Wiktionary:About Kapampangan

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This page explains considerations (beyond those covered by general policies) which apply to Kapampangan entries and Kapampangan translations of English entries.

Wiktionary:Entry layout explained is the principal policy on formatting entries. This document supplements that policy.



Kapampangan, in general, is written in the Latin script or the Kulitan script, but the latter remains unsupported by Unicode. Kapampangan entries, therefore, are to be written in Latin script.

There is no standard orthography, but entries should generally use spellings following the revised Súlat Wáwâ (Guagua) or Batiáuan orthography used by the Akademyang Kapampangan which uses the same letters as the Tagalog abakada (e.g. banua) except the letter "w". Main entries should be spelled in the revised Wáwâ spelling. The Spanish-based Súlat Bacúlud (Bacolor), the older Súlat Wáwâ (which uses the letter "w") or the hybrid Sámson, can be alternative forms to the main entry.

Headwords should have diacritics as a pronunciation guide. Unlike in Filipino, the default stress in the revised Wáwâ spelling is the ultimate stress. Therefore, words pronounced with penultimate stress should be marked, especially with homographs. Kapampangan does not permit medial glottal stops, and the circumfix should only be used at the final syllable if the word ends with a glottal stop (like násî).



The Kapampangan verb lemma is its bare root, without any affixes. The few cases where the lemma contains affixes are usually those with a definition that is different from the root or is figurative in meaning.


  • Vocabulario de la lengua pampanga, 1732 Spanish-era bilingual dictionary, available as a free eBook in Google Books. Reference template: {{R:Vocabulario de la lengua pampanga}}
  • An English-Spanish-Pampango Dictionary, American-era trilingual dictionary by Luther Parker. Copy by the University of Michigan collection. Reference template: {{R:Parker 1905}}
  • Dimalanta, Gavino, Fernandez, D. E., Calderon, S. G. (1915) Vocabulario Pampango-Tagalog-Inglés por Gavino Dimalanta, Compendio del Tagalog-Castellano-Inglés por D. E. Fernandez y S. G. Calderon, y del Pampango-Castellano-Ingles por el mismo Dimalanta[1], Manila: J. Martinez
  • Magat, Gil (1915) Gramatica qñg Sabing Castila,t, Capampang̃an por D. Gil Magat, Vecino de Macabebe[2], Manila: Tip. Linotype de Santo Tomás
  • Brabo, Antonio (1875) Vade-Mecum Filipino ó manual de la conversacion familiar Español-Pampango. Traducido á dicho idioma, por El R. P. Fr. Antonio Brabo, Cura párroco del pueblo de Guagua.[3] (overall work in Spanish and Kapampangan), Escolta, Manila: Celestino Miralles