User talk:AdrianoRutz

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Deansfa (talkcontribs)

Bonjour (je me permet de parler en français car j'ai vu des messages en dessous en français),

Depuis aujourd'hui, quand j'essaye d'accéder à Quickstatement et que j'essaye de m'identifier, il me retourne une erreur 403.

Même chose, quand j'essaye d'accéder à votre batch, la page ne se loade pas:

As-tu la même expérience ou est-ce seulement mon compte ou mon ordinateur?

AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)


QuickStatements est bel et bien indisponible pour le moment, et cela semble toucher tous les utilisateurs. La meilleure option est de contacterUser:Magnus Manske ou de laisser un message sur Help talk:QuickStatements

Deansfa (talkcontribs)

Ok merci pour la confirmation que ce n'était pas que moi (je m'étais addressé à toi car j'avais juste cherché dans la page "Modifications récentes" des modifications "Quickstatement" et cliqué sur le premier pseudo apparu.).

Je vais patienter, en général quand il y a un bug, au bout de quelques jours ça se résout.

Bonne continuation!

Reply to "Quickstatement is broken"
M.alten.tue (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Interview Tomorrow"
Flor WMCH (talkcontribs)


Je travaille pour Wikimedia CH, où je m'occupe du soutien à la communauté francophone. J'ai remarqué par le biais de la carte du MOOC Wikidata que vous êtes en Suisse, et je vous contacte donc pour vous proposer de participer aux événements locaux.

Pour info, nous avons un calendrier ici sur meta, avec des événements qui ont lieu un peu partout en Suisse. Le 27 avril 2024 nous organisons à Berne un moment d'échange et de rencontres autour des projets Wikimedia (plus d'infos ici sur notre site web).

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer !

AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)


Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris contact, heureux de voir que la carte du MOOC a servi! Je ne suis pas encore certain de pouvoir participer le 27 mais m'inscrirai si jamais.

A bientôt peut-être,

AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Evénements Wikimedia en Suisse"

'Group of stereoisomers' batch from Nov 7th '23

Wostr (talkcontribs)
AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)
Wostr (talkcontribs)

Hi, I have to write to you, because it is the third time I have to revert some of your semi-automatic edits (QS) regarding:


I understand the nature of these edits, however, we have to think of some process to prevent such changes. With the #1 and #2 items names from PubChem are invalid. In the first case we have kastalagina (Q104387655) and UDYKDZHZAKSYCO-CIBWSTISSA-N (Q105270642) is its stereoisomer. As I don't see any other valid name for this, I decided to put an InChIKey as a label. For the second item (JWYXXCZNFFQYGQ-UOMKELITSA-N (Q105136469)) we have prymnezyna 1 (Q7253248).

In the case of UDYKDZHZAKSYCO-LSSWMSPRSA-N (Q5049581) I think that InChIKey as a temporary name is much better than PubChem CID (CID 3002104).

I tried to sum up this problem on WikiProject subpage: Wikidata:WikiProject Chemistry/Names exceeding character limit. However, it didn't receive any interest on Wikiproject discussion page, so it's merely a proposition of how to deal with this issue.

I'd suggest that any changes of en:label (in the future probably from the mul:label) from InChIKey to other label should be done manually or reported somewhere (Wikidata talk:WikiProject Chemistry/Names exceeding character limit?) for manual checking.

AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)

Hi @Wostr,

Thank you for getting in touch and notifying me. I was indeed trying to import masses, names, and CIDs from PubChem based on InChIKeys. Regarding the very long names, I know the issue. We did the same as you did in the frame of (putting the InChIKey).

I have high hopes will also contribute to improving this situation.

Thank you again, I will avoid any unsupervised semi-automated updates from now on.

Über den Mechanismus der elektrolytischen Stromleitung in Kristallen

Mykhal (talkcontribs)

Let me inform you I have fixed the item Q114754880, which had e.g. broken title and a incorrect issue date (taken from wrong item from Crossref API) – probably was created automatically somehow. Regards, —Mykhal (talk) 21:39, 12 August 2023 (UTC)

AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)

Thank you very much, was created automatically indeed

Wostr (talkcontribs)
AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)
AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)

By the way, your remark also allowed me to spot a priority list of chemicals to disambiguate... in case:$

Wostr (talkcontribs)
AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)
RPI2026F1 (talkcontribs)
AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)

Hi, I am using the, I opened an issue to try to fix this upstream ( I know @Daniel Mietchen had similar issues and wrote a maintenance query to partially address this point. @Daniel Mietchen Do you have any updates on this? @RPI2026F1 Thank you for reporting, I will try to come up with a solution that handles this on a broader range so I might not correct everyrhing directly, thank you for your patience.

RPI2026F1 (talkcontribs)

If your script is in Python, you should be able to sanitize the title yourself. How are you fetching the titles?

Noraberto (talkcontribs)

Hi Adriano,

you are producing tofu characters (�). Please switch your software to UTF-8.--

AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)

Hi! Fixed, Thank you!

Wostr (talkcontribs)

Hey, could you explain to me the current situation with deleting a lot of P703-statements? I see on my watchlist that you are deleting many statements added in the past by NPImporterBot, in the meantime the same bot is adding some statements (cf. for example the edit history of Q421964: Were your actions discussed with the bot operator? I get the impression that at least some statements deleted by you are then re-added by the bot...

AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)

Hi @Wostr!

Thank you for getting in touch! I am actually operating both the bot (in common with @Bjonnh) and performing some cleaning. I kept the habit of perfoming the deletions on my personal account through QS and adding via the bot. Since some deep cleaning was needed because of some taxon synonymy chains accumualted over time and the recent introduction of P10585, I went for some drastic cleaning so there might be a small overlap between what is deleted and then re-added (very small). I took care of not deleting things that were uploaded by the bot on our side so I guess everything should be fine. Btw, some of the "re-added" statements are sometimes with different references as qualifiers.

Except for the strong traffic, did you notice something particuarly disturbing?

Wostr (talkcontribs)

Okay, thanks, I just got the impression that these changes might not be discussed, because there are no visible link between your account and the bot account or discussions between you and the bot owner. However, since my impression was wrong, I can only wish you a good day :)

AdrianoRutz (talkcontribs)

You are perfectly right, I just added the info on both the bot and my personal account pages in case! (We operate in the frame of Wikidata Chemistry Natural products) Thank you very much again and wishing you a good day too!