Slave M is Cunt Whipped

I think the slut's had enough of the whip, boss. I don't think she can take much more, I must have given her 40 lashs and her back is a real mess." said the 6'6" half naked brown skinned man clutching a six foot long braided leather bullwhip in his right fist. His black hair covered chest glistened from the sweat created by the exertions of laying full force whips stroke onto the back of the woman hanging silently front of him. She was a slender grey haired woman known only as M and she was tied by her ankles and wrists with 1/2" hemp rope between two square wooden posts so that her body hung… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 22 days ago 1

M the Missionary

Six hours had passed since the slender woman missionary named simply M had received the fifty lash punishment ordered by the local Mullah for disrespecting Alla by going out in public without a hijab. The crowd of ogling villagers had departed and the unfortunate woman remained shackled with iron cuffs by her wrists to either side of the concrete pillar. The lithe naked body glistened with sweat as it hung with her sinewy arms fully extended and her legs splayed out behind her exposing the labia and slit dripping with sticky opaque cum to anyone passing by like the old men who lingered to ogle… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 4 months ago 1

A Story for M (amended version

I was whipping M with the dressage whip just because as I explained to her as I cinched the leather cuffs around her slender wrists and she asked "Why am I being whipped, Master." and I replied without empathy "because I want to, love." It felt good to naked myself in the warmth of the basement recreation room I had converted into my personal dungeon after my wife left. My cock was satisfyingly fully erect and swaying between my legs as I walked to stand behind the lithe shapely woman between the two floor to ceiling wooden posts. She was not yet naked but the crimson welts created by the slen… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 5 months ago 2

A Story for M

89I was whipping M with the dressage whip just because as I explained to her as I cinched the leather cuffs around her slender wrists and she asked "Why am I being whipped, Master." and I replied without empathy "because I want to, love." It felt good to naked myself in the warmth of the basement recreation room I had converted into my personal dungeon after my wife left. My cock was satisfyingly fully erect and swaying between my legs as I walked to stand behind the lithe shapely woman between the two floor to ceiling wooden posts. She was not yet naked but the crimson welts created by the sl… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 5 months ago 3

Mistress M and Slave Eliza 1864 Part 9

Ya ready ta talk now, bitch or should I start all over." the deep male voice shouted into the Black woman's ear while his heavy hand gripped a hank of her sweat soaked kinky hair and pulled her head back until she saw through the haze of pain only blue sky and the sunshine sparkling through the leaves of the trees. Her plump arms are held fully extended close to the sides of her head while her wrists are crossed and bound together by a rope tossed over the sturdy overhanging limb of an oak tree. Her body was stretched full length towards the bare earth inches beneath her bare feet. The ebony s… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 6 months ago 1

Mistress M and Slave Eliza 1864 Part 8

A single six inch diameter and six feet long log sharpened crudely with a axe into a triangular shape with the top edge facing up and mounted on an equally crude log frame so that the triangle rested horizontally four feet from the ground was known by the ex slaves led by Watt Tyler as simply "the horse". The horse resembled one that Watt had seen in a drawing found in a book about the Spanish Inquisition which he had taken while looting a plantation house. It was situated in a small grass covered clearing in the woods far enough away from the settlement of tents and cabins so that the cries a… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 6 months ago

Mistress M and Slave Eliza 1864 Part 7

From the open doorway of Watt's log cabin Eliza watching in horror the brutal twenty lash whipping of her mistress M and Anna. She knew from her own experience suffering the horrific agony of a whipping that the whip always won and even the most stubborn of women would succomb to whatever was demanded. Eliza also recognized that the punishment she would receive for providing the shackle lock key to Anna would be far worse. She had long ago decided that life as a concubine of the giant gang leader Watt Tyler would not last when younger women became available for his attention and that she must… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 6 months ago

Mistress M and Slave Eliza 1864 Part 6

One of you bitches is gonna talk and tell me how you got the key to your leg shackles" Watt Tyler angrily shouted at the two naked woman bound by their wrists and ankles with heavy hemp ropes and each "spread eagled" between two wooden posts. M, silver haired , tall and slender with small,firm breasts, a body with a firm taut belly and almost boyish hips and long shapely legs remained silent with lips clamped tight and a look of defiance on her face glared with obvious disgust for the gigantic former slave. Anna,younger than M, short by even a woman's standards with large flat breasts hanging… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 7 months ago 1

Mistress M and Slave Eliza 1864 Part 5

The first signs that M had that she was being led towards the camp of the former slaves was the smell of wood smoke from several camp fires and the voices of men and women engaged in erecting canvas and wooden shelters and cooking food in a four acre sized clearing surrounded on all side by the almost impenetrable forest. As the column led by the imposing figure of the Black giant leading the way entered the sunlit expanse M's first thought was of an army camp she once saw on a visit to see her husband at the beginning of the war. Muskets were stacked in several piles and over the several fire… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 7 months ago

Mistress M and Slave Eliza 1864 Part 4

0The group of three armed men and two women walked in single file along the forest paths fom the abandoned turpentine worker hut in the pine woods towards Fair Elms plantation, a distance of four and one half miles. An easy walk for the three men wearing leather boots but excruciatingly painful for the two naked and bare foot women Mistress M and her servant woman Eliza. Zeke Scalon had instructed his men to tie the women with their wrists crossed and arms behind their back. The also bound rope around the two women's arms just above the elbow and cinched the rope so tight the elbows nearly tou… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 7 months ago

Mistress M and Slave Eliza 1864 Part 3

In a tiny single room delapidated cabin set in the dense pine forest of Georgia Zeke Scalon stared down at the Mistress of Fair Elms plantation kneeling naked at his feet preparing for the ultmate humiliating act of sucking on the cock of a man she detested for as long as she could remember. The large man reached down and gripped m's grey hair in his right fist and jerked her head up so that he could look into her face. In her blue eyes and lips clamped tight he sensed her hatred for him and the disgust at what she had to do in order to spare further suffering for her lover, the slave Eliza. S… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 7 months ago

Mistress M and Slave Eliza 1864 Part 2

The plank door of the shack received the full force of a booted foot belonging to the ex overseer of Fair Elms plantation which broke away the upper of the two rusty iron hinges holding the door to the frame and splinted the wood from the iron latch leaving the door to sag open and askew supported soley by the lower hinge. Framed in the rectangular opening stood Zeke Scanlon. Standing more than six foot three inches tall and weighing in excess of 230 pounds he was an imposing figure. His head of scraggly black geasy hair hung down over his protruding ears from beneath a floppy broad brimmed sw… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 7 months ago

Mistress M and Slave Eliza 1864 Part 1

November 26, 1864 was the day the 26 blue coated foragers of General "Billy" Sherman's march through Georgia reached Fair Elms plantation. Mistress M had barely enough warning to pack whatever valuables and bits of clothing into a carpet bag and escape into the woods accompanied by her loyal personal servant and secret lover Eliza. The sounds of galloping cavalry horses, the shouts and gunfire, the screams of slave women being ravished could be heard in the distance as the slender, grey haired woman and the voluptuous fifty year old slave woman huddled crouched and gasping for breath beside th… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 7 months ago

Sister M Punished Hard

The blazing orb of the sun in a cloudless blue sky cast it's furnace like heat onto the rough hewn unpainted planks of the wooden platform that had been erected many decades previous to serve as a place of public judicial punishments and executions. In the center of the stage like structure two round wooden beams each eight feet tall and twelve inches in diameter rose above the floor six feet apart. It was between these two pillars that a slender but shapely grey haired woman Christian missionary known as Sister M was fastened to receive the punishment of thirty lashes of the camel whip follow… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 7 months ago

Sister M Makes a Pact With A Devil.

M stood tied to the whipping post alone in the grassy field where Carl had left her. She watched in silence as she saw the naked Sister Ellen being led to the tar papered shack to do whatever task the old man had in store for her. M's heart bled with sympathy as she saw the welts from the bullwhip still livid against the ebony skin. There eyes met as Ellen was proded by the giant Carl walking behind her and m could see tears in her eyes from knowing that their ordeals were not yet over. M had not had any food or drink since the small cup of water before she was taken to the house that morning… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 10 months ago

Sister M and Sister Ellen - Electro Torture

The naked grey haired woman hung silent with canvas bag covered head bowed between the vertical beams of the heavy wooden rectangular frame. In the dim flickering light cast from the tulip shaped glass of a kerosene lantern her slender hour glass figure glistened like burnished gold from the sweat coating her alabaster skin. Her outstretched arms held firmly by the leather cuffs buckled to her wrists prevent her from collapsing forward or backward from the frame that she adorned. Her knees had buckled but her legs were held wide by similar cuffs surrounding her slender ankles. The sharp toothe… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 10 months ago

Sister M and Sister Ellen - Chapter 3

As the dawn light seeped under the door of the barn Sister M awoke after only two hours of restless sleep. She had been tending the wounds of both the young man Joel and her companion Sister Ellen. With only a bucket of water and two towels she was able to clean the dried sweat from the two naked bodies and apply the balm to the welted flesh that she had been provided by the cruel captor Carl. As she stood at the bedside of the sleeping bodies the wooden door of the barn like building swung open and in the doorway stood Car's sister Roxanne holding a battered grey metal serving tray. Atop the… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 10 months ago

M Whipping

It was past noon when Gene stepped out the back door of his house and began to walk casually along the narrow bare earth footpath covered by a green canopy of oak and maple trees. He was dressed only in a pair of grey cloth jogging pants and on his feet a pair of brown leather ankle high boots. His massive upper torso was bare and his dark brown skin glistened with sweat from the heat and humidity of a mid summers day. In his right fist he held a six foot long whip made from three strands of supple black leather braided together with a foot long handle which was also covered in the same black… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 10 months ago

10 Strikes of Whip for Sister M

In the middle of a small village in Africa, Sister M was captured and determined to be a spy. She was strung up spreadeagled between two post on a large platform in the center of the village. The stripping had already begun. Her habit was removed and now she stood only in her bra and panties. 10 lashes! - The mayor of the town cried out. Sister M moaned and with contempt in her voice shouted out to the mayor and the crowd on men looking at her - How dare you do what you are doing! I am a nun, how dare you! I want immediately to be taken down and given my habit back! - Sister M was shocked that… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 10 months ago 1

M Travels the Sudan

M was so excited being on a mission to spread Christianity to the Muslim world. The Range Rover carried three woman across the northern Sudan on a very remote sand covered road. In every direction was emptiness. Sudan in Arabic means ā€œLand of the Blacksā€. The slave trade has a long history through the Sudan. Now here are these three dedicated white women willing to travel into now a Muslim territory, on the hopes of being able to establish a small group of Christians. They are so focused on their mission they do not heed the warnings. Karen is 38 year old blonde with fair white skin. She has… Read more

Posted by Thx1138ham 10 months ago 3