 SAFL Grand Final]] || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''4''' || '''8''' || '''32''' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Norwood Jumper Design.png|16px]] {{SANFL Nor}} || 3 || 6 || 24 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | crowd: 34,000 | colspan=3 | |} After World War I, [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]], arguably the state's best player, was close to retiring from league football playing only 1 game in 1919 and 8 in 1920. However keen supporters of the club hoping to replicate its pre-war success raised funds and bought him a motorbike so he could commute from his farm in [[Berri, South Australia|Berri]] for the 1921 season.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Family tree. Details of William Harold OLIVER (1891-1958)|url = http://www.users.on.net/~jtpope/public/indiv/i02317.htm|website = www.users.on.net|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Oliver would captain the club to the 1921 premiership, winning his fourth in the process. In 1922 after playing only 5 league matches for the season his football career came to an end due to commitments regarding his farm and disputes regarding game compensation. His contract termination meant he was paid ₤76 of ₤100 pounds for the season making him one of the highest-paid footballers of the era.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article106671475 |title=Play and Players|newspaper=[[Daily Herald (Adelaide)|Daily Herald]] |location=Adelaide |date=4 August 1922 |accessdate=18 March 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> Shortly afterwards most of Port Adelaide's champion players from before the war started to retire and the club's performances declined.<ref name="ReferenceC">{{cite web|title = Australian Football – Port Adelaide Football Club – Stats|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/stats/Port%2BAdelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-05-22}}</ref> As was the case in the 1890s, the depression of the early 1930s hit the club hard with players moving interstate to secure employment.<ref name="ReferenceC" /> [[File:Bob_Quinn_(Australian_footballer).jpg|left|thumb|[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] chaired off after the 1939 Grand Final win]] {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[1939 SANFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''16''' || '''28''' || '''124''' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:West Torrens FC design.png|16px]] {{SANFL WT}} || 11 || 11 || 77 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | crowd: 44,885 | colspan=3 | |} By the late 1930s, the economy and Port Adelaide's form both recovered and after two narrow grand final losses in 1934 and 1935 the club won premierships in 1936, 1937 and 1939. During 1939, [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]], in his third year as a player for the club, coached the team to a Grand Final win over [[West Torrens Football Club|West Torrens]]. Many Port Adelaide players also enlisted for military service during this time.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = Largs Bay Printers|year = 1991|isbn = |location = Adelaide|page = 6}}</ref> In 1941 Port Adelaide suffered its first player casualties from war since World War I with Lloyd Rudd and Jack Wade both killed on the Allies' front in France. Four more players would be killed through the war: Maxwell Carmichael, George Quinn, Christopher Johnston and Halcombe Brock.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = |year = 1991|isbn = |location = |page = 12}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2014-04-24/port-adelaide-servicemen-in-war|title =Port Adelaide servicemen in war |date = 24 April 2014 |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Agius |first = Matthew}}</ref> {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | 1942 Wartime fundraiser || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Collingwood Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide/West Torrens''' || '''20''' || '''23''' || '''113''' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:Safootballjumper.jpg|16px]] "The Rest" || 20 || 21 || 111 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | | colspan=3 |<ref>{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article48884888 |title=Port-Torrens Wins Again |newspaper=[[The Advertiser (Adelaide)|The Advertiser]] |location=Adelaide |date=28 September 1942 |accessdate=24 January 2015 |page=7 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> |} Just as had happened in 1914, the league was being hit hard by player losses in World War II. Due to a lack of able men the league's eight teams were reduced to four with Port Adelaide merging with nearby West Torrens from 1942 to 1944. The joint club would play in all three Grand Finals during this period, winning the 1942 instalment but losing the 1943 and 1944 editions to the Norwood-North Adelaide combination. Normal competition resumed in 1945. After finishing his military service [[Haydn Bunton Sr.]], now a triple [[Brownlow Medal|Brownlow]] and [[Sandover Medal|Sandover]] medallist, joined the club for his final season.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://australianfootball.com/players/player/haydn%2Bbunton%2Bsnr/5255|title = Haydn Bunton Snr|date = |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Devaney|first = John}}</ref> However, despite this addition Port Adelaide was unable to regain its pre-war success and played in only one grand final for the rest of the 1940s. ===1950–1973: Fos Williams era and Jack Oatey rivalry=== [[File:Fos Williams 1954.jpg|thumb|200px|left|[[Fos Williams]] coached Port Adelaide to nine premierships, playing in six of them.]] At the end of the 1949, having missed two finals series in a row, the Port Adelaide Football Club had become desperate to improve its on-field performances. The club's committee subsequently sought out a coach that could win the club its next premiership. Eventually a decision was made which would influence the next 50 years of the Port Adelaide Football Club with [[Fos Williams|Foster Neil Williams]], a brilliant [[Follower (Australian rules football)|rover]] from West Adelaide, being appointed captain-coach of the club. Williams brought to the club a new coaching style based on success at any cost which was succinctly encapsulated in the legendary [[Port Adelaide Football Club#Club creed|club creed]] he eventually wrote in 1962. During his second season as coach in 1951, Williams led Port to their first official premiership (excluding World War II competition) for 9 seasons, defeating North Adelaide by 11 points. At the end of the 1951 season the VFL premiers Geelong visited South Australia to play the local premiers Port Adelaide on Adelaide Oval. Geelong won the match 8.14 (62) to 6.18 (54) in front of 25,000 people.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Bound for Glory|last = Wood|first = John|publisher = Largs Bay Printers|year = 1991|isbn = 0959316213|location = Port Adelaide|page = 46}}</ref> Port Adelaide would make the Grand Final again in 1953 against local rivals West Torrens in what would be the Eagles last appearance before merging with Woodville. West Torrens would disappoint Port Adelaide, winning the 1953 premiership by 7 points. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[1957 SANFL Grand Final]] || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''15''' || '''15''' || '''105''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Norwood Jumper Design.png|16px]] Norwood || 13 || 16 || 94 |- | Venue: [[Football Park]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 58,924 |} Port Adelaide's run of disappointment from the 1952 and 1953 seasons would prove to be short lived with the club subsequently going on to win a national record six Grand Finals in a row from 1954 to 1959. The club had a win-loss-draw record of 105-16-1 (86%) over the six-year period. During the 1950s Port Adelaide and [[Melbourne Football Club|Melbourne]], often the premiers of South Australian and Victorian leagues, played exhibition matches at [[Norwood Oval]]. The most notable game was the 1955 match with an estimated crowd of 23,000. The game being a thriller going down to the last 15 seconds with [[Frank 'Bluey' Adams|Frank Adams]] kicking a behind and sealing the game 9.11 (65) to 9.10 (64) in favour of [[Norm Smith]]'s demons.<ref name="demonwiki.org">{{cite web|url = http://demonwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=1955+Exhibition+Match+vs+Port+Adelaide|title = 1955 Exhibition Match vs Port Adelaide|date = |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url = http://demonwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=1955+Exhibition+Match+vs+Port+Adelaide|title = 1955 Exhibition Match vs Port Adelaide|date = 30 May 2014|accessdate = 2015-01-20|website = demonwiki.org|publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref> The following year Melbourne was full of praise for their cross border challenger with those in the Demons camp agreeing that "Port Adelaide could take their place in the V.F.L. competition and do themselves credit".<ref>{{Cite book|title = Port Adelaide Football Club Annual Report|last = |first = |publisher = Port Adelaide Football Club|year = 1956|isbn = |location = |page = 6}}</ref> [[Geof Motley]] took over the captain-coaching role at the club in 1959 when Williams left to take a break from the game. That year the club won the premiership setting a national record of sixth consecutive Grand Final victories. Port Adelaide's hope of winning 7 consecutive premierships was brought to an end in the 1960 preliminary final when Norwood won by 27 points. For the following two seasons Port Adelaide would finish third. {|style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width="200" | [[1965 SANFL Grand Final]]<br />Fos Williams ninth premiership.|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''12''' || '''8''' || '''80''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Sturt Football Club design.png|16px]] {{SANFL Stu}} || 12 || 5 || 77 |- | Venue: [[Adelaide Oval]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 62,543<ref>http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1965/</ref> | colspan=3 | |} Fos Williams returned in 1962 and Port Adelaide won three of the next four premierships taking his personal tally to nine and the clubs record to 10 of the last 15 premierships. The 1965 premiership, the last that Williams coached, was played in front of 62,543 people, the largest ever crowd at Adelaide Oval. In that game Port Adelaide defeat Sturt by 3 points. After the [[1965 SANFL Grand Final|1965 Grand Final]], Port Adelaide would be frustrated by the dominance of [[Sturt Football Club|Sturt]], which won seven premierships over this period under the leadership of [[Jack Oatey]]. In all, despite playing in 6 of the next 10 grand finals, Port Adelaide would fail to win a premiership until 1977. ===1974–1998: John Cahill, SANFL domination and AFL entry=== {{multiple image | align = left | image1 = Gavin Wanganeen John Cahill 1997.jpg | width1 = 280 | alt1 = | image2 = | width2 = 120 | alt2 = | footer = [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] with [[Gavin Wanganeen]] in 1997. They were respectively the first coach and captain of the club in the AFL.}} One of Port Adelaide's finest players during the Fos Williams era was [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]. He eventually became William's [[Mentorship|protégé]] and ultimately took over as coach in 1974. In 1975 a dispute between the [[City of Port Adelaide Enfield|Port Adelaide City Council]] and the SANFL over the use of Alberton Oval forced Port Adelaide to move its home matches to Adelaide Oval for two seasons. In 1976 Cahill would subsequently take Port Adelaide to its first Grand Final under his leadership against Sturt with an official attendance of 66,897, the record for football in South Australia. The actual crowd was estimated at 80,000, much bigger than the official figure as Football Park ran out of tickets early and were forced to shut the gates 90 minutes before the bounce as people were being crushed on entry.<ref name="Norton 2013 28">{{Cite book|title = Port Adelaide Football Club – 2013 Season Guide.|last = Norton|first = Daniel|publisher = Bowden Group|year = 2013|isbn = |location = Adelaide|page = 28}}</ref> Sturt won in an upset by 41 points. In 1977 the dispute regarding Alberton Oval was resolved and the club moved back to its home ground and won that years premiership breaking an 11-year drought which at the time was Port Adelaide longest since competing in an organised football competition. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide'''|| '''17''' || '''11''' || '''113''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Richmond Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Glenelg Football Club|Glenelg]] || 16 || 9 || 105 |- | Venue: [[Football Park]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 56,717<ref>http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1977/</ref> | colspan=3 | |} {{quote|It has taken us a bloody long time but by gee it was worth it!|[[Russell Ebert]] during the post game award presentations of the [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]].<ref>Russell Ebert, [[1977 SANFL Grand Final]] – Port Adelaide vs. Glenelg.</ref>}} The [[1980 SANFL season|1980 season]] was Port Adelaide's most dominant since 1914. All SANFL divisions of the club made finals with both the league and reserve sides winning their respective premierships. Russell Ebert won his record 4th [[Magarey Medal]]. [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] set the then-league goal kicking record of 146 goals in a season. The club provided seven players to the state league team ([[Russell Ebert|Ebert]], [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Evans]], [[Brian Cunningham|Cunningham]], [[Greg Phillips|Phillips]], [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Williams]], [[Tony Giles|Giles]] and [[Milan Faletic|Faletic]]). The club set a new record for most points scored during the whole season at 3,421 whilst also having the best defence conceding only 1,851 points. Overall Port Adelaide lost 2 games from 24 for the year. [[Russell Ebert]] became coach in 1983 when Cahill left to coach Collingwood for two seasons. This period saw the club fail to reach the grand final. The period also marked the rise of the VFL as Australia's premier football competition. Many SANFL players were moving to the VFL larger salaries. In 1982 the SANFL, Norwood and [[East Perth Football Club|East Perth]] all approached the VFL in regards to entering the league. All were ignored at the time.<ref name="australianfootball.com">{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port+Adelaide Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%252BAdelaide/9|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Port Adelaide's report from 1982 showed that the failure of these attempts impacted the understanding of its future.<ref>'Port Adelaide Football Club Inc. Annual Report and Balance Sheet Season 1982', page 11</ref> From this point onwards the club restructured in regards to economics, public relations and on-field performance for an attempt to enter the league. There was genuine feeling that failure to do this would result in the club ceasing to exist in the future.<ref name="australianfootball.com"/> Talk of a side from South Australia entering the VFL was fast tracked in 1987 when a team from Western Australia, the [[West Coast Eagles]], and a team from [[Brisbane]], the [[Brisbane Bears]] joined the VFL. South Australia was left out as the only mainland state without a team. John Cahill returned as coach for the 1988 season. During that year, one of Fos Williams sons, Anthony, was tragically killed in a building accident. The following day the club played against Norwood and managed to overcome an early deficit to win the emotional charged game. The club would go on to win the 1988 premiership. In 1989 seven out of ten SANFL clubs were recording losses and the combined income of the SANFL and WAFL had dropped to 40% of that of the VFL.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Revisiting the South Australian license saga of 1991|url = http://www.theroar.com.au/2012/07/16/revisiting-the-south-australian-license-saga-of-1991/|website = The Roar|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> During early 1990 the SANFL decided to wait three years before making any further decision in regards to fielding a South Australian side in the VFL until it could be done without negatively affecting football within the state. Frustrated with lack of progress, Port Adelaide were having secret negotiations in the town of Quorn for entry in 1991.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Stateline South Australia|url = http://www.abc.net.au/stateline/sa/content/2003/s1206851.htm|website = www.abc.net.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> From these discussions Port Adelaide Football Club accepted an invitation from the VFL to join what had now become the AFL. The AFL signed a Heads of Agreement with the club in expectation that Port would enter the competition in 1991, meaning the Port Adelaide Football Club would field two teams, one in the AFL and one in the SANFL. During the 1990 preseason Port Adelaide played a practice match against the Geelong at Football Park in front of 35,000 spectators with [[Gary Ablett, Sr.|Gary Ablett Snr]] and [[Gavin Wanganeen]] prominent. When knowledge of Port Adelaide's negotiations to gain an AFL licence were made public, many in the SANFL saw it as an act of treachery. SANFL clubs urged Justice Olssen to make an injunction against the bid, which he agreed to.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Revisiting the South Australian license saga of 1991|url = http://www.theroar.com.au/2012/07/16/revisiting-the-south-australian-license-saga-of-1991/|website = The Roar|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The AFL suggested to the SANFL that if they didn't want Port Adelaide to join the AFL, they could put forward a counter bid to enter a composite South Australian side into the AFL. After legal action from all parties, the AFL finally agreed to accept the SANFL's bid and the [[Adelaide Football Club]] was born.<ref name="Devaney">John P. Devaney ''Full points footy: encyclopedia of Australian football clubs'' [[Lulu (company)|Lulu]], 2009 pp 400 ISBN 0-9556897-0-8</ref> {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]]<br />''Last season without AFL in SA.'' || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Richmond Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Glenelg Football Club|Glenelg]] || 13 || 15 || 93 |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:Port Adelaide SANFL Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''16''' || '''12''' || '''108''' |- | Venue: [[Football Park]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 50,589<ref name="subiacofc.com">http://www.subiacofc.com/seasons/season/SANFL/1959/</ref> | colspan=3 | |} {{quote|"These twenty blokes are sensational people and to our friends in the press the one thing that really matters is that there will always be a Port Adelaide Football Club."|[[George Fiacchi]] upon accepting the 1990 [[Jack Oatey Medal]] for best on ground at the [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]].<ref>George Fiacchi, [[1990 SANFL Grand Final]] – Port Adelaide vs. Glenelg, Channel 9.</ref>}} The fallout from the failed bid resulted in some calling for Port Adelaide to be expelled from the SANFL.<ref name="Devaney" /> However, Port Adelaide continued to compete and continued to dominate. When the Adelaide Crows entered the AFL, SANFL attendances dropped by 14% however Port Adelaide attendances increased by 13%.<ref>1994 Port Adelaide licence promotional DVD.</ref> Supporters for Port Adelaide's AFL bid included [[Kevin Sheedy (Australian footballer)|Kevin Sheedy]], [[Tom Hafey]], [[Ron Barassi]] and [[David Parkin]].<ref>Port Adelaide Football Club, AFL Bid Video, 1994.</ref> In 1994, the AFL announced it would award a second AFL licence to a South Australian club. Present at the [[1994 SANFL Grand Final|1994 Grand Final]] was AFL CEO [[Ross Oakley]] and Alan Schwab who bore witness to the clubs come from behind win against [[Woodville-West Torrens Football Club|Woodville-West Torrens]].<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-08-27/footy-park-flashbacks-7|title = Footy Park Flashbacks #7: 1994 SANFL Grand Final|date = August 27, 2013<!-- 5:18 PM-->|accessdate = |website = portadelaidefc.com.au|publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref>{{multiple image | align = left | image1 = Port_Adelaide_heads_for_the_AFL.jpg | width1 = 115 | alt1 = | image2 = Port_Adelaide_Power_announcment.jpg | width2 = 195 | alt2 = | footer = Left: Port Adelaide obtained an AFL licence in 1994 but had to wait until [[1997 AFL season|1997]] to enter.<br />Middle: Port Adelaide were still only known as the "Magpies" until the new moniker "Power" was announced live from the [[Adelaide Entertainment Center]] on 31 September 1995.}}During December 1994 Max Basher announced that Port Adelaide had won the tender for the second South Australian AFL licence.<ref>{{cite web|url = http://www.news.com.au/national/its-bye-bye-port-adelaide/story-e6frfkp9-1226453941613|title = It's bye bye Port Adelaide |author=Rucci, Michelangelo |date = 20 September 2012|accessdate =13 May 2015 |publisher = News Limited |work=Adelaide Advertiser}}</ref> However a licence did not guarantee entry and although a target year of 1996 was set, this was reliant upon an existing AFL club folding or merging with another. In 1996, the cash-strapped [[Fitzroy Football Club|Fitzroy]] announced it would merge with the Brisbane Bears to form the [[Brisbane Lions]]. A spot had finally opened and it was announced that in 1997, one year later than expected, [[Port Adelaide]] would enter the AFL. Once an entry date had been confirmed, the Port Adelaide Football Club set about forming a side fit for competition in the AFL. It was announced that existing Port Adelaide coach, John Cahill would make the transition to the AFL and [[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] would take over the SANFL coaching role. Cahill then set about forming a group which would form the inaugural squad. [[Brownlow Medal]]list and 1990 Port Adelaide premiership player, [[Gavin Wanganeen]] was poached from [[Essendon Football Club|Essendon]] and made captain of a team made up of six existing Port Adelaide players, two from the Adelaide Crows, seven players from other SANFL clubs and 14 recruits from interstate. Of the 35 players on Port Adelaide's inaugural AFL list 13 had played for the club before. The AFL's father son rule for the club was set at 200 games for players before 1997. This compared to only 100 for Victorian clubs. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | 1997 [[West End (beer)|West End]] [[Showdown (AFL)|Showdown]] I || ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Adelaide Icon.gif|16px]] [[Adelaide Crows]] || 11 || 6 || 72 |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Port Adelaide 1997-2009 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide''' || '''11''' || '''17''' || '''83''' |- | Venue: [[Football Park]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 47,265 | colspan=3 | |} On 29 March 1997, Port Adelaide played its first AFL premiership match against Collingwood at the MCG, suffering a 79-point defeat. Port won its first AFL game in Round 3 against Geelong, and defeated cross town rivals and eventual premiers Adelaide by 11 points in the first [[Showdown (AFL)|Showdown]] in Round 4. At the conclusion of Round 17, the side sat fifth – only one win and percentage off the top spot in what was an unusually close season – but it fell out of the finals after recording only a draw from its final five games. Port Adelaide finished its first season 9th, missing the finals on percentage behind Brisbane. The 1998 season was looking very similar to the previous year as they hovered around ninth position for most of the year and looked like a threat for finals after Round 14; but they lost six of their last eight games to finish in 10th place, with a record of 9 wins, 12 losses and 1 draw. ===1999–2012: Mark Williams, first AFL premiership and Primus period=== {{multiple image | align = left | image1 = Warren_tredrea.jpg | width1 = 142 | alt1 = | image2 = Port Adelaide 2004 Trophy.jpg | width2 = 135 | alt2 = | footer = Left: 2004 club leading goalkicker, [[Warren Tredrea]].<br />Right: The [[2004 AFL Grand Final|2004 AFL premiership]] was Port Adelaide's first since joining the league. }}In 1999 [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] took over as coach of Port Adelaide. The earned a spot in the AFL finals for the first time. They were eliminated by eventual premier, North Melbourne, by 44 points in the Qualifying Final. After finishing 14th in 2000, Port Adelaide had a very successful [[2001 AFL season|2001 season]], starting with a maiden pre-season competition victory, defeating the Brisbane Lions. Port Adelaide finished their 2001 home and away season in third place with 16 wins and six losses. The club travelled to Brisbane for the Qualifying Final, losing by 32 points, then lost its home Semi Final against sixth-placed [[Hawthorn Football Club|Hawthorn]] to be eliminated. Port Adelaide started 2002 strongly, winning the pre-season competition for the second time in a row, defeating Richmond by 9 points. The side built on its success and won its first [[McClelland Trophy|AFL minor premiership]] with an 18–4 record. However, they lost to the eventual premiers, the Brisbane Lions, by 56 points in the preliminary final. Port Adelaide continued its minor round dominance in 2003 and again finished top to claim the minor premiership; however like the previous year, Port Adelaide was eliminated in the preliminary final, losing to Collingwood by 44 points. Port Adelaide opened the 2004 season well with four straight wins, but then won only four of its next eight games. From Rounds 12–17, Port Adelaide turned their fortunes around and had six consecutive wins, and with five rounds remaining were equal top of the ladder with Brisbane, [[St Kilda Football Club|St Kilda]] and Melbourne. After losing in Round 18 to Essendon, Port Adelaide won its remaining four games – including wins against minor premiership contender Melbourne and cross town rivals Adelaide to claim the minor premiership for the third consecutive year. Port Adelaide easily won its qualifying final against Geelong, earning a home preliminary final. Port Adelaide made it through to its first AFL grand final after defeating St Kilda in a thrilling preliminary final by just six points with Gavin Wanganeen kicking the winning goal with a minute to go. The following week Port Adelaide faced a highly fancied Brisbane side attempting to win a record-equalling fourth straight AFL premiership. Only one point separated the sides at half time, however late in the third quarter Port Adelaide took the ascendency to lead by 17 points at three-quarter time, and dominated the final term to [[2004 AFL Grand Final|win by 40 points]]: 17.11 (113) to 10.13 (73). [[Byron Pickett]] was awarded with the [[Norm Smith Medal]] after being judged the best player in the match, tallying 20 disposals and kicking three goals. {| style="margin-right:4px; margin-top:8px; float:right; border:1px #000 solid; border-radius:8px; background:#fff; font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt; text-align:center;" |- | width=200 | [[2004 AFL Grand Final]]|| ''G'' || ''B'' || ''Total'' |- | style="text-align:left" | [[File:AFL Port Adelaide 1997-2009 Icon.jpg|16px]] '''Port Adelaide'''|| '''17''' || '''11''' || '''113''' |- | style="text-align:left" |[[File:AFL Brisbane Icon.jpg|16px]] [[Brisbane Lions]] || 10 || 13 || 73 |- | Venue: [[Melbourne Cricket Ground]] | colspan=3 | Crowd: 77,671 | colspan=3 | |} {{quote|"Port Adelaide are the winningest team in Australia. The old Port Adelaide have won 36 premierships, today, at the MCG, may just be their finest hour."|[[Tim Lane (journalist)|Tim Lane]]'s statement at the conclusion of the 2004 AFL Grand Final.<ref>Tim Lane, 2004 AFL Grand Final – Port Adelaide vs. Brisbane, Channel 10.</ref>}} After a slow start to the 2005 season, Port finished eighth on the ladder, and defeated the Kangaroos by 87 points in the elimination final. In the semi-final, Port faced minor premiers Adelaide and lost by 83 points. [[File:Justin Westhoff (Port Adelaide Power).jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Justin Westhoff]] (pick No. 71) made his debut in the 2007 season, along with [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robert Gray]] (pick No. 55) and [[Travis Boak]] (pick No. 5).]] After missing the finals in 2006 Port Adelaide made a strong recovery in 2007, and with strong performances from midfielders [[Shaun Burgoyne]] and [[Chad Cornes]] and strong debut seasons from [[Justin Westhoff]], [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robert Gray]] and [[Travis Boak]], Port Adelaide finished the minor round second on the ladder with 15-7 record. Port Adelaide started their finals campaign against the [[West Coast Eagles]] at Football Park and won by three points. That win gave Port the bye, and they easily defeated the Kangaroos in the preliminary final to win by 87 points. This win delivered Port its second Grand Final berth in four years. However, in the [[2007 AFL Grand Final|grand final]] they were defeated by Geelong by an AFL record margin of 119 points, 24.19 (163) to Port Adelaide's 6.8 (44) in a crowd of 97,302. The 2008 season was disappointing one for a Port Adelaide side keen to build on its 2007 grand final appearance, dropping to 13th on the ladder and out of the finals. By 2009 Port Adelaide had accumulated a consolidated debt totaling $5.1 million and was unable to pay its players; they had lost $1.4 million the season before. Financial assistance was denied by the league, with AFL Chief Executive [[Andrew Demetriou]] saying that they would have to undergo an intensive application process and work with the [[South Australian National Football League|SANFL]], who owned Port Adelaide's AFL licence.<ref>[http://thepowerfromport.com.au/articles.php?action=view&article_id=6827&lid=6&yr=2009 It's not a snub – AFL still in the wings] TPFP 19 March 2009</ref> On 20 May, Port were handed $2.5 million in debt relief by the SANFL, and on 15 June were handed a $1 million grant by the AFL commission.<ref>[http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/77190/default.aspx Port Adelaide gets $2.5 million SANFL funding] [[Australian Football League|AFL]] 20 May 2009</ref><ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/78867/default.aspx Power AFL grant] [[Australian Football League|AFL]], 15 June 2009</ref> The SANFL had announced it would not support Port Adelaide in both the AFL and SANFL. Plans for a re-merging the two teams was rejected by the SANFL. Amidst these off-field struggles, the club finished 10th in 2009. The 2010 season would see [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] step down as senior coach marking the end of the Williams era for the club. {{quote|"He (Demetriou) said he could not imagine an AFL competition without Port Adelaide in it. I thought that was a really strong statement of leadership.”|[[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]] at a press conference upon the retirement of Andrew Demetriou.<ref>{{Cite news|url = http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/inquirer/and-the-big-man-flies/story-e6frg6z6-1226844136598|title = And the big man flies|last = Will Swanton|first = Courtney Walsh|date = March 4, 2014}}</ref>}} [[Matthew Primus]] took over as caretaker coach for Port Adelaide after [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] stood down.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/newsid/97958/default.aspx|title=Primu appointed – Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club |publisher=Portadelaidefc.com.au |date=11 July 2010 |accessdate=11 July 2010}}</ref> The club finished the 2010 season with five wins from its last seven games to finish tenth. On 9 September, [[Matthew Primus]] was appointed as the senior coach of the club for the next three years. The SANFL sought to take control of Port Adelaide in 2011. Despite underwriting $5 million of Port's debt in 2010, the takeover failed when the SANFL was unable to get a line of credit to cover Port Adelaide's future debts. The AFL announced it would underwrite $1.25 million in debt to protect its $1.25 billion television rights. AFL Chief executive [[Andrew Demetriou]], offered $9 million over the next three years to help the club, ahead of the move to the [[Adelaide Oval]]. The AFL gave the money to the SANFL with strict conditions that they give Port Adelaide three million dollars a year, for three years.<ref>{{Cite web|title = The official website of the Australian Football League - AFL.com.au|url = http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/122680/default.aspx|website = afl.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> Statistically, 2011 was Port Adelaide's worst season in 141 years, finishing 16th with only three wins from 22 games. Rounds 20 and 21 saw the club lose to {{AFL Col}} and [[Hawthorn Football Club|Hawthorn]] by record margins of 138 and 165 respectively. The 2012 season was marginally better but a loss against {{AFL GWS}} resulted in senior coach [[Matthew Primus]] stepping down. Assistant coach, [[Garry Hocking]], took over for the remaining four games, with a draw in the final round against {{AFL Ric}} the best result. ===2013–present: Ken Hinkley, Adelaide Oval return and independence === [[File:Adelaide Oval, 2014.jpg|thumb|250px|In 2014 Port Adelaide returned to Adelaide Oval as its home ground for the first time since 1976]] On 8 October 2012, [[Ken Hinkley]] was announced as the new senior coach of the club. This marked the first time that the club had appointed someone not associated with the club before since [[Fos Williams]] in 1950. Television personality [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] was named chairman of the club and numerous board members were replaced. The 2013 preseason also saw [[Travis Boak]] succeed [[Domenic Cassisi]] as the captain of the club.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Boak to lead new era at Port Adelaide|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-01-30/boak-becomes-69th-captain|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The club finished the home and away season 7th on the ladder, making it the first time that they had qualified for the finals since 2007. Port travelled to Melbourne to play Collingwood at the MCG in an Elimination final where they won by 24 points; they then lost to Geelong by 16 points the following week. The 2014 season saw both Port Adelaide and Adelaide move their home ground from Football Park to the redeveloped Adelaide Oval. Port Adelaide signed up a record 55,715 members for the 2014 season and averaged 44,429 at home games, a 65% increase from the previous year. Port Adelaide had its best first half of an AFL season, sitting first with ten wins from eleven matches. They then won only four of their remaining eleven matches to finish fifth on the ladder. They hosted Richmond in the elimination finals, kicking the first seven goals of the game and leading by as much as 87 points before recording a 57-point victory. After defeating {{AFL Fre}} in the semi-finals the club's 2014 season ended with a three-point loss to Hawthorn in the preliminary finals. With great expectation Port Adelaide started the 2015 season playing all of the year's finalists in the opening 10 rounds and entered the mid-season break with a 5-7 record. The club had a better second half of the year, recording 7-3, but would miss out on finals by one win. On 11 February 2016, the mens Port Adelaide Football Club merged with the Port Adelaide Women's Football Club. ==SANFL presence post AFL entry== When the Port Adelaide Football Club entered the AFL, a new state league team was created to fill the void left by the club. The new club was now called the Port Adelaide Magpies Football Club as opposed to the original counterpart, the Port Adelaide Football Club, playing in the national competition.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Australian Football - Port+Adelaide+Magpies Football Club - Bio|url = http://australianfootball.com/clubs/bio/Port%252BAdelaide%252BMagpies/318|website = australianfootball.com|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> On 20 August 2010, the "One Port Adelaide Football Club" movement was launched by former player [[Tim Ginever]] to merge the Port Adelaide Football Club and the Port Adelaide Magpies Football Club as one club. A website was created that claimed 50,000 signatures were needed for the two entities to merge. On 15 November 2010, all nine SANFL clubs and agreed that the off-field merger between the two clubs would proceed.<ref>[http://onepafc.com.au/ Stop Press! One Club has been approved! See you at Alberton Oval at 11am Tuesday 16 November! #pafc]</ref><ref>[http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/one%20pafc/tabid/16808/default.aspx One PAFC – Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club]</ref> On 10 September 2013, Port Adelaide and the SANFL agreed to a model to allow all its AFL-listed players (not selected to play for Port Adelaide in the AFL) to play for the club in the SANFL League competition. From 2015 onward, the club lost its recruiting zones and could no longer field sides in the junior SANFL competition. Port Adelaide subsequently started an Academy team composed of 18- to 22-year-olds.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Statement: Port Adelaide accepts SANFL invitation - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-09-10/statement-port-adelaide-accepts-sanfl-invitation|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> == Women's teams == The Port Adelaide Women's Football Club was founded in 2003 and competes in the [[South Australian Women's Football League]]. In 2016 the club merged with the men's club with the intention of further developing the game among women in the Port Adelaide area and South Australia more generally.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Port Adelaide to field women's team in 2016 with big grassroots committment &#91;sic&#93;- portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2016-02-11/womens-footy-port-adelaide-to-field-female-team-in-2016|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|access-date = 2016-02-19}}</ref> ==Club symbols and identity== ===Guernsey=== The Port Adelaide Football Club won 32 grand finals in the "Wharf Pylon" [[Guernsey (Australian Rules Football)|guernsey]] in addition to the Champions of Australia three times. Due to the fact that AFL club Collingwood were already using the magpie emblem and "Magpies" nickname, Port Adelaide was requested by the AFL to simply find a new nickname and logo to avoid a clash.<ref>h{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article122301794 |title=Premier SA club plans AFL move. |newspaper=[[The Canberra Times]] |date=1 August 1990 |accessdate=18 March 2015 |page=38 |publisher=National Library of Australia}}</ref> However, after the unsuccessful 1990 bid, Collingwood successfully lobbied the AFL to force Port Adelaide to change not only its logo and nickname but also its guernsey and colours. In 1995, a new guernsey was created incorporating teal. In May 2007 chief executive John James stated that Port Adelaide received more correspondence from its supporters about the heritage guernsey than all other issues and that the club would "fight for its heritage and what is right". Port Adelaide decided not to participate in the 2006 heritage round when the AFL declined the club's 1980s guernsey for its 80s-themed heritage round.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2007-05-01/club-statement-re-heritage-guernsey|title= Club statement re: heritage guernsey|date=1 May 2007}}</ref> In 2007 the club was waiting for confirmation from the AFL that it could wear its 1970s' "Wharf Pylon" guernsey for a match against the [[Western Bulldogs]] and wanted confirmation it would be able to continue to honour its heritage in any future heritage rounds. On 14 May 2007 the AFL and Port Adelaide reached an agreement whereby the club could wear its traditional guernsey in the heritage round, with the proviso that in future seasons its players can only wear it in home heritage round games and provided that such a game is not against Collingwood.<ref>. [http://portadelaidefc.com.au/Season2007/News/NewsArticle/tabid/6038/Default.aspx?newsId=43168 "Port Adelaide to wear Black and White"] from the Official AFL Website of the Port Adelaide Football Club. Retrieved 14 May 2007.</ref> No heritage rounds have been held since this agreement was reached. {{quote|"This team from South Australia – this Port Power – why would they pick black and white? Did the competition really need another club in navy or dark colours?".|[[Collingwood Football Club]] president [[Eddie McGuire]]'s 2003 statement regarding Port Adelaide wearing its traditional guernsey.<ref>Karen Lyon, Alan Shiell and Bill McDonald, [http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/26/1053801337727.html Port, Pies in black-and-white blue], The Age.</ref>}} Collingwood club president [[Eddie McGuire]] has been a vocal opponent of Port Adelaide wearing the "Wharf Pylon" guernsey, claiming that Collingwood has an exclusive right to wear black and white in the AFL, even in the heritage round.{{quote|"It should have nothing to do with Eddie McGuire and Collingwood ... I'll say that for a start."|[[Leigh Matthews]] during a discussion regarding Port Adelaide's traditional guernsey during the 2014 Elimination Final.<ref>Leigh Matthews, 2014 AFL Elimination Final – Port Adelaide vs Richmond, Channel 7.</ref>}} Support for the guernsey remains extremely high with a limited batch of jumpers raising over $400,000 for the club for the one off game against Carlton in 2013.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Port to farewell AAMI in prison bars - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/news/2013-04-23/port-to-farewell-aami-in-prison-bars|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-10-16}}</ref> The most recent instance of the club trying to wear its traditional guernsey was in celebration of 100 years since its 1914 Championship of Australia.<ref>{{Cite web|url = http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/afl/port-adelaide-denied-opportunity-to-wear-heritage-jumper-at-first-friday-night-match-at-adelaide-oval/story-fnia6ojc-1226991287562|title = Port Adelaide denied opportunity to wear heritage jumper at first friday night match at Adelaide Oval|date = July 16, 2014|accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = Rucci|first = Michelangelo}}</ref> The AFL denied the club the right. There was controversy in 2014 during the lead-up to the final against Richmond when the AFL told Port Adelaide they had to wear their clash guernsey. On 2 September 2014 the AFL cleared them to use the traditional guernsey for the match.{{quote|"I've always regarded that strip that Port are wearing today as the best uniform in Australian Football".|[[Dennis Cometti]] describing Port Adelaide's traditional guernsey during the 2014 Elimination Final.<ref>Dennis Cometti, 2014 AFL Elimination Final – Port Adelaide vs Richmond, Channel 7.</ref>}} '''Home and Away guernsey''' - Worn in 2009 as the winning design from a competition, it became permanent in 2010. '''Clash guernsey''' - adopted in 2010. '''Traditional guernsey''' - the Wharf Pylon ("Prison Bar") guernsey was adopted in 1902 and is worn in the AFL when permitted.<gallery mode="packed"> File:ISC_Template_300_-_Black_Front.jpg|Home and Away File:ISC_Template_300_-_White_Front.jpg|[[Away colours|Clash]] File:Port_Adelaide_Magpies_Jumper.svg|[[Throwback uniform|Traditional]] </gallery> ===Club songs=== The AFL side's victory song is "Power to Win", written for the club by Quentin Eyers and [[Cold Chisel#Band members|Les Kaczmarek]]. The SANFL side's victory song is "Cheer, Cheer the Black and the White", to the tune of "[[Victory March (fight song)|Notre Dame Victory March]]". ===="Never Tear Us Apart"==== Since March 2014, Port Adelaide has used "[[Never Tear Us Apart]]" by the Australian band [[INXS]] as the club's unofficial anthem leading up to the opening bounce at its new home of Adelaide Oval. The song is used as a reference to the various and unique difficulties the club faced when trying to enter the AFL. Port Adelaide's use of the song stemmed from a trip the club took to Anfield in November 2012 while they were in England to play an exhibition match against the Western Bulldogs.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> In light of the very positive reviews given by the club's players towards the Anfield crowd's rendition of "[[You'll Never Walk Alone]]", Matthew Richardson, Port's general manager of marketing and consumer business, along with the club's management, sought to replicate the pre-match experience they experienced at Anfield. At a meeting in mid-2013, the idea of an anthem was raised; a number of various songs were suggested, including "[[Power and the Passion (song)|Power and the Passion]]" by [[Midnight Oil]] and "Power to the People" by [[John Schumann]]. Eventually, "Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS was suggested by Port Adelaide's events manager, Tara MacLeod. It was eventually accepted, due to the fact that the song resonated with the club's history.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> Initially the song was introduced to coincide with the 60-second countdown before the start of a match, with the music playing over the top of a video montage. The song proved to be a success among the fans, with them adopting the song as well as raising scarves above their heads as the song was being sung.<ref name="Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval" group=1>{{cite web|last1=McGuire|first1=Michael|title=Liverpool brings its football and its famous song to Adelaide Oval|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/liverpool-brings-its-football-and-its-famous-song-to-adelaide-oval/story-fnizi7vf-1227445756428|website=The Advertiser|publisher=News Corporation|accessdate=19 July 2015}}</ref> So successful was the song that by June 2014, the club were forced to print club coloured scarves with the words "Never Tear Us Apart" on them that fans would hold aloft and sing in unison prior to the start of matches. ===Home grounds=== On 15 May 1880, Port Adelaide played its first match at Alberton Oval. In 1881 the decision was made by the club to start leasing the oval from the Port Adelaide Council for the sum of 10 shillings a year. Situated at the eastern end of the suburb of Alberton in Adelaide, the playing surface is surrounded by the Allan Scott club headquarters, the Robert B. Quinn MM Stand, the Fos Williams Family Stand, the Port Adelaide Bowling Club and the N.L. Williams Scoreboard. As well as the facilities facing the oval, along Queen Street there is The Port Club and The Port Store.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/alberton%20oval/tabid/8097/default.aspx |title=Alberton Oval – Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club |publisher=Portadelaidefc.com.au |accessdate=14 June 2010}}</ref> <gallery mode="packed"> File:Glanville-hall.jpg|[[Glanville, South Australia|Glanville Hall Estate]]<br /><small>'''SAFA''': 1870–1879</small> File:Fos_Williams_Stand.JPG|[[Alberton Oval]]<br /><small>'''SANFL''': 1880–present<br />'''AFL (training)''': 1997–present</small> File:As-east.jpg|[[Football Park]]<br /><small>'''AFL''': 1997–2013</small> File:Completed_Adelaide_Oval_2014_-_cropped_and_rotated.jpg|[[Adelaide Oval]]<br /><small>'''SANFL''':1975-1976<br />'''AFL''': 2011, 2014–present</small> </gallery> ===Current playing list=== {{Port Adelaide Football Club current squad}} {{Port Adelaide Reserves}} ==Corporate== ===Administrative positions=== * Chairman: [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] * Chief executive: [[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]] * Football operations: [[Christopher Davies (Australian cricketer)|Chris Davies]] * Board members: ** Kevin Osborn (deputy chairman) ** Cos Cardone ** [[George Fiacchi]] ** Ross Haslam ** [[Holly Ransom]] ** Jamie Restas ** Richard Ryan ** Trevor Thiele ** [[Amanda Vanstone]] ===Current sponsors=== ====Major sponsor==== * [[Renault]] * [[EnergyAustralia]] * Foodbank (Australia) ====Clothing==== * [[International Sports Clothing]] ==China partnership== On 14 April 2016, Port Adelaide announced a three-year multimillion-dollar partnership with leading Chinese property developer Shanghai Cred. Within this partnership, Port Adelaide will take primary responsibility for developing Australian rules football in [[China]]. The partnership will see Port Adelaide hold annual training camps and provide sponsorship in China, as well as producing AFL programs and broadcasting games in the country via [[China Central Television]] and other networks.{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} ==Membership and attendance== {| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:center; font-size:90%; border-collapse:collapse; width:50%;" |- style="background:#C1D8FF;" ! Year !! Membership !! Membership<br>Change !! Minor<br>Round !! Finals !! Home Crowd<br>Average !! Home Crowd<br>Average Change |- |1997||<center>35,809</center>||<center>N/A</center>||<center>9th</center>||'''-'''||<center>35,703</center>||<center>N/A</center> |- |1998||<center>38,305</center>||<center>{{increase}} 2,496</center>||<center>10th</center> ||'''-'''||<center>31,657</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,046</center> |- |1999||<center>37,166</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,139</center>|||<center>7th</center>||<center>'''7th'''</center>||<center>31,270</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 387</center> |- |2000||<center>34,295</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 2,871</center>||<center>14th</center>||'''-'''||<center>26,376</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,894</center> |- |2001||<center>33,296</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 999</center>||<center>3rd</center>||<center>'''5th'''</center>||<center>30,789</center>||<center>{{increase}} 4,413</center> |- |2002||<center>36,299</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,003</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''3rd'''</center>||<center>30,414</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 375</center> |- |2003||<center>36,425</center>||<center>{{increase}} 126</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''4th'''</center>|| <center>31,845</center>||<center>{{increase}} 1,431</center> |- |2004||<center>36,340</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 85</center>||<center>1st</center>||<center>'''1st'''</center>||<center>29,877</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,968</center> |- |2005||<center>36,834</center>||<center>{{increase}} 494</center>||<center>8</center>|| <center>'''6th'''</center>||<center>32,911</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,034</center> |- |2006||<center>35,648</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,186</center>||<center>12</center>|| <center>'''-'''</center>||<center>28,546</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 4,365</center> |- |2007||<center>34,073</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,575</center>||<center>2</center>||<center>'''2nd'''</center>||<center>27,870</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 676</center> |- |2008||<center>34,185</center>||<center>{{increase}} 112</center>||<center>13</center>||'''-'''||<center>22,126</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 5,744</center> |- |2009||<center>30,605</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 3580</center>||<center>10</center>||'''-'''||<center>24,349</center>||<center>{{increase}} 2,223</center> |- |2010||<center>31,388</center>||<center>{{increase}} 783</center>||<center>10</center>||'''-'''||<center>24,256</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 93</center> |- |2011||<center>36,624</center>||<center>{{increase}} 5,236</center>||<center>16</center>||'''-'''||<center>23,066</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 1,190</center> |- |2012||<center>37,627</center>||<center>{{increase}} 1,003</center>||<center>14</center>||'''-'''||<center>19,911</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 3,155</center> |- |2013||<center>41,010</center>||<center>{{increase}} 3,383</center>|| <center>7</center>||<center>'''5th'''</center>||<center>26,915</center>||<center>{{increase}} 7,004</center> |- |2014||<center>55,508</center>||<center>{{increase}} 14,498</center>|| <center>5</center> ||<center>'''3rd'''</center> ||<center>44,429</center> ||<center>{{increase}} 17,514</center> |- |2015||<center>'''60,439'''</center>||<center>{{increase}} 4,931</center>|| 9 ||'''-'''||<center>43,749</center>||<center>{{decrease}} 680 </center> |- |2016 |60,007 |<center>{{decrease}} 432 </center> |10 |'''-''' |39,665 |<center>{{decrease}} 4,048 </center> |} ==Supporters== The Port Adelaide Football Club has historically drawn its supporter base in and around historical working class [[Port Adelaide]]. However, this support has spread to many coastal locations in Adelaide (from [[Outer Harbor, South Australia|Outer Harbour]] down to [[West Beach, South Australia|West Beach]]), in much of the inner-Western suburbs, throughout the North-Eastern suburbs in [[City of Campbelltown (South Australia)|Campbelltown]] and [[City of Tea Tree Gully|Tea Tree Gully]], in many of the Southern suburbs (such as [[Aberfoyle Park]] and [[Flagstaff Hill, South Australia|Flagstaff Hill]]), as well as throughout the [[Adelaide Hills]] and country South Australia. After historically being the largest football club in South Australia, Port Adelaide has reemerged as one of the largest sporting organisations in Australia, with over 60,000 members and an average attendance nearing 45,000 in 2015. ===Supporter groups=== Port Adelaide has many [[supporter groups]], with every state or territory containing at least one supporter group. In addition, many country towns within South Australia have their own supporter group, many of which travel to both home and away games.<ref>{{cite web|title = Port Adelaide Supporter Groups - portadelaidefc.com.au|url = http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/supporters/official-supporter-groups|website = portadelaidefc.com.au|accessdate = 2015-07-11}}</ref> * Port Adelaide Cheer Squad * Outer Army * Alberton Crowd * Interstate Groups ===Number 1 ticket holders=== ====Current==== * [[Hugh Sheridan]] – Australian actor and singer. ====Former==== * [[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] – [[Seven Network]]'s ''[[Sunrise (TV program)|Sunrise]]'' co-host, current club chairman.<ref>[http://www.thepowerfromport.com.au/articles.php?action=view&article_id=6537&lid=6&yr=2009 Joint No.1 Ticket Holders thepowerfromport.com.au 30 January 2008]</ref> * [[Stuart O'Grady]] – Australian professional road bicycle racer.<ref>[http://www.theage.com.au/news/sport/riding-the-rollercoaster/2008/01/01/1198949817491.html Riding the roller-coaster] ''[[The Age]]'' 2 January 2008</ref> * [[Teresa Palmer]] – Australian model and actress.<ref>[http://portadelaidefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/6038/default.aspx?newsid=71576 Teresa Palmer Power's No. 1] AFL News 30 January 2008</ref> * [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] – Former Port Adelaide player.<ref>[http://portadelaidefc.com.au/tabid/6038/default.aspx?newsid=67573 Bob Quinn 1915–2008] Official website of the Port Adelaide Football Club, 12 September 2008</ref> * [[Tony Santic]] – Owner of [[Makybe Diva]].<ref>[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-143684449/diva-trainer-port-no.html AFL: Diva trainer Port's No.1 fan] 24 March 2006</ref> ====Notable followers==== * [[Jimmy Barnes]] - Australian Rock and Roll Legend<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/subscribe/news/1/index.html?sourceCode=AAWEB_WRE170_a&mode=premium&dest=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/afl/expert-opinion/graham-cornes/graham-cornes-crows-have-tough-battle-to-match-powers-pregame-hype/news-story/f82fc8d7e826c181ad444797426619cc&memtype=anonymous|title=Tall order for Crows to match Power’s pre-game hype|last=Cornes|first=Graham|date=|work=|access-date=|via=}}</ref> * [[Donald Bradman|Sir Donald Bradman]] – Australian cricketer.<ref>{{Cite book|title = 100 Years with the Magpies: The Story of the Port Adelaide Football Club 1870-1970|last = McLean|first = Allan Robert|publisher = Port Adelaide Football Club|year = 1971|isbn = |location = |pages = Foreword}}</ref> * [[Darren Cahill]] – Australian professional tennis player/coach and son of [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]. * [[Dean Canto]] – Australian professional touring car driver. * [[Ben Folds]] - Musician<ref name="foxsports.com.au">{{cite web|last1=Beveridge|first1=Riley|title=Your AFL club’s most famous supporters, from Barack Obama to Cam Newton|url=http://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/your-afl-clubs-most-famous-supporters-from-barack-obama-to-cam-newton/news-story/03eb54659866d587cf9c2cc4b9f3d8c5|website=Fox Sports|accessdate=29 January 2016}}</ref> * [[Hugh Jackman]] - Australian actor<ref name="foxsports.com.au"/> * [[Thanasi Kokkinakis]] – Australian professional tennis player<ref>http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/pain-and-plenty-of-gain-for-port-adelaide-in-extreme-heat-says-jackson-trengove/story-fni5f9de-1226802681544</ref> * [[Anna Meares]] – Australian gold medal track cyclist.<ref>http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/cycling-champion-anna-meares-flies-the-flag-for-power/story-fni5f9de-1226716425235</ref> * [[Jason Momoa]] – American/Hawaiian actor and writer<ref>http://satedanbadass.tumblr.com/post/97447157305/george-mountzouris-georgemount-4-min-jason</ref> * [[Stuart O'Grady]] - former cyclist<ref name="foxsports.com.au"/> * [[Erin Phillips]] – Australian professional basketball player and daughter of former player [[Greg Phillips]] * [[Roger Rasheed]] – Australian professional tennis player/coach.<ref>http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/tennis/roger-rasheed8217s-power-and-passion/story-fnii0pkt-1226660627324</ref> * [[MC Pressure|Daniel Smith]] – Member of Australian hip-hop group [[Hilltop Hoods|The Hilltop Hoods]].<ref>http://www.littleheroesfoundation.com.au/lib/pdf/MC.pdf</ref> * [[Michael Turtur]] - Australian gold medal track cyclist.<ref>1984 SANFL Grand Final, ABC, Olympic Athlete parade lap.</ref> * [[Travis Head]] – Australian cricketer. ==Club honour boards== {{Main article|List of Port Adelaide Football Club players}} ===Honour roll=== {| class="wikitable" |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Port Adelaide Football Club Honour Roll |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Interclub Matches |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' ! {{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} !{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage PF/PA (Includes finals/League results only)}} ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' |- style="font-size: 87%;" | 1870||3 |0-1-2 |50 ||[[John Hart Jr. (Australian politician)|John Hart Jr.]] || Richard Leicester ||[[John Wald (Australian footballer)|John Wald]]||John Wald<br />George Dale||John Wald ||John Wald (2) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | 1871||3 |1-2-1 |0 ||John Hart Jr. || George Ireland ||Fred Stone||Fred Stone||Fred Stone||{{N/a}} |- style="font-size: 87%;" | 1872||2 (Runner Up) |0-1-2 |0||John Hart Jr. || George Ireland ||George Middleton||George Middleton||{{N/a}}||{{N/a}} |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1873 South Australian football season|1873]]||2 (Runner Up) |1-2-0 |25||John Hart Jr. || F.Ireland ||H.Sparnon||H.Sparnon<br />George Middleton||Samuel Tyzack||Samuel Tyzack (1) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1874 South Australian football season|1874]]||2 (Runner Up) |2-3-1 |100 || John Hart Jr. || F.Ireland ||John Rann||John Rann<br />Charles Wells||{{N/a}}||{{N/a}} |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1875 South Australian football season|1875]]||2 (Runner Up) |3-3-1 |140 || John Hart Jr. || F.Ireland ||Robert Sandilands||Robert Sandilands||Henry Ford||Henry Ford (2)<br />Warren (2) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1876 South Australian football season|1876]]||5 |2-6-0 |38 || John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells ||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Ernest LeMessurier||Samuel Tyzack (1)<br />John Rann (1)<br />E.LeMessurier (1) |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | South Australian Football Association era |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;" |{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} !{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1877 SAFA season|1877]]||4 |9-4-2 |177|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells ||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||[[Thomas Smith (Australian footballer)|Thomas Smith]]||Alfred LeMessurier (5) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1878 SAFA season|1878]]||2 ([[1878 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |5-2-4 |400|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells ||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Thomas Smith||E.LeMessurier (3)<br />Joseph Carter (3) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1879 SAFA season|1879]]||2 ([[1879 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |5-2-2 |183|| John Hart Jr. || Charles Wells ||William Fletcher||William Fletcher||Thomas Smith||E.LeMessurier (4) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1880 SAFA season|1880]]||6 |3-3-5 |89|| John Formby || J.W.Channon ||J.A.Atkins||J.A.Atkins<br />Joseph Carter||Jack Sidoli||E.LeMessurier (3) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1881 SAFA season|1881]]||5 |2-6-5 |43|| John Formby || E.LeMessurrier<br />Joseph Carter ||J.H.Sandilands||William Fletcher<br />J.H.Sandilands||Jack Sidoli||Henry Watt (6) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1882 SAFA season|1882]]||3 |7-7-0 |157|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier ||Charles Kellett||Charles Kellett||James Munro||George Slatter (6) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1883 SAFA season|1883]]||2 ([[1883 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |7-5-2 |114|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier ||Nowell Turpenny||Ernest Le Messurier<br />Nowell Turpenny||Robert Kirkpatrick||James Litchfield (13)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1884 SAFA season|1884]]||'''1 ([[1884 SAFA season|Premiers]])''' |11-2-2 |252|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier ||Nowell Turpenny||Nowell Turpenny||Charles Kellett<br />George Cairns||Robert Roy (25)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1885 SAFA season|1885]]||3 |6-8-1 |120|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier ||Nowell Turpenny||Nowell Turpenny<br />Charles Kellett||Michael Coffee||Robert Roy (13) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1886 SAFA season|1886]]||4 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small> |3-11-1 |64|| John Formby || James Litchfield ||[[Jack McGargill]]||William Bushby||Charlie Fry||Michael Coffee (6) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1887 SAFA season|1887]]||2 ([[1887 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |12-3-2 |239|| John Formby || E.C.LeMessurier ||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||William Bushby<br />Richard Walsh||Alfred Bushby (22) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1888 SAFA season|1888]]||2 ([[1888 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |14-2-1 |280|| John Formby || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||[[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harold Phillips]]||Harold Phillips (24) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1889 SAFA season|1889]]||2 ([[1889 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |14-3-1 |385|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank ||Jack McGargill||William Bushby||Goody Hamilton||Charlie Fry (32)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1890 SAFA season|1890]]||'''1 ([[1890 SAFA season|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1890 Championship of Australia|Champions of Australia]]''' |16-2-0 |388|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Charlie Fry||John Mckenzie (54)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1891 SAFA season|1891]]||2 ([[1891 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |12-4-0 |288|| John Formby || Robert Cruickshank<br />Alfred Bushby ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Harold Phillips||John Mckenzie (37) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1892 SAFA season|1892]]||2 ([[1892 SAFA season|Runner Up]]) |11-4-1 |193|| John Formby || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Harold Phillips||Alexander McKenzie (43) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1893 SAFA season|1893]]||3 |10-6-2 |202|| John Cleave || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Walter Murray<br />Harold Phillips||Alexander McKenzie (59) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1894 SAFA season|1894]]||3 |9-9-0 |114|| John Cleave || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Alfred Miers||Alexander McKenzie (36) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1895 SAFA season|1895]]||3 |8-7-1 |141|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Alfred Miers||Oscar L'estage||Alexander McKenzie (25) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1896 SAFA season|1896]]||5 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small> |4-13-1 |69|| W.Fisher<br />[[Charles Tucker (mayor)|Charles Tucker]] || H.W.Hills ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||George Linklater||Adam Lees (19) |- style="font-size: 87%;" ! colspan="10" |Modern scoring system adopted |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1897 SAFA season|1897]]||'''1 ([[1897 SAFA season|Premiers]])''' |14-2-1 |266|| W.Fisher<br />Charles Tucker || H.W.Hills ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||Ken McKenzie||Adam Lees (26)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" ! colspan="10" |First regular SAFA Grand Finals held |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1898 SAFA season|1898]]||2 ([[1898 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-6-0 |199|| W.Fisher || H.W.Hills<br />John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Ken McKenzie||[[Archibald Hosie]]||William Stark (31) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1899 SAFA season|1899]]||3 |9-5-0 |155|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Harold Phillips||[[Stan Malin]]||William Stark (13) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1900 SAFA season|1900]]||6 <small>(''{{font color|red|Wooden Spoon}}'')</small> |2-12-0 |66|| W.Fisher || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Harold Phillips||Jack Quinn||Hedley Tompkins (16) |- style="font-size: 87%;" ! colspan="10" |Federation of Australia |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1901 SAFA season|1901]]||2 ([[1901 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-7-0 |131|| Robert Cruickshank || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie ||Ted Strawns||Jack Quinn (27) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1902 SAFA season|1902]]||3 ([[1902 SAFA season|Disqualified by SAFA]]) |10-2-0 |198|| [[William Mattinson]] || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie ||Lewis Corston||Matthew Healy (25) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1903 SAFA season|1903]]||'''1 ([[1903 SAFA Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |12-2-1 |248|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie ||Jimmy Tompkins||Jimmy Tompkins (40) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1904 SAFA season|1904]]||2 ([[1904 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |10-3-1 |173|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Archibald Hosie<br />Jack Quinn||Lewis Corston||Jimmy Tompkins (28) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1905 SAFA season|1905]]||2 ([[1905 SAFA Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |11-2-1 |170|| William Mattinson || John Sweeney ||Jack McGargill||Jack Quinn||Jack Quinn||James Mathison (30)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1906 SAFA season|1906]]||'''1 ([[1906 SAFA Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |12-2-0 |213|| William Mattinson || James Hodge ||Jack McGargill||Jack Fletcher<br />Lewis Corston||Ted Strawns||James Mathison (42)* |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | South Australian Football League era |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' !{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} !{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1907 SAFL season|1907]]||2 ([[1907 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |11-4-0 |192|| William Mattinson || James Hodge ||Jack McGargill||Lewis Corston||[[Jack Mack]]||Jack Quinn (32)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1908 SAFL season|1908]]||3 |8-5-0 |137||William Mattinson || James Hodge || Jack McGargill ||Ted Strawns<br />[[Mick Donaghy]]||James Dickson||James Mathison (33)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1909 SAFL season|1909]]||2 ([[1909 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |9-5-0 |134|| William Mattinson || James Hodge ||Archibald Hosie||Mick Donaghy||James Dickson||[[Angelo Congear]] (12) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1910 SAFL season|1910]]||'''1 ([[1910 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1910 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]''' |14-2-0 |150|| William Mattinson || James Hodge ||Archibald Hosie||Jack Woollard||[[Sampson Hosking]]||[[Frank Hansen (Australian footballer)|Frank Hansen]] (46) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1911 SAFL season|1911]]||2 ([[1911 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-3-0 |171|| Robert Cruickshank || James Hodge ||Mick Donaghy<br />Jack Woollard||George Dempster||[[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]]||Frank Hansen (41)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1912 SAFL season|1912]]||2 ([[1912 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-2-0 |205|| Robert Cruickshank || James Hodge ||Sampson Hosking||Cliff Cocks<br />Sampson Hosking||Harold Oliver||Frank Hansen (37)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1913 SAFL season|1913]]||'''1 ([[1913 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1913 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]''' |12-2-0 |160|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge ||[[Jack Londrigan]]||Jack Londrigan||Harry Eaton||Frank Hansen (39)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1914 SAFL season|1914]]||'''1 ([[1914 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])'''<br />'''[[1914 Championship of Australia|Championship of Australia]]''' |14-0-0 |209|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge ||Jack Londrigan||Jack Londrigan||[[Jack Ashley (footballer)|Jack Ashley]]||Jack Dunn (33)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1915 SAFL season|1915]]||2 ([[1915 SAFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |9-4-1 |175|| Alexander Benson || James Hodge ||Alexander McFarlane||Alexander McFarlane||Harry Eaton||[[Angelo Congear]] (21) |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Play suspended due to World War I |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1919 SAFL season|1919]]||4 |6-6-1 |127|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler ||[[Frank Hansen (Australian footballer)|Frank Hansen]]||Horrie Pope<br />Alexander McFarlane||Jack Ashley||Len Lackman (26)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1920 SAFL season|1920]]||3 |8-5-0 |119|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler ||Frank Hansen||John Robertson<br />Albert Olds||[[Charlie Adams (Australian footballer)|Charlie Adams]]||Eric Dewar (24) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1921 SAFL season|1921]]||'''1 ([[1921 SAFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |13-4-0 |182|| Alexander Benson || Charles Tyler ||Sampson Hosking ||Harold Oliver||Charlie Adams||[[Maurice Allingham (Australian Footballer)|Maurice Allingham]] (43) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1922 SAFL season|1922]]||5 |7-7-0 |101|| Herbert Skipper || Charles Tyler ||Samuel Howie ||Samuel Howie||Clement Dayman||Maurice Allingham (47) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1923 SAFL season|1923]]||7 |5-9-0 |99|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie ||Clement Dayman<br /> ||Clement Dayman||[[Les Dayman]]||Maurice Allingham (42) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1924 SAFL season|1924]]||4 |9-6-0 |121|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie ||[[Archibald Hosie]]||[[Clifford Keal]]||Les Dayman||Maurice Allingham (28) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1925 SAFL season|1925]]||3 |10-5-0 |127|| Herbert Skipper || Alexander McKelvie ||Archibald Hosie||Clifford Keal||[[Peter Bampton]]||[[Harold Logan (Australian footballer)|Harold Logan]] (56) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1926 SAFL season|1926]]||3 |10-5-0 |123|| Percival Cherry || Alexander McKelvie ||Maurice Allingham||Maurice Allingham||Laurie Hodge||Harold Logan (36) |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | South Australian National Football League era |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' !{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} !{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1927 SANFL season|1927]]||3 |10-8-0 |118|| Percival Cherry || [[Charles Hayter (secretary)|Charles Hayter]] ||Sampson Hosking||[[Peter Bampton]]||[[Clifford Keal]]||Harold Logan (66) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1928 SANFL season|1928]]||'''1 ([[1928 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |15-4-0 |119|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||[[Victor Johnson (footballer)|Victor Johnson]]||[[Les Dayman]]||[[Les Dayman]] (41) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1929 SANFL season|1929]]||2 ([[1929 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |15-5-0 |156|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Victor Johnson||Ernest Mucklow||Les Dayman (86)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1930 SANFL season|1930]]||2 ([[1930 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-7-1 |116|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Victor Johnson||Victor Johnson||Les Dayman (89) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1931 SANFL season|1931]]||3 |14-5-0 |127|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking ||Victor Johnson||Maurice Allingham||Les Dayman (70) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1932 SANFL season|1932]]||4 |10-8-0 |99|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter ||[[Sydney Ween]]||Sydney Ween||Ernest Mucklow||[[Ned Hender (Australian footballer)|Ned Hender]] (55) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1933 SANFL season|1933]]||5 |9-7-1 |104|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter ||Henry Dewar||Sydney Ween||[[Jack Dermody]]||Ned Hender (48) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1934 SANFL season|1934]]||2 ([[1934 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |11-7-1 |121|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter ||Len Ashby||Victor Johnson||[[Albert Hollingworth]]||Jim Prideaux (73) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1935 SANFL season|1935]]||2 ([[1935 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |13-6-0 |125|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter ||Len Ashby||Robert Johnson||Jack Dermody||Jim Prideaux (95) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1936 SANFL season|1936]]||'''1 ([[1936 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |16-4-0 |127|| Clement Gun ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Jack Dermody||Albert Hollingworth||Jim Prideaux (86) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1937 SANFL season|1937]]||'''1 ([[1937 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |15-4-0 |131|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Jack Dermody||[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Robert Quinn]]||Robert Quinn (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1938 SANFL season|1938]]||2 ([[1938 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |12-8-0 |118|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||[[Ned Hender (Australian footballer)|Ned Hender]]||Robert Quinn ||[[Albert Hollingworth]] (45) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1939 SANFL season|1939]]||'''1 ([[1939 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |15-4-0 |126|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Robert Quinn ||Robert Quinn ||[[Allan Reval]]||Howard Abbott (49) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1940 SANFL season|1940]]||3 |14-5-0 |118|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Robert Quinn<br />Allan Reval||Robert Quinn<br />Allan Reval||[[Reginald Schumann]]||[[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]] (47) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1941 SANFL season|1941]]||4 |11-6-1 |106|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Allan Reval||Allan Reval ||Jack Skelley||Allan McLean (62) |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Temporary geographical merger with West Torrens during World War II |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1942 SANFL season|1942]]||'''1 ([[1942 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' | ||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw (42)<br /><small>(West Torrens)</small> |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1943 SANFL season|1943]]||2 ([[1943 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) | ||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Llewellyn Roberts||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw<br /><small>(West Torrens)</small> |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1944 SANFL season|1944]]||2 ([[1944 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) | ||| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Sampson Hosking||Llewellyn Roberts||{{N/a}}||Merv Shaw (69)<small><br />(West Torrens)</small> |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Competition returns to unaligned teams |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1945 SANFL season|1945]]||2 ([[1945 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |16-3-0 |133 || Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Robert Quinn]]||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1946 SANFL season|1946]]||2 ([[1946 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |13-7-0 |121|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]||Ken Jolly (46) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1947 SANFL season|1947]]||3 |14-5-0 |131|| Percival Cherry ||Charles Hayter ||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Robert Quinn||Allan McLean (80)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1948 SANFL season|1948]]||7 |4-13-0 |86|| Percival Cherry || Charles Hayter<br />[[Les Dayman]] ||Llewellyn Roberts||Llewellyn Roberts||[[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]]||Allan McLean (48) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1949 SANFL season|1949]]||6 |7-10-0 |94|| Percival Cherry || [[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]] ||Jack McCarthy||[[Reginald Schumann]]||Richard Russell||[[Lloyd Zucker]] (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1950 SANFL season|1950]]||3 |13-6-0 |113|| Walter Baudinet || Allan McLean ||[[Fos Williams]]||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Fos Williams (40) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1951 SANFL season|1951]]||'''1 ([[1951 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-1-0 |156|| Walter Baudinet || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Richard Russell ||Noel Clark (37) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1952 SANFL season|1952]]||3 |13-6-0 |149||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean || Fos Williams ||Fos Williams||[[Ray Whitaker]]|| [[Roger Clift (Australian footballer)|Roger Clift]] (26) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1953 SANFL season|1953]]||2 ([[1953 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |16-5-0 |144 || Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Harold McDonald (footballer)|Harold McDonald]]||[[Ray Whitaker]] (35) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1954 SANFL season|1954]]||'''1 ([[1954 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |17-3-0 |147|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams|| [[Roger Clift (Australian footballer)|Roger Clift]]||Tom Garland (44) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1955 SANFL season|1955]]||'''1 ([[1955 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |15-5-0 |132|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Fos Williams]] (35) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1956 SANFL season|1956]]||'''1 ([[1956 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-1-0 |187|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]]||[[Rex Johns (Australian footballer)|Rex Johns]] (70)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1957 SANFL season|1957]]||'''1 ([[1957 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |17-2-1 |170|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]]||Rex Johns (77) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1958 SANFL season|1958]]||'''1 ([[1958 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |18-3-0 |146|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Fos Williams||[[Geof Motley]]||Rex Johns (55)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1959 SANFL season|1959]]||'''1 ([[1959 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-2-0 |160|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||[[Wally Dittmar]] (74)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1960 SANFL season|1960]]||3 |14-6-0 |148||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Geof Motley ||Geof Motley||Neville Hayes||Wally Dittmar (69)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1961 SANFL season|1961]]||3 |15-6-0 |141||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Geof Motley ||Geof Motley||[[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]]||Rex Johns (54) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1962 SANFL season|1962]]||'''1 ([[1962 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-2-0 |156|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||[[Peter Obst]]||Rex Johns (76) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1963 SANFL season|1963]]||'''1 ([[1963 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |15-7-0 |152|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||Rex Johns (54)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1964 SANFL season|1964]]||2 ([[1964 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |18-4-0 |183|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Jeffrey Potter||Jeffrey Potter (30) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1965 SANFL season|1965]]||'''1 ([[1965 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-3-0 |129|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||Geof Motley||[[Eric Freeman (cricketer)|Eric Freeman]] (74) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1966 SANFL season|1966]]||2 ([[1966 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |15-7-0 |143|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||Geof Motley||[[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]||Eric Freeman (81)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1967 SANFL season|1967]]||2 ([[1967 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |16-7-0 |134|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||John Cahill||Jeffrey Potter||Eric Freeman (74) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1968 SANFL season|1968]]||2 ([[1968 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |16-7-0 |139|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||John Cahill||John Cahill||[[Russell Ebert]] (44) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1969 SANFL season|1969]]||6 |9-11-0 |92||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean || Fos Williams ||John Cahill||Jeffrey Potter||Mark Dittmar (28) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1970 SANFL season|1970]]||3 |17-4-1 |150 ||Bert Harvey || Allan McLean || Fos Williams ||John Cahill||John Cahill||Eric Freeman (75) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1971 SANFL season|1971]]||2 ([[1971 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |17-7-0 |138|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||John Cahill||[[Russell Ebert]]||Eric Freeman (50) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1972 SANFL season|1972]]||2 ([[1972 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |16-8-0 |122|| Bert Harvey || Allan McLean ||Fos Williams||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Max James]](62) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1973 SANFL season|1973]]||5 |11-11-0 |105||Ken Duthie || Allan McLean || Fos Williams ||John Cahill||John Cahill||John Cahill (59) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1974 SANFL season|1974]]||3 |19-5-1 |123|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||[[Darrell Cahill]] (54) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1975 SANFL season|1975]]||3 |14-7-0 |123|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Peter Woite]]||[[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (64) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1976 SANFL season|1976]]||2 ([[1976 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |18-5-0 |135|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Randall Gerlach (90) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1977 SANFL season|1977]]||'''1 ([[1977 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-4-1 |146|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Tim Evans (88)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1978 SANFL season|1978]]||3 |16-9-0 |111|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Russell Ebert||[[Stephen Clifford]]||Tim Evans (90)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1979 SANFL season|1979]]||'''1 ([[1979 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |17-8-0 |112|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||[[Brian Cunningham]]||[[Milan Faletic]]||Tim Evans (82) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1980 SANFL season|1980]]||'''1 ([[1980 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |21-2-1 |188|| Ken Duthie || Allan McLean ||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||Stephen Clifford ||Tim Evans (146)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1981 SANFL season|1981]]||'''1 ([[1981 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |18-7-0 |122|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor ||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||Russell Ebert||Tim Evans (98)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1982 SANFL season|1982]]||3 |16-7-1 |127|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor ||John Cahill||Brian Cunningham||[[Craig Bradley]]||Tim Evans (125)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1983 SANFL season|1983]]||6 |10-12-0 |91|| Ken Duthie || Ron Taylor ||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Stephen Clifford||Tim Evans (63) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1984 SANFL season|1984]]||2 ([[1984 SANFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |18-6-0 |127|| Ken Duthie || Ian McKenzie ||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Craig Bradley||Tim Evans (137) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1985 SANFL season|1985]]||7 |8-14-0 |88|| Ken Duthie || Ian McKenzie ||Russell Ebert||Russell Ebert||Craig Bradley||Tim Evans (96) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1986 SANFL season|1986]] ||4 |13-11-0 |103|| [[Bruce Weber (administrator)|Bruce Weber]] || Ian McKenzie ||Russell Ebert||[[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]]||[[Martin Leslie (Australian footballer)|Martin Leslie]]||[[Darren Smith (Australian rules footballer)|Darren Smith]] (49) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1987 SANFL season|1987]] ||4 |15-9-0 |112|| Bruce Weber || Ian McKenzie ||Russell Ebert||Russell Johnston||[[Bruce Abernethy]]||Darren Smith (71) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1988 SANFL season|1988]]||'''1 ([[1988 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |18-6-0 |127|| Bruce Weber || Ian McKenzie ||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||[[Greg Phillips]]||[[Scott Hodges]] (74) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1989 SANFL season|1989]]||'''1 ([[1989 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |21-4-0 |139|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton ||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||Russell Johnston||Scott Hodges (79) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1990 SANFL season|1990]]||'''1 ([[1990 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-4-0 |150|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton ||John Cahill||Russell Johnston||Scott Hodges ||Scott Hodges (153)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1991 SANFL season|1991]]||5 |14-9-0 |109|| Bruce Weber || Robert Clayton ||John Cahill||[[Greg Phillips]]||[[Paul Northeast (Australian footballer)|Paul Northeast]]||[[Darryl Borlase (Australian footballer)|Darryl Borlase]] (25) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1992 SANFL season|1992]]||'''1 ([[1992 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |20-4-0 |137 || Bruce Weber || [[Brian Cunningham]] ||John Cahill||Greg Phillips ||[[Nathan Buckley]]||[[Mark Tylor (Australian footballer)|Mark Tylor]] (97)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1993 SANFL season|1993]] ||3 |16-7-0 |118||[[Greg Boulton]] || Brian Cunningham ||John Cahill||Greg Phillips||[[Troy Bond]]||Mark Tylor (90)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1994 SANFL season|1994]]||'''1 ([[1994 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |18-8-0 |131||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||John Cahill||[[Tim Ginever]]||Tim Ginever||Scott Hodges (130)* |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1995 SANFL season|1995]]||'''1 ([[1995 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |19-6-0 |131||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||John Cahill||Tim Ginever||[[Robbie West]]||Mark Tylor (53) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1996 SANFL season|1996]]||'''1 ([[1996 SANFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |16-8-0 |129||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham<br />Robert Clayton<br />David Hutton ||John Cahill<br />[[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] ||Tim Ginever||Scott Hodges ||Scott Hodges (117) |- style="background:#bdb76b;font-size: 87%" ! colspan="10" | Australian Football League era |- style="font-size: 87%;" ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Year''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Position''' !{{Tooltip|'''W-L-D'''|Win-Loss-Draw (Includes finals/League results only)}} !{{Tooltip|'''%'''|Percentage (PF/PA, home and away, rounded)}} ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chairman''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Chief Executive''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Coach''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Captain''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Best and Fairest''' ! style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Leading goalkicker''' |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1997 AFL season|1997]] || 9 |10-11-1 |92||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||John Cahill|| [[Gavin Wanganeen]] || [[Darren Mead]] || [[Scott Cummings]] (70) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1998 AFL season|1998]] || 10 |9-12-1 |96 ||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||John Cahill || Gavin Wanganeen || Adam Kingsley || [[Warren Tredrea]] (33) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[1999 AFL season|1999]] || 7 |12-11-0 |90||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||[[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] || Gavin Wanganeen || Stephen Paxman || Warren Tredrea (40) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2000 AFL season|2000]] || 14 |7-14-1 |84||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||Mark Williams || Gavin Wanganeen || Brett Montgomery || Warren Tredrea (32) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2001 AFL season|2001]] || 5 |16-8-0 |129||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||Mark Williams || [[Matthew Primus]] ||Warren Tredrea || Warren Tredrea (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2002 AFL season|2002]] || 3 |19-6-0 |132||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||Mark Williams ||Matthew Primus ||Matthew Primus || [[Stuart Dew]] (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2003 AFL season|2003]] || 4 |19-6-0 |127 ||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||Mark Williams ||Matthew Primus || Gavin Wanganeen || Warren Tredrea (58) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2004 AFL season|2004]] || '''1 ([[2004 AFL Grand Final|Premiers]])''' |20-5-0 |132 ||Greg Boulton || Brian Cunningham ||Mark Williams || Matthew Primus<br />Warren Tredrea ||Warren Tredrea || Warren Tredrea (81) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2005 AFL season|2005]] || 6 |12-11-1 |98 ||Greg Boulton || John James ||Mark Williams ||Matthew Primus ||Warren Tredrea || Warren Tredrea (65) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2006 AFL Season|2006]] || 12 |8-14-0 |89||Greg Boulton || John James ||Mark Williams || Warren Tredrea || [[Brendon Lade]] || [[Josh Mahoney]] (29) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2007 AFL Season|2007]] || 2 ([[2007 AFL Grand Final|Grand Finalist]]) |17-8-0 |113||Greg Boulton || John James ||Mark Williams || Warren Tredrea || [[Kane Cornes]] || [[Brett Ebert]] (56) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2008 AFL Season|2008]] || 13 |7-15-0 |96||Greg Boulton || John James<br />Mark Haysman ||Mark Williams || Warren Tredrea ||Kane Cornes || [[Daniel Motlop]] (57) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2009 AFL season|2009]] || 10 |9-13-0 |89|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman ||Mark Williams || [[Domenic Cassisi]] || Warren Tredrea || Warren Tredrea (51) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2010 AFL season|2010]] || 10 |10-12-0 |82|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman ||Mark Williams<br />Matthew Primus|| Domenic Cassisi || Kane Cornes || [[Jay Schulz]] (33) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2011 AFL Season|2011]] || 16 |3-19-0 |65|| Brett Duncanson || Mark Haysman<br />[[Keith Thomas (footballer, born 1961)|Keith Thomas]] ||Matthew Primus || Domenic Cassisi || [[Travis Boak]]<br />[[Jackson Trengove]] || [[Robert Gray (Australian rules footballer)|Robbie Gray]] (32) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2012 AFL season|2012]] || 14 |5-16-1 |79|| Brett Duncanson<br />[[David Koch (television presenter)|David Koch]] || Keith Thomas ||Matthew Primus<br />[[Garry Hocking]] || Domenic Cassisi ||Kane Cornes || Jay Schulz (42) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2013 AFL season|2013]] || 5 |13-11-0 |102||David Koch || Keith Thomas ||[[Ken Hinkley]] || Travis Boak || [[Chad Wingard]] || Jay Schulz (49) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2014 AFL season|2014]]|| 3 |16-8-0 |130||David Koch || Keith Thomas ||Ken Hinkley || Travis Boak || Robbie Gray|| Jay Schulz (66) |- style="font-size: 87%;" | [[2015 Port Adelaide Football Club season|2015]]|| 9 |12-10-0 |106 ||David Koch || Keith Thomas ||Ken Hinkley || Travis Boak ||Robbie Gray||Chad Wingard (53) |- style="font-size: 87%;" |[[2016 Port Adelaide Football Club season|2016]] |10 |10-12-0 |106 |David Koch |Keith Thomas |Ken Hinkley |Travis Boak |Robbie Gray |Chad Wingard (38) |} ===Hall of Fame=== {{S-start}} {{Australian football Hall of Fame |Current Team Name = Port Adelaide Football Club | All Team Names = Port Adelaide | ColorA# = 000000 | ColorB# = FFFFFF | ColorC# = 008080 | ColorD# = FFFFFF | | Team Name 1 = '''South Australian Football Association (1877-1906)''' | List 1.1 = | List 1.2 = | List 1.3 = [[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harold Phillips]] | List 1.4 = | List 1.5 = | List 1.6 = | Team Name 2 = '''South Australian Football League (1907-1927)''' | List 2.1 = [[Angelo Congear]] | List 2.2 = [[Les Dayman|Leslie Dayman]] | List 2.3 = [[Sampson Hosking]] | List 2.4 = [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]] | List 2.5 = | List 2.6 = | Team Name 3 = '''South Australian National Football League (1928-1996)''' | List 3.1 = [[Bruce Abernethy]]<br />[[Brian Cunningham]]<br />[[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]]<br />[[Lloyd Zucker]]<br />'''[[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]]''' | List 3.2 = [[John Abley]]<br />'''[[Russell Ebert]]'''<br />[[Scott Hodges]]<br />Edward McMahon<br />[[Allan Reval]]<br />'''[[Fos Williams]]''' | List 3.3 = [[Dave Boyd]]<br />[[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]]<br />Ron Hoffman<br />'''[[Geof Motley]]'''<br />[[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]]<br />[[Stephen Williams (footballer)|Stephen Williams]] | List 3.4 = '''[[Craig Bradley]]'''<br />Brian Fairclough<br />Henry Kneebone <abbr title="Club Doctor">[[File:Injury icon 2.svg|10px]]</abbr><br />[[Greg Phillips]]<br />[[Lew Roberts (Australian footballer)|Llewellyn Roberts]]<br />[[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]] | List 3.5 = '''[[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]]'''<br />[[Tim Ginever]]<br />'''[[Bob McLean (Australian footballer)|Allan McLean]]'''<br />[[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]]<br />[[Darren Smith (Australian rules footballer)|Darren Smith]] | Team Name 4 = '''Australian Football League (since 1997)''' | List 4.3 = '''[[Gavin Wanganeen]]''' |}} {{S-end}} ===Greatest Team=== {{S-start}} {{Aussie rules team | title = {{font color|#FFFFFF|Port Adelaide's Greatest Team 1870–2000}} | color = #000000 | backpocket1 = [[Richard Russell (Australian Footballer)|Richard Russell]] | fullback = [[John Abley]] | backpocket2 = [[Edward Whelan (Australian footballer)|Edward Whelan]] | halfbackflank1 = [[Neville Hayes (footballer)|Neville Hayes]] | centrehalfback = [[Greg Phillips]] | halfbackflank2 = [[Geof Motley]] | wing1 = [[Craig Bradley]] | centre = [[Russell Ebert]] (vc) | wing2 = [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] | halfforwardflank1 = [[Dave Boyd]] | centrehalfforward = [[Les Dayman]] | halfforwardflank2 = [[Harold Oliver (Australian footballer)|Harold Oliver]] | forwardpocket1 = [[Scott Hodges]] | fullforward = [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] | forwardpocket2 = [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] | ruck = [[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]] | ruckrover = [[Allan Reval]] | rover = [[Fos Williams]] (c) | interchange1 = [[Harry Phillips (Australian Footballer)|Harry Phillips]] | interchange2 = [[Jeff Potter|Jeffrey Potter]] | interchange3 = [[Peter Woite]] | interchange4 = [[Lloyd Zucker]] | interchange5 = | interchange6 = | coach = [[Fos Williams]] }} {{S-end}} ===Military service=== {{S-start}} |- style="background:#bdb76b;" ! colspan="4" | <big>War Roll of Honour</big> <ref>http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/club/history/our-servicemen</ref> |- !colspan="4" | World War I |- | Maurice Allingham||Frederick Badcock||Arthur Biscombe||William Boon † |- | David Bower||Howard Bungey||Hugh Challinder||Arnold Channon |- | Albert Chaplin †||Robert Coffen||Henry Davis||Clement Dayman |- | William Dempster||Henry Dewar||William 'Roy' Drummond M.M.||Edward Foggo |- | Archibald Gosling †||Matthew Healy||Horace Hoare||Samuel Howie |- | Gordon Inkster||Clarence Latimer||Lawrence Levy||William Marshall |- | Tom McDonald D.C.M||Frederick Meadows||Edward Oatey||John W. Robertson |- | Edwin Rose||Thomas Sard||Stedman Stidson||William Theodore |- | Harry Tobin||Arthur Tubel||Arthur Turner||Douglas Walsh M.C.† |- | Joseph Watson †||Edward Weeden|||| |- !colspan="4" | World War I – officials |- | Dr Alexander Benson||Charles Hayter||Dr Edward Morris|| |- !colspan="4" | World War II |- | Howard Abbott||James Allingham||Charles A. Andersen||Charles H. Andersen |- | Basil Bampton||Harold Beer||Halcombe Brock †||Maxwell Carmichael † |- | George W.F. Chapman||Clarence Christensen||Noel Clark||John Coppin |- | Ivor Dangerfield||Lindsay Darling||Ralph Dawe||Clarance L. Dayman |- | John Dermody||Edward Dorian||James Doyle||Drozena Eden |- | Bert Edwards||James Farr||Dennis Fitzgerald||Frederick Galliford |- | Laurence Gates||Geoffrey Germein||Francis Gibaut||Arthur Gower |- | Colin Grant||Claude Greening||Donald Gregg||Colin Grimm |- | John Heaton||Colin Herbert||John Johnson||Kenneth Johnson |- | Clyde Kellaway||Peter Keough||Lyall Kretschmer||Robert Lander |- | Peter Marrett||Richard Mayne||Harold McDonald||Norman McInnes |- | Malcolm McKiggan †||Allan R.C. 'Bob' McLean||Harold Mills||Brian Moore |- | George Neaylon||John Oehme||William Owens||Alexander Pender |- | Harry Perry||Frederick Peters||James Prideaux||George U. Quinn † |- | John M. Quinn||Robert B. Quinn M.M.||Lew Roberts||Herbert Robertson |- | Bertram Robinson||Lloyd Rudd †||Leonard Salvemini||Reginald Schumann |- | John Skelley||Kenneth Slade||Gordon Temby||William Trigg |- | Arthur Tunbridge||Arthur Utting||John Wade †||Hercules Waldron |- | John White||Geoffrey Wiese||Foster Williams||John Woollard |- !colspan="4" | World War II – officials/staff |- | Kenneth Aubert||Archibald Dowsett||Henry Naismith||William Adair |- !colspan="4" | [[Vietnam War]] |- | Peter Chant †||Lindsay McGie||John A. Quinn|| {{S-end}} † denotes killed in action or died while serving ==Club achievements== {| class="wikitable" |- style="background:#bdb76b;" | colspan="4" style="text-align:center;"|'''Club Achievements''' |- style="background:#bdb76b;" |'''Competition'''||'''Level'''||'''Wins'''||'''Year Won''' |- | rowspan="3" |'''AFL'''<br />||Premiers||1||2004 |- |Runners Up||1|||2007 |- |McClelland Trophy||3||2002, 2003, 2004 |- |'''Championship of Australia'''||Champions||4||1890, 1910, 1913, 1914 |- | rowspan="3" |'''SAFA/SAFL/SANFL'''||Premiers||36||1884, 1890, 1897, 1903, 1906,<br />1910, 1913, 1914, 1921, 1928,<br />1936, 1937, 1939, 1951, 1954,<br />1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959<br />1962, 1963, 1965, 1977, 1979,<br />1980, 1981, 1988, 1989, 1990<br />1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998,<br />1999 |- |Runners Up||37|| 1878, 1879, 1883, 1887, 1888,<br />1889, 1891, 1892, 1898, 1901<br />1904, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911,<br />1912, 1915, 1925, 1926, 1929<br />1930, 1934, 1935, 1938, 1945,<br />1946, 1953, 1964, 1966, 1967<br />1968, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1984,<br />1997, 2014 |- |Minor Premiers||44||1889, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1906,<br />1907, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913<br />1914, 1915, 1921, 1928, 1931,<br />1934, 1935, 1936, 1939, 1940<br />1945, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955,<br />1956, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961<br />1962, 1964, 1965, 1970, 1976,<br />1977, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1988<br />1990, 1992, 1999, 2014 |- |rowspan="2"|'''South Australian Patriotic League''' |Premiers |3 |1916, 1917, 1942 |- |Runner Up |2 |1943, 1944 |} ==Player achievements== ===Competition awards=== '''[[Magarey Medal]]''' '''(SANFL best and fairest)''' * 1899 – [[Stan Malin]] * 1907 – [[Jack Mack]] * 1910 – [[Sampson Hosking]] * 1914 – [[Jack Ashley (footballer)|Jack Ashley]] * 1915 – Sampson Hosking * 1921 – [[Charlie Adams (Australian footballer)|Charlie Adams]] * 1925 – [[Peter Bampton]] * 1938 – [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] * 1945 – Bob Quinn * 1956 – [[Dave Boyd]] * 1964 – [[Geof Motley]] * 1967 – [[Trevor Obst]] * 1971 – [[Russell Ebert]] * 1974 – Russell Ebert * 1975 – [[Peter Woite]] * 1976 – Russell Ebert * 1980 – Russell Ebert * 1986 – [[Greg Anderson (footballer)|Greg Anderson]] * 1990 – [[Scott Hodges]] * 1992 – [[Nathan Buckley]] * 2001 – [[Tony Brown (Australian rules footballer)|Tony Brown]] & [[Ryan O'Connor]] * 2003 – [[Brett Ebert]] * 2005 – [[Jeremy Clayton]] '''Dutschke Medal (SAWFL best and fairest)''' * 2011 - Emma Sampson '''AFLCA Champion Player of the Year''' * 2004 – [[Warren Tredrea]] * 2014 – [[Robbie Gray]] '''[[AFL Rising Star]] (Best player under 21)''' * 1997 – [[Michael Wilson (Australian footballer)|Michael Wilson]] * 2006 – [[Danyle Pearce]] === Grand final best on ground awards === '''[[Norm Smith Medal]] (AFL Grand Final best on ground)''' * 2004 – [[Byron Pickett]] '''[[Jack Oatey Medal]] (SANFL Grand Final best on ground)''' * 1981 – [[Russell Ebert]] * 1988 – [[Bruce Abernethy]] * 1989 – [[Russell Johnston (footballer)|Russell Johnston]] * 1990 – [[George Fiacchi]] * 1992 – [[Nathan Buckley]] * 1994 – [[Darryl Wakelin]] * 1995 – [[Anthony Darcy]] * 1996 – [[David Brown (Australian footballer born 1969)|David Brown]] * 1998 – [[Brett Chalmers]] * 1999 – [[Darryl Poole]] === All-Australian === '''''Sporting Life Magazine''''' * 1947 – [[Bob Quinn (Australian footballer)|Bob Quinn]] (captain) * 1950 – [[Dick Russell (footballer)|Dick Russell]], [[Fos Williams]] * 1951 – [[Harold McDonald (footballer)|Harold McDonald]], Fos Williams * 1955 – Harold McDonald '''Interstate carnivals''' * 1956 – [[John Abley]] * 1958 – John Abley * 1961 – John Abley * 1969 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] * 1980 – [[Greg Phillips]], [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] * 1983 – [[Craig Bradley]], [[Tony Giles]], [[Stephen Curtis]] * 1985 – Craig Bradley * 1987 – [[Greg Anderson (footballer)|Greg Anderson]] * 1988 – [[Martin Leslie (Australian rules footballer)|Martin Leslie]] '''Australian Football League''' * 1997 – [[Adam Heuskes]] * 2001 – [[Gavin Wanganeen]], [[Matthew Primus]], [[Warren Tredrea]] * 2002 – [[Brett Montgomery]], Matthew Primus, Warren Tredrea, [[Josh Francou]] * 2003 – Gavin Wanganeen, Warren Tredrea * 2004 – Warren Tredrea, [[Chad Cornes]], Mark Williams (coach) * 2005 – [[Kane Cornes]] * 2006 – [[Brendon Lade]], [[Shaun Burgoyne]] * 2007 – Kane Cornes, Chad Cornes, Brendon Lade * 2013 – [[Chad Wingard]], [[Travis Boak]] * 2014 – [[Robbie Gray]], Travis Boak * 2015 – Chad Wingard, Robbie Gray ===Club awards=== '''John Cahill Medal (Best and Fairest)'''{{Main article|John Cahill Medal}}'''Gavin Wanganeen Medal (Best player under 21)''' * 2006 – [[Danyle Pearce]] * 2007 – [[Justin Westhoff]] * 2008 – [[Alipate Carlile]] * 2009 – [[Travis Boak]] * 2010 – [[Jackson Trengove]] * 2011 – [[Hamish Hartlett]] * 2012 – [[Chad Wingard]] * 2013 – [[Ollie Wines]] * 2014 – Ollie Wines * 2015 – Ollie Wines * 2016 - Jarman Impey '''John McCarthy Medal (Community Award)''' * 2013 – [[Jack Hombsch]] * 2014 – [[Brad Ebert]] * 2015 – [[Nathan Krakouer]] == Club records == '''Overall Win/Loss record''' * AFL – 440 games / 224 wins / 211 losses / 5 draws (51.48%) * SANFL – 2636 games / 1727 wins / 860 losses / 65 draws (66.75%) At end of 2015 season. '''Best league record against another club''' Over 10 league matches against a current club. * AFL – West Coast – 17 wins / 10 losses / 0 draws (62.96%) * SANFL – Glenelg – 177 wins / 67 losses / 3 draws (72.27%) At end of 2015 season. '''Worst league record against another club''' Over 10 league matches against a current club. * AFL – Sydney – 7 wins / 19 losses / 0 draws (26.92%) * SANFL – Norwood – 195 wins / 190 losses / 17 draws (48.51%) <nowiki>*</nowiki>as of 21/4/2015 '''Highest score''' * AFL – 29.14 (188) vs Hawthorn, Round 13, 2005, Football Park * SANFL – 37.21 (243) vs [[Woodville Football Club|Woodville]], 19 April 1980, Football Park '''Lowest score''' * AFL – 3.3 (21) vs Collingwood, Round 20, 2011, Football Park * SANFL – 1.1 (7) vs North Adelaide, 5 May 1900, Alberton Oval '''Greatest Winning Margin''' * AFL – 117 points vs Hawthorn, Round 13, 2005, Football Park * SANFL – 179 points vs [[Woodville Football Club|Woodville]], 8 August 1970, Woodville Oval '''Greatest losing margin''' * AFL – 165 points vs {{AFL Haw}}, Round 21, [[2011 AFL season|2011]], [[MCG]] * SANFL – 114 points vs [[Sturt Double Blues|Sturt]], [[1965 SANFL season|1965]], [[Unley Oval]] '''Most Wins in a season''' * AFL – 20 wins ([[2004 AFL season|2004]]) * SANFL – 21 wins ([[1980 SANFL season|1980]], [[1989 SANFL season|1989]]) '''Least losses in a season''' * AFL – 5 losses ([[2004 AFL season|2004]]) * SANFL – 0 losses ([[1914 SAFL season|1914]]) '''Largest home attendances (Minor Round)''' * AFL – 54,468 at Adelaide Oval (Round 16, [[2015 AFL season|2015]] vs [[Adelaide Football Club|Adelaide]]) * AFL (Non-showdown) – 52,505 at Adelaide Oval (Round 22, [[2014 AFL season|2014]] vs {{AFL Car}}) * SANFL – 36,397 at [[Football Park]] (Round 2, [[1990 SANFL season|1990]] vs [[Norwood Redlegs|Norwood]]) * SANFL – 22,738 at [[Alberton Oval]] (Round 11, [[1977 SANFL season|1977]] vs [[Norwood Redlegs|Norwood]]) '''Largest away attendances (Minor Round)''' * AFL – 51,883 at [[MCG]] (Round 1, 1997 vs Collingwood) * SANFL – 30,618 at Adelaide Oval (Round 11, 1977 vs South Adelaide) * SANFL – 22,015 at [[Unley Oval]] (Round 9, 1968 vs Sturt) '''Largest finals attendances''' * AFL – 97,302 at [[Melbourne Cricket Ground|MCG]] ([[2007 AFL Grand Final]] vs Geelong) * SANFL – 66,897 (80,000 police estimate) at [[Football Park]] ([[1976 SANFL Grand Final]] vs [[Sturt Double Blues|Sturt]])<ref name="Norton 2013 28"/> '''Longest undefeated run''' * AFL – 8 wins (Round 8 → 15, [[2002 AFL season|2002]], Round 15 → 22, [[2003 AFL season|2003]], Round 4 → 12, [[2014 AFL season|2014]]) * SANFL – 33 games (21 June [[1913 SAFL season|1913]] → [[1914 SAFL season|1914]] → 3 July [[1915 SAFL season|1915]]) '''Longest losing run''' * AFL – 11 games (Round 11 → 23, [[2011 AFL season|2011]]) * SANFL – 7 games (14 May 2002 → 1 June 2002) ==Player records== '''Most games played''' * AFL – 300 – [[Kane Cornes]] (2001–2015) * SANFL – 392 – [[Russell Ebert]] (1968–1978, 1980–1985) '''Most games coached''' * AFL – 274 – [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] (1999–2010) * SANFL – 444 – [[Fos Williams]] (1950–1958, 1962–1973) * {{Tooltip|Combined|SANFL (1877-1996) and AFL (1997–present)}} – 465 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] ('''SANFL''': 1974–1982, 1988–1996; '''AFL''': 1997–1998) '''Most premierships as player''' * SANFL – 9 – [[Geof Motley]] (1954–1959, 1962–1963, 1965) * AFL – 1 – [[Template:2004 Port Adelaide Power premiership players|2004 premiership team]] '''Most premierships as coach''' * SANFL – 10 – [[John Cahill (footballer)|John Cahill]] (1977, 1979–81, 1988–90, 1994–96) * AFL – 1 – [[Mark Williams (Australian footballer born 1958)|Mark Williams]] (2004) '''Most goals at Port Adelaide''' * AFL – 549 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (1997–2010) * SANFL – 1044 – [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (1975–1986) '''Most goals in a match''' * AFL – 8 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (1998, Round 7, vs Carlton, Princes Park) * AFL – 8 – [[Jay Schulz]] (2014, Round 14, vs Western Bulldogs, Adelaide Oval) * SANFL – 16 – [[Tim Evans (footballer)|Tim Evans]] (1980, Round 5, vs West Adelaide) '''Most goals in a season''' * AFL – 81 – [[Warren Tredrea]] (2004) * SANFL – 153 – [[Scott Hodges]] (1990) ==References== {{reflist|colwidth=30em}} {{reflist|group=1}} ==External links== {{Commons category}} * [http://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/ Official AFL website of the Port Adelaide Football Club] {{Port Adelaide Football Club}} {{navboxes | title = Port Adelaide Football Club SAFA/SAFL/SANFL/AFL premiership teams | titlestyle = background:black; color:white; border: solid teal 2px | list1 = {{1884 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1890 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1897 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1903 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1906 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1910 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1913 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1914 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1921 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1928 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1936 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1937 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1939 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1942 Port Adelaide premiership players}} {{1951 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1954 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1955 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1956 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1957 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1958 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership team}} {{1959 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1962 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1963 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1965 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1977 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1979 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1980 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership team}} {{1981 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1988 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1989 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1990 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1992 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1994 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1995 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{1996 Port Adelaide Magpies premiership players}} {{2004 Port Adelaide Power premiership players}} }} {{AFL}} {{Aussie Rules in South Australia}} {{Adelaide Sports Teams}} {{South Australian National Football League |state=collapsed}} {{Port Adelaide landmarks}} [[Category:Australian Football League clubs]] [[Category:Sports clubs established in 1870]] [[Category:Port Adelaide Football Club]] [[Category:Sporting clubs in Adelaide]] [[Category:Australian rules football clubs in South Australia]] [[Category:1870 establishments in Australia]]'
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