Wikidata:WikiProject Manuscripts

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Welcome to WikiProject Manuscripts

What we do


This WikiProject coordinates efforts on Wikidata to gather and curate structured data on manuscripts. Our chief aims are:

  • to enhance the Wikidata:WikiProject Manuscripts/Data Model for manuscripts
    • in compliance with codicological standards
    • while keeping it intuitive for human users
  • to plan, coordinate and document our work on tasks related to manuscripts
  • to provide feedback to external sources
  • to encourage external sources to donate their data

What we hope to achieve


The WikiProject was sparked by the collaboration of Jonathan Groß and Epìdosis on Greek manuscripts, an area both users have a good working knowledge of as trained classicists. We hope to attract and include experts from other manuscript cultures as well.

Our Data Model is an attempt to capture and distill the advances made in codicology over the last half-century. As of now, it is but a rough sketch, but we hope to sharpen and flesh it out over the course of our work.

If you are interested in participating in this project, you are welcome to join us!

About manuscripts and Wikidata
About manuscripts and Wikibase