Manual of Surgery

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Manual of Surgery (1921)
by Alexis Thomson and Alexander Miles
Sixth Edition, a 1921 book by Alexis Thomson and Alexander Miles of Edinburgh.
115131Manual of Surgery1921Alexis Thomson and Alexander Miles



                     ALEXIS THOMSON, F.R.C.S.Ed.


                     ALEXANDER MILES, F.R.C.S.Ed.

                             VOLUME FIRST
                           GENERAL SURGERY

                       _SIXTH EDITION REVISED_
                       _WITH 169 ILLUSTRATIONS_

                 HENRY FROWDE and HODDER & STOUGHTON
                        THE _LANCET_ BUILDING
                 1 & 2 BEDFORD STREET, STRAND, W.C.2

  • First Edition 1904
  • Second Edition 1907
  • Third Edition 1909
  • Fourth Edition 1911
  • " " Second Impression 1913
  • Fifth Edition 1915
  • " " Second Impression 1919
  • Sixth Edition 1921
                    PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY



Much has happened since this Manual was last revised, and many surgical lessons have been learned in the hard school of war. Some may yet have to be unlearned, and others have but little bearing on the problems presented to the civilian surgeon. Save in its broadest principles, the surgery of warfare is a thing apart from the general surgery of civil life, and the exhaustive literature now available on every aspect of it makes it unnecessary that it should receive detailed consideration in a manual for students. In preparing this new edition, therefore, we have endeavoured to incorporate only such additions to our knowledge and resources as our experience leads us to believe will prove of permanent value in civil practice.

For the rest, the text has been revised, condensed, and in places rearranged; a number of old illustrations have been discarded, and a greater number of new ones added. Descriptions of operative procedures have been omitted from the _Manual_, as they are to be found in the companion volume on _Operative Surgery_, the third edition of which appeared some months ago.

We have retained the Basle anatomical nomenclature, as extended experience has confirmed our preference for it. For the convenience of readers who still employ the old terms, these are given in brackets after the new.

This edition of the _Manual_ appears in three volumes; the first being devoted to General Surgery, the other two to Regional Surgery. This arrangement has enabled us to deal in a more consecutive manner than hitherto with the surgery of the Extremities, including Fractures and Dislocations.

We have once more to express our thanks to colleagues in the Edinburgh School and to other friends for aiding us in providing new illustrations, and for other valuable help, as well as to our publishers for their generosity in the matter of illustrations.


March 1921.




 FIG.                                                             PAGE
   1. Ulcer of Back of Hand grafted from Abdominal Wall             15
   2. Staphylococcus aureus in Pus from case of Osteomyelitis       25
   3. Streptococci in Pus from case of Diffuse Cellulitis           26
   4. Bacillus coli communis in Pus from Abdominal Abscess          27
   5. Fraenkel's Pneumococci in Pus from Empyema following          28
   6. Passive Hyperaemia of Hand and Forearm induced by Bier's      37
   7. Passive Hyperaemia of Finger induced by Klapp's Suction       38
   8. Passive Hyperaemia induced by Klapp's Suction Bell for        39
      Inflammation of Inguinal Gland
   9. Diagram of various forms of Whitlow                           56
  10. Charts of Acute Sapraemia                                     61
  11. Chart of Hectic Fever                                         62
  12. Chart of Septicaemia followed by Pyaemia                      63
  13. Chart of Pyaemia following on Acute Osteomyelitis             65
  14. Leg Ulcers associated with Varicose Veins                     71
  15. Perforating Ulcers of Sole of Foot                            74
  16. Bazin's Disease in a girl aet. 16                             75
  17. Syphilitic Ulcers in region of Knee                           76
  18. Callous Ulcer showing thickened edges                         78
  19. Tibia and Fibula, showing changes due to Chronic Ulcer of     80
  20. Senile Gangrene of the Foot                                   89
  21. Embolic Gangrene of Hand and Arm                              92
  22. Gangrene of Terminal Phalanx of Index-Finger                 100
  23. Cancrum Oris                                                 103
  24. Acute Bed Sores over right Buttock                           104
  25. Chart of Erysipelas occurring in a wound                     108
  26. Bacillus of Tetanus                                          113
  27. Bacillus of Anthrax                                          120
  28. Malignant Pustule third day after infection                  122
  29. Malignant Pustule fourteen days after infection              122
  30. Colony of Actinomyces                                        126
  31. Actinomycosis of Maxilla                                     128
  32. Mycetoma, or Madura Foot                                     130
  33. Tubercle bacilli                                             134
  34. Tuberculous Abscess in Lumbar Region                         141
  35. Tuberculous Sinus injected through its opening in the        144
      Forearm with Bismuth Paste
  36. Spirochaete pallida                                          147
  37. Spirochaeta refrigerans from scraping of Vagina              148
  38. Primary Lesion on Thumb, with Secondary Eruption on          154
  39. Syphilitic Rupia                                             159
  40. Ulcerating Gumma of Lips                                     169
  41. Ulceration in inherited Syphilis                             170
  42. Tertiary Syphilitic Ulceration in region of Knee and on      171
      both Thumbs
  43. Facies of Inherited Syphilis                                 174
  44. Facies of Inherited Syphilis                                 175
  45. Subcutaneous Lipoma                                          185
  46. Pedunculated Lipoma of Buttock                               186
  47. Diffuse Lipomatosis of Neck                                  187
  48. Zanthoma of Hands                                            188
  49. Zanthoma of Buttock                                          189
  50. Chondroma growing from Infra-Spinous Fossa of Scapula        190
  51. Chondroma of Metacarpal Bone of Thumb                        190
  52. Cancellous Osteoma of Lower End of Femur                     192
  53. Myeloma of Shaft of Humerus                                  195
  54. Fibro-myoma of Uterus                                        196
  55. Recurrent Sarcoma of Sciatic Nerve                           198
  56. Sarcoma of Arm fungating                                     199
  57. Carcinoma of Breast                                          206
  58. Epithelioma of Lip                                           209
  59. Dermoid Cyst of Ovary                                        213
  60. Carpal Ganglion in a woman aet. 25                           215
  61. Ganglion on lateral aspect of Knee                           216
  62. Radiogram showing pellets embedded in Arm                    228
  63. Cicatricial Contraction following Severe Burn                236
  64. Genealogical Tree of Haemophilic Family                      278
  65. Radiogram showing calcareous degeneration of Arteries        284
  66. Varicose Vein with Thrombosis                                289
  67. Extensive Varix of Internal Saphena System on Left Leg       291
  68. Mixed Naevus of Nose                                         296
  69. Cirsoid Aneurysm of Forehead                                 299
  70. Cirsoid Aneurysm of Orbit and Face                           300
  71. Radiogram of Aneurysm of Aorta                               303
  72. Sacculated Aneurysm of Abdominal Aorta                       304
  73. Radiogram of Innominate Aneurysm after Treatment by          309
      Moore-Corradi method
  74. Thoracic Aneurysm threatening to rupture                     313
  75. Innominate Aneurysm in a woman                               315
  76. Congenital Cystic Tumour or Hygroma of Axilla                328
  77. Tuberculous Cervical Gland with Abscess formation            331
  78. Mass of Tuberculous Glands removed from Axilla               333
  79. Tuberculous Axillary Glands                                  335
  80. Chronic Hodgkin's Disease in boy aet. 11                     337
  81. Lymphadenoma in a woman aet. 44                              338
  82. Lympho Sarcoma removed from Groin                            339
  83. Cancerous Glands in Neck, secondary to Epithelioma of Lip    341
  84. Stump Neuromas of Sciatic Nerve                              345
  85. Stump Neuromas, showing changes at ends of divided Nerves    354
  86. Diffuse Enlargement of Nerves in generalised                 356
  87. Plexiform Neuroma of small Sciatic Nerve                     357
  88. Multiple Neuro-Fibromas of Skin (Molluscum fibrosum)         358
  89. Elephantiasis Neuromatosa in a woman aet. 28                 359
  90. Drop-Wrist following Fracture of Shaft of Humerus            365
  91. To illustrate the Loss of Sensation produced by Division     367
      of the Median Nerve
  92. To illustrate Loss of Sensation produced by Complete         368
      Division of Ulnar Nerve
  93. Callosities and Corns on Sole of Foot                        377
  94. Ulcerated Chilblains on Fingers                              378
  95. Carbuncle on Back of Neck                                    381
  96. Tuberculous Elephantiasis                                    383
  97. Elephantiasis in a woman aet. 45                             387
  98. Elephantiasis of Penis and Scrotum                           388
  99. Multiple Sebaceous Cysts or Wens                             390
 100. Sebaceous Horn growing from Auricle                          392
 101. Paraffin Epithelioma                                         394
 102. Rodent Cancer of Inner Canthus                               395
 103. Rodent Cancer with destruction of contents of Orbit          396
 104. Diffuse Melanotic Cancer of Lymphatics of Skin               398
 105. Melanotic Cancer of Forehead with Metastasis in Lymph        399
 106. Recurrent Keloid                                             401
 107. Subungual Exostosis                                          403
 108. Avulsion of Tendon                                           410
 109. Volkmann's Ischaemic Contracture                             414
 110. Ossification in Tendon of Ilio-psoas Muscle                  417
 111. Radiogram of Calcification and Ossification in Biceps and    418
 112. Ossification in Muscles of Trunk in generalised Ossifying    419
 113. Hydrops of Prepatellar Bursa                                 427
 114. Section through Gouty Bursa                                  428
 115. Tuberculous Disease of Sub-Deltoid Bursa                     429
 116. Great Enlargement of the Ischial Bursa                       431
 117. Gouty Disease of Bursae                                      432
 118. Shaft of the Femur after Acute Osteomyelitis                 444
 119. Femur and Tibia showing results of Acute Osteomyelitis       445
 120. Segment of Tibia resected for Brodie's Abscess               449
 121. Radiogram of Brodie's Abscess in Lower End of Tibia          451
 122. Sequestrum of Femur after Amputation                         453
 123. New Periosteal Bone on Surface of Femur from Amputation      454
 124. Tuberculous Osteomyelitis of Os Magnum                       456
 125. Tuberculous Disease of Tibia                                 457
 126. Diffuse Tuberculous Osteomyelitis of Right Tibia             458
 127. Advanced Tuberculous Disease in Region of Ankle              459
 128. Tuberculous Dactylitis                                       460
 129. Shortening of Middle Finger of Adult, the result of          461
      Tuberculous Dactylitis in Childhood
 130. Syphilitic Disease of Skull                                  463
 131. Syphilitic Hyperostosis and Sclerosis of Tibia               464
 132. Sabre-blade Deformity of Tibia                               467
 133. Skeleton of Rickety Dwarf                                    470
 134. Changes in the Skull resulting from Ostitis Deformans        474
 135. Cadaver, illustrating the alterations in the Lower Limbs     475
      resulting from Ostitis Deformans
 136. Osteomyelitis Fibrosa affecting Femora                       476
 137. Radiogram of Upper End of Femur in Osteomyelitis Fibrosa     478
 138. Radiogram of Right Knee showing Multiple Exostoses           482
 139. Multiple Exostoses of Limbs                                  483
 140. Multiple Cartilaginous Exostoses                             484
 141. Multiple Cartilaginous Exostoses                             486
 142. Multiple Chondromas of Phalanges and Metacarpals             488
 143. Skiagram of Multiple Chondromas                              489
 144. Multiple Chondromas in Hand                                  490
 145. Radiogram of Myeloma of Humerus                              492
 146. Periosteal Sarcoma of Femur                                  493
 147. Periosteal Sarcoma of Humerus                                493
 148. Chondro-Sarcoma of Scapula                                   494
 149. Central Sarcoma of Femur invading Knee Joint                 495
 150. Osseous Shell of Osteo-Sarcoma of Femur                      495
 151. Radiogram of Osteo-Sarcoma of Femur                          496
 152. Radiogram of Chondro-Sarcoma of Humerus                      497
 153. Epitheliomatus Ulcer of Leg invading Tibia                   499
 154. Osseous Ankylosis of Femur and Tibia                         503
 155. Osseous Ankylosis of Knee                                    504
 156. Caseating focus in Upper End of Fibula                       513
 157. Arthritis Deformans of Elbow                                 525
 158. Arthritis Deformans of Knee                                  526
 159. Hypertrophied Fringes of Synovial Membrane of Knee           527
 160. Arthritis Deformans of Hands                                 529
 161. Arthritis Deformans of several Joints                        530
 162. Bones of Knee in Charcot's Disease                           533
 163. Charcot's Disease of Left Knee                               534
 164. Charcot's Disease of both Ankles: front view                 535
 165. Charcot's Disease of both Ankles: back view                  536
 166. Radiogram of Multiple Loose Bodies in Knee-joint             540
 167. Loose Body from Knee-joint                                   541
 168. Multiple partially ossified Chondromas of Synovial           542
      Membrane from Shoulder-joint
 169. Multiple Cartilaginous Loose Bodies from Knee-joint          543

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